McDowell Family/Alec McDowell/goodbye: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell''' Kaylan knew she would be on board ship for a while, so she took Kennocha for a long ride, she found a large field and allowed him to stretch his legs ...)
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'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''

Kaylan knew she would be on board ship for a while, so she took Kennocha for a long ride, she found a large field and allowed him to stretch his legs and get what friskiness he had out of his system. She laughed as the wind rushed through her long hair and indulged in the freedom.
When she was done, she headed back towards the city, and slipped off her horse. In her hands she tightly held the reins and walked ahead, trying her best to avoid any type of contact with anyone. She had allowed Alec to get close but it would take a long time for her to let anyone else in. She sighed and looked out to the market, he was nowhere in sight. She had promised him one last goodbye before leaving, he was late as usual.
While she waited, she decided to pick up a few things for her voyage. She slowly walked through the street, taking the time to eye the merchandise, and politely declined as merchants tried to get her attention towards something rare and exotic. “Ahhh Milady,” a man said and bowed. “This is the rarest…” he didn’t get to finish his sentence and she backed up shaking her head and hit something. She turned around and took a step back towards the table, putting distance between them. When she realized it was a woman she relaxed a bit but kept her distance.
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira'''
After sending her letter to Alec and taking care of her reports Isabel went to the nearest city with her captain to buy some provisions. Usually her captain and one or two of her soldiers had that task taken care off but this time Isabel decided she needed the distraction. Captain Gregor was buying food and Isabel roamed the nearby stands.
Her eyes caught horse equipment. She approached the stand where it lay and picked up a halter taking a closer look. It was beautiful. It was made of brown leather strings braided together. As she was holding it she felt someone bump into her and she turned around to see who it was. A red-headed woman backed up. She immediately recognized her as the woman from the day before. The one she saw with “her” knight. Isabel wasn’t sure of what to say. She had to look up realizing the other woman was taller than her. She found deep blue eyes but immediately averted her gaze to the horse the red-head was pulling behind her. Having grown up around horses she could recognize a great one and a well trained one on sight. Trying to lighten the awkward moment she simply said “Great steed you have there, milady.”
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan quickly looked the other woman over. She was much shorter, younger, short brown hair wisped around her oval shaped face. There was recognition in her green eyes before she quickly looked away to Kennocha and Kaylan frowned. When people recognized her, the result was never good. She then began to talk of her horse and Kaylan put a hand over her black stallion’s back. “Yes Kennocha is beautiful as his name suggests,” she said softly and the horse neighed with a bobbing of his head and Kaylan couldn’t help herself and laughed fondly. “He is also extremely intelligent as you can see and he’s showing off,” her blue eyes twinkled with amusement.
The other woman smiled and laughed quietly. An awkward silence settled and she began to stare and Kaylan was reminded of prudence. Of course she no longer had anything to fear, but having done so her entire life she simply couldn’t stop. 
There would only be one way to get to the bottom of it. “Do you know me?” Kaylan asked flatly, unsure how to react at this point.
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira'''
Isabel didn’t really know what to say so she just lied. “ I have seen you in battle before.” She smiled weakly. What was she supposed to say? Yes, I have seen you with “my” knight?! She was surprised. She didn’t expect the other woman to be this beautiful and gracious. She was definitely fitting of “her” knight and it made it all even harder to bear.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec was late… again. He had a good excuse this time, he had been wounded in the last battle and had lost quite some time.  On any other day it wouldn’t matter but he really didn’t want to miss the chance to say goodbye to Kaylan. He barked a Gaelic word in Nór’s ear and the horse bucked and ran faster.
It wasn’t long that he made it to town, and upon getting there jumped off and took to a run in the street, pulling Nór along.  He weaved through the people and went to the docks where the ship waited, but she wasn’t there. The ship was still there, good news, meaning he had not missed her after all. She was probably still in the city somewhere.
He walked back towards the street, weaving through the people and was grateful for his height when he spotted a head of red hair. There were still so many people between them and he walked forward. The crowd before him slowly began to part to reveal Kaylan and Alec stopped in his tracks. He completely forgot about his cousin as his eyes fell on the woman with her. There she was… and in broad daylight – his angel.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
“In battle?” she asked, wondering what exactly she had seen. Lately, her prowess in battle had changed dramatically and with that Kaylan’s eyes bore into the other woman’s face.
Beside her Kennocha stomped the ground with his hoof and shook his head trying to move forward. Kaylan’s attention was taken away from the brunette to see what had gotten him excited and looked ahead. 
Her face lit up and she smiled noticing Alec only a few steps away. She raised her hand, waving him over, but he wasn’t moving, he just stared. 
Kaylan laughed at the dumfounded expression on his face and moved ahead. “Excuse me,” she apologized to the brunette. “I must go, erm…it was nice to meet you” she said quietly. With that she pulled Kennocha along and left the other woman to her shopping.
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira'''
Isabel followed the red-head’s gaze and saw her waving. When she realized it was “her” knight standing a few meters away, staring at her, her heart stopped. Averting “her” knight’s gaze she turned to the other woman and quickly excused herself to avoid the whole matter that was eating her inside. “I have to go. My men are waiting. It was nice meeting you.” The last thing she wanted was to be made a fool or become part of an even more awkward moment.
She left before the reason for her heartbreak would come any closer.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
He had been staring, when Kaylan managed to get his attention and only then it dawned on him. Had Kaylan actually been talking with her? She neared him and their horses snorted with excitement and touched noses. Kaylan smiled at the image and Alec momentarily joined her. “It’s been a long time for them,” he noted and she grinned, scratching Kennocha’s neck.
“Are you alright?” she asked with a peculiar look on her face and Alec gave her his best smile. “Of course, should I not be?”
“Well for a moment you looked as if you stepped off into another world, was it just as exciting there as it was here?” she joked and he grinned. “You have no idea,” he said with a devious grin, “two beautiful women in my sight, and well it’s just a shame one of them is my cousin because it would have been so much better,” he joked and winked trying to take her attention off from the strange moment and she smacked his arm. “Truly incorrigible, I’m not sure if I should be flattered or just disgusted,” she let out a disgruntled sound. Walking ahead, he followed and after a moment she added, “no…ugh… just disgusted.”
“So uhm,” he started awkwardly, how to say it without appearing like an obsessive fool. “Was she a long time friend of yours come to say goodbye? I don’t recall you ever mentioning someone like her,” he tried to appear nonchalant and looked around as if the question was just to make conversation.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan looked over her shoulder and his gaze quickly followed but the small brunette had quickly disappeared amongst the crowd. “No…” she answered. “I don’t even know who she is. For some odd reason she seemed to recognize me... I’m just not sure where from…” Maybe she had come across the other woman in one of her dazed states but now couldn’t recall it ever happening. “Nay, I would clearly remember her,” she pointed out to herself in a whisper, she may have been dazed but she had been incredibly aware.
Alec looked at her from the corner of his eye. “Well what’s her name?” he asked, trying to keep his eyes away from her. She shrugged. “She didn’t say.”
“Oh,” he said softly and Kaylan stopped walking. He walked a few steps until he noticed she had stopped and turned around. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ll agree with you though, she is beautiful,” she said astutely and Alec’s face became completely expressionless and he started to walk away again.
He was trying so hard not to be obvious, it was incredibly obvious. She reached up and covered her mouth before letting out a small laugh. She cocked her head to the side with a lopsided grin. “Just do me a favor,” she followed him and neared the dock. “Wait at least five minutes after the ship has left port before you go after her.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said quietly and she laughed, squeezing his shoulder. “Oh Alec…keep telling yourself that.”
He didn’t answer her and she looked up to the ship and then back to him. The small moment of lightness seemed to dissipate and they both became silent.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec wasn’t going to say anything about his angel, she was his, and his alone. Besides, a part of him felt like he couldn’t approach even if he wanted to, he still knew deep down he wasn’t the one for her. Someone like her deserved someone so much better, everything about her was sacrosanct, and he was the last person that should tread over that.
“Alec,” Kaylan turned to face him. “I know in the past we’ve had some difficulties but… you were right and you have proven it… you have changed. I’m proud of you… I’ll never have the proper words but… thank you for being you,” she said gratefully and reached up to wipe the tears that were dangerously close to slipping on her cheeks. “Take care of yourself, and well you can’t help your devilishly handsome looks,” she grinned, “but be good. You have a lot to offer and don’t allow it to remain empty, flightless and in vain. When you find her, you will realize the importance of worshipping simply the one and all its rewards; you will never need anything else.”
He smiled and was unable to stop the emotion she was bringing out of him. He took her in his arms and held her tightly, “Thank you and you will find Malcolm, Kaylan. I know he’s no longer in the Colonies, but I think you will have more luck where you’re headed. Remember Fiona will be with you, you are never alone and I’m only a letter away. If you need me all you need do is send word and I will be there for you.”
She nodded in his chest. I love you Alec,” she squeezed her arms tighter around him. “And I you, little cousin,” he whispered and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t ever forget it.”
She smiled and wiped more tears and noticing his, she gave a nervous laugh and held his hand. He laughed as she reached up to wipe his cheek and kissed it. Her hand lingered and her fingers slowly slipped out of his as she backed up. “Good luck,” he wished her softly and she waved. “Goodbye.”
It wasn’t long she was on the ship, and it left port, and Alec felt a part of him leave. It was bittersweet but he knew in order for her to be happy, he needed to let her go. “Goodbye Kayly,” he whispered and left.

Revision as of 12:47, 17 December 2012