McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/adv-Dei/thepool/feybattle: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' “Indeed, she must’ve been waiting for a long time now, but she will understand though as over optimistic as the others she comprehends human hear...)
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'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''

“Indeed, she must’ve been waiting for a long time now, but she will understand though as over optimistic as the others she comprehends human hearts easily, and aren’t you hungry? It has been half a day we left the dinner at my home behind…it seems like a century has passed since that night” she then left the room taking Deianarah with her along the halls, they climbed a few stairs, went down through some others, everywhere the nobles seemed to follow their route, they passed through large areas and thin corridors but though they passed by countless places the final destination was close.
And so they reached the main hall, filled with tables that were apparently part of the wooden-like floor.  Golden light shined on it in a stark contrast with the other places of the palace whose color had changed to blue at nightfall. On the northern part of the room stood a throne made of golden wood, sitting there was a woman that closely resembled Silmeriel, but her skin looked tinted in brown, and her eyes were unnatural with stripes of black and green in them. She smiled satisfied and as soon as the women stepped into the crowded hall she set her eyes on them and raised herself in a graceful movement, speaking with an amplified voice similar to Silmeriel’s but with a strong tone of authority, and strange sensation overwhelmed those listening to her voice as if all seemed better, happier and more beautiful.
“Welcome my daughter, welcome Lady Deianarah, come have a seat at the table next to my throne I want to have a few words with you two, ladies and gentlemen make way for their passage, and bow before them, the Princess and her Guest have come to honor us with their presence” everyone in the court bowed slightly with the exception of the queen herself.
Silmeriel took Deianarah to the table and offered her a seat, then taking another right at her side, the Queen approached and sat on the opposite side of the table, there was plenty of food and drinks, and among others there was a large diamond cup with the symbol of a heart.
Silmeriel whispered into Deianarah’s ear seriously “Don’t drink that, Loveberry wine, warn me if someone offers you some”
And so they ate and drank for a while, until the Queen spoke in a low voice but no less impressive or calming.
“Welcome Deianarah, though I’ve already said that I didn’t explain the reasons, you’re not a guest but sort of a legend for me, Silmeriel kept talking about you as a child, but she grew notably silent about the matter as she grew up and seemed uncomfortable to talk about it with me, so I was looking forward to receive you here…after all you’re not only that but you’re part of the Court too, by blood and heart”
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah was calmer now, not as happy as when she first arrived, the awe had dissipated but everything was still beautiful. The knowledge of Silmeriel’s feelings for her, colored things a bit, but she tried not to dwell on the matter, she would work it out for herself when she managed to find time alone.
When they arrived before the Queen, Deianarah smile politely and felt almost shy at the attention she received.
They sat at the table, and she ate many different foods, noticing how sweet and fragrant everything was. Silmeriel pointed out the Loveberry wine and she looked on with interest, and nodded at the warning.
When the Queen then sat before them and spoke to her, again Deianarah smiled timidly, “part of the court?” she asked curiously and looked to Silmeriel with a quizzical expression. “By blood and heart? I’m not sure exactly what you mean,” she said, then eating some small berries, she looked down at them, waiting for an effect to hit her also waiting for the Queen’s words. 
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
The berry’s effects were relaxing physically and emotionally, everything seemed a bit tastier too, the flavor of the berries themselves seemed suddenly stronger but also better.
Silmeriel's shared Deianarah’s surprise at her mother's words, and said curious and a bit alarmed
"Mom, what do you mean?" she then turned to Deianarah and explained
"I know what she means with 'by heart', each of the guests I invited was part of the courts they visited, you are part of this court too Dei, your heart, and by it I mean that I mean your virtues, the things that you cherish most are the same as ours, Happiness, Love, Friendship among others"
"But I can't understand why you said of blood mom?"
The queen chuckled at Silmeriel's innocence and answered amused
"My daughter you were really distracted with that pool weren't you? So much that you forgot to see this young lady's profile in the archives, if you looked at our version of her family tree which goes far back into the ancient times, you should see that her branch of the McDowell's has fey blood"
Silmeriel stood silent as she heard that, and looked to Deianarah confused, as if she was examining her, the Queen laughed now
"Don't be silly my little girl, it's very probably none of her family has any sign of fey ancestry by now, it happened eons ago, it happened exactly like with your father, a young handsome Celtic warrior somehow reached my court, but instead of me he took the hand of my daughter..."
"WHAT?" said Silmeriel surprised "You never told me you had a another daughter..."
"I told you I didn't have any other living daughter my child, all others died long before you, but it was an adopted daughter, I never allowed myself to get pregnant before you"
Silmeriel stood motionless, not knowing exactly what to make of the information.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
At the information, Deianarah stopped chewing the berries and stared. First from the Queen and back to Silmeriel, repeatedly following the conversation. Her family had fey blood?
And the overload of information simply kept coming while Dei watched now in somewhat of a daze. Mechanically she popped berries in her mouth and chewed, while they continued talking. One of her ancestors had also found their way here, to the spring court. Interesting… How did one distinguish a fey trait, even if it was true, was it their personalities, their deep love for nature? Their attraction to kindness and love. Was it a physical trait? Beauty?
A thought then occurred to her, and she wondered just what they had added to their family traditions? Someone then poured some wine in her glass and she absently took it, bringing it to her mouth.  She watched, her eyes out of focus, and slowly drank the liquid.  The taste was incredibly sweet at first, but turned somewhat sour. She made a funny face and brought the glass down, wondering just exactly what she had drank. Half of it was already gone.
She then looked into the glass and then to the male fey who walked away from her, giving her a small wink. “Uhm…” she turned to Silmeriel and slowly pushed the glass to the side in front of her. “Please tell me I didn’t just drink loveberry wine,” she said her voice a bit scared. Her eyes grew wider and she pursed her lips, “How much of it do I need to drink… to… you know…?”  She asked nervously. 
The conversation between mother and daughter abruptly ended and Deianarah felt a complete fool for not paying attention. Her heart pounded in her throat and she wondered just when she was going to start feeling the effects of it all. “Should I… uhm…well leave? Or do you have a counter fruit or something?” she asked suddenly, and laughed anxiously, her face beet red at her own question.  “It’s a different kind of wine right?” she asked, almost pleading for Silmeriel to agree.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel gasped, and looked at Deianarah’s eyes in despair and when she turned to see her mother she was laughing, the Queen was laughing and nodded when her daughter looked at her, Silmeriel knew that would happen if her mother discovered what she felt for Dei, it was foolish to think she could hide her love from the Queen of that feeling, her mother had intentionally filled her cup with the wine while she was distracted, she was certain that her mother wanted her to do what she would do next, but she promised to herself she wouldn't fail like her mother expected her to do.
"No Dei, that's the loveberry, we must go now, you can't remain here" Silmeriel took her hand and easily noticed the shock the mere contact reproduced in Deianarah, getting more desperate she ran away towards her chambers pushing the other woman with her, and explaining hurriedly along the way.
"You're going to start sweating a lot, alas I am already feeling by your hand, then you'll get...'wet' there, and your heart will beat faster and faster, the amount you drunk makes no difference, a single tear is enough, greater amounts only serve to hasten the effects but not by much, and then you will fill a desperate urge for sex and you will become oblivious to most of what happens around you, and nothing will take you out of that trance until the effect ends, and that takes almost half a day, so we can't wait, I am going to lock you inside one of my rooms and sleep outside, it won't be easy but..."
Her explanation was cut by a desperate cry, a fey woman was dying in a pool of her own blood and soon more and more cries followed hers, the court was under attack, dark figures rushed through the corridors cutting down anyone on their path and Silmeriel completely lost all that remained of her patience and serenity.
"BY THE GODS! IS THERE ANYTHING LEFT TO HAPPEN IN THIS NIGHT ??!!" but she kept forward ignoring the victims and rushing inside her chambers, once there, she threw Deianarah inside a room closing it's door and locking before she could say anything, and explained more nervous than ever.
"I'll be back soon, you're in no condition to fight, and I can't afford to put you in danger, I'll be right back"
She then left the chambers locking the main door too but she could her Deianarah’s fists trying to smash the door in vain, she shrugged taking the only sword she had there before leaving, cutting the skirt off her dress out and removing her sandals, she cared not for her looks but how agile she could be.
Running back to her mother she met many assassins along the way, and beheaded each of them while running with her sword, on the main hall, chaos was widespread, but the fey of the court were valiantly resisting the dark robed assassins, a messenger came and spoke to Silmeriel.
"Your mother has been wounded, it doesn't looks serious, but she can't fight so you're now temporarily the Queen and..." the new Queen pushed him aside and jumped from the stairs amidst a group of the attackers, rising up with a twist and cutting three of them in half with a single movement.
She then turned to the other four near her, exchanging powerful blows that threatened to break the swords, she was now cold focused, there was nothing aside from the battle and one by one they fell.
Noticing the tide had turned the shady murderers fled the scene, and a messenger came to announce the invaders were retreating.
"The assassins are retreating, they're fleeing through the Corridors of the High Nobility and..."
Once more Silmeriel pushed him aside almost killing the man, and ran, the corridors of the High Nobility, her rooms. Deianarah was inside them she had to ensure they wouldn't get to her, and so she kept going each step faster and more desperate, she had no time to breathe, it wasn't necessary she only needed to get there in time.
The main doors were open, the doors of the other rooms were broken and laying on the floor Silmeriel's despair reached it's climax as she saw one the attackers approaching Deianarah with a dagger, but before he could do anything he fell, her blade pierced through his chest passing directly through his heart, he was dead, and guards soon came in to remove the corpse leaving the two of them there alone.
Silmeriel was crying and her heart was beating so fast she felt her hands trembling, she released the sword, and it hit the ground, but she never heard the noise, she approached the confused Deianarah and hugged her so strongly she could feel the other woman gasping, or was it the wine's effect? She didn't know but it didn't matter anymore.
"Dei, are you alright I came as soon as I could but..." not resisting anymore she embraced Deianarah again and kissed her with all her love...
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
The Queen smiled in Silmeriel’s direction and Deianarah sat up straighter. It was the Loveberry… Silmeriel then took her hand taking her out of her thoughts and Dei gasped. The touch was electrifying, it seemed to go from her fingertips all the way up her neck and into her hair and she got an immense shiver.
The small contact was incredible and all she could focus on was the other woman’s hand in hers. She was running, explaining to her what would happen and as she did, Deianarah was able to feel the effects as she described them. Her heart was racing, her skin almost feverish but mostly the cramping of arousal between her legs made her close her eyes with a whimper.
As they approached the rooms, Silmeriel noticed a dying fey and Dei’s eyes grew wider. Then shouts were heard, she tried to resist but Silmeriel was unnaturally strong, she was thrown into the room and the door quickly shut on her.
“Silmeriel!” she screamed and reached out to the locked door handle. “You can’t leave me here! I can fight!” she screamed and after a few minutes of screaming and pounding on the door she stopped.
But when she stopped, her distraction vanished and she began to feel the effects of the loveberry once more, only this time it seemed so much stronger. She then desperately looked around the room for a distraction. Her skin felt like it was crawling with ants, she had an incredible urge to touch herself to ease the sensation but she forced her hands into fists.
Still looking, she spotted the pool in the center of the room. Quickly she rushed to it and kneeled before it. She really didn’t know exactly how it would work, but she had to try something…anything.
With a trembling hand, her finger touched the surface and she watched, impatiently.
The pool seemed to disperse and then coalesce into Thain’s face, but not as she knew it, it was different somehow. It took her a moment to realize why, he didn’t have a patch over his eye, no scar on his face. His face was perfect, beautiful.
Deianarah then closed her eyes maybe this hadn’t been the best idea, feeling this way only made her yearn to touch him more. But she needed to focus on something else other than herself.
Looking again, she noted, his expression was one of grief. His blue eyes gleamed with sorrow, and his jaw was set with brave determination as they set a man’s body on a massive pyre. Thain then took the man’s sword and buckled it onto his belt, and then set his blade beside him. She recognized the symbol ~V~ upon it and held her breath. This man had to be his father and her heart wrenched in pain for him. Her own eyes reflected the emotion she could only imagine he felt at that moment.  He continued to look on sadly at his father, Deianarah as well, and then he began to sing and her heart went out to him as she heard the grief in his song, the mourning in his voice.
She couldn’t take it anymore, and touched the surface, her eyes now filled with tears. The pool changed again, only this time it was of Alec. He was older than she remembered, but still as handsome, and he looked to a woman sitting beside him. He handed her a glass of wine and she took it, both smiling happily and she then noticed a McDowell ring on the woman’s finger. “Impossible,” she whispered. Alec had never been that close to a woman, but to give her his ring? The last time she had seen him, it was still complete. Was he still alive?
The image changed quickly, and in Alec’s place, Sorsha looked back to a man who was holding her up by the throat, her hands over his and then he dropped her. “Two hearts beat within you." he growled. He put the tip of his blade to her throat.  "Your choice as to how many hearts stop beating."
Deianarah cried out as her sister fell to the ground. The man then removed his hood and Sorsha’s eyes filled with recognition. The pool blurred for a moment and almost immediately they came back, but she felt like she had missed seeing something.
This time Sorsha was thrown against a desk, and tried to rise from the ground.  “I was cursed long before you came into my life Rathan,” she said tonelessly. “This was just another choice I was forced to make…”
“What did you come here to do? Kill me in turn? Threaten me with empty promises? Is this your last gift to me?”
The image disappeared and Deianarah whispered in a sharp voice. “No!” she touched the pool quickly but the image was gone. “Wait!” she said to it and put her finger in the water again, but it just rippled. Was that the past? Present or future?
As she tried again, the door suddenly burst back to hang off its hinges. She stepped up, not really knowing what to do, she was weaponless.  Before she could do anything else though, Silmeriel was already cutting through him. There was a moment of hushed silence as the room settled and Deianarah could only stare at her, feeling her heart racing from not only the fear, the knowledge of what she had just seen but the effects of the loveberry. She didn’t even hear her words, but suddenly Silmeriel was kissing her and the last of her resistance evaporated.
As she felt the other woman’s lips on hers she moaned lightly into her, Deianarah couldn’t help herself and closed her eyes. Her hands reached up to cup her face, and then her fingers slid to her earlobes and into her soft hair. The desire in her limbs intensified as their lips sensually glided together, and she deepened the kiss to feel her warm tongue along hers. Her thoughts raced in her head, and she knew this had been the image the pool had shown her. As if in a dream, her mouth then glided from Silmeriel’s to the corner of her mouth and then to her neck, desire guiding her. She could taste her skin, feel the pulse of her heart beating on her lips and trailed wet kisses along her neck.
A small voice in the back of her mind was telling her how wrong this all was, but she had such difficulty fighting it, it just felt so good.
With every ounce of willpower she could muster Deianarah then pulled away from Silmeriel. Her hand reached up to her mouth and she covered it, as if realizing what she had been doing. She backed up from the other woman and walked over the body beside her. “Take me back…now,” her voice trembled, and she noticed her gown on the bed and picked it up. She tightened her hands around the material to keep herself from rushing at the other woman in need to feel her once more. “Please…” she begged.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel had all but forgotten about the wine when Deianarah pulled her back, waking her once more, she then listened to her words with pity but decided that she could not let that guide her now.
"I can't Dei, you can still control yourself now, but it won't be long before you can't, there are enough isolated places here, I am afraid I can't let you go the way you are now, you'll end up doing something foolish, or losing control in the wrong place, some nobles have died in the attack there should be some free rooms for you, but we can't go back this night, besides by the time we reached the gates it would already be too late, and I don't know what is waiting there, there may be other assassins"
She then rushed towards the broken doors and whispered something in the ears of a passing servant, turning back to Deianarah she said again calmly.
"Trust me, follow me and avoid touching anyone, there is no other way, I am sorry my mother did this to you, she has...a strange way to do things"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah had difficulty hearing her words, all she could think about was kissing Silmeriel now. To feel the softness of her lips again, to smell the fragrance of her warm skin, the sweetness of it. She closed her eyes and clutched the dress harder.
“No…” she whispered, “I will leave this moment,” she told her and before she left the room, she took one of the assassin’s dagger and walked away in the direction she knew led to the gates.
“I will just have to find my way,” she told her and started running. Thankfully the dress gave her ease of movements. The action was good for it helped her focus her energy on getting home instead of her desires.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel expected that even if she didn't want it to happen and sighed, looking to the floor, one of the servants approached her and asked
"Shall we stop her your majesty?"
"No, let her go, tell the nobles to stay away from her for the moment, but tell the Golden Watch to protect her from afar, we don't know if there are still some of these abominations out there, that is...if she gets to the gates, it isn't a short way back and she may get lost, if she loses herself or asks for help tell a ranger to show her the way back from a safe distance, she is reasonable though and she will understand things when she comes back to her senses"
"...I hope so..." she whispered to herself while signaling the servant to move
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
She ran as far and as quickly as she could until she started to get tired, when she did, she walked for a short time, and then started to run again. She vaguely recognized the area, the darkness was different here, still offering her dim light so she could see her way.
She eventually found her way to the gate. The sensation in her limbs was unbearable, she focused on what was ahead of her with incredible stubbornness.  When she finally reached the gates, she realized she had no idea how to get home without Silmeriel. She closed her eyes and clutched the dress in her hands, when a voice spoke to her. “Touch the leaf, and imagine yourself back where you started.”
She didn’t turn to look, she just wanted to leave. Her hand fumbled on the dress until she found the brooch and she did as she was told.
Almost immediately she was back in the room where the rest of the nobles were still waiting. She noticed Selene with a box, Madelena watching her curiously possibly wondering where Silmeriel was, and then her gaze turned to Thain.
The arousing sensation returned, this time in a crippling jarring effect and she couldn’t even say anything. She let out a small whimper as she forced her feet to take her out of the room , out of the mansion and away from temptation.  She didn’t even stop to think of the manner in which she was dressed, but as she stepped out she realized how cold she was here compared to the place she had just been in.
It had to have been a beautiful nightmare…it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real. She was deliriously delusional.  She rushed out to the stable and found a clean stall, kneeled into the hay and tried to make herself as small as possible.
[[/return|Deianarah returns to Arcaea]]

Revision as of 12:42, 17 December 2012