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This is the lore of Aetheris Pyrism, vaguely known by the full members, and accessible to the priests and very spiritual members. An outsider would require having a priest share this information, or have a full member get informed in a temple and return to tell it.
This is the lore of Aetheris Pyrism, vaguely known by the full members, and accessible to the Smokeless Fires and higher ranked members.

==Creation Myth==
==Creation Myth==

Revision as of 15:46, 7 January 2012


This is the lore of Aetheris Pyrism, vaguely known by the full members, and accessible to the Smokeless Fires and higher ranked members.

Creation Myth

How the world and the things we know came into existence.

Charkh's Age

Also known as the First War of the Gods.

In a time our insignificance can give itself the luxury to call it the First Age, but for the immortal ones it was hardly so, the universe was ruled by a single god. His name was Charkh, the Executioner. In order to acquire such power he had made a pact with Fz'Ar, the Foul, Lord of the Demons, who acted as his Viceroy.

These situations might last for very long, but they never last forever. In the midst of all the pain and suffering such a regime would be fated to bring, specially with the alliance with the damned ones, a Hero was born. His name was Vlander, the Hellborn. He commanded a great rebellion uniting a great number of Gods against the Tyrant, his loyal followers and the Demons.

The war didn't end with either of the leaders' victories, but with the loss of both to the betraying forces of Fz'Ar. Having slain both and deceived the rest of the gods, he inherited Charkh's reign and ruled supreme over a fractured land for long, turning Hell into something indescribable, which our comprehension does not allow to fully understand.

Demon's Reign

Also known as the Second War of the Gods and the First Conclave.

During the Age of the Demons Lords, the universe was controlled by these creatures of chaos. Constant rivers of blood flowed while pain was the normal currency. On the other hand, Fz'Ar, the Demon King, had failed to gather as much support as his predecessor, so the seed of rebellion had already been planted. And he acted accordingly, burning and salting the earth whenever he saw the possibility of such happening, either true or just imaginary.

It was in that period that a great conclave of gods gathered in secret. They tried to set aside their differences to combat the greater evil that was reigning free. Such, for a long time was not possible, for the gods are as diverse as the drops of water than make the oceans. In order to force the other Gods into a consensus, one of them secretly betrayed the conclave, letting the Demons know about its location. That God was Nalucht, the Sweet Tongue, and it set in motion the destruction of the Demons.

As the Demons arrived to the hidden conclave, the rival Godly factions had no options but to unite against the common enemy. The Demons, as it is in their nature, had overextended their chaotic dominion and grew greedy and arrogant on their supremacy. They proved not to be a match against all the gods together. They did not, however, fell without spilling the divine blood of many, but over time they were defeated and had to scatter. From this battle on, a faction of the Gods arose over the others, and started governing the rest into a new era of peace, prosperity and happiness. They were the Warriors of Peace.

The Golden Age

Also known as the Third War of the Gods.

This Age was marked by the summary prohibition of violence of any kind throughout the world. Such thing greatly displeased many violent Gods and was abominated by the Demons. Any aggressor was swiftly dealt with no compassion by the group of governing Gods. Ruling them all were three Goddesses, making the Peace Council: Nasla, the Lioness; Tyka, the Barbarian; and Waren, the Princess. Nasla distributed the justice, Tyka led the warriors to the battles and Waren organized the good working of the whole system.

Major focuses of organized rebellion were vanquished, and for once a considerable number of gods were pleased and supported the regime. The Demons were too weak and scattered to present any real threat. That forced the small groups opposing the rule of the Council to seek further alternatives. A small number of which went further than the rest, communing with a utterly dark power, corrupting themselves in the process. From they the first Undead were born, and plagued and ravaged the Universe in uncountable numbers.

Once again, there was war. Corrupt Gods, changed beyond recognition, along with their allied abominations destroyed and slew much in its way, until it met the full force of the united Gods, having conflicted with even some Demons. The war was cruel, long, and changed the world forever. This new corruption on the land had changed things, and fighting it did nothing but to weaken the threads of destiny. After the legions of chaos were defeated and scattered, the Gods decided to have a second conclave.

The Quest

Also known as the Second Conclave

Time urged, for though defeated, the Undead were quickly regrouping, as was their nature, and the dishonorable Demons were planning on taking advantage of the state of weakness the Gods faced to overthrow them. Once again, opposed Gods were forced together to fight what was now to one, but two higher evils. As expected the arguing took longer than it should, before a mysterious figure took the right to speak before the conclave. It was Nalucht, the Sweet Tongue. Though extremely distrusted by many, his power forced respect over many. He exposed a plan he had devised to save the universe as the gods knew, and to avoid the fall of their kin.

As some Gods had dealt with an elemental power greater than even themselves, they had forever changed their reality. This new scenario didn't favor them, and should they let it continue, the result would be the victory of chaos, and the end to all of their dreams. The only way would be to seek to commune with a higher power again, but in the opposite direction. Instead of hungering for power egocentrically, they would each make an altruistic sacrifice. Each of them would lend part of their power, their own essence, and they would create a new reality, who would receive a gift from each of them. That reality would be a reflection of their reality, in a smaller scale, and it would represent each of them, as well as the world they were part of.

Having created this new reality we mortals call our home, the Gods followed Nalucht's advice and tricked the Undead and Demon Lords into this new reality, imprisoning them. Unaware they are in a virtual prison, they are not able to make as much damage to the universe as they could were they free. This required, in order to maintain the illusion, that the Gods restrain themselves from walking along with men, and forced them to act in subtle and indirect ways to shape the lands and minds according to their will. For such it is that the Divine Messages are usually subtle and deceiving. This way humanity bears the duty to guard the universe against the forces that try to destroy it, maintaining the creation of the Gods and following their wills, so that things can keep being, and peace and justice prevails.