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After some time of serving and giving the CE his best, Yusklin had the feeling of bein lost in the big realm. In a way he had no room to grow. That's why he decided to persue his destiny elsewhere. Taking the first ship he saw, he ended up in the Far East, in Kindara. He serves the Duke of Ortedail now and is slowly getting accustomed to his new home.
After some time of serving and giving the CE his best, Yusklin had the feeling of bein lost in the big realm. In a way he had no room to grow. That's why he decided to persue his destiny elsewhere. Taking the first ship he saw, he ended up in the Far East, in Kindara. He serves the Duke of Ortedail now and is slowly getting accustomed to his new home.
Kindara proved to be nothing, and Yusklin was quickly tired of the atmosphere there. He emigrated to Beluaterra, to [[Thalmarkin]]. He now serves there under Countess Seyud sur Paendrag Tanreal of [[Pomatim]], and as Vice-Marhshal in the Legion of the Wolf.
[[Category: Families]]
[[Category: Families]]

Revision as of 13:10, 8 June 2011

The Melphrydd Family

This is a relatively new family in the world of Battlemaster. So far, 4 members have left their home grounds in Howling Waste, Atamara, to seek there fortune in different continents.


As the first-born, Fryhtan was raised to later inherit and manage the family's estate. An argument within the family, however, made him leave his home to "go out to the big city", being Icegate. There he applied to join the Barony of Makar's fighting force, to berserk in the front lines, shoulder on shoulder with the other Vikings. Although he served Melmoor en some other regions as a knight, he never really felt home in this brutal world - spending the night drinking goats and enjoying ale never was his thing.

That is why he emigrated to the Colonies, but only shortly after he arrived a disease chained him to his bed, eventually taking his life. The glorious path his father had once prepared for him never lead to his dreams.


Wasylla grew up side by side with Fryhtan, being his only one year younger sister. She was raised to later marry a Noble of higher class, perhaps even a Duke. That is why she has good knowledge of different languages, politics, science and the art of seduction. When she fell in love with a local commoner, her father erupted in anger and banished her from Howling Waste. Her lover got publicly executed, despite Fryhtan's protests, causing a major schism within the family. Bittered she left the North region of Atamara, and hailed south. She has abandoned the name Melphrydd. The only contact with her family exists of letters to her brother Fryhtan. However, the latest months, after his leave to the Colonies, she hasn't heard anything from him...

She now serves the Cagilan Empire as a volunteer, seeking out and slaying undead and monsters wherever she goes. Recently she has joined the Guild of the Treasure Seekers, committing her actions to their goals. She often uses the cognomen 'Blacklace'.


Skyndarbau's Coat of Arms
Skyndarbau in his younger years

Being the third born in the Melphrydd family, Skyndarbau never had anything thrown in his lap. Fryhtan was always father's favorite, and Wasylla was the most popular person in the whole region, generously showing off her looks wherever she went. This caused Skynderbau to have a stubborn mind -he once stod in front of a tree for hours, requesting the tree to move first. Eventually the locals could not stand in anymore and decided to cut the tree down, granting Skyndarbau passage. It also had another effect though: as he did not have many friends amongst the other young nobles, he used to sneak out of the manor at night to go to the poor people's district. There he found out one critical thing: there isn't actually any difference between a Noble and a Commoner, except for the noble having been luckier at his time of birth.

Having seen his father punish Wasylla's lover, made him lose his faith in the Old Nobility on Atamara. That is why he decided to leave the whole lot behind, and to go straight to a different continent all together.

He set sail for Dwilight, where he joined Myern upon arrival. Myern was a small realm, struggeling to survive, but with plenty opportunities for a young noble to show his worth. Numerous waves of undead and monsters pillaged the lands, often breaking all the way through to the capital. Count Wasylis Zond of Garuck Udor accepted him as a knight.

After he had settled in, Myern's King, Erasel Arnel, the First Wolf, sent a message to all Myernite nobles asking volunteers for a secret mission. Skyndarbau replied, was accepted, and was invited to come to the royal palace in Shinnen. In a small room somewhere hidden in the palace he met the King- and was happily surprised to see his friend and mentor Wasylis there too. The King had decided to send both of them on this mission, Wasylis being in charge. They were sent to the Isle Kingdom of D'hara, on a diplomatic mission. They were to become members of the Guild of Chivalry, allowing Myern to join in an international diplomatic network. In D'hara Skyndarbau met the Dragon King Cenarious, and his beautiful wife, the beautiful Lady Kisharianda. He and Wasylis also attained Lady Sorsha McDowell's wedding. After having had a great stay, enjoying the royal hospitality, they went back to Myern.

Shortly after, Pian en Luries threatened Myern's borders, and several big hordes of monsters pillaged the lands. This caused the downfall of Myern,and eventually it's destruction. In these troubled times, Skyndarbau was elected Warden (Judge) of Myern.

In the final days of Myern, Skyndarbau decided to seek his hail in Fissoa, as that was the place where the Founders of Myern had come from. Myern's King Erasel, it's Banker Lyam Longbow and Wasylis Zond joined him. They were all warmly welcomed by the Fissoans, and have settled in. Skyndarbau currently serves as the Vice-Marshal in the main army, whereas Lyam is again banker. Wasylis Zond must have been badly struck by Myern's downfall, as he took a step backward, out of the spotlights.

Skyndarbau is happy serving Fissoa now, and is hoping to join Lyam soon within the landed nobility. Once again, Pian en Luries is threatening the borders though, ignoring treaties, gentlemen's agreements as well as rules of conduct. How Fissoa willcope with this threat will unfold in the near future!

Years later, a lot has changed. After his first Lordship over Munawai, some time later, Skyndarbau took over Earl Victorian's position as Earl of Drowenton. He has founded the Fissoa Verminators, and steadily scaled the political ranks. Twice elected Judge, and three times Banker, he has made a name for himself in Fissoa.


Yusklin is the third son in the Melphrydd family. He shares his father, but not his mother with his brothers and sister. He is 15 years younger than Wasylla, and was still playing with miniature horses when his big sister was banished. From the time Wasylla was still around, he can only remember the sound of her voice, her smile and her scent.

Yusklin grew up being taught by his father, who had become a harsh man after Wasylla's leave. He was the kind of man that prefers the whip above the carrot, when making an ox pull the plough. Although Yusklin had a hard childhood, his father educated him well, providing him with knowledge regarding science, geography and the art of war. Whenever he could, though, Yusklin snuk out of the house to go to Bran's little cottage on the family's grounds. Bran would tell him stories of Kingdoms long lost, of epic battles, and most importantly: of his sister, Wasylla. Even though he has barely spent time with her, he feels strongly connected to his big sis'. So the day he turned 17 and became a man, Yusklin had his preparations made and set out on a journey to find her.

Yusklin has followed her trail through the Barony, Norland, Minas Ithil as well as Tara. He has now arrived in the Cagilan Empire. All clues led him here, so he has accepted an oath of fealty to serve the city of Calis, directly under the Duke himself.

After some time of serving and giving the CE his best, Yusklin had the feeling of bein lost in the big realm. In a way he had no room to grow. That's why he decided to persue his destiny elsewhere. Taking the first ship he saw, he ended up in the Far East, in Kindara. He serves the Duke of Ortedail now and is slowly getting accustomed to his new home.

Kindara proved to be nothing, and Yusklin was quickly tired of the atmosphere there. He emigrated to Beluaterra, to Thalmarkin. He now serves there under Countess Seyud sur Paendrag Tanreal of Pomatim, and as Vice-Marhshal in the Legion of the Wolf.