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This is Gretchew. Once a backwater wilderland, it has since become the fertile breadbasket of Terran. Fisher-villages dot the shore of the Root River to the south, and the denizens of Gretchew are often seen on sailing vessels throughout the Central Sea.
This is Gretchew. A settled and peaceful place, blessed with bounteous resources of food, it supplies foodstuffs to the great cities of Terran, and beyond. These include grain and dairy products as well as fish from the river and inland sea. The people have a reputation for prudence, hard work, hospitality and also for much drinking of the local brew, Bridgeport Best!

To the north, as one approaches the hill country, there is a substantial town of about 600 people around the Lord's Manor. Though metal is expensive and rare in Terran, the Lord of the region has thus far managed to secure a steady supply for the local ferrier and town smith, though not of an industrial quality.
The region lies nestled in the densely populated belt between the Cities of Chateau Safflore to the North and Chesney to the South. It is predominantly rural in nature. There is a well maintained road that runs north south between the two cities and this bisects Gretchew neatly. Directly to the north of Gretchew lies the hill country of Safflore and the Southern Border is bounded by the Great Root River with a massive stone bridge that spans the river in arches and links Gretchew to Chesland. To the east lies the vast inland sea, and to the west, the badlands of Underroot.

A road is being constructed to replace the old footpaths and trails from Chateau Saffalore to the river. Ever since the conquest of Chesney, Gretchew's importance as a crucial trade juncture has been rising. The Bridge of Gretchew also has a town around it on the north side of the river, of about 700 people. Ships often stop for a brief resupply there, as food is plentiful in Gretchew. Indeed, the people of Gretchew are among the best fed in the western lands due to their secure location, fertile lands, and easy access to water.
There are two small towns in Gretchew lying along the north south road. To the north of Gretchew, as one approaches the hill country, there is the provincial town of Gretchtheow By The Hills. This uncouthly named habitat is the seat of government in the region. The Senator of Gretchew has a town house there for business, and also a villa situated in the hills above the town. The second and even smaller but sensibly named town of Bridgeport is built on the northern side of the Root river around the Bridge of Gretchew. Since Terran has no large port, it serves as the main port for Terran. The Terran fishing fleet is based there and the occasional long distance trading vessel will pull in there to take on supplies and maybe trade with the locals. River barges from Odona further upriver also unload timber and furs there. It has a small garrison and a customs office.

Towards the west, the Rangers of Gretchew have their camp of 150 men or so. They defend Gretchew from any monsters or undead invading from the untamed west. The bulk of the farms have been planted between the bridge and the Hills of Saffalore, and along the coast (though threats of D'Haran raiders have limited coastal settlement). The western parts of the region are smaller farms, homesteads of brave pioneers (like unto the initial settlers of Gretchew, who've mostly been eaten by monsters), and hunter communities, like the rangers.
At this point something must be said about the bridge of Gretchew. It is an engineering marvel built predominantly of stone and is formed of arches balanced on stone piers driven deep into the river bed. The central span of around 100 feet bears two stone towers, from which hang chains pulled by great pulleys that can raise the central section to allow large ships to pass upriver. The central section is made of timber to reduce weight and is only dressed with stone.

Most of the Terran military in Gretchew, troops of the Pride of the Highlands, are stationed between the bridge and the westlands, though a sizable detachment are also stationed at Gretchtheow-by-the-hills, around the Manor House.
Outside of the two towns, the bulk of the population live in small farming villages sited in the central part of Gretchew, and along the river and coast. The western parts of the region feature smaller fortified farms, homesteads of brave pioneers, and hunter communities who dare dwell close to the badlands of Underroot. Once a source of invading monsters and undead, this land is now under the control of the fearsome Daimons of the Zuma Coalition. These monstrous beings, for their own unfathomable reasons, have shown no aggressive intent towards Terran. Therefore these dwellings are seldom now disturbed in their peace.

Enjoy your stay in Gretchew, under the domain of the Republic of Terran. Please taste the port at the Bridgeport Tavern, and dine with us at my hall in Gretchtheow-by-the-hills. We do not lightly turn away guests, and it is always a pleasure to meet with our cousins and friends from afar.
Enjoy your stay in Gretchew, under the domain of the Republic of Terran. Please down a pint of Bridgeport Best at the Bridgeport Tavern, and enjoy the provincial pleasures of Gretchtheow By The Hills. We do not lightly turn away guests, and it is always a pleasure to meet with our cousins and friends from afar.

Revision as of 21:33, 6 September 2010
Region Details
Continent Dwilight
Region Type Rural
Geographic Area West Hills
Population 10821
Economy N/A
Realm / Duchy D'Hara / Raviel
Local Lord Drecan Knight


This is Gretchew. A settled and peaceful place, blessed with bounteous resources of food, it supplies foodstuffs to the great cities of Terran, and beyond. These include grain and dairy products as well as fish from the river and inland sea. The people have a reputation for prudence, hard work, hospitality and also for much drinking of the local brew, Bridgeport Best!

The region lies nestled in the densely populated belt between the Cities of Chateau Safflore to the North and Chesney to the South. It is predominantly rural in nature. There is a well maintained road that runs north south between the two cities and this bisects Gretchew neatly. Directly to the north of Gretchew lies the hill country of Safflore and the Southern Border is bounded by the Great Root River with a massive stone bridge that spans the river in arches and links Gretchew to Chesland. To the east lies the vast inland sea, and to the west, the badlands of Underroot.

There are two small towns in Gretchew lying along the north south road. To the north of Gretchew, as one approaches the hill country, there is the provincial town of Gretchtheow By The Hills. This uncouthly named habitat is the seat of government in the region. The Senator of Gretchew has a town house there for business, and also a villa situated in the hills above the town. The second and even smaller but sensibly named town of Bridgeport is built on the northern side of the Root river around the Bridge of Gretchew. Since Terran has no large port, it serves as the main port for Terran. The Terran fishing fleet is based there and the occasional long distance trading vessel will pull in there to take on supplies and maybe trade with the locals. River barges from Odona further upriver also unload timber and furs there. It has a small garrison and a customs office.

At this point something must be said about the bridge of Gretchew. It is an engineering marvel built predominantly of stone and is formed of arches balanced on stone piers driven deep into the river bed. The central span of around 100 feet bears two stone towers, from which hang chains pulled by great pulleys that can raise the central section to allow large ships to pass upriver. The central section is made of timber to reduce weight and is only dressed with stone.

Outside of the two towns, the bulk of the population live in small farming villages sited in the central part of Gretchew, and along the river and coast. The western parts of the region feature smaller fortified farms, homesteads of brave pioneers, and hunter communities who dare dwell close to the badlands of Underroot. Once a source of invading monsters and undead, this land is now under the control of the fearsome Daimons of the Zuma Coalition. These monstrous beings, for their own unfathomable reasons, have shown no aggressive intent towards Terran. Therefore these dwellings are seldom now disturbed in their peace.

Enjoy your stay in Gretchew, under the domain of the Republic of Terran. Please down a pint of Bridgeport Best at the Bridgeport Tavern, and enjoy the provincial pleasures of Gretchtheow By The Hills. We do not lightly turn away guests, and it is always a pleasure to meet with our cousins and friends from afar.