Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/How to become a Duchess in Three Easy Steps: Difference between revisions

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Gerda woke first. She stirred from where Goffrey lay collapsed and took stock. What remained of her clothing was in tattered shreds. Her fair white skin was liberally covered with bruises and scratches, and she ached everywhere. She used shaking hands to wrap the blanket around her and sat, considering.

Goffrey had surprised her…and frightened her…but…she thought she could work with that. As long as he returned to his normal, tractable self inbetween…intimate encounters…she didn’t mind if he were a bit more…exciting…during them. In fact, Gerda gave a small smile of satisfaction, she rather expected that he might feel a certain amount of…guilt. Yes…she could definitely work with that.

He was starting to stir. She arranged herself carefully, blanket half off her shoulders to expose the marks he’d made. Gerda couldn’t see her neck, but from the soreness she felt, she was certain the marks were lived. Necks did bruise so.

“Goffrey…my Lord Goffrey…it grows late…wake up, sir.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

Goffrey awoke groggily from an extremely pleasant dream, to the sound of someone calling his name, and a gentle hand shaking him at the shoulder.

He stretched out and sighed contently as he tried to bring the world around him into focus, looking up from where he laid up at the fuzzy source of his pleasant dreams.

"How I made it 23 years without ...that... I'll never know," he said as he smiled lazily.

Then it all came into focus, and the smile fell away, and memories surged to the took him a moment for him to absorb what it all...and another moment still to fully accept it...then came the crushing wait of contrition.

He sat up, body still unclothed, and buried his face in his hands.

"Oh my Gods...what have I done..."

He knew exactly what he had did...he lost control, and had nearly mauled Gerda in a fit of passion...but what sickened him most...was how much he wanted to do it again...

By force of will he emptied his mind of all such lingering thoughts, and slowly turned to face Gerda, eyes downcast in shame...

"I very sorry...if there is anything I can do...I...," he cut himself off and looked away shame and self loathing reflecting, he took a moment before he turned back to face her, "I didn't...your not...are you ok?"

Richter Massey (Knight of Remton)

Gerda looked up at Goffrey through her lashes, a woebegone expression on her face.

“I am…fine…my Lord…truly. I just…you…I wasn’t expecting...”

She looked down.

“I shall take it as a sign of your great affection for me, if I may. It is good to know that you feel…as I do. I am so pleased. Nothing would make me happier than to be your wife. Getting back into the Stronghold will be a bit of a challenge…I can’t have…no one should see me so…”

Gerda looked back up into his eyes, “I wouldn’t want anyone…gossiping…about…us.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

Goffrey heaved an exasperated sigh, only mildly comforted by Gerda's words, as he cast his eyes about to see if there was anything of his clothes that were still salvageable.

And then he took notice of the word she had oh so calmly spoken in passing...


Goffrey's first reaction was a moment of sheer heart stopping horror, which he forced away with the ease of practice. His second reaction was to calmly, but politely reject her, but it was also crushed by the weight of his willpower. He knew what the right thing was...the minute he had let himself go he had lost any choice in the matter.

So with a weak smile in place he turned to face Gerda.

"I think you'd make a fine wife...if your willing to put up with me...," he said, as he found the tattered, but still serviceable remains of his pants, "And I'd like to think I'd make a fine husband...if you'll have me after...what I did..."

Pants in place, he sat down next to Gerda, wrapping her fully in her blanket, before gently picking her up, and placing her on her seat on the buggy, before crawling into his seat next to her.

"Hold on, we're going to have to go off road for a bit, and the path is more then a little bumpy."

That done, he took the reins and steered the horse off the well paved road, and along an old beaten path that lead into the woods. If he remembered the maps of the region correctly, the path they were on should take them to an old tunnel that lead directly into Nocaneb Keep. It was wide enough for them to ride the buggy through the whole thing, and a recent expedition into the cave ensured that the path would be relatively well lit by torches left behind by the crew.

He took a moment to explain his chosen route to Gerda, knowing the crew would be off today, probably with the other commoners celebrating the arrival of their new duke.

" it shouldn't be any worse then a relaxing ride through the woods, and I could just leave the buggy inside for the workers to find later...," he said, his smile still a little shakey but firmly in place, " should give us some time to unwind...after...that..."

Richter Massey (Knight of Remton)

Gerda snuggled against Goffrey on the buggy seat. She could barely contain her glee…just like that…he was going to marry her. Lady Gerda, Duchess of Nocaneb…oh…that had a fine ring to it. Not that she was out of the woods yet…she needed to be certain that he didn’t change his mind.

“My Lord Goffrey, does it take terribly long to be married in Arcaea?” she asked him in a small voice, “It’s just that…after that…and people might see and talk…and my reputation…and what if there was a child? I wouldn’t want to have a seven-month baby…then people would say you only married me because of it…and not because you loved me.”

She pressed even more firmly against him, rubbing slightly, “I couldn’t bear for anyone to think that you weren’t fond of me. Could we just…go to a temple or see a priest? Today, maybe…before you go back to the war?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

Goffrey looked down at Gerda, as she snuggled next to him, still in a semi state of shock over what he had just been through.

When her words hit home, his only outside reaction was to blink twice, then stare off ahead of the buggy seemingly in deep thought. The inside reaction was a bit more...interesting.

'...Child!?!?...ok I can't breathe,' he thought, all the while the only outside reaction being the absence of any oxygen intake... For 5 seconds at least...until Gerda felt in necessary to rub herself again him in the provocative manner that had resulted in this situation in the first place.

Briefly he wounder if perhaps he tied the reins some place on the buggy...and provided there was enough room in the back...he looked over his shoulder to check...then stopped himself with an execration of his will and turned back to the road.

Goffrey sighed in a heavy, yet ever so slightly husky manner, partially to let go of the breath he had been holding...partially because of Gerda's increasing attention to his still bare chest...and partially in expiration...

"Well," he said finally, a warm yet resigned edge to his voice "I suppose...if that's what you want I mean...I don't see why not..."

Goffrey Massey Duke of Nocaneb

Gerda cooed against him.

“Oh, my Lord Goffrey! You are just the most wonderful man! A girl couldn’t as for anyone better than you. Isn’t there a temple in the Stronghold? We could go straight there…just send a message to the priest…send a servant for some…garments.”

She slid her arms out from the blanket so that she could embrace him…making their contact a little more…intimate.

“This way…when you go back to the war, I’ll already be your wife…and we’ll have time for a bit of a honeymoon first.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

Goffrey's breath hitched as the contact between them became even more engrossing then it was before...and suddenly the fire was back in his eyes, somewhat more tempered then before...but still there all the same.

He returned to the idea he had discarded not but a few minutes ago, then turned to regard the women currently nestled so snugly against him, a dangerous glint his eyes.

"I don't we could...go ahead and start that now...," he said, barely restrained desire in his voice, as he motioned to the back of the cart to indicate what he meant.

Goffrey Massey Duke of Nocaneb

Gerda sat up sharply and wrapped the blanket tightly back around her.

“My Lord Goffrey!” Her voice was just a trace tart.

“You would have me here…in this buggy…on the way to our wedding?”

She softened and gave him a fetching smile, “You are impetuous! So eager for your bride, then? Well…you shall have me…anywhere and anytime you like…after we are wed. Which shall be very soon…and then, sweet Goffrey…I will be completely yours.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

"Oh...ok...if that's what you want then...," said Goffrey, strain showing in his voice, as the edge of desire grated uncomfortably against his iron will.

Goffrey cursed under his breath, frustration and rejected needs building up inside him, as he griped the reins tighter in futile effort to alleviate the strain.

'It would help if she would...just...stop looking like that...,' thought an irrated Goffrey, as he subtly urged the buggy on.

With a force of will, and several deep cleansing breaths, Goffrey manged to contain himself, for the time being anyways, and settled back more relaxingly into his seat, fully prepared to wait...

'Yes sir I can wait,' thought Goffrey to himself, as he turned to regard Gerda with his still slightly burning eyes,'...for awhile at least...'

Goffrey Massey Duke of Nocaneb

He was eager…that was a very good thing. Gerda needed to get him to the altar so that she could…satiate…that eagerness.

Their buggy slipped into the Stronghold via his secret tunnel, making their way some distance before Goff pulled to a stop. A flight of stairs led up into the Stronghold proper, and Goffrey carefully lifted her from the buggy and began carrying her up the stairs. Gods above but he was strong.

He carried her right through the Castle, and right into her room…where her maid was waiting

“Beatrice…I need clothes at once. The Duke and I are getting married immediately. The watered ivory-and-caramel silk…and undergarments. Now.”

Beatrice moved quickly, showing no reaction Gerda’s news. She went to the wardrobe to gather what her mistress desired, while Gerda gave the bell-pull a firm tug.

“My scribe will be here in a moment, and you can send him to the priest. Once I’m dressed, we’ll get you something proper to wear…then we’ll go and be married…and then…”

She smiled up at him warmly.

“Then, my very dear Lord Goffrey…then I am yours.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

Goffrey had to force himself to calm down again when she smiled at him like that. Exhausted from the ordeals of the day he fell back into a chair as Gerda hurried off to get dressed.

At this time, he saw the same boy who had come to fetch him not but a few days ago... Seemingly standing about waiting for a task to be given to him.

A thought struck Goffrey, as well as a long forgotten item he had been saving for this precise item that was currently within Eugen's possession...on the other side of the castle...and Goffrey stuck in the shredded remnants of his pants.

Quickly Goffrey got the lad's attention, waving him over indicating he had a job for him. A written note, a gold coin, and an encouraging wink later, and the lad was off, with a smile bigger then a boy his size should properly wear.

Satisfied that Eugen would be able to take care of everything according to his specification's, Goffrey settled back against the chair, and tried to unwind a bit for what would probably be the biggest moment in his young life...

It must have worked better then he thought as he fell into a light sleep.

Goffrey Massey Duke of Nocaneb

Beatrice dressed Gerda with quick competence. She was unable to smother a gasp at the condition of her lady’s skin.

Gerda laughed, “Don’t be distressed, you silly girl. This is what won me a Duke. Lace me up quickly and do something with my hair. We haven’t time for anything complicated…hmm…brush it out and catch the sides up with combs. That will have to do.”

The ivory-silk gown that Beatrice was lacing onto her had an underskirt of rich caramel and the bodice was trimmed in the same hue. Normally, Gerda preferred to wear lighter and more colourful hues, but she wanted the elegance and vague sense of untouchability that this dress gave her. It was more formal than anything Goffrey had seen her in to date…a bit more restrained around the bodice…and, she wouldn’t be heartbroken when, as she suspected, it ended up in rags: it was two years out of fashion. She would be buying a completely new wardrobe in the very latest styles…perhaps from that new fellow that the ladies had been discussing.

In considerably less time than she would normally take to dress, Gerda returned to her parlour. Goffrey was slumped slightly in a chair, asleep. Her scribe was waiting, and she quickly dispatched him to go to the temple and be certain that a priest would be there to meet them.

“My Lord Goffrey,” she addressed her betrothed, “Please wake, sir…you must dress.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

Goffrey roused himself from sleep to find her standing over him, fully clothed in a rather stunning dress that did wonderful things for Goffrey's imagination...not that he needed it for that anymore...

He shook any such thoughts from his mind, and pulled himself to his feet, smiling an apologetic smile in Gerda's direction.

"Sorry about, that...all the excitement wore me look lovely by the way...," he said, a red hue coming to his cheeks as he looked away, feigning a cough in an futile attempt to hide it.

With Gerda once again fully clothed, the two made their way to Goffrey's quarters, the Duke's quarters, not bothering to avoid attention in the still empty halls of the keep. Goffrey's living space within the keep never ceased to amaze him, that such a large area should be kept for one man and his servants bothered him, but the thought that it wouldn't be just for him anymore tempered such feelings.

He directed Gerda to wait in his parlor whilst he retreated to his closet to try and find something suitable to be wed in...

He had finally settled on the most formal suit he owned, which wasn't particularly formal, itched like crazy, and hindered moment like a pair of hand cuffs. But it looked nice, with varying shades of blue and white, and it made Goffrey look nice, and for today that was all that mattered.

He was in the process of changing into the accursed itchy thing, when Eugen let himself into the changing space, a small black box clasped in one hand.

"Ah Eugen my friend, I see you got my message," said Goffrey, as he finished buttoning up his pants.

"Aye I did Ma'Lord, and I'm sorry to say, that I couldn't resist myself from looking what was inside...and the contents...quite frankly...disturbed me...," said Eugen, as he accidentally dropped the black box on the floor in a fit of nervous jitters.

"What makes you say that..." said Goffrey as he turned to face Eugen whilst buttoning up his shirt.

"Ma'Lord," Eugen said, knelt before him on one knee from where he picked the box off the ground.

"This is a wedding wing..." he said as he opened up the box before Goffrey...reveling probably the single largest diamond in all of Arcaea, direct from a now barren mine in Sasat, found by Goffrey during a rather...intense monster hunt.

Unfortunately it was right about then that one of Goffrey's servants appeared with the golden cuffs Goffrey had sent for...

The three of them froze in the position they were holding, Eugen and Goffrey embarrassed at the awkward position they had found themselves in, and the servant wonder what he had just stumbled in on...

After a few long moments of frozen silence Goffrey forced himself to move, lifting Eugen to his feet, before taking the cuffs from the still motionless servants hands, before ushering him out of the room.

"Eugen I'd love to explain things to you, and I promise I will, but it is a PAINFULLY long story, and I really don't have time to iterate it right now..." said Goffrey as he took the box from Eugen's hands and led him out of the room.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get married now," he said as he slapped the cuffs into position at his wrists and proceeded to the parlor to pick up his bride to be.

He walked in, hoping he was dressed up to standards, and offered Gerda his arm.

"Shall we?"

Goffrey Massey Duke of Nocaneb

Gerda smiled appreciatively at her soon-to-be husband, “Well…don’t you look fine, my Lord.”

She took his arm and they left his suite, making their way through the castle to the courtyard, and from there the short walk to the temple. There were plenty of people about on the street, and Gerda was proud to be seen on Goffrey’s arm; she knew that she looked radiant, and she had never seen him look better.

They reached the doors of the temple and Gerda stopped and took his hand. Looking up at him she smiled.

“My dearest Lord Goffrey, you make me the happiest of women this day. You are going to make the best of husbands.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

Goffrey smiled back at Gerda, a little embrassed with all the people around, but otherwise perfectly content.

"I'll try my actually...I got something for you...for my wife as it were...I found a while back, and I've been saving it for this day..." rambled Goffrey as he fiddled with the black box in his coat pocket.

He took a deep breath and let it out to calm his frayed nerves...

He crouch lowed to one knee before Gerda, pulled the box from the pocket and held it beofre here.

"Gerda Kindo..." he said as he opened the box, reveling the painfully shiny diamond within, "...will you marry me?"

Goffrey Massey Duke of Nocaneb

Oh my.

For a moment…Gerda was actually speechless. She had not anticipated him having a ring to hand and thought they would have to select one later. Not only that, but this…this was magnificent! The diamond was very large and very sparkly with a slightly blue colour to its shine. It was set simply, but well, in a gleaming gold band.

“Oh my Lord,” she breathed, “What a glorious ring! You do know how to properly treat a lady, I see,” Gerda smiled, “It is my heart’s desire to be your wife.”

She held out her hand so that he might slide the ring onto her finger and Gerda stood, lost in admiration, while he rose to his feet once more. The diamond looked even larger on her tiny hand and it threw little rainbows of light where the sun caught its facets. She couldn’t even begin to guess its worth…immense…and far more costly than that silly bird head her daughter wore. This was a ring fit for a Duchess.

Gerda took Goffrey’s arm once more…

“Shall we, my Lord?”

And they made their way into the temple.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex

Goffrey Lead Gerda into the temple, happy that she liked the ring he had been saving for so long. Silently he hoped the actual ceremony would go by quickly, as the urge to get out his damnably itchy clothes overriding almost all other urges...

‘...well...maybe not...all other urges...,’ thought Goffrey, as a fresh wave of desire rolled through him at the prospect of finally being able to call someone his very own.

The priest was a nice enough old man, a bit long winded, but Goffrey was able to straighten him out rather nicely after the first few seconds of the ceremony. The priest seemed rather befuddled as to why such a usually ornate ceremony should be rushed so, but was quick to pick up the pace.

Although he probably wouldn’t have even needed that if he had bothered to look into Goffrey’s eyes to see the flames of desire smoldering there.

Goffrey had no idea how he managed to make it through the ceremony without some manner of outlet, he had no idea how he managed to stop himself from doing more then just ‘kissing’ the bride, and he had no idea how he made it all the way back to the castle without going completely mad.

Anticipation was killing him, and desire was the murder weapon...

By the time the two of them were alone in Goffrey’s....their...bed chamber, Goffrey was practically shaking with need, his eyes illuminated like a wolf’s in the comparative darkness of the large room.

His shirt was gone an instant, his pants were left to linger where they were, as he lacked the patience to remove them. He pinned Gerda to the bed and kissed her fiercely, before pulling back to loom over her.

“ said anywhere...anytime...” he said, a deep edge to his voice that went hand in hand with the fire in his eyes...

“,” he growled out as he closed the distance between them again, locking lips with Gerda once again, before leaning forward to whisper huskily into her ear “...are you ready?”

Goffrey Massey Duke of Nocaneb

Gerda smiled inside as Goffrey rushed the priest through the ceremony. In less time than she could have imagined, she was a Duchess. All the hurried way back to the Castle, that was all she could think about. She—Gerda Analise Mayer Kindon Rebane…Massey—was a Duchess. She could barely contain her glee…oh how those ladies of the court would flatter her now.

Gerda was so wrapped up in her own thoughts, she wasn’t paying attention to the rising desire in her husband until he practically dragged her into his bedchamber. Before she could even speak he had tossed her on the bed, jerked his shirt off, and was instantly on top of her…holding her down and kissing her hard.

She felt the same mixture of panic and excitement that she had felt before. Once again…tractable, dazed Goffrey was gone…leaving this powereful, dangerous stranger. She shuddered in fear and anticipation as his lips grazed her ear and his breath whispered across it.

She barely got the “Yes” past her lips before he was on her…

There wasn’t a chance in hell that she was ready…but gods above was she eager…

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex