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<font size =5 color = 'gold'><center>-Introduction-</center></font>
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The Republic of Oritolon is one of the oldest realms in [[Colonies|The Colonies]] and has a proud, if tragic, history steeped in myth and legend.
As much a family as a nation the nobles and people of Oritolon are tolerant, cooperative and dedicated to each other and their realm. Oritolon welcomes the immigration of any nobles who share these valuable qualities.
While peaceful by nature the people if Oritolon have honed their skills in warfare defending themselves from the regular incursions of undead hordes into their territory and their long-running war against the despised ideologies of the theocratic states [[Alowca]] and sometimes [[Alebad]].
These are interesting times in Oritolon; the ongoing war against the church-states and a reorganisation of the council are galvanising the nobles of Oritolon into even greater discussion, cooperation and activity.
<font size =5 color = 'gold'><center>-Politics-</center></font>
Oritolon is a [[Government_System#Republic|republic]] ruled by an elected prime-minister and council.  The laws of Oritolon encourage both individual freedoms and national unity.  Open discussion, debate and rule-by-consensus are well established traits of government in Oritolon.
Oritolon prides itself on it's egalitarian philosophy of equality and tolerance.
Nobles of Oritolon are judged on their words and deeds rather than any accident of birth or circumstance.
The Oritolon military, while small, is well organised and dedicated.
It tends to be deployed in defense of it's people rather than in the pursuit of aggressive expansionism.
While Oritolon enjoys peaceful relations with most of the other realms on [[Colonies|The Colonies]] we are in a constant struggle against the theocratic state of [[Alowca]] due to irreconcilable ideological differences. This also often brings us into conflict with their sometimes ally [[Alebad]].
As a pre-emptive move against a rumoured federation between [[Alowca]] and [[Alebad]] Oritolon has formed their own federation with their northern neighbours, [[Lukon]], who also see a possible federation between them as a precursor to a more aggressive stance towards all other realms.</font>

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[[Oritolon|return to Oritolon Home]]</td>
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    <font size="5">-Regions-      </font>
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The regions currently controlled by Oritolon are [[Oritolon/Regions#Iglavik|Iglavik]], [[Oritolon/Regions#Grentzen|Grentzen]], [[Oritolon/Regions#Oritolon|Oritolon]], [[Oritolon/Regions#Narrowdep|Narrowdep]], [[Oritolon/Regions#Windaria|Windaria]] and [[Oritolon/Regions#Sovonoval|Sovonoval]].
The regions of [[Oritolon]] were created far back in the republic's history, shortly after the original rulers of [[Colonies|The Colonies]] were defeated by the heros Atlas and Hrothgar.
The first King of Oritolon divided his new kingdom into six regions, the borders of which have changed little over the passing years, and appointed Lords to maintain and defend these regions for the greater good of Oritolon.
<font size =2><b>Grentzen</b></font>
| valign='top' align='left'|  The sprawling forests of Grentzen are made up of a bewildering array of species of plants and trees among which a wide variety of fauna thrives.
Although one may wander in the forest for weeks without meeting another soul there is a large population of hunters, trappers, farmers and gatherers who reap and protect the natural resources of the region. The people of Grentzen are known for their affinity with nature.
The small town in Grentzen, known to locals as 'Haven' but in the rest of The colonies simply as 'Grentzen Town', grew from a small trading outpost. It's buildings are renowned for their beauty and ingenuity, being built among the huge trees of the central forest on many levels from the ground to the canopy with the higher buildings being linked by rope walkways and lifting baskets.
Although the flat land around the Grentzen woodlands is very fertile there is not much in the way of farming in the open as the people of Grentzen far prefer the security and familiarity of life in the shadows of the trees, living off the plentiful fruit and game in the forest.
<font size =2><b>Region Lord: Actrial </b></font>
| valign='top' align='left' bgcolor='black' | [[Image:Oritolon-map-grentzen.jpg]]
<font size =3><b>Iglavik</b></font>
| valign='top' align='left' | [[Image:Oritolon-map-iglavik.jpg]]
| valign='top' align='left'| Western Iglavik is mainly comprised of rough, low-lying scrub where hard-working farmers grow their crops. The main produce from this area is fruit, primarily hardy varietys of grape, apple and startle-berry which thrive in the warm, wet and stony earth.
Central Iglavik is dotted with primative crofts which are occupied only on the rare occasions when the weather is too severe for the shepherds and goat-herders to roam the hills with their flocks.
Eastern Iglavik is dominated by the 'Snaketooth Mountains' with thier sharp, foreboding peaks and deep, icy streams. The town of Iglavik clings to the mountainside here. It's many levels and terraces are mostly hewn into the solid rock and it's height almost as great as it's breadth. The famous woolen mills of Iglavik town are powered by an innovative series of giant water-wheels that harness the power of the waterfall that flows through the center of the town.
Althout there are a few farmers' markets scattered around Iglavik they are little more than a meeting place. The vast majority of settlements in this area are smallholdings housing a few farming families at most.
<font size =2><b>Narrowdep</b></font>
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| valign='top' align='left'| Barren and desolate for the most part, Narrowdep is a desert region dotted with the occassional oasis of water and vegetation. The canvas villages of the nomadic cattle and camel herders are traditionally caomflaged and are almost impossible to spot from any distance. These huge camps can be struck, moved many tens of miles and re-established overnight.
The harsh conditions and scarce resources make travel difficult for those not born to the desert and much money is now made by enterprising locals who arrange safe passage for traders' caravans.
The closest Narrowdep has to a traditional town is the cosmopolitan and welcoming permenant camp at the Askatep oasis. The bazzars of Askatep camp are famous for the fine and expensive wares on sale, much of which is the salvage from ill-fated caravans swallowed by the sands. Askatep is a reknowned center of learning and scholars from leagues around travelling there for heated debates and enligtening discussions.
Legend suggests that the original rulers of The Colonies, the snake brothers 'Ulrich' and 'C William' fled to Narrowdep after their final defeat in Windaria and are still hiding their disgrace and shame somewhere in the baking dunes.
| valign='top' align='left' | [[Image:Oritolon-map-narrowdep.jpg]]
<font size =2><b>Oritolon</b></font>
| valign='top' align='left' | [[Image:Oritolon-map-oritolon.jpg]]
| valign='top' align='left' | Few cities of The Colonies can rivel the spectacular beauty and sheer size of Oritolon.
The center of the city is notable for it's airy squares and open space where merchants ply their wares. The daily business of the city is largely conducted al-fresco, in huge open-air halls consisting of pillars crafted from white Snaketooth marble and topped with roofs of Grentzen red oak. It's wide roads and huge squares are all paved with cobblestones crafted from black Windaria granite.
The docks of Oritolon are a hive of activity with ships of every size loading and unloading throughout the day and night. They ring to the voices of a hundred nations as fortunes are made and lost on the turn of the tide and tales are told and old scores settled in the raucous inns and taverns.
Oritolon Keep, the seat of Oritolon's government and military, is a towering ediface built from the finest  Snaketooth marble and silver Iglavik slate. It's walls contain libraries, barracks, meeting halls, markets and all the trappings of a city-within-a-city. It is said that half of Sovonoval's harvest passes through the keep's kitchens.
From the northern city gates two forty-foot square banners made of the finest silks from Askatep fly in honour of Oritolon's founding fathers 'Atlas' and 'Hrothgar'.
<font size =2><b>Sovonoval</b></font>
| valign='top' align='left'| With it's orchards to the north bearing rich harvests of citrus fruits, the fertile grazing and planting to the south and the well sticked fisharies off the coast Sovonoval is truely the larder of Oritolon.
The people of Sovonoval are good humoured and hospitable. They are a stoical and reliable people much suited to the farming life. Many of Oritolon's most revered bards, poets and songcrafters come from this region and much that is known of the history of Oritolon comes from the rich oral traditions of these artists.
The port of Sovonoval lies on the west coast and is largely dedicated to reaping the fruits of the sea. It's brightly painted building and cobbled streets attract traders from far-flung lands and are a hub on some of the most profitable maritime trade routes. While Oritolon is not reknowned for as a sea-faring nation it's shipwrights are famous far and wide for their innovation and quality of work.
There are safe and well established trade routes from Port Sovonoval to the capital city of Oritolon and Askatep encampment in Narrowdep. These vital arteries of commerce are well maintained and protected.
| valign='top' align='left' | [[Image:Oritolon-map-sovonoval.jpg]]
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Revision as of 05:32, 12 October 2008

This is a sandbox for Editors of The Oritolon time Most newspaper use Wikicode but there might be a few that use HTML code. HTML code 1:Falasan Inquirer



March Edition
Date of Issue: March 2008
Price: 1 silver
Editors: Reilwin Merytis
Rathkanouros Kalantis
Jambo Lamonte
Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith

Archives / Main Page
Battle Reports

Letters from the readers

-- Boen


                          Oritolon Coat-of-Arms         




MInor text



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March Edition
Date of Issue: March 2008
1 Silver Piece
Editors: Willhelm Valdemar
Sub Editor: Devona Uceek
Archives / Main Page
Battle Reports
A Welcome Lull
9th March 2008

Other the past few days things have quietened won noticeably, an outsider could be fooled into thinking we were at peace. Nothing could be farther from the truth, however! This temporary, unofficial ceasefire is merely the lull before the storm. Both sides in the Long War against Alebad-Alowca are surely using this time to build up forces for a new campaign which wil surely come soon after the next harvest! With both sides fully prepared, defences set up, battle plans drawn and thousands of men eager for glory this could be the pivotal moment of the war! When our allied forces go forwards, with the weight of better numbers, equipment and resources how can our vile enemies hope to win?! Whilst I cannot disclose battle plans for fear the enemy might learn of them to early, I can assure our readers that the tactics are sound and only a miracle could stop us! So take heart! Soon the waiting will be over and the Battle for the Colonies will truly begin! All hail Oritolon! All hail Prime Minister Spearhead! And all hail the coming victory!
-- Willhelm Valdemar

monsters sighted in Windaria.

Ash code with Border:

Oritolon Coat-of-Arms
The Oritolon Time


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Small heading

'main text'

March 11, 2008

Huge Battle Fought

Minor stories Elost:

Norland vs. Minas Ithil

Estimated combat strengths: 9,000 CS vs. 13,000 CS

Defender Victory!


Ash code Borderless:

Oritolon Coat-of-Arms
The Oritolon Time


Main heading
Secondary heading

Small heading

'main text'

March 11, 2008

Huge Battle Fought

Minor stories Elost:

Norland vs. Minas Ithil

Estimated combat strengths: 9,000 CS vs. 13,000 CS

Defender Victory!



                          Oritolon Coat-of-Arms                       
March Edition
Date of Issue: March 2008
Price: 1 Silver Piece
Editors: Willhelm Valdemar Sub Editor: Devona Uceek

Archives / Main Page
Battle Reports

A Welcome Lull
9th March 2008

Other the past few days things have quietened won noticeably, an outsider could be fooled into thinking we were at peace. Nothing could be farther from the truth, however! This temporary, unofficial ceasefire is merely the lull before the storm. Both sides in the Long War against Alebad-Alowca are surely using this time to build up forces for a new campaign which wil surely come soon after the next harvest! With both sides fully prepared, defences set up, battle plans drawn and thousands of men eager for glory this could be the pivotal moment of the war! When our allied forces go forwards, with the weight of better numbers, equipment and resources how can our vile enemies hope to win?! Whilst I cannot disclose battle plans for fear the enemy might learn of them to early, I can assure our readers that the tactics are sound and only a miracle could stop us! So take heart! Soon the waiting will be over and the Battle for the Colonies will truly begin! All hail Oritolon! All hail Prime Minister Spearhead! And all hail the coming victory!
-- Willhelm Valdemar

8th March 2008

Today monsters were spotted in the regions of Iglavik and Narrowdep. Though various troopleaders were immediately dispatched and should slay and drive off the monsters within a matter of days, this journalist cannot help but wonder when these creatures will cease to plague our lands.
-- Willhelm Valdemar

Discontent in Alowca
1st March 2008

Yesterday two nobles fled from oppression in Alowca to our freedom loving democracy. One was immediately imprisoned for past war crimes but the other, Sir Leon of Grentzen, formerly of Alowca, was welcomed with open arms into the brotherhood of Oritolon nobility. This is a sure sign of the discontent that must be building in Alowca at their consistent failure to achieve any success in the war. It will surely not be long before they are begging for mercy.
-- Willhelm Valdemar

Oritolon Coat-of-Arms