Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Jenred's Jumbled Jabberings: Difference between revisions

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Sir Jenred Bedwyr
Sir Jenred Bedwyr
King of Arcaea
King of Arcaea
Jenred had stood, watching the sunset alone for some time. Edara was sleeping, rather exhausted from the welcome he had given her on returning from the raid on Anaos. What with one thing and another, they hadn't had much time together since the wedding, and he had spent an hour registering his disapproval of this state of affairs...His face smoothed into a smile as he turned toward her tent again, seeing her face in his mind's eye, and caressing the hilt of his gift-knife.
But then his eyes caught the flap of a distant Ethialan flag, and blazed with anger. He had risen to become King for many reasons, but one had been so that if the situation arose, none would dispute his right to take vengeance. Grafan's death had been incredibly satisfying, but now, with Keffer in Arcaean dungeons...Madelena refused. And, damn them, his chief advisers, save Edara, had agreed.
He spun, sword flickering out, and sliced clear through a sapling, watching it crash into a neighbour.
"That should have been one of Keffer's fingers flying through the air..."
Jenred handed the blade to a squire as he strode back into camp. It had only been a practice blade, thankfully, as he had originally thought to practice the Sword Dance to release some of his tension...It would have been a shame to coat that fine new sword with sap...
Jenred shook his head. He and Edara had wondered who the swords might be from...But the rocking chair had left only one option. Many could have left swords, but the man with the sense of humour to leave swords and a rocking chair...His lips curled into a wry smile, wondering if he'd ever understand the man.
Sir Jenred Bedwyr
King of Arcaea

Revision as of 21:06, 16 September 2008

He'd found it. It had taken longer than his anticipated week, but he'd finally found the gift he wanted for Edara...

As he rode back, he looked mournfully at the mountain of correspondence he had to read through, and sighed. At least he had the time...

Tenal's plan discussed...Cypreana joined, well and good...Sartania falling...Tenal and Madelena back together? My my...A colony in Niel? Aenil above!

Jenred tossed the letters aside.

"I leave for a week and a half and the most interesting diplomacy breaks out..."

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Jenred sighed as his latest letter was dispatched. He hadn't wanted it like this. There had been a plan, it would have allowed a graceful transition, no ill-will, it would have felt right...This just left a bad taste in his mouth. He knew it was still necessary, but...

Jenred shook his head, rising. He just hoped things would not devolve too far...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Jenred closed his eyes and settled himself for a moment. He had always been too hasty, and needed to think rationally. Perhaps...He settled back onto the Lesser Throne and reached for that curious book. He needed to think as the King, not as Jenred, and sitting in the throne helped with that...And the book...

Much of it seemed to be nonsense, about a world almost laughable fantastical. So many things that were not even possible...But here and there, gems of brilliance shone out..."Thus it is well to seem merciful, faithful, humane, religious, and upright, and also to be so; but the mind should be so balanced that were it needful not to be so, you should be able and know how to change to the contrary..."

Jenred sat and pondered this passage for a long moment. Ye-es...This was one of the tenets of statecraft...And, in fact, was exactly what Keffer had done...Jenred sighed, letting the anger drain out of him with it. This was no time to let his old hatred get the best of him...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Jenred had stood, watching the sunset alone for some time. Edara was sleeping, rather exhausted from the welcome he had given her on returning from the raid on Anaos. What with one thing and another, they hadn't had much time together since the wedding, and he had spent an hour registering his disapproval of this state of affairs...His face smoothed into a smile as he turned toward her tent again, seeing her face in his mind's eye, and caressing the hilt of his gift-knife.

But then his eyes caught the flap of a distant Ethialan flag, and blazed with anger. He had risen to become King for many reasons, but one had been so that if the situation arose, none would dispute his right to take vengeance. Grafan's death had been incredibly satisfying, but now, with Keffer in Arcaean dungeons...Madelena refused. And, damn them, his chief advisers, save Edara, had agreed.

He spun, sword flickering out, and sliced clear through a sapling, watching it crash into a neighbour.

"That should have been one of Keffer's fingers flying through the air..."

Jenred handed the blade to a squire as he strode back into camp. It had only been a practice blade, thankfully, as he had originally thought to practice the Sword Dance to release some of his tension...It would have been a shame to coat that fine new sword with sap...

Jenred shook his head. He and Edara had wondered who the swords might be from...But the rocking chair had left only one option. Many could have left swords, but the man with the sense of humour to leave swords and a rocking chair...His lips curled into a wry smile, wondering if he'd ever understand the man.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea