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About the Author
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Date: July 16th 2008
</i></td><td align="right" bgcolor="#FF9900">
<i>By Boen
So, how do I get the sort of information that is published here ?<br />
Leaked directly  from the Guild or perhaps even from the King himself ?<br />
Well, I can tell you readers that its far more complicated than that ! It usually takes a very thorough knowledge of building plans, noiseless quills, very good ears and very good ear trumpets. Find yourself above, or below, a room occupied by a noble having his/her scribe dictating a received letter or being dictated too has the the distinct advantage of hearing everything. Not that I would publish everything, due to a, err, loyalty to Falasan. But anything else worthy of news.
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Cease Fire and Peace Treaty Proposed
</font></td></tr><tr><td align="left" bgcolor="#FF9900"><I>
Date: July 16th 2008
</i></td><td align="right" bgcolor="#FF9900">
<i>By Boen
King Jambo has made a proposal to the Cagilan Empire for peace between them and Falasan.<br />
A copy of the letter follows:
*  ''Peace treaty expires at the new year''
* ''Max of 4k of militia in any single bordering region.''
* ''After requesting permission, Priests of each realm can travel through each other land as long as they don't preach. Priests may preach in any region that the Region Lord has given permission. Upon preaching (without permission), they will get captured and they can no longer travel through the other realm.''
* ''Neither realm will allow other realms to travel through their territiory lands to hold hostile actions on the other.
* ''Knights and armies, including infiltrators, need permission to enter the other realm's land.''
* ''Any trader of either realm caught while working in the black market will have all his of their current gold taken and a 50g fine from his home realm, AND will return the stolen food at a loss of profit.

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The tournament in Metemec is over. 95 troop leaders from 12 realms fought and drank. It was a swordfighting tournament.
The tournament in Metemec is over. 95 troop leaders from 12 realms fought and drank. It was a swordfighting tournament.
Helisara Warrah (Dame of Ash'rily, Ash Sea Islands) won, with Doromir McMahon, Count of Maycxal, Marshal of the La Guardia Del Doge coming in second place.
Helisara Warrah (Dame of Ash'rily, Ash Sea Islands) won, with Doromir McMahon, Count of Maycxal, Marshal of the La Guardia Del Doge coming in second place.
For an excellent in depth report on the tournament, [[Fox Talks/The Word Tournament| Buy a Fox Talks paper from your nearest dealer.]]


Revision as of 17:17, 16 July 2008

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July Edition
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Date of Issue: July 2008Letters from the readers Archived Editions

About the Author

Date: July 16th 2008

By Boen

So, how do I get the sort of information that is published here ?
Leaked directly from the Guild or perhaps even from the King himself ?
Well, I can tell you readers that its far more complicated than that ! It usually takes a very thorough knowledge of building plans, noiseless quills, very good ears and very good ear trumpets. Find yourself above, or below, a room occupied by a noble having his/her scribe dictating a received letter or being dictated too has the the distinct advantage of hearing everything. Not that I would publish everything, due to a, err, loyalty to Falasan. But anything else worthy of news.

Cease Fire and Peace Treaty Proposed

Date: July 16th 2008

By Boen

King Jambo has made a proposal to the Cagilan Empire for peace between them and Falasan.
A copy of the letter follows:

  • Peace treaty expires at the new year
  • Max of 4k of militia in any single bordering region.
  • After requesting permission, Priests of each realm can travel through each other land as long as they don't preach. Priests may preach in any region that the Region Lord has given permission. Upon preaching (without permission), they will get captured and they can no longer travel through the other realm.
  • Neither realm will allow other realms to travel through their territiory lands to hold hostile actions on the other.

  • Knights and armies, including infiltrators, need permission to enter the other realm's land.
  • Any trader of either realm caught while working in the black market will have all his of their current gold taken and a 50g fine from his home realm, AND will return the stolen food at a loss of profit.

Peace Treaty Signed with Eston

Date: July 14th 2008

By Boen

Today King Jambo Lamonte of Falasan and Christofer Kane of Eston signed a new peace treaty. For those with naturally curious eyes can turn over to see the details of the new treaty.

Tournament in Metemec

Date: July 14th 2008

By Boen

The tournament in Metemec is over. 95 troop leaders from 12 realms fought and drank. It was a swordfighting tournament. Helisara Warrah (Dame of Ash'rily, Ash Sea Islands) won, with Doromir McMahon, Count of Maycxal, Marshal of the La Guardia Del Doge coming in second place.

For an excellent in depth report on the tournament, Buy a Fox Talks paper from your nearest dealer.

Tournament in Shanandoah

Date: July 6th 2008

By Boen

The tournament in Shanandoah is over. 158 troop leaders from 13 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest. Jaime Lannister, Viscount of Xotaxa won the swordfighting tournament (Tomin Jackson, (Knight of Dampinn, Suville) came second place). The jousting contest was won by Sir Dashem de Struct (Knight of Belegmon, Falasan) (Second place: Kido Godoban, Marquis of Elroth).

For an excellent in depth report on the tournament, Buy a Fox Talks paper from your nearest dealer.

Battle in the Nazgorn

Date: July 4th 2008

By Boen

A few days ago the Cagilan Empire with support from Darka moved into the Western Falasan region of Nazgorn and immediately reports started coming in about a brutal attempt to take control of the region. While the peasants were resisting the enemy troops Falasan mustered an army in Beleriel and marched into the mountain region. With almost the same amount of combat strength the battle looked like it might be close. But in the end the depleted Cagilan Empire was still in command of the region. turn over to the battle back page.

The Peninsula of War

Date: July 2nd 2008

By Boen

This article uses letters sent by rulers looking back on the start of the war between the Prectorate of Magnus, Suville, Caergoth, Carelia and the Ash Sea Islands.
It began with a letter by Thariel Ulistarion (Knight of Ash'rily) sent to the Rulers of Atamara asking for peace. What follows is a very informative exchange of letters by some rulers.

Letter from Callisto Maximoff
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)

Message Delivered
Letter from Callisto Maximoff
(Personal message to Thariel)

"Unprovoked and without reason" was part of your speech..

It demonstrates the truth is: "uninformed and unaware". There is reason to what you call madness. This isn't just some whim of the continent, it's the result of your kingdom's history.

Callisto Maximoff Queen of Suville

Letter from Beircheart Aoidh
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)
And what would that reason be?

Amidst the fall of Abington--similarly beset from all sides, but also fractured within--ASI moved to claim several regions from the dead husk or our once long-time enemy, with who we had made peace only just as it collapsed. There, we spun off a new realm, dedicated to the burgeoning faith of Magna Serpaenism, followed up and down the east cost of Atamarra, hoping to cleanse the blood and madness endemic to the region.

That realm failed, and its lands now belong to you and your allies.

What then is your reason for continuing this conflict?

On more than one occasion I have asked what I must do to end this war, what grievance drives you to fight, and you have never given a straight answer.

If you seek to claim the mantle of old Abington, please do so, before these other rulers of the realms; I'm sure they would love to know of it. Otherwise, you have no standing to speak of the history of ASI in the lands you curently ravage, and no claim for the continuence of your war on that reasoning.

If you seek the destruction of the Protectorate of Magnus, it has succeeded; even Talerium, who they had foolishly attacked, has agreed that ASI has paid its dues for our way-ward friends' follies, and certainly more than any of the other realms whose assistance in their attacks consisted of no more than allowing them to pass through unmolested.

Garthon and Magnus have at least had the honesty to say that they attack ASI for greed of land (which continually astounds me, as Garthon first asked ASI for help to take Caergoth's lands, and partnered with his erst-while target only after we refused; moreso, other realms' silent acceptance of their sin.)

I can only hope that some public discourse on the issue will shed the light needed for other realms to see the truth of what is happening, and perhaps apply what might they can, political or otherwise, to assist ASI in these, our trying times.

Beircheart Aoidh King of Ash Sea Islands

Roleplay from Magnus the Mighty Crownguard
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)

Beircheart, your attempt to place words in my mouth cannot go uncontested.

I guess it is time to perform the monthly recant of the reasons for the war. Honestly Beircheart, if you would simply tell your people the truth this would not be necessary. Or perhaps a selective and short term memory is a malady that effects every ruler of ASI, I do not know.

Your realm, as I have stated to you numerous times and to your people since no one else seems capable of doing so, is being reduced to one city because your past leadership simply lacked the ability to honor simple and easy to follow agreements. That is the crux of it. Sure there are numerous minor infractions that broke the proverbial camel's back, but that is the reason at the end of the day.

The Southern island is forfeit, and Caergoth is giving up lands to it's allies so that it can relocate there. Your realm will not be destroyed, simply reduced in size since it's past leadership did not comprehend the concept of honoring an agreement.

I understand you need to ask for peace for your people, and I would do the same. However, once being given the terms of the war and gaining the knowledge that my realm was being reduced to one city for past infractions I would cease crying to everyone on the continent and asking why. I fully expect you to fight every step of the way. That is war, and I would fight every step of the way as well.

Tell your people the truth, and give them the peace of mind that who they elect as their leader represents them in body, mind and spirit to the rest of the continent. Not misrepresenting them. Continue to lie to them, and they will not only never have peace of mind... but they will continue to live in delusion just as they did under Doc's rule.

Only you can make a change, and provide the legacy of leadership your realm has not seen in an age. And only you can see your people through these times to see a better day of prosperity, peace and abundance.

Magnus the Mighty Crownguard King and Grand Master of Caergoth

Letter from Beircheart Aoidh
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)

You have told me no such thing, Magnus. Although your ally in Suville had made the same claim to me, which I thouroughly and extensively rebuked. That the two halves of old Abington are so much of the same mind sends shivers up my spine, and should do the same for the rulers of any of the realms whose soldiers fought and died to destroy that realm. You and Suville were allowed reprive when Abington died; if it is alive again, Atamarra deserves to know.

Now, rather than dance about making spurious claims about treaty violations, why don't you just, finally, point out precisely what treaty ASI has broken with you, or with Suville, or with Carelia, or with Tara? I challenge you to find such a thing, and would welcome you to show it to others.

Futhermore, I don't appreciate your characterization of a King's measured diplomatic requests to his equals as "crying", and would encourage this body to censure you for such a disrespectful opinion. I will not see you turn the rest of this body to your swine-like disrespectfull attitude.

Again, if your allies, or you, wish to claim Abington's mantle, please; do so now.

Beircheart Aoidh King of Ash Sea Islands

Letter from Garthon Dumeric
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)

Garthon first asked ASI for help to take Caergoth's lands, and partnered with his erst-while target only after we refused; moreso, other realms' silent acceptance of their sin.

I have listened to this claim many times and let it go unchecked, as I know it is simply a tactic to turn favor against us, but I cannot let it go uncorrected anymore.

In the months before the war, as we were taking the last of RedSpan's land, I was elected as King. Both DRP and Magnus approached with words of friendship, curious as to Carelia's plans. I told them both very bluntly that Carelia wanted Wayburg. Not because we did not like our new neighbors, but because that was our goal prior to Caergoth's existence. Wayburg was to be our replacement for Nida, which we gave to the Cagilan Empire for aiding us against RedSpan and Abington.

Doc was dead set against it, I could tell, and he chose to make attempts to sway me from the idea. Magnus, on the other hand, while not overjoyed we wanted his capital, at least listened to my proposals and generated a few ideas of his own.

Carelia did not rush into the decision to war ASI, but I did my research. I challenged my own beliefs of what Kronos had told us about the greatness of ASI, and came to the conclusion that our "alliance" with ASI was only a paper trophy to hang on his mantle piece, thus not a tie worthy of keeping. I will not talk ill of the departed, but my eyes were opened dramatically in my research.

So yes, I have told you and anyone that reads the Carelian Times several reasons for our involvement in this war. But it boils down to Wayburg and DRP's decision to straddle the fence and attempt to manipulate both sides.

What I think is most telling is that of the four realms you wage war against, each has their own reason for doing so. So you tell me, is it us? Or is it perhaps your past leadership that has placed you in this mess.

Garthon Dumeric King of Carelia

Letter from Beircheart Aoidh
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)

That you put the word alliance in quotes speaks volumes of you, Garthon.

That you make sweet platitudes toward your dead kings, when they died opposing you in this very war, is volumes more.

So then; your stated argument for this war is that a former king of ASI suggested maybe you should reconsider taking Wayburg? After four months, that's the best you can come up with? You attack a realm, and rally others about your cause, over a piece of land it has never held and never taken any claim to, that currently belongs to your ally? I think you were better of to let it stand that you were greedy.

I've heard enough, and I'm sure our peers have as well. I will see you--or at least the Caergothan armies that you back--on the battlefield.

Beircheart Aoidh King of Ash Sea Islands

Roleplay from Magnus the Mighty Crownguard
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)

Now, rather than dance about making spurious claims about treaty violations, why don't you just, finally, point out precisely what treaty ASI has broken with you, or with Suville, or with Carelia, or with Tara? I challenge you to find such a thing, and would welcome you to show it to others.

Ahh, Beircheart... but I have informed you of such things in private. Further testament to the selective and short term memory of ASI leadership.

The agreement for handing Riverholm over to ASI in exchange for Doc's theocracy to be founded there was a peace treaty between ASI, the Protectorate, Caergoth and Suville. With no intentions for the Protectorate to ever expand beyond it's regions into Caergoth or Suville. Ever. And that ASI would leand military support to Caergoth should it ever come under attack by Carelia or anyone in the West.

I welcomed this endeavor. Long had I wanted to see peace with ASI and the Southeast. For I viewed them as honorable individuals, and valiant warriors. Sadly, I was swindled and duped by Doc so that he could have his puppet theocracy state.

Two weeks after the establishment of the Protectorate, it's ruler approached me to go to to war against Suville so that we both might expand into it.

At the same time, the Protectorate's leadership and ASI's taunted Talerium and Eston to make war. The Protectorate later sent a force to Talerium to raid it. While at the same time the priests of the Protectorate and ASI ended the honorable war between Norland and Minas Ithil by preaching in Barad Riel. Claiming that they had the right to the city.

Carelia approached me and wanted Wayburg to replace Nidia. ASI (Doc) stated he would not defend us since his forces were busy waiting on his Northside in case there was retaliation for his taunting. Leaving Caergoth out to dry. Counter to the agreement he'd made to defend us.

I met with those who had actually helped Caergoth during it's initial struggles with food and encouragement, which oddly enough was every realm surrounding us except ASI. I do understand that ASI now views their aid and support to us was not destroying us, but swindling us instead. But from my point of view that doesn't actually count. So, we'll just say that ASI did not help at all.

I will say this... the forked tongue of ASI leadership seems to be passed on from one ruler to another. I had thought, even hoped you would be different Beircheart. I know there is good in your realm. Perhaps one day someone else will step up to lead your good people with integrity and goodness. But that day is not today it would seem.

Magnus the Mighty Crownguard King and Grand Master of Caergoth

Letter from Beircheart Aoidh
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)

ASI never participated in any planning to support PoM's expansion; had PoM attempted such foolishness, ASI would have, as per its treaties, opposed such action.

Now, while it is true Doc made a few harsh words at Captain's expense, even he was against Sarrath's decision to attack Talerium; but of course, Captain's taunts were that PoM was puppet to ASI; had Sarrath listened to Doc, you would use that fact to "confirm" your arguments that ASI supported PoM's actions because it had controll over the realm. But since he didn't, you use that fact to "confirm" that ASI supported PoM's actions because we could not force them to stop? Quite a cunning trap of words you have built.

The truth is, ASI gave birth to PoM, and they were federated allies; but they were different realms. You have destroyed PoM already, and to try to re-pin its crimes on ASI to extract further revenge is disingenuous.

Futhermore, the "ASI" priests in Barad Riel were no such thing. Magna Serpaenism has followers well beyond the border of ASI. You cannot assume that a priest of MS is also a noble of ASI, no matter how convenient of a scapegoat it is for you.

And to refute your final point: no one ever took Wayburg from you. You accuse ASI of dishonor for not assisting you in a conflict that never occured? I was Judge of ASI at the time, so not privvy to all our diplomatic involvements, but I vaguely remember sitting on the north border worrying about an attack, and Doc mentioning that Caergoth had concerns about an attack on their own soil. When he said he couldn't help you, he meant "at that moment", you dullard. A week later I was massed with the rest of ASI's army in Worav, waiting for the order to march out and meet any western army that was returning to the southeast. We were unable to assist on short notice--and if I recall, a fair bit of damage was done--but rest assured, we were ready to help once we had the time to organize, and the western forces didn't return.

Praise the Serpaent, don't tell me this whole nonsense is based on a false assumption, a mistaken identity, and a misunderstanding?

(By the way; under Magna Serpaenism, having a "forked tounge" means you can explain both sides of a contentious issue without showing bias or disrespect to either one. So I would hope the forked tounge of ASI's former kings has passed to me!)

Beircheart Aoidh King of Ash Sea Islands

Roleplay from Magnus the Mighty Crownguard
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)

Beircheart, since I have explained all of this before... on numerous occasions to you and your people, I am more inclined the give the high level overview. I made no reference to losing Wayburg, and I have spoken plainly and bluntly here as I have and will continue to do so. Attempting to twist my words around and make me out to look like I am a "dullard" as you put it... will not avail you.

Whatever Doc did or did not tell you and the rest of your realm is not of my concern. I can only go by what he stated to me personally, and the treaties / pacts he made with myself and Callisto.

Furthermore to your previous statement that Caergoth or Suville is simply Abington reincarnated... I cannot speak for Callisto, but for Caergoth... Abington in name, spirit and philosophy is not only dead, but its memory only exists in history books. And it is not remembered fondly for what it became in it's final years. Continuously bringing it up will not bring it back, nor will it's memory be a rekindled part of Caergoth... ever.

(By the way; under anyone else I know not of Magna Serpaenism, having a "forked tongue" is the expression "to speak with a forked tongue," meaning to say one thing and mean another or, in more general terms, to act in a duplicitous manner. So congratulations... the forked tongue of ASI's former kings has passed to you!)

As far as I am concerned the tit-for-tat has gone on long enough now, and I will entertain it no further. You have your answers and reasons... again.

The Southern island of ASI will be taken by Caergoth. With Caergoth regions given away to Carelia and Suville as we are not on an expansion conquest. ASI will be left with the city of Ser'quea, the Northern island and whatever regions surrounding it's capital remain intact by the end of the war on it's Northern front. Ideally the regions immediately around the capital so you will have food and estates to support your nobles.

Good day to you Sir.

Magnus the Mighty Crownguard King and Grand Master of Caergoth

Letter from Garthon Dumeric
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (12 recipients)

The fact that I put alliance in quotations speaks volumes about the value of said alliance. There was no value. ASI's great claim to assisting Carelia was supposedly the treaty negotiations between CE and Carelia at the end of the war. I have it from several credible sources that the only thing ASI added to that treaty was saving Kronos's throne. We won't talk of how ASI has never lent Carelia military support in any war in my history, nor of the fact that is was ASI's backhanded ways that contributed to us being defeated by the Cagilan Empire.

Now I shall add that we had no business being involved in any war against Tara or the Cagilan Empire in the first place, but like you, that is a cross I have the bear nailed on by the ghosts of dead Kings. There is something to be said for learning from your predecessor's mistakes.

Now shall we sit here all day and nit-pick each others words?

Garthon Dumeric King of Carelia

Raoul De La Fere Elected King of Minas Ithil

Date: July 1st 2008

By Boen

Rraoul De La Fere has been elected King of Minas Ithil, receiving 22 % of the votes. Rulers have since been sending polite letters to Raoul.

Dead Angel3 to step down, Tournament Announced

Date: July 1st 2008

By Boen

Here is a copy of the letter Dead Angel3 sent to the nobles of Minas Ithil:

After all those years serving my realm on the various battlefields my task as king brought me too, i have fallen for a mysterious illness and my healers do not give me much hope, i soon will not be able to forfill my tasks as king anymore.

I will at the end of the month retire from my duties as i then soon will be too weak to and as i have no heir i will let the kingdom decide who they want to as my successor. After the election, i hopefully still have time to inform my successor about the diplomatic relations of our realm

Dead Angel3 in a later letter says he would like to hold a tournament, and in another letter requests a time of peace to celebrate the tournament:

I would like to hold a goodbye tournament, where i will participate as a knight myself after i have stepped down.

I have been a longtime King of Minas Ithil and i would like to ask you if we could have a truce period, during the time that i give my farewell tournament, so that the warriors of Minas Ithil have time to celebrate together with me.

Tournament Announced ( Saturday 5th of July )
Sir Dead Angel3 of the White Guardians, King of Minas Ithil has announced a tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Shanandoah 9 days from now.
There will be a charge of 15 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 700 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 150 gold for the second best.
All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

Finally, Dead Angel3 thanks the rulers of the Northern Federation for allowing the tournament to go ahead:

I thank the rulers of the Northern Federation, to give the nobles of Minas Ithil the chance to have this last celebration with their current king and i invite every noble of your realm, to participate in this event.

Against the Odds Battle in Inxi

Date: July 1st 2008

By Boen

In an incredible battle, the forces of Falasan and ASI fought the realms of Tara and Talerium in the region of Inxi. There were 36 attackers and 18 defenders. The battle almost came down to the last man as the soldiers of King Jambo and Freidroch were all that remained on the battlefield. Since the battle more Tara and Talerium troops were seen coming into the region so the retreat was called. To see the details on this battle, turn over to the battle back page.

The Atamaran Report

Date: July 1st 2008

By Boen

The Atamaran Report by the Falasan Inquirer will be a factual report on the current situation and recent past in Atamara. Filling in as much as we know, and maybe even offer a speculative question or two for the readers to ponder over. This report will also make great reading for any nobles wishing for news about our continent.

Since early 2007 the Norland - Minas Ithil war continues to this day. After Minas Ithil captured several Norland regions and priests of Magnus were spotted in Barad Riel. The Barony of Makar and Eston, federated allies of Norland, have also joined the war against Minas Ithil. The regions of Barad Riel, Amriel have been captured by Eston, with Elost being captured by Norland. Peace offers have been made by both sides at different points during this long war. But done have been accepted. Currently the King of Minas Ithil, Dead Angel 3, is about to step down from his long time in leadership and will have a tournament to celebrate this. Dead Angel 3 has requested that Minas Ithil not be disturbed during this tournament. This action by Dead Angel 3 and tournament will be covered in another article.
The war between Eston and Falasan has long since ended, and will not be discussed further here. But newfound friendship has been found between these two realms which its leaders fully intend to see grow. At present and peace treaty is being agreed upon. the realm Protectorate of Magnus, a religious colony founded by the Ash Sea Islands, has been destroyed by the combined forces of Caergoth, Suville and Carelia after a series of letters were sent by the rulers of these realms. Hopefully the Falasan Inquirer will be able to report on this by use of letters exchanged by rulers looking back.
But before the Protectorate of Magnus was destroyed, a contingent of nobles traveled to Talerium and attacked the mountain region of Eagles Glen and sacked it. King Jambo has already made his knowledge on this incident clear in a letter sent to the Falasan Inquirer ( which can be found in the May letters edition ). Talerium, Tara and Carelia then declared war on the Ash Sea Islands. With Caergoth and Suville also declaring war. Falasan then sent the Black army to defend the then Ash Sea Island fortress of Aja. The defenses were overrun by the combined force of the attackers. But then quite unexpectedly the Cagilan Empire declared war on Falasan. Talerium and Tara then followed suite. Darka has been hired until what is guessed to be September by an unknown realm to fight against Falasan and the Ash Sea Islands.
The realm of Tara has relocated its government to the captured city fortress of Aja.

July in the Falasan Inquirer

Date: July 1st 2008

By Boen

This month is already very hot on Atamara, and its not just the weather.
Which is why we will try to report on everything thats going on in Atamara with at least one new article every week to keep our readers reading. The new front page layout of the Inquirer will help to promote itself. Any comments are welcome from the readers.
Also, here is a sneak preview of what may be covered this month. As well as all developments, actual.

The Atamaran Report
Against the Odds Battle in Inxi
Dead Angel 3 to step down, Tournament Proposed
Permanent Peace Treaty Proposed
The Rebirth of Vikland ?
The Peninsula of War
Peace with Tara Fails

The Inquirer has the right to express its own opinion, or that of the nobles of Falasan, but will produce news factually