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title = Ikalaks prayer answered?|
article =Date: Nov. 20 2005
Ikalak has looked very weak as of late, even the victories over Sandalak have been hollow, for every battle they win they lose three skirmishes.  All hope seemed to be lost for them with there council in turmoil and indesicion and chaos in the high council with some members who have been found to be clearly corrupt while others were nothing more then thieves.  However it seemed negotiations between Lone Wolf and Yavanna may of actually had some effect.  One Taselak battle group broke off there attack on an Ikalak territory (costing Taselak a victory) and began a takeover in Toren Stronghold.  This territory was banned from being taken over by either side according to an ammended contract which the battle group leader claimed was void since the leader of Sandalak had changed since the contract was made.  Lone Wolf has been unavailable for comment but seems to have let this Taselak loosecannon take over his part of the army away from the actual General.  This breach of the treaty has not gone unnoticed by the other two realms.  After the various spys caught on all three sides of the war no realm can claim to be the honourable one, but mearly the least dishonourable.  Reguardless of this fact fierce fighting continues around the region of Aboal and Unagae while Taselaks army regroups.
title = Spies Revealed as Sponge resigns and Grig reclaims the Judge's Office!|
title = Spies Revealed as Sponge resigns and Grig reclaims the Judge's Office!|
article =Date: Nov 12 2005
article =Date: Nov 12 2005
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Following Sponge's resignation there was sudden frenzy as many of the respected Nobles of Ikalak announced their candidacy for the position of Grand Justiciar, the most prominent of these being Zack the Great and former Minister for Defence, Grig. However after an extremely open and competitive campaign it was Grig who won a resounding victory and was bestowed with the mantle of the Judge of Ikalak. Grig's actions after the election were short and decisive, but ultimately productive as he wrangled the information from many of the high-ranking Nobles of Sandalak which lay encarcerated within the Ikalakian prisons. This speight of questioning led to the uncovery of a grand plot to overthrow the government of Ikalak through delivery of tactical information to the Dictator of Sandalak, Boswick. The culprit for this treachery was none other than the late Knight of Wellaf, Jair who was immediately banned from the realm as a traitor. Although no others were found guilty of such high treason it remains to be seen just how deep the plot runs among the Nobles of Ikalak as Boswick, the Dictator of Sandalak in his messages to Yavanna, the Prime Minister of Ikalak hinted that there may be many more contacts within the Ikalakian circles.....
Following Sponge's resignation there was sudden frenzy as many of the respected Nobles of Ikalak announced their candidacy for the position of Grand Justiciar, the most prominent of these being Zack the Great and former Minister for Defence, Grig. However after an extremely open and competitive campaign it was Grig who won a resounding victory and was bestowed with the mantle of the Judge of Ikalak. Grig's actions after the election were short and decisive, but ultimately productive as he wrangled the information from many of the high-ranking Nobles of Sandalak which lay encarcerated within the Ikalakian prisons. This speight of questioning led to the uncovery of a grand plot to overthrow the government of Ikalak through delivery of tactical information to the Dictator of Sandalak, Boswick. The culprit for this treachery was none other than the late Knight of Wellaf, Jair who was immediately banned from the realm as a traitor. Although no others were found guilty of such high treason it remains to be seen just how deep the plot runs among the Nobles of Ikalak as Boswick, the Dictator of Sandalak in his messages to Yavanna, the Prime Minister of Ikalak hinted that there may be many more contacts within the Ikalakian circles.....
title = Taselak marches on Ikalak City!|
title = Taselak marches on Ikalak City!|
article =Date: Nov. 4 2005
article =Date: Nov. 4 2005
Taselak made a daring move on Ikalak this week. They jumped over Berakor and went straight for the city. Ikalak was not expecting this and got slaughtered because most of their army was in Korlok. During the week Taselak managed to get the walls in Ikalak down a level and damage 72% of the current wall level. Even though Taselak brought a huge unit of 122 men, it cant do much except take some archer fire. Since they decided to attack the city before taking Berakor they cant start a TO. Ikalak is currently en route to Ikalak from Korlok which will surely be a bloody battle. Nobody knows what will happen. Some of Taselak's forces are apparently leaving, most are staying. There is militia in Ikalak, will the militia bring them in the city from a secret passage? Only time will tell.
Taselak made a daring move on Ikalak this week. They jumped over Berakor and went straight for the city. Ikalak was not expecting this and got slaughtered because most of their army was in Korlok. During the week Taselak managed to get the walls in Ikalak down a level and damage 72% of the current wall level. Even though Taselak brought a huge unit of 122 men, it cant do much except take some archer fire. Since they decided to attack the city before taking Berakor they cant start a TO. Ikalak is currently en route to Ikalak from Korlok which will surely be a bloody battle. Nobody knows what will happen. Some of Taselak's forces are apparently leaving, most are staying. There is militia in Ikalak, will the militia bring them in the city from a secret passage? Only time will tell.
title = Sandalak crushes Ikalak!|
article =Date: Oct 22 2005
Sandalak laid the trap in Abykal and Ikalak took it. Sandalak crushed Ikalak, maiming a few and killing two heroes. The battle took place in the morning. Ikalak had 13000cs and Sandalak had 11000cs. Ikalak tried to scale the walls, and some even got through, but Sandalak held their ground and pushed Ikalak back down the walls. After this victory Sandalak rejoiced and some even say Taselak heard them scream and celebrate. What is next for Ikalak and Sandalak? Will Sandalak take the battle back to Ikalak, or will they sit back and wait for Ikalak to come again and get slaughtered. Only time will tell.
title = Ikalak overun by Sandalak, Taselak takes more ground|
article =Date: Oct 20 2005
Ikalak turned its attention to Taselak for two days and Sandalak used the opportunity to retake both Mewun and Triewa.  This all happened when Ikalak finally took the fight to Taselak destroying a large portion of their army, followed by the  re-establishment of control of Berakor to Ikalak.  This was the first time since the treaty between Sandalak and Taselak that Ikalak has challenged the Taselak army in battle.  It was not all bad new for Taselak however as they did manage to  takeover and secure Neralle.  More bad news came to Ikalak when a large expedition force was sent against the region of Abykal.  However instead of finding the region lightly defended, they arrived only to find that the Sandalak force stationed there was much larger then they first thought, even so Ikalak still outnumbered the Sandalak force and would of easily overrun the walls had it not been for the new Lord of Abykal, George who had strengthened the walls so that they were increased to level 2.  Ikalak has now regathered there forces and has amassed a huge army.  This force has already crushed a feable but brutal takeover attempt of Unagae by Sandalak.
title = Ikalak rocked by upsurge in Treachery|
title = Ikalak rocked by upsurge in Treachery|
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A new wave of treachery has rocked the great City of Ikalak as many nobles, the former Count of Kietrem, Moonglum of the Spearhawk family being one of the prime offenders in this new outbreak of disloyalty. After a series of crushing defeats at the hands of the Sandalakian armies in Abykal, some nobles lost the will to carry on under the banner of a city which they once called home. Among those to have defected to the infamous Boswick and his followers were Emmitt II, son of Emmitt I who died heroically at the hands of Taselak whilst acting as a deep scout behind enemy lines and most infamously the once highly regarded Count of Kietrem, Moonglum, a former Marshal of the army which had long protected the region which he took with him,  In response to this troubling turn of events, Morgoth, the Duke of Ikalak City, has already placed a price on the head of this traitor, He was quoted as saying, "Moonglum lost his mind, He should fit in quite niceley in Sandalak". This upsurge of disloyalty among the great nobles of Ikalak, coupled with the losses of Abykal, Triewa, Mewun and Unagae have led Ikalak to its darkest hour as it fights valiantly to protect its sovereignty from the hordes of two barbarian invaders.
A new wave of treachery has rocked the great City of Ikalak as many nobles, the former Count of Kietrem, Moonglum of the Spearhawk family being one of the prime offenders in this new outbreak of disloyalty. After a series of crushing defeats at the hands of the Sandalakian armies in Abykal, some nobles lost the will to carry on under the banner of a city which they once called home. Among those to have defected to the infamous Boswick and his followers were Emmitt II, son of Emmitt I who died heroically at the hands of Taselak whilst acting as a deep scout behind enemy lines and most infamously the once highly regarded Count of Kietrem, Moonglum, a former Marshal of the army which had long protected the region which he took with him,  In response to this troubling turn of events, Morgoth, the Duke of Ikalak City, has already placed a price on the head of this traitor, He was quoted as saying, "Moonglum lost his mind, He should fit in quite niceley in Sandalak". This upsurge of disloyalty among the great nobles of Ikalak, coupled with the losses of Abykal, Triewa, Mewun and Unagae have led Ikalak to its darkest hour as it fights valiantly to protect its sovereignty from the hordes of two barbarian invaders.
title =Sandalak and Taselak Agree to Crush Ikalak - More Details revealed!|
article = Oct 20 2005
For the last few months Taselak and Sandalak have had an agreement to wipe Ikalak off the map.  However until recently these details have been kept underwraps.  The agreement made by Lonewolf, Taselak's King, and Alexei, Sandalak's Dictator at the time, decided that Ikalak had been far to poweful for to long.  Sandalak's reasons include the attack of Toren stronghold and the arragonce of Ikalak asking Sandalak to "assist" them in taking Taselak city.  Taslelak's reasons include the ability to retake all its land from Sandalak with no questions asked, and in general to survive as Taselak in its current state would not of been in any position to fight Ikalak without Sandalaks help.  Terms of the agreement  were origanlly laughed at when Ikalak noticed there was no end date to the contract.  The more sinister meaning of this is that this agreement will only end when Ikalak no longer exists in any form.  The Taslelak advance has been slow and steady over a long period of time slowly but surely conqering Ikalak's undefended regions.  Sandalack's attacks have been much more brutal, using fear and terror as there main weapon in conquering the lands of Ikalak.  Such actions on this scale can only be seen as evil but greatly effective.  Reports of recent battles and looting raids speak of a massive man/ogre actually eating peasents and soldiers following orders from the Sandalak ruler Boswick.  Are these terrifing reports Sandalaks true colours?  Comments made by a Taselak troop leader says that "whatever is happening to the soldiers in Ikalak nothing can be more terrifing then a unit of Ikalakian War elephants trampling into your lines".  Such actions are rarely heard of however as more often then not the elephants scared of the loud noises and arrows raining down flee from the battlefield before they can do any considerable damage. 

The situation continues to look bad for Ikalak however while they still fight, there is still hope for them.  As the fighting gets closer to Ikalak city the more ferocious the battles will become.  More casualty on all sides are inevitable, but such is the fate of an Island where there is only war.

title =News Ticker (most recent events last)|
title =News Ticker (most recent events last)|
article = Nov 12 2005
article = Nov 12 2005

Sandalak defeats a massive Ikalakian army in Abykal
Sandalak defeats a massive Ikalakian army in Abykal

Revision as of 17:31, 20 November 2005 South-East Island News
Price: Free Creator: Independent Scribes of SEI Updated as Needed
Three realms, three philsophies, one victor!

Ikalaks prayer answered?
Date: Nov. 20 2005

Ikalak has looked very weak as of late, even the victories over Sandalak have been hollow, for every battle they win they lose three skirmishes. All hope seemed to be lost for them with there council in turmoil and indesicion and chaos in the high council with some members who have been found to be clearly corrupt while others were nothing more then thieves. However it seemed negotiations between Lone Wolf and Yavanna may of actually had some effect. One Taselak battle group broke off there attack on an Ikalak territory (costing Taselak a victory) and began a takeover in Toren Stronghold. This territory was banned from being taken over by either side according to an ammended contract which the battle group leader claimed was void since the leader of Sandalak had changed since the contract was made. Lone Wolf has been unavailable for comment but seems to have let this Taselak loosecannon take over his part of the army away from the actual General. This breach of the treaty has not gone unnoticed by the other two realms. After the various spys caught on all three sides of the war no realm can claim to be the honourable one, but mearly the least dishonourable. Reguardless of this fact fierce fighting continues around the region of Aboal and Unagae while Taselaks army regroups.

Spies Revealed as Sponge resigns and Grig reclaims the Judge's Office!
Date: Nov 12 2005

After the recent inactivity of the highly respected Judge Sponge of Ikalak, due to his extensive injuries received during the battles to reclaim Aboal, more elections were held after he resigned his position as the Enforcer of Justice. "I, Sponge, Will step down as Judge today. Will it be forever? Who knows? I don't think so. Just a break and give someone else the change to 'learn' the position or to take it over from me for a while. I'll fully support him/her and also got my vote." Sponge began in his formal statement to the Nobles of Ikalak.

Following Sponge's resignation there was sudden frenzy as many of the respected Nobles of Ikalak announced their candidacy for the position of Grand Justiciar, the most prominent of these being Zack the Great and former Minister for Defence, Grig. However after an extremely open and competitive campaign it was Grig who won a resounding victory and was bestowed with the mantle of the Judge of Ikalak. Grig's actions after the election were short and decisive, but ultimately productive as he wrangled the information from many of the high-ranking Nobles of Sandalak which lay encarcerated within the Ikalakian prisons. This speight of questioning led to the uncovery of a grand plot to overthrow the government of Ikalak through delivery of tactical information to the Dictator of Sandalak, Boswick. The culprit for this treachery was none other than the late Knight of Wellaf, Jair who was immediately banned from the realm as a traitor. Although no others were found guilty of such high treason it remains to be seen just how deep the plot runs among the Nobles of Ikalak as Boswick, the Dictator of Sandalak in his messages to Yavanna, the Prime Minister of Ikalak hinted that there may be many more contacts within the Ikalakian circles.....

Taselak marches on Ikalak City!
Date: Nov. 4 2005

Taselak made a daring move on Ikalak this week. They jumped over Berakor and went straight for the city. Ikalak was not expecting this and got slaughtered because most of their army was in Korlok. During the week Taselak managed to get the walls in Ikalak down a level and damage 72% of the current wall level. Even though Taselak brought a huge unit of 122 men, it cant do much except take some archer fire. Since they decided to attack the city before taking Berakor they cant start a TO. Ikalak is currently en route to Ikalak from Korlok which will surely be a bloody battle. Nobody knows what will happen. Some of Taselak's forces are apparently leaving, most are staying. There is militia in Ikalak, will the militia bring them in the city from a secret passage? Only time will tell.

Ikalak rocked by upsurge in Treachery
Oct 25 2005

A new wave of treachery has rocked the great City of Ikalak as many nobles, the former Count of Kietrem, Moonglum of the Spearhawk family being one of the prime offenders in this new outbreak of disloyalty. After a series of crushing defeats at the hands of the Sandalakian armies in Abykal, some nobles lost the will to carry on under the banner of a city which they once called home. Among those to have defected to the infamous Boswick and his followers were Emmitt II, son of Emmitt I who died heroically at the hands of Taselak whilst acting as a deep scout behind enemy lines and most infamously the once highly regarded Count of Kietrem, Moonglum, a former Marshal of the army which had long protected the region which he took with him, In response to this troubling turn of events, Morgoth, the Duke of Ikalak City, has already placed a price on the head of this traitor, He was quoted as saying, "Moonglum lost his mind, He should fit in quite niceley in Sandalak". This upsurge of disloyalty among the great nobles of Ikalak, coupled with the losses of Abykal, Triewa, Mewun and Unagae have led Ikalak to its darkest hour as it fights valiantly to protect its sovereignty from the hordes of two barbarian invaders.

News Ticker (most recent events last)
Nov 12 2005

Sandalak defeats a massive Ikalakian army in Abykal

Sandalak captures Unagae with unprecedented brutality

Moonglum, Count of Kietrem, secceeds his region to Sandalak

Ikalak suffers another defeat in Unagae

Yavanna elected new ruler of Ikalak

Taselak invades Ikalakian capital

Ikalak spy eothin exposed in Taselak, banned

Sandalak intervenes in Aboal, Ikalakian TO stopped

Emmitt II is captured by Ikalakian forces in Aboal and tried as a Traitor

Emmitt II is found guilty of High Treason and executed

Ikalak win two stunning victories in Aboal to secure the region

Ikalak retake Aboal after several days of hard fighting

Former Knight and Hero of Ikalak, Jair, is found to being a spy of Sandalak and is banned

More ticker news here