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Similar to Springdale in the landscape, but fewer and smaller cities in the area, a more rural community. Morek is a theocracy.
Similar to Springdale in the landscape, but fewer and smaller cities in the area, a more rural community. Morek is a theocracy.
This is a proposal from Deverka Cryfdwr, Morek's first member and bannermaker. Please post your comments and suggestions in the discussion page.

Revision as of 01:57, 10 January 2008

Morek is one of the four founding realms of the island of Dwilight.

Similar to Springdale in the landscape, but fewer and smaller cities in the area, a more rural community. Morek is a theocracy.

This is a proposal from Deverka Cryfdwr, Morek's first member and bannermaker. Please post your comments and suggestions in the discussion page.

The Celestial Order of Morek

From the Bloodstars We Are Morek, To the Holy Lands of Them We Advance.
The Order of Morek
map unavailable
Continent / Island Dwilight
Capital Donghaiwei
Largest City Donghaiwei
Government System

High Inquisitor



Region Numbers 3
Population Unknown



The idea behind Morek is based on the Teutonic Order on the southern Baltic coast in the middle ages as well as some themes from The Holy Roman Empire. The Teutonic Order was constantly pushing east into pagan Lithuania in an effort to end paganism in that area, or atleast in the guise of doing so. As Morek has been made the only theocracy in Dwilight and Dwilight has such a lopsided, rebel consentration; it would only make sence to give the starting realms reason to push west.


The Grandmaster is the leader of all of Morek's knightly orders, priestdoms, and people. The fate of them all is in this man's eyes, wits, and hands.

The Ordermarshall Is the leader of the Holy Armies of Morek and subcommander of the knightly orders. He is an elected official.

The High Inquisitor is the overseer of the priestly ways of the Sanguisastroism. By law he is the profit of Sanguisastroism if it is at all possable. If so, he is apointed by the Grandmaster

The Coffermaster is the overseer of the realms coin. He is an elected official.


Moreks ability to rule will be a balencing act between the ruling men of the realm and the priests who attend to the flock. This is an excellent enviroment for roleplay. The real Holy Roman Empire always was always in conflict with it's self(in this case the rulers) and the papacy(in this case, Sanguisastroism.) There is enormouse oppertunity for schism and crusade.

Morek throne is ruled by the Grandmaster, a man of both political weight and religious authority. His task of maintaining order within the order is monumental compared to that of more centralized realms. Power in Morek is not only devided between the rulers and nobles, but the priests aswell. And although priests have little power, thier sway is undeniable.

The story of Morek is based on this proposal.


The official Religion of Morek is Sanguisastroism (Bloodstar worship.) The Bloodstars are three red stars: the Maddening Star, the Auspicous Star and the Austerous Star, that only appear a few times a year for a week or more. The consellation curiously hangs permenantly over west Dwilight.

It is beleived that the constellation causes maddness amoug the natives of Dwilight and is a good omen to those of the eastern continants. It was the rise of Sanguisastroism that led to Morek's rise over the natives.


The fighting men of Morek are organized into knightly orders(aka. armies) and led by Ordermasters.

The Grand-Order of Morek is the Grandmasters personal army.

The Order of the Maddening Star is a ducal army

The Order of the Auspicious Star is a ducal army

The Order of the Austerous Star is a ducal army

The Legends of Morek

The Manifestation of Morek

"In days now dead, in the lands betwixt Springdale and the ancestral lands of the Luries, the people from the continents of the eastern world settled colonies unto their own realms. The warlike natives of Dwilight, made their power known, tearing the banners of the east asunder. Under the sole of their feet, many of our fair hands toiled, all for the warcraft of the Guntor, as the Dwili called themselves. The wasteful skirmishes of the Guntor showed that Eastern produce was to be left in the field to rot, the crafts to be sold to pay their men of war. The incompetant rulership and bigotry of the Dwili flared the heart, raised the head, and tightened the fist of us. Soon our people made their hatred known, but many did not succeed, crushed by our former masters. It was until The Bloodstars were shown over the west, that The Cloudly One shown that even the heavens were with us, and the stars struck the Dwili with terrable maddness. It was then that our people came unto thier own, that the Cloudly One made known our righteous people would spread, to the west we advance, to the land of the Bloodstars!" -Under the Bloodstars, Chapter XXVII, ver. LXXI

The Month of Maddening

The Legends are still being written!(These will be filled in by popular ingame-RP.)

The Ordermasters of Morek

The order is still constituting!

The Heroes of Morek

The heros are still...Being awesome!

The Orderbrothers of Morek

The brothers are still...unborn