Itorunt Informer/November '07: Difference between revisions

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(→‎News: added "Caligus Joins In")
(→‎News: added "Northern Rebellion" and "Foreign Alliances and War")
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===Foreign Alliances and War===
Ibladesh has recently announced its new alliance with the realms of Tuchanon V and Ubent. Ubent had previously already created an alliance with the realms of Tuchanon V and Yssaria. Though Ubent is still not officially at war with us, each of the realms it is allied with is fighting us. The alliances are now Itorunt and Perdan against Ibladesh, Yssaria, Tuchanon V (essentially a satellite realm of Yssaria), and Ubent (only in a supporting role so far). However, Caligus has now allied itself with Perdan, as you all should know. Caligus recently conducted its first foray into Yssarian lands, most notably in the region of Abadan. Having thoroughly trounced the Yssarians, the Caligans are continuing back through the enemy's regions to make sure they don't cause a problem. They have also begun to take over Yssarian lands, such as in Winkamus.
However, we have just received a copy of a letter from the ruler of Ubent stating its intent to enter the war. It can be found below:
<i><b>Report from Zog Returns</b><br>
Message sent to the Rulers of this world<br>
The republic of Ubent will be entering the war in the south in defence of Tuch V and her allies.
The gods have forced everyones hand and also the populace too.
"<b>Liberals Alarm</b><br>
The peacefulness of your realm is giving the peasants ideas - of personal freedom, liberty, happiness and other nonsense. Independence increases in all regions. A war or two would take their minds off such dangerous ideals."
At this stage Ubent will declare war against Itorunt in the very near future after te diplomatic service has dealt with the paperwork.
We hope it is possible to remain at "peace" with other nations. However that will depend on their actions towards us.
I would like to advise those that claim this is a massive escalation - would they claim the same if we joined with them? I suspect not. Also be realistic. Ubent has a populace of 14k. I hardly see us conquering the world - even if we wanted to.
Sir Zog Returns Royal House of Zog<br>
Prime Minister of Ubent</i>
Ha... Their reason for entering the war is because their peasants are bored? Ubent was never too honorable, but this is just pitiful. They can't control their peasants through any means but fear. Zog Returns does have a good point in that Ubent's military is nothing to worry about. I believe it may be the weakest army on the continent. We've beaten them easily before, and we can do it again.
===Northern Rebellion!===
The II has just received word of an ongoing rebellion in the Obsidian Islands. This rebellion is apparently being led by a man named Dexterus Heinrich. We know little about the situation other than the fact that the loyalists are apparently getting control, but we'll bring you the latest news as soon as we know more.
===Caligus Joins In===
===Caligus Joins In===
Caligus declared war on the realm of Yssaria less than a day ago. Though we are happy to have some of the pressure taken off our realm, we were still left wondering as to Caligus' reasons for doing so. King doombringer deathbringer of Caligus soon explained his rationale to his fellow rulers, which was forwarded to us at the II:
Caligus declared war on the realm of Yssaria less than a day ago. Though we are happy to have some of the pressure taken off our realm, we were still left wondering as to Caligus' reasons for doing so. King doombringer deathbringer of Caligus soon explained his rationale to his fellow rulers, which was forwarded to us at the II:

Revision as of 22:55, 18 November 2007

I'm going to be a king!
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Ichigo Kurosaki.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt. November Edition


Foreign Alliances and War

Ibladesh has recently announced its new alliance with the realms of Tuchanon V and Ubent. Ubent had previously already created an alliance with the realms of Tuchanon V and Yssaria. Though Ubent is still not officially at war with us, each of the realms it is allied with is fighting us. The alliances are now Itorunt and Perdan against Ibladesh, Yssaria, Tuchanon V (essentially a satellite realm of Yssaria), and Ubent (only in a supporting role so far). However, Caligus has now allied itself with Perdan, as you all should know. Caligus recently conducted its first foray into Yssarian lands, most notably in the region of Abadan. Having thoroughly trounced the Yssarians, the Caligans are continuing back through the enemy's regions to make sure they don't cause a problem. They have also begun to take over Yssarian lands, such as in Winkamus.

However, we have just received a copy of a letter from the ruler of Ubent stating its intent to enter the war. It can be found below:

Report from Zog Returns
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
The republic of Ubent will be entering the war in the south in defence of Tuch V and her allies.

The gods have forced everyones hand and also the populace too.

"Liberals Alarm
The peacefulness of your realm is giving the peasants ideas - of personal freedom, liberty, happiness and other nonsense. Independence increases in all regions. A war or two would take their minds off such dangerous ideals."

At this stage Ubent will declare war against Itorunt in the very near future after te diplomatic service has dealt with the paperwork.

We hope it is possible to remain at "peace" with other nations. However that will depend on their actions towards us.

I would like to advise those that claim this is a massive escalation - would they claim the same if we joined with them? I suspect not. Also be realistic. Ubent has a populace of 14k. I hardly see us conquering the world - even if we wanted to.

Sir Zog Returns Royal House of Zog
Prime Minister of Ubent

Ha... Their reason for entering the war is because their peasants are bored? Ubent was never too honorable, but this is just pitiful. They can't control their peasants through any means but fear. Zog Returns does have a good point in that Ubent's military is nothing to worry about. I believe it may be the weakest army on the continent. We've beaten them easily before, and we can do it again.


Northern Rebellion!

The II has just received word of an ongoing rebellion in the Obsidian Islands. This rebellion is apparently being led by a man named Dexterus Heinrich. We know little about the situation other than the fact that the loyalists are apparently getting control, but we'll bring you the latest news as soon as we know more.


Caligus Joins In

Caligus declared war on the realm of Yssaria less than a day ago. Though we are happy to have some of the pressure taken off our realm, we were still left wondering as to Caligus' reasons for doing so. King doombringer deathbringer of Caligus soon explained his rationale to his fellow rulers, which was forwarded to us at the II:

Greetings Rulers,

At the end of the last war alot of deal were made and peace was formed amongst realm who were at war with each other for countless years. Caligus formed better relations with its long time enemy Yssaria.

But long ago Caligus agreed to aid Perdan if we saw them in an unfair war. Even though it is not on paper yet Tuchanon V and Yssaria are both being hostile and will send forces against our long standing ally, threatening to attack them if they dont make peace with Ibladesh.

Yssaria hides behind their new buffer Tuchanon V and cannot be touched. I do not know how Yssaria could let go of their capital without merely a complaint and offer better terms and peace terms to a realm who expanded from them Yet Caligus is still much smaller than Yssaria and much less wealthy but we will not run from our stronger enemy and will stand with our allies all the way.

Yssaria face has changed over the past weeks. Even its leadership is not the same as most of their elder nobles have abandoned Yssaria. Agreements and friendship i made with Eleran and its government has disappeared completely. All their positions Ruler, Judge and General have changed (Banker i am unsure).

Even though it was a long time ago the ruler i made peace with is gone. A new ruler is in his place a different government someone who i dont see worthy of keeping our homeland. Even Yssaria's way to gain peace was the most dispicable thing ever. If Perdan did not support us in Partora we would have been destroyed. If anything it is a cruel and harsh way to get what you want and it was the only way to acheive peace.

Whether Yssaria admits it or not it was Itorunt who helped them gain the land from us and now you turn on them by declaring war so we wil be taking back what Itorunt granted you.

Yssaria has also had a problem holding their priests back from our lands who constantly preached against the will of Caligus in the lands on Mulhouse and Meuse. Even if Caligus does not have an official state religion only some religions were allowed to exist within Caligus. Yssaria's was not one of them. Proof of this is in Meuse were 50% of the population were loyal to Drunkontology at the time and 10% of Mulhouse.

Prandur. Consider this a war of honor. We are challenging if Yssaria still has the will to fight. Katsuyori i have explained the situation to you earlier today. Right now it is a one on one Caligus vrs Yssaria. Whether you pick a side or not will be up to you i explained a few things in detail privately. I hope we can maintain peace between our realms and i hope you realise Yssaria isnt the realm you made deals with


doombringer deathkiller
King of Caligus

His words are true. The leadership of Yssaria has completely changed, and this buffer realm of Tuchanon V protects it from enemies. And, of course, our lands were preached upon by priests of Dunkontology despite the fact that we had specifically disallowed them for that very reason. Let us hope Aulysia favors us in this war.


Fontan at War!

A letter recently reached us stating that Fontan had broken from its federation with Sirion. Here is the official announcement:

Federation dissolving?
Katsuyori Takeda, Chancellor of Fontan has taken his realm out of the federation with Sirion. War will most likely commence.

We still do not know Katsuyori's reasons for this action. Another surprising development was the letter directly after this one proclaiming that Fontan had declared war on the realm of Old Rancagua, another war the cause of which is still unknown. Naturally, as we have our own war to take care of, Itorunt shall not be involved in any way in this war (at least at this time). The II shall bring you the latest developments on this story as more is made known to the public.


A Region Lost in the East

The first attack we have suffered on the eastern front has led to the first loss of an eastern region in this war. News reached us early this morning of the region of Enubec hailing the realm of Tuchanon V as its new realm. Tuchanon has swayed the people with its lies and fake promises, but it shall pay for its treacherous ways. Count Gothan Einherjar, the former count of the region, will surely be disappointed in his people, but the glorious realm of Itorunt shall prevail at the end of this war, and we shall take back Enubec.


Count Again, and a New One

King Lucian has reappointed me as Count of Zawr so that I may continue my work and help bring the statistics up quickly. Now that Zawr is back in Itorunt's hands, we can focus on other events in the war than a taken-over region. The Count of Zawr once more, I shall do my best not to let the region slip out of our grasp one more. I am glad to be once again working with the people of Zawr, and hope to continue this work in the future. Another countship has also been filled; I refer to the position of the Countship of Nimraw. King Lucian recently came to a decision as to who to appoint. He appointed our very own Susanne von Lucker, also the Marshal of the Silver Wolves Brigade, as the new Countess of Nimraw. I have confidence that her leadership abilities exist not only on the battlefield but also in her region, and wish her the best of luck.


More Lies?

Tuchanon V, having recently stated that it was open to peace with all realms, has just taken its first major military action against the realm of Itorunt. Duke Rackir also said he would not make the first move in a war against Itorunt; clearly, he is not very good at keeping their word. The action in question is Tuchanon's movement of troops into the Itoruntian region of Enubec, and its subsequent starting of a takeover. Rackir's motives for seceding his duchy are also suspect, as, although he said it was to protect his realm (however that would explain it), such a secession would also mean the capital of the realm would be closer, thereby making the soldiers of the army feel closer to home, as it were. We are disappointed that Rackir would betray his word. If he's going to go to war, he might as well be honest about it.


Occasions to Celebrate

Well, today, there are multiple reasons we could celebrate. First off, Ganimede the ghost has now been in our realm for a full year, and has been serving us well in his own way. Another is, of course, the recent victory, the retaking of Zawr, and stopping the takeover of Az Zarqua. Another new reason to celebrate is the arrival of our second adventurer! A freeman by the name of Tidey, somehow related to the Grindle family (another member of the family, Cal, is in Perdan), arrived today in Itorunt on a boat from another continent. When the boat pulled into the docks, Tidey appeared pretty dirty, sick, and in pain, clearly having been through a lot. We were able to gather that she escaped from the island of Beluaterra, which, as you should know if you're keeping up-to-date on world news, has been overrun by large groups of all sorts of unholy creatures. She disappeared soon after her arrival, but was later reported to have been spotted somewhere around Semall. In any case, we welcome her as long as she does her duty: helping to rid our realm of monsters and undead and having some unique items made for us if she can.


One Successful TO, Another Stopped

We have taken back my region of Zawr, and I hope to help my people once again. Of course, Ibladesh's actions have taken a slight toll on the region, but we hope to recover quickly with the help of my realm-mates. This friendly retaking of our region was initiated by ArCadian, and for that he has my thanks. On the other side of things, we have successfully stopped Ibladesh's attempt to take over ord Capella's region of Az Zarqua. Naturally, the good people of Az Zarqua were not compliant in Ibladesh's actions, and were able to hold off their feeble attempts until the main army could arrive. Itorunt's decisive victory against Ibladesh has struck a decisive blow against the enemy forces, and such shall be the trend throughout most of this war. I hope to be reappointed in my region soon so that I may continue to help the fine men and women of Zawr.


A New Duke for Semall

When he was imprisoned for a short time, Duke Fortin, both the High Marshal and the Duke of Semall at the time, lost his positions. Upon his release, Fortin was once again made the High Marshal. However, Itorunt has always tried to be fair in her distribution of power, and so did not reinstate him as duke immediately. After some thought, King Lucian has now appointed Lodius, once the judge of our great realm, as the new Duke of Semall. Lodius then delivered a short speech of thanks to the realm, copied below.

Fellow Nobles of Itorunt, thank you for your warm congratulations. Im proud to be able to continue to serve this great realm from this new position.

With respect,

Lodius Alantorn
Duke of Semall

I, still the only editor of the Itorunt Informer, trust he will do well.


A Swordmaster Returns!

San, the best swordsman throughout the world, had arrived in our fine realm over a year ago, in September of last year. As a member of the Exiled family, he was gladly welcomed, and brought us much fame while he was here. He also wrote for the II for a time, which was appreciated. However, about three and a half months later, in December of last year, he returned to his home realm, the Grand Lodge of Lunaria in the Far East. If you read the title of this article, you should know that the master of the sword is once again in Itorunt! He returned from a foreign continent (we're not sure which, but we hear it was an island in the southwest) on a ship, and we are glad to have him back. We hope he will write for the II once again, as news as narrated by a single person quickly becomes boring.


A Tournament Ends

The tournament over in the city of Kazakh has come to a close. Here is the official report:

Tournament Report
The tournament in Kazakh is over. 107 troop leaders from 12 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest.
Sir Laurentides Biz'Oûn (Knight of Viseu, Fontan) won the swordfighting tournament (Blood Haze (Knight of Ibladesh, Ibladesh) came second place).
The jousting contest was won by Vader Majer (Knight of Hillmar, Sirion) (Second place: Jean-Luc Du Valroux, Count of Bruck).

I have no further details, as I was not in attendance, what with war and all.


Tuchanon... Again?

The Yssarian Duke Rackir of Isadril recently seceded the duchy of Isadril to create a new realm calling itself "Tuchanon V". We were able to find little information on the past Tuchanons (as we assumed four others came before this one), but we were able to locate a few sources regarding the history of Tuchanon, Tuchanon II, Tuchanon III, and Tuchanon IV. All four seem to have been located on the island of Atamara, where the original Tucha is located. King Lucian apparently made an offer to Duke Rackir giving him the option to join Itorunt with his duchy now, all former Yssarian nobles keeping their positions, and praised his experience. Duke Rackir drew his own conclusions and attempted to justify his actions in a letter which has been excerpted below:

As you can see he wants Isadril. I have always felt a need to protect the peasants of Yssaria. Lucian will enslave the inhabitants, and execute its nobles. I will free the people of Yssaria this if I can.

My actions might be drastic, but I have received a sign from our god. Just as the tree has come alive for the fifth time so will Tuchanon V. It was the sign from our god. He has given the children of Tucha a new home.

I do this with the best intent, not for personal power. If I wanted power I could have been elected king instead of Prandur. I had much support without even saying I was going to run. In fact I refused the throne while I waited for a sign.

We like Yssaria are not a warring people. We only wish to have a home and to be left in peace. But we will fight if we must. Hopefully something can be worked out to have peace with Yssaria. They are like brothers to us. I will be willing to talk peace with anyone.

Once again I do not do this lightly. I did it to keep the people in northern Yssaria safe.

For the Spear and the Shield

Sir Rackir Spearhawk
Dictator of Tuchanon V, Duke of Isadril

Naturally, Rackir claims to be doing this for the people. He says it is the "will of Dunkontion", the misguided religion started in Yssaria. I also found it interesting that his new realm is a tyranny, Rackir their dictator... And he says this is the best for the people? Itorunt will do its best to bring liberation to the people of the duchy of Isadril and enlightenment to its nobles.


And So War Begins

As most of you know, several battles between Itorunt and Ibladesh have recently occurred. Itorunt attempted a peaceful liberation of Clermont, which was unfortunately thwarted. Ibladesh is at this very moment trying to take over my own region of Zawr. I will not let this stand, and will do my best to drive these invaders out of my lands. However, I report here to bring you more important news. The realm of Yssaria has refused the generous offer of a temporary ceasefire from King Lucian. It had stated it would not strike the first blow in the war, but apparently seems to have changed its mind. Yssarian soldiers are reported to have sided with nonhuman beings against Itorunt in the battle in Enubec. We now see where Yssaria truly stands.


A New High Marshal

Alois stepped down from the position of General one day ago. He stated his reasons as follow:

I have grown to sick and tired recently to continue to properly lead this fine realm's armies into battle.

Some discussions were held in the House of Lords as to who the new High Marshal would be. The candidates were narrowed down to Duke Fortin, Count Epaminonda, and I. King Lucian recently reached a decision and appointed the new general. This general was Fortin Wexler, Duke of Semall. I wish him the best of luck and hope he will lead the armies of Itorunt to victory, especially now that we have begun an offensive against Ibladesh.


Comments for this month

Ichigo's comments

Congratulations to Fortin, our new High Marshal!
And to Lodius, the new Duke of Semall!
Excellent... Time to go on the offensive.
Congrats, Susanne! Good luck!