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title=Kietrem changes allegiance|
In a most unexpected move, Ikalak Lord Moonglum has changed allegiance and joined Sandalak. The reason he stated was disapproval of the actions of the Ikalak government. The people of Kietrem are surprised, but not weary, as they joined Sandalak without hassle.
Lord Moonglum was warmly welcomed to Sandalak, and rumour has it that he is not the only Ikalakian thinking about defecting. More and more are disagreeing with the currnt High Council of Ikalak, as the realm draws ever so close to its collapse.
title=Unagae brutally taken over by Sandalak|
title=Unagae brutally taken over by Sandalak|
article=After just a few dys, Sandalak has succesfully taken over the region of Unagae. In response, Ikalak formed an emergency battlegroup and sent it to Unagae, hoping to destroy the Sandalak forces.
article=After just a few dys, Sandalak has succesfully taken over the region of Unagae. In response, Ikalak formed an emergency battlegroup and sent it to Unagae, hoping to destroy the Sandalak forces.

Revision as of 04:42, 26 October 2005

Sandalak Sleuth
Free to Taselak and Sandalak Ikalak is too poor Issue One
Kietrem changes allegiance
Unagae brutally taken over by Sandalak
After just a few dys, Sandalak has succesfully taken over the region of Unagae. In response, Ikalak formed an emergency battlegroup and sent it to Unagae, hoping to destroy the Sandalak forces.

But to little avail. Though bigger and stronger, the Ikalak forces crashed into the defending lines, and were pushed back hard. Sadly, one Sandalakian troop leader was heroically killed.

This battle has shown once more that Ikalak is crumbling. They have suffered one shameful defeat after another, as Sandalak marches on to Ikalak City, and the destruction of Ikalak. It is no longer a question IF Ikalak will fall, but WHEN it will fall.

A glorious battle. Almost 13,000 CS each. An overwhelming Sandalak victory.

There was dancing in the streets in Sandalak on the news that now even the dregs of Ikalak have been mopped up, and the path to Ikalak City and the war's end is now clearer than ever. The only talk from Rhic to Mewun is that praising the abilities of the benevolent Boswick I, the masterful Lord Sebastian, and the fighting of the nobility in this battle.

The battle has seen Ikalak's ability in the field plummet by almost 10,000CS, which will reduce Ikalak's defensive ability on both fronts. Added with the already lauded absence of ability in the Ikalak councils, we can expect the efforts of both Sandalak and Taselak to take over the few regions Ikalak still has in their iron grip to increase significantly.

Whispers pass in Abykal that some citizens even threw down their farming tools and joined with some of the brave Sandalak heroes to bring justice to their former overlords. If this trend is to continue in other regions, which almost certainly will be given Ikalak's reduced ability to hold onto its regions beyond the sheer brute luck which has held it together thus far, we might see Ikalak collapse by peasant rebellion before we see the Sandalak banner flying across Ikalak City.

Triewa liberated!
Today, the people of Triewa finally recognised the superior authority and might of the Sandalak Army, as the brutal takeover concluded and the government swore fealty to the realm. This is the third in a string of recent successful takeovers in the past few weeks, having earlier taken over Abykal and Mewun.

"It's an honour to be back in Treiwa and although theres a few faces here I don't remember, soon they will the smiling happy faces they once were guided gently by sandalak's gentle hand," said Georgia, newly appointed Countess of Triewa upon completion of the takeover.

Both Triewa and Mewun were temporarily taken by Ikalak while the Sandalak Army was detained in Abykal, which has also since been freed from Ikalakian slavery as above. After the customary vows of allegiance from the government, Boswick, Dictator of Sandalak, expressed his heartfelt apologies for not having been able to arrive fast enough to keep Triewa's citizens from even a day of serfdom under the Ikalak whip. In yet another show of his wisdom and benevolence, Boswick announced the immediate movement of food and resources into Triewa to help them recover from the brutality they have been forced to suffer since it fell.

It is unknown how this will affect Ikalak's ability in the field, which after the loss of this third region and another region on their Taselak border, has much reduced their admittedly ill-gotten funds and movement ability.

Veterans to be rewarded?
Rumour has that the council of Sandalak will adopt a new system of rewarding veterans who prove themselves in service to the realm. It is not yet known whether this is true and if so, what the system will be. The Sandalak Sleuth will keep you informed.
Bid to break an Island record
In Little Ogre's absence, having been sadly wounded after going in a feeding frenzy and choking on a chunk of Ikalak armour during the recent battle, the nobles still upright in Abykal have pitched together to make the largest pot of Ikkie Soup in the history of the SEI to surprise him for his return.

The cooking of the soup, which has been under tight security since the bid was announced, has been rumoured to have already used the bodies of 219 Ikalakian cannon fodder.

Ikalak forces dashed against Sandalak rock of Abykal
The forces of Ikalak dashed like a sea of humanity against the walls of Sandalak wrote one accurate minstrel, of the battle that occured recently between Ikalak and Sandalak forces in the Sandalak-held realm of Abykal. This battle saw superior in number Ikalak conscripts resoundingly crushed by the superior tactics, equipment and strategy of the noble Sandalak warriors.

"Please give my regards to Lorien on what a wonderful job he did with the walls in Abykal. And we want to thank all of you Ikkies for painting them with your blood. No Mewun, No Triewa, No Abykal, no mobile Combat Strength and the Tassies breathing down your necks to the north. Do you want to surrender now or should we really crank up production in the Ikkies slaughterhouse????" said Boswick, Dictator of Sandalak, ever gracious in victory to his fallen enemies.

We hope that this trend will continue and that we may soon see the people of Ikalak City, closest and most brutalised by their cruel masters, may one day fly the banner of freedom that is Sandalak's sign.

Mewun freed Abykal taken
Mewun has again tasted the sweet air of freedom, after having been finally freed from the oppressive Ikalak occupation force that had been holding the region. After extensive battles in the area, the banner of Sandalak proudly flies over Abykal. The battles for control of Abykal have been ongoing for several months.