Adventurer Theories: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Far East: added flintstone/griffon egg)
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| Unknown
| Unknown
| Unknown
| unknown
| Flintstone
| Griffon Egg
| Anaos
| unknown

Revision as of 15:46, 7 January 2007

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This is the page for the community to use to list their theories on adventurer actions, and what effect they have. Feel free to help out.


I've only run into one kind of sage in the region I'm in, but run into this one a number of times. Perhaps only one kind of sage per region?

-Is it possible that sages are only to be found in certain scattered regions around the map? Then there could be the Mysterious Wise Sage of the Great ABC Plains, who you've heard about from other adventurers who saw him once. You go to find him to see if he'll make you a unique item, but he's nowhere to be found (perhaps they're only available randomly in their regions). And perhaps the Sage of one region always requires the same items from adventurers who want him to make them a unique item. Is there any way to test this idea?

Sage Encounter Texts

  • You have encountered a sage, a wise man, rumoured by many to have magical powers. He and his kind are the only people capable of repairing unique items.He also offers you to make an item for you, a very rare opportunity indeed. He will need special ingredients for this, and he can only help you if you bring these:
  • You have encountered a sage, a wise man, rumoured by many to have magical powers. He and his kind are the only people capable of repairing unique items.

Since you do not have any unique items, the sage can not offer you any repairs.

Item Recipes

Far East

Item 1 Item 2 Region Build
Murder Knife Small Silver Mirror Osaliel unknown
Mysterious Book Quality Leather Cutnipaniel unknown
Giant Eagles Feather - Batesaor unknown
Golden Idol - Unknown unknown
Flintstone Griffon Egg Anaos unknown


Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Region Build
Smashed Shield Griffon Egg [1]Luhgrethen unknown
- - [2]Nuzanki unknown
Rare Woodland Flower Woz Monster Claw [3]Qual unknown because I didn't had item 1. :(
Rare woodland flower Old horn Heretic's staff Gemke unknown
Small Silver Mirror Monster Skull Ieara unknown
Devil's Flute Wootz [4]Pellan unknown

Sage Result Texts

  • You do not have all of these, so he shakes his head and tells you there is nothing he can do. Maybe if you could acquire them, within the hour?
  • Since you do not have any unique items, the sage can not offer you any repairs.

Investigation and Hunting

Just starting some research on this.

  • What are the various texts one can see on investigation? Which is the order of "less to most"?
  • What are the various sizes of monster/undead you can encounter? How do they relate to the investigation report?
  • When do you meet large monsters or undead champions? Any correlation to any of the above?

Investigation Texts

Note: according to Tom, it is wrong to group these texts together like this. Some texts only apply to monsters, and some only to undead. We need to put these back in their proper categories.

  • You hear nothing about Type.
  • You hear rumours about Type and a few who claim to have seen them from afar.
  • There are rumours of Type and some apparently reliable reports.
  • There are many rumours about the Type, and you encounter several eye witnesses of recent appearances.
  • This region appears to have a definite Type problem. You find enough evidence and traces to be sure.
  • Type are roaming the countryside, and the locals stay within the settlements. You have seen signs of Type activity yourself.


  • There are some rumours of monsters.
  • There are rare rumors of monsters.
  • There are rumours of monsters and some apparently reliable reports.


  • The few rumours you hear about undead are unreliable and old.
  • There are some rumours about undead.
  • You hear rumours about undead and a few who claim to have seen them from afar.

Encounter Texts


  • you finally encounter a few monsters.
  • you finally encounter a small group of monsters.
  • you finally encounter a large group of monsters.


  • you finally find a few disorganized undead.
  • you finally find a small group of undead.
  • you finally find a large group of undead.
  • you finally find a large and organized undead group.
  • you finally find an organized unit of undead.
  • you finally find a small undead army.
  • you finally find an organized undead army. They are lead by an undead champion, an evil creature with more power and intelligence than the usual lot.

Battle Texts


  • The battle rages, you against the monsters. Your blows land true and you strike most of them down, while a few manage to flee.
  • You fight with everything you've got - but the monsters turn out too strong or too many for you. And then things start to go badly. You can not get away from them, and find yourself surrounded! You fight on, and they beat on you. You finally manage to break free and run for your life. You are exhausted and have suffered bruises and minor injuries, but nothing serious. A little rest and you will be ready again.


  • The battle rages, you against the undead. Your blows land true, shattering them to dust left and right.
  • You fight with zeal and strength - but the undead are unimpressed. They feel neither pain nor fear, but you do. Lots of it. Finally, you manage to break free. You run for your life - and escape.
  • You fight with zeal and strength - but the undead are unimpressed. They feel neither pain nor fear, but you do. Lots of it. Then you give up trying to defeat them and you only try to get away - but you find yourself surrounded! You fight on, desperately trying, and they beat on you without end. After what seems like eternity, you manage to break through their ranks. Exhausted and bleeding from many small cuts, you escape. A little rest and you will be ready again.

Monsters and Undead

The text differences between monsters and undead might indicate that there are important differences between the two. What are they?


Is the rest for each hour a linear function or a polynomial? Supposedly resting is more effective when done for longer, and Tom insists the formula is not linear. Anyone is welcome to help out with recording different effectiveness.


I have a old tent and a small tent will they act differently?

Nr. of hours: On the Floor On a Bedroll In a Tent Primitive Room Common Room Private Room
3hrs (4-5) fatigue 5 fatigue 8/9 fatigue 9 fatigue 11 fatigue/12 fatigue
4 hrs 6 fatigue, 7 fatigue 6 fatigue, 7 fatigue 7 fatigue 10 fatigue,
11+ fatigue
12 fatigue <16< fatigue
5 hrs 7 fatigue, 8 fatigue 9 fatigue 9 fatigue
10 fatigue
12 fatigue
13+ fatigue
15 fatigue 21+ fatigue
6 hrs 8 fatigue

6 fatigue?

11 fatigue

10 fatigue?

12 fatigue 15 fatigue
16 fatigue
10 fatigue?
15+ fatigue
19 fatigue
20 fatigue (or even more)
16+ fatigue
23 fatigue
7 hrs 8 fatigue, 10 fatigue 13 fatigue 17 fatigue 22+ fatigue,
23 fatigue
31 fatigue
8 hrs 11 fatigue
12 fatigue
13 fatigue 15 fatigue 18+ fatigue,
22 fatigue
28+ fatigue 32+ fatigue
9 hrs 13 fatigue 16 fatigue 23+ fatigue
10 hrs 14-15 fatigue 16 fatigue

25 fatigue|

37 fatigue
11 hrs 16 fatigue
12 hrs 18 fatigue 29 fatigue
13 hrs
14 hrs
15 hrs +35 Fatigue
16 hrs 22
Linear Progression? 1.5/hour -.5 2/hour -1 1.8/hour -.2 2.33/hour +1?
2.5/hour ?
3.33/hour -1.33 4/hour

The results also seem to be somewhat variable. Different results have been reported for the same hours/conditions. Perhaps based on how well-fed you are?

Bath & Massage

1 hour 2 hours 3 hours
9 fatigue

12 fatigue

14 fatigue 17 fatigue
17+ fatigue