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Even though I am the brother of Kostaja Kosunen, I try to be as open minded and take no side on this issue and provide non biased information and tools for discussion.
Even though I am the brother of Kostaja Kosunen, I try to be as open minded and take no side on this issue and provide non biased information and tools for discussion.

{| align="left" style="padding: 3em 0 0 0; text-align: center" |
|- style="background:#EFEFEF; padding: 1em 0 1em 0"
! Coat of Arms !! Realm
| style="width:100px" |[[Image:Mini-Darka.gif]] || Darka
| [[Image:Mini-Eston.gif]] ||  Eston
| [[Image:Mini-Abington.png]] ||  Abington
| [[Image:Mini-Carelia.png]] ||  Carelia
| [[Image:Mini-RedSpan.png]] ||  RedSpan
[[Image:Atamara-December.jpg|frame|center|The political map of Atamara with this conflict in mind. See the table for more details.]]
[[Image:Atamara-December.jpg|frame|center|The political map of Atamara with this conflict in mind. See the table for more details.]]

Latest revision as of 08:43, 6 March 2007

Good Day people!

There has been some rumors and talkings about Darkan and RedSpan war. I have gathered here collection and talked with some people to draw picture what is going one and what will probably happen.

Everything started when AJ, infiltrator of RedSpan assassinated Mr_Jones Banker of Darka because of the quite high bounty 600 gold on his head. Darka didn't like that and demanded banishment of AJ from Red Span because of their attack.

RedSpan claimed that its infiltrators had the right to hunt bounties and they placed a 500 gold fine on AJ; not sure why was that fine placed if it is by RS leadership to assassinate "friendly" nobles. That fine was not enough for Darka and they offered RedSpan other way to solve this issue, by paying a 1200 gold indemnity to Darka. RedSpan refused.

Darka declared war to RedSpan and said that it will go one until RedSpan pays the 'fine'.

RedSpan quickly asked(or were offered help) by their federation members Abington and Carelia. Abington probably did it with joy; they aren't too happy at Darka who were did some damaging looting runs on their lands in the past. Abington was especially upset when there is rumors that Darka did just for advertising purposes. There is also the rumor that Darka was actually paid for it, but it is alleged that the client wanted that to be secret.

After talking with Kostaja Kosunen about it and he states, "Darka fights only if there is something to gain for. Lets put it this way, we co-operated with our friends and there was gold and agreements included, but we were not officially recruited by anyone." So, I guess only few people knows what was agreed and by whom. The king refused to comment it any further.

RedSpan immediately started "propaganda" war on news papers, some heated writings were seen at RedSpan Revealer papers "readers digest" section from both sides (read the RedSpan Revealer article War!).

Darka had just signed contract and were not able to launch attack on RedSpan, and I believe they would not have had the chance to do much for RedSpan while entire Southern Federation were giving support to RedSpan. Darkan army had been seen at Eston soils, making sure that region exchange between MI and NA is going smoothly. What I have heard, the rulers of Atamara has been a bit careful to express their opinions about the issue, only Darka, RedSpan and Abington has public stated their opinion if it was right or wrong to assassination of the "friendly" banker.

Tara informed that they will be neutral on this, since they are allied with Darka and peace with RedSpan, and intend to keep it that way. Both realms has permission to use their lands for traveling, but battles are not allowed to wage on their lands.

Falasan informed that they will not interfere on this, but they allow RedSpan use their lands for traveling, but they wont let Darka place foot on their lands.

RedSpan placed good chunk of militia to their Tara borders and Stargard.

Few weeks has passed and not much has happened, RedSpan and Abington infiltrators has been reported causing troubles on Darkan lands. Some have been got caught and banned. AJ also got caught while he tried to assassinate Obidan, a Darkan knight. Later he was tortured and banned from Darkan lands. Also one or 2 Abington infiltrators were banned from Darka.

In addition, 2 Darkan infiltrators were caught in RedSpan; Feanor were caught after 2 failed assassination attempts on King Tony. Some say that RedSpan is cheering that they can now payback the torture of AJ.

Darka has informed Atamara that they will work very low prize against Southern Alliance members if someone wants to hire them. Darka probably knows that they have no chance to fight this war alone now that RedSpan has her allies to defend them. Will Darka try to get her allies to join? Does Darka have real allies? Eastern Alliance has not said a thing public about this. Eston growled a bit when RedSpan unit wandered on their lands while RedSpan had some maneuver training going one at Falasan lands.

NA has also been silent about this, they are busy with regions exchange with Minas Ithil. Will Cagilan Empire and Talerium offer hand to Darka? Cagilan Empire is having some troubles with lunatic Duke who split Tarasac off.

Even though I am the brother of Kostaja Kosunen, I try to be as open minded and take no side on this issue and provide non biased information and tools for discussion.

The political map of Atamara with this conflict in mind. See the table for more details.

Here is some questions what I asked from rulers who have participated on this issue one way or another:

A= Armitage III, Queen of Abington, T= Tony, King of Red Span, Kr= Kronos, King of Carelia, KK= Kostaja Kosunen, King of Darka

1. Is it okay in your eyes to assassinate foreign realms banker(or other knights) if you are peace with them?

T: Is it also ok to war with another realm that you have not declared war on? I know of such incidences of that case happening.
A: The target had a bounty on him, and the bounty was because of what he had done in his past. If the target took a serious wound, he now have no target on him and he can now live without fear of being attack so he also has gain from being hit.
Kr: Of course not.However sometimes these things happen and then we have to check all the aspects before deciding how to act.
For example,if an infiltrator hit a Banker without my permission,should my realm face the consequences?
KK: Well, no. It is act of war. If you do it, you are attacking against that realm. Of course it is one way to declare war or drop relations with your upcoming enemy. I think this was way how SA wanted to engage on war with Darka and look not so much aggressor.

2. Did Darka over react on their war declaration?

T: In my personal opinion, yes. If they had sent an infiltrators down to Redspan and took out our banker for example. The the old saying "and eye for and eye" would have been good enough, then we would be even and the matter settled.
A: I see it as a reason for Darka to goto war, over react, yes but if they needed a reason to goto war with somebody, it did give them a reason.
Kr: In a way yes and in another,no. Of course and they should react on such incidents.Still,they could have use more flexible measures instead of declaring war.On the other hand, they've also suggested few things that RS rejected.The specific case is quite complicated and it is not so easy to be analyzed.We need facts,and the records from the discussions that took place among the 2 Leaders after the incident.
KK: We were kind of "forced" to do it. We simply couldn't let RS to getaway from it. I tried to negotiate peacfull solution to end it before it escalated to something bigger, like it has now. I offered few things to King Tony how to end it without war, but everything bounce back with "No!". No counter proposals or anything, so i assumed war is what they wanted in the first place.

3. Do you think Darka will attack on Red Span alone, or will they try to get their allies to help too like Red Span did? Or will Darka just wait good opportunity when RS and her allies will be busy with some one else?

T:Well, for that i do not know, Darka seem more concerned about gaining money than regaining honour. As attacking on their own, i think they might do, but they might not, its a long way away. And for Redspan calling on our allies, they volunteered, alot in Abbington want revenge for what Darka did to them during the AB/ASI war.
A: Its doesn't matter, either way Redspan will be force to defend itself.
Kr: Both leaders are respectable and wise men.Darka wouldn't have been the realm that it is right now,if they didint think before they act. When Darka acts is a well organized strategy behind.If they do this campaign they ll do it only if the chances will be good to succeed.
Darka is a realm that what ever happens,must not be underestimated,alone or not.
The same of course goes for RS,a realm that ve seen so many attacks and still is alive and is progressing,means that has a heart of a lion. Their defenses are for seminarios.
KK: Darka will probably not go alone against whole SA. That would be stupid. I have contacted many rulers and discussed about this issue with them. Nothing has been decided yet, since there is many other things going on at Atamara now. Luckily Abington already has plenty enemies which can be easily raise to against them and recently traditional arrogance of Abbies has infected RS too, so hostility towards them is rising too. I think most of those who don't like Abbies and RS are annoyed by their arrogance. If their nobles make a mistake, their leaders wont take any responsibility about it nor apologize. RS fined AJ because of his crime, but same time they are claiming that it is ok to stab foreigners. Same was earlier with Abington, they were clearly informed that Darka wont sell food them, but still they sent their traders to black market on our lands, that stopped thought when we declared war to them... oh, started to babble a bit out of contest, sorry.

4. Were punishment of AJ(500 gold fine) harsh enough? He after all collected 600 gold bounty from Mr_Jones head?

T: Yes, it was voted on by the Redspan council to be a fitting punishment, after all he did have the contract on his head, so he must not be that innocent to warrant such a contract.
A: Its gave everybody in this world something to laugh about. Again it came back to why did the person had such a high bounty on him? I doubt that it was for being a nice guy.
Kr: Yes, in my opinion it is. Its not only the fine that is taking place.It is also that AJ will be the man that RS wont have a second chance on a similar incident.
Actions like this usually are making more harm than good.
Of course, I don't know if a similar case took place against RS in the past. An infiltrator to hit a Council Member from RS.
KK: No, AJ still got profit from it. I wouldn't be bothered to care about this is at all, but i think it is not justice that victim don't get nothing and aggressor gets 100 gold and his "boss" gets 500. It was just big tax for AJ and jackpot to RS.

5. Would you attack Darka if there were not CE/Eston/Talerium who refuse to give permission for your armies? or have they refused? I know Eston has.

T: Maybe...Maybe not....and for the other realms refusing access, only Eston has refused, we have not asked the others because we haven't wanted to travel through their lands.
A: Yes, but not because they was threatening Redspan, but because they attack Abington.
Kr: I am not getting this question,can you rephrase? However,i will never attack Darka,except of course if they threat Carelia. Something that there is no reason to happen.

I made KK a bit different question: Would Darka attack RedSpan if they would have been fighting alone? Or would Darka attack on Carelia because they are defending RS?

KK: Yes, we would have gone and kick RS a bit, it would have been tough battles I'm sure. RS warriors are hard fighting bunch, I respect a lot Tara and RS and Carelia, they have real hard position as geographically and politically, especially Tara and RS. They are in borders of 3 big alliances and been close to being wiped out from map many times. But still, there they are. Of course their allies have saved them, but same time often these allies prevent them to get peace even if they want it and often it puts them on very difficult positions. Like RS was on last Abington war, they sure would love to help Abington, but it would have meant battles fought on their grounds and probably they wouldn't have gotten Sullenport deal from ASI. Same goes with Tara, once big and glorious realm got in deep trouble and CE was not able to support them fully, but CE hired Darka to defend Tara and together we were able to save at least few of Taras regions. I feel a bit bad that RS and Darkas relations went this bad, we had gotten even a bit closer when we were able to sign peace treaty with them during Abby war. But I think RS didnt want to sign it, they just didn't want us to kill their troops while we passed their lands. So mayby by pressure from Abington they started this conflict?
About Carelia, I hold high respects towards Carelia and especially Kronos. He has been on real tough space. I was sad when Carelia "backstabbed" Tara, but was happy when Kronos got in throne. I and CE negotiated hard to get Carelia on our side, or out from SA. But i think disagreements between Achilles(Tyrant of Tara) and Kronos pushed them back to under wings of SA. I have pretty good relations with Kronos, i like him. He is honest and honorable man. He is doing all he can to keep Carelia on that honorable path, but to your answer if Darka would attack Carelia? Yes, we would if that is needed. Carelia has chosen its side on this issue, they are kind of forced to help RS because they are federation with them. But Darka will ofcourse try to avoid making relations with Carelia more bad. But if it is essential to success on our war efforts, we might have to attack there too, to drag them away from RS lands example. I hope Kronos know that it still isnt attack against Carelia, but against RS. Carelia has walked in this conflict by volunteer, they can leave it too if they wish before conflict will escalate on their lands.

So here is what i have gathered. I have been trying to be non biased on this. Looks like KK "stole" a bit more lines than other leaders. I'm not professional reporter, so there might be awful lot spelling errors and all that kind of stuff. Feel free to add some suggestions and non "flame" comments. I will try to keep this article updated, if something new happens. I'm count of Tandsu, and I have good spot to see how war progresses, if it ever will happen.

-Urpo, The Count of Tandsu (Tara)

PS. Since I'm a "freelancer" this article can be copied or linked to any current working newspaper if wanted.