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==Seventh Campaign==
==Seventh Campaign==
* Nickname pending
* Fallback Campaign
===Invasion and TO of Rii===
===Invasion and TO of Rii===
* On October 16, Irombrozian forces entered Rii, and began a brutal TO, and looted Rii.  
* On October 16, Irombrozian forces entered Rii, and began a brutal TO, and looted Rii.  
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===Fourth Battle of Rii===
===Fourth Battle of Rii===
* On October 30, 10,000 CS of Luz de Bian forces attacked the 4.5k CS of primarily Irombrozian, but also Republican (Fwuvoghor) forces in Rii. Luz de Bia wins the battle.
* On October 30, 10,000 CS of Luz de Bian forces attacked the 4.5k CS of primarily Irombrozian, but also Republican (Fwuvoghor) forces in Rii. Luz de Bia wins the battle.
===Third Battle of Irombro===
* On October 31 the Luz de Bian forces pressed on to Irombro, and again defeated the Irombrozian/Republican defending forces. The citizens' militia was called up.
* In a second round of battles, the Luz de Bian rearguard was defeated in a 4k vs. 2k, Irombrozian advantage, battle.
* It isn't all through with yet!
* Irombrozia was again prevented from taking Rii, and was defeated in pitched battle several times. This campaign was a LUZ DE BIAN VICTORY. Irombrozian production was hurt by calling up militia, and its military power was decimated.
==Eigth Campaign==
* Allied Campaign
===First Battle of Ardmore===
* Note- we count battles by the ones WE have participated in, there were earlier battles in Ardmore, but none Irombrozia fought in.
* About 2-3k of Irombrozian forces marched north to Ardmore to help vanquish the Luz de Bian rearguard alongside 26k of Republican, Fronenian, and Riombaran forces.
===First Battle of Ruefillo===
* 3k of defending Irombrozian forces were attacked by 10k of Luz de Bian forces on the way from Ardmore.
===Second Battle of Ruefillo===
* Most of the Luz de Bian force is defeated by a 10k force of Irombrozians, Republicans, Riombarans, and Fronenians from Ardmore.

Revision as of 12:52, 3 November 2006

  • This document is a historical and unbiased accounting of the campaigns, battles, and events of the Irombrozia vs. Luz de Bia war, AKA, according to Irombrozians, the "Honor War".
  • Another Historical document of a similar time period, from a Riombaran perspective: Riombara/TheGreatWar.

Pre-War Campaigns

  • The Invisible War

First Battle of Bolkenia

  • In this battle, roughly 3k Irombrozian forces in Bolkenia clashed with roughly 3k Luz de Bian forces because a few Luz de Bian TLs were accidently set to aggressive. The end result was that Luz de Bia's general, Harim, died in battle.

Occupation of Bolkenia

  • Prior to the war, Luz de Bian forces frequently entered into and sat in Bolkenia, violating, from an Irombrozian perspective, the terms of various unwritten treaties.


  • Irombrozia declared war on Luz de Bia just before midday on August 10, 1006. Their alleged reasons where that Chancellor Nhoc had sexually harrassed and insulted the honor of Queen Baiko, Luz de Bia had (according to the Irombrozians) broken treaties with them, invaded their territory, assaulted King Marc, attempted to kidnap Queen Baiko, and Luz de Bia's supposed lack of cooperation in negotiations.

First Campaign

  • The Great Campaign

First Battle of Cagamir

  • On August 10, over 3,000 CS of Irombrozian forces attacked and defeated a TO-sized Cavalry unit in Cagamir. The supposed reason was that Gorian, the leader of said cavalry unit, had attempted to kidnap Queen Baiko, and the Royal Irombrozian military was merely taking disciplinary action. Yet, battle reports indicate that Irombrozian forces acted aggressively, advancing up the field, while Luz de Bian forces took to offensive action and attampted to avoid combat. The battle was a victory for IROMBROZIA, with Luz de Bia's unit being obliterated.
  • Immediately after the battle had concluded, the RIM began a friendly TO of Cagamir, without looting or brutality, while the remnants of Gorian's unit were hunted.
  • During the TO of Cagamir, skirmishes began in Bolkenia, resulting in Irombrozian victories. Yet these battles were small and insignifigant, involving only scouting and vanguard forces on both sides.

Invasion of Bolkenia

  • On August 11 or 12, exact dates are unknown, roughly 5,000 CS of Luz de Bian forces occupied Bolkenia, cutting off the RIM forces in Cagamir.

First Battle of Irombro

  • Roughly 8,000 CS of Luz de Bian forces attacked the city of Irombro, which was defended by roughly 6,000 CS of RIM forces, on August 13. The battle resulted in a solid Irombrozian victory, and many Luz de Bian TLs were captured or wounded. In the successive series of skirmishes in Irombro, Luz de Bian remnants were eliminated. The battle was a victory for IROMBROZIA, with Luz de Bia's army being soundly defeated.

Second Battle of Bolkenia

  • The First battle of Bolkenia was BEFORE the Honor War began.
  • Simultaneous with the 1st Battle of Irombro the RIM forces in Bolkenia moved north into Bolkenia, while Luz de Bian forces which lagged behind in the attack on Irombro met them. The ensuing battle had two stages. In the first stage (simultaneous with the main attack on Irombro) 2,000 CS of Luz de Bian forces defeated Irombrozian forces, making stage 1 a LUZ DE BIAN victory.
  • Stage 2 was roughly 3,500 CS of Luz de Bian forces against about 2,000 CS of Irombrozian troops. This stage was also a LUZ DE BIAN victory.


  • The First Campaign of the Honor war (August 10-August 14) was an IROMBROZIAN VICTORY. Luz de Bian forces returned to Grehk to refitt, while Irombrozian forces readied for their next campaign.

Second Campaign

  • The Fallen Campaign

Invasion of Rii

  • On August 19, after gathering forces and recruiting, Irombrozian forces invaded Rii. Other 3,000 CS of troops were in the first wave of RIM forces, meeting little to no Luz de Bian resistance. A brutal TO was begun.
  • Throughout the Honor War, Irombrozia was plagued by assassins and infiltrators, used to maximum advantage by the Luz de Bians. Half of the Irombrozian council was wounded during the Invasion of Rii.
  • August 20, Irombrozian forces begin to loot taxes and raze military infrastructure of Rii, as well as burn and steal food from Luz de Bian warehouses.

First Battle of Rii

  • On August 22, 8,000 CS of Luz de Bian forces invaded Rii, soundly defeating the 4k Irombrozian TO force and stopping the TO. The broken Irombrozian forces withdrew to the relative safety of Irombro. This battle was a victory for LUZ DE BIA.

Second and Third Battles of Bolkenia

  • On August 23, 5,000 CS of Luz de Bian forces invaded Bolkenia, and crushed the scattered Irombrozian resistance. A counterattack was organized byu the Irombrozians, and launched, only to be defeated by the Luz de Bian forces. This was two more victories for LUZ DE BIA.
  • A Brutal TO was begun.
  • On August 25, the TO was broken by Bolkenian peasents.


  • The second campaign (August 19- August 25)was a definite LUZ DE BIAN victory, resulting in many defeats for Irombrozian forces. All the same, Luz de Bian forces were forced to withdraw to refitt and recruit, while Irombrozian forces were, for all intents and purposes, already at their capitol.

Third Campaign

  • The Sorrowful Campaign

Second Invasion and Battle of Rii

  • On August 27, some 4,000 CS of Irombrozian forces invaded Rii, and began a brutal TO, with looting to aid it.
  • On August 28, 6,000 CS of Luz de Bian attacked Rii and defeated the Irombrozian TO force, ending the TO. In the battle, High Marshall Slomcha of Irombrozia was slain. Irombrozian forces again retreated to Irombro. This battle was a victory for LUZ DE BIA.


  • The Third Campaign (August 27-29) was cut short by the death of Slomcha, and Irombrozian forces withdrew to Irombro to recruit and find new leadership. Slomcha's death marked a turning point, after which Luz de Bia began devoting more effort to defeating Irombrozia.

Fourth Campaign

  • The Secret Campaign

Second Battle of Cagamir

  • On September 2, one TO unit was secretly dispatched to Cagamir to begin a TO. Unfortunately, when the TO was begun, its starters were mobbed by peasents. The main army arrived then, and, to break the resistance, massive looting of tax coffers and food supplies began. When Luz de Bian forces began to mass in Ruefillo and Rii, the RIM was recalled to Irombro.


  • The Fourth Campaign(September 1-4) established the pervading mood for the rest of the war: loot, pillage, and destroy. It was a marginal IROMBROZIAN VICTORY, though no major battles were fought.

Fifth Campaign

  • The IRF Campaign

Second Battle of Irombro

  • On September 6, roughly 18,000 CS of allied Luz de Bian and Avalonien forces assaulted Irombro, defeating the Irombrozian defenders and scattering them. A TO was begun. The Second Battle of Irombro was a decisive victory for LUZ DE BIA, totally smashing the RIM.
  • On September 8 the peasentry broke the Luz de Bian TO, and a new one was started.
  • On September 9, that TO was broken.

Sack of Irombro

  • On September 12, Luz de Bia began a massive looting campaigna fter Avalonian troops left the city, and another TO was begun. Massive peasent militia volunteer units sprung up.
  • September 12-15, the looting continues, and massive peasent units continue to rise up and be crushed by Luz de Bian forces.
  • September 15, Irombrozian forces recruit and try to break the TO. They are defeated, but manage to hurt Luz de Bian forces a bit.
  • September 15-22, Luz de Bians continue to loot and start TOs that end in failure. Over 12,000 peasents are slain.
  • September 22, Irombrozian forces again attempt organized resistance, and are again defeated, but again hurt Luz de Bian forces.
  • September 23, Luz de Bian forces fully withdraw, due to Luz de Bian defeats in Ardmore at the hands of Fronen and RIombara.


  • WIth almost 50% of Irombro's population dead, the city has vastly reduced production, and rebuilding will be difficult for Irombrozia. The Fifth Campaign was a stalemate or a marginal Luz de Bian victory. No TO was successful, and the forces Luz had in Irombro could have won the battle in Ardmore for them, but they DID succeed in vastly weakening Irombrozia.

Sixth Campaign

  • The Triumphant Campaign

Arrival of Avalon

  • October 8, roughly 4000 CS of Avalonian forces arrive in Bolkenia, supported by 1000-2000 CS of Luz de Bian troops. They begin pillaging Bolkenia. Production drops to 1% in Bolkenia, and almost 50% of the population is slain.

Looting of Rii and Ruefillo

  • October 10, Lord Hireshmont untertook to extract financial support from the Luz de Bian tax coffers in Ruefillo and Rii, and began a minor looting campaign with his Irombrozian Resistance Front (IRF) bowmen, while the RIM gathered its forces in Irombro.

Fourth Battle of Bolkenia

  • October 13, 3600 CS of Irombrozian forces (the combined RIM and IRF) assaulted Bolkenia. In a hard fought battle, Irombrozian forces prevailed, defeating the Avalonians and Luz de Bians.

Seventh Campaign

  • Fallback Campaign

Invasion and TO of Rii

  • On October 16, Irombrozian forces entered Rii, and began a brutal TO, and looted Rii.
  • The TO was completed without any opposition on October 18. No Luz attempt was made to break the TO. Scurtingbord was made Count, but assassinated soon after.

Third Battle of Rii

  • On October 24, after Irombrozian forces had withdrawn to Irombro, Luz de Bia entered Rii with roughly 4k CS, and began a friendly takeover.
  • On October 25 Irombrozian forces attacked, and were defeated (being almost twice outpowered, roughly 2k vs. 4k) largely because of bad coordination. The TO continued.
  • Luz was defeated in battle, but the TO continued.
  • On October 28, Irombrozia began a TO of the region.

Fourth Battle of Rii

  • On October 30, 10,000 CS of Luz de Bian forces attacked the 4.5k CS of primarily Irombrozian, but also Republican (Fwuvoghor) forces in Rii. Luz de Bia wins the battle.

Third Battle of Irombro

  • On October 31 the Luz de Bian forces pressed on to Irombro, and again defeated the Irombrozian/Republican defending forces. The citizens' militia was called up.
  • In a second round of battles, the Luz de Bian rearguard was defeated in a 4k vs. 2k, Irombrozian advantage, battle.


  • Irombrozia was again prevented from taking Rii, and was defeated in pitched battle several times. This campaign was a LUZ DE BIAN VICTORY. Irombrozian production was hurt by calling up militia, and its military power was decimated.

Eigth Campaign

  • Allied Campaign

First Battle of Ardmore

  • Note- we count battles by the ones WE have participated in, there were earlier battles in Ardmore, but none Irombrozia fought in.
  • About 2-3k of Irombrozian forces marched north to Ardmore to help vanquish the Luz de Bian rearguard alongside 26k of Republican, Fronenian, and Riombaran forces.

First Battle of Ruefillo

  • 3k of defending Irombrozian forces were attacked by 10k of Luz de Bian forces on the way from Ardmore.

Second Battle of Ruefillo

  • Most of the Luz de Bian force is defeated by a 10k force of Irombrozians, Republicans, Riombarans, and Fronenians from Ardmore.