Difference between revisions of "Nighthelm Weekly/Nobles/Scion"

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==Other Information==
==Other Information==
*The Wolf (Mercenary Title)
*The Wolf (Mercenary Title)
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*The Gray (For his gray attire, and deep gray eyes)
*The Gray (For his gray attire, and deep gray eyes)
*Champion Thief (Title of a member of the Order of Thieves)
*Champion Thief (Title of a member of the Order of Thieves)
*1st Lieutenant (Rank in Nighthelm's army - Currently part of the Lightning Raiders)
*White Wind - Longsword -> Given up after quitting the ~V~ Hall and reclaiming it
*White Wind - Longsword -> Given up after quitting the ~V~ Hall and reclaiming it

Latest revision as of 17:16, 24 July 2006

Scion Calanar (The Wolf)

The Beginning

Scion is a bit different from most. He is a reluctant hero who learned the arts of trade, combat, and a bit of strategy. His family hails from the Grand Lodge, but he didn't fit in with the family. In order to avoid his family he became a trader for a while.

He went back and forth trading goods. Once when he was carrying a valuable shipment he was attacked by bandits. Only Scion and his body guard Mark survived the attack. Not wanting to return in shame Scion cut off all connections with his family and wandered as a mercenary for a couple of years. During this time he wandered the Far East as a ruthless killer. The way he killed got him the title as The Wolf. He trained in the art of blind fighting which greatly heightened his senses as well. Eventually he ended up killing someone he cared about and realized the problems with the path he walked. Unfortunately he couldn't return to a life of trading, and has since forgotten all of his trading knowledge.

In a state of depression he wandered the Far East until he came to a strange forest in Ahael. In the forest he found a spring. It was here he learned to worship the Wind God Aeolus and found his sword Storm Caller. He rarely drew this sword, but used it as a reminder. He then set off to atone for his crimes and seek a better life. This path led him to Nighthelm.


Nighthelm had a rough start for Scion, but eventually he found his place. For a while it was among the ~V~ Hall. That held until he got into a disagreement with the Founder and left. According to his friend Senoske, his name is known throughout the south as the man who survived Arkenine. He had been nearly killed by that blade, but in an unlikely event he pulled through. His life had a small purpose, but not one he cared for.

He fought in a few battles here and there, particularly the Batesaor War, which wiped out the realm Batesaor, and put the lands under Nighthelm control. It was in this war he first met the lady Laura, the Princess of Thieves. She decided he was worthy of the title thief, and is now a good friend of Scion.

Resurfaced Past

For a while there was a short pause in Scion's career. A time where he didn't do much, and there was no fighting. This changed when an old man appeared on his doorstep and took Storm Caller from Scion. The man instead gave Scion his old mercenary sword. This was the sword he left behind when he found Storm Caller. Scion dueled the man and broke Storm Caller with his old sword. The man took the pieces and left. Vjaya the Soul Splitter was in his hands once again.

Scion began to train for a while, and participated in Nighthelm's first tournament. It was there he beat Senoske, and then beat him twice more outside of the tournament. This meant that Scion was getting very skilled with a sword. After Scion, Senoske, and Gomorrah had built the Brotherhood of the Black Rose, Scion dueled Senoske once more and was wounded by Arken in the same place Arkenine had wounded him before. This immediately brought Scion to terms with most of his past, and allowed him to use his evil side when he needed to. This put him at a greater risk of becoming evil, but it was worth it. The dark scar of Arkenine was gone.

Another event that holds some sway to Scion is the rebellion in the Grand Lodge of Lunaria. The result put a man named Brian in power, but within a few days Scion's brother, Ziode, had taken control, and that had made Scion part of the Royal Family of the Grand Lodge. He didn't care for it, but that was how things went.


In a war that spread throughout the Far East Scion traveled north to aid Svunnetland. Eventually he ended up in Ahael. It was then he decided to revisit the forest and the spring. He faced his darknesses and learned the true path of his religion. Balance. He now understood that everything in life balanced out somewhere. His armor and cloak are now gray, and his eyes changed from brown to gray as well. Gray is the balance between Black and White which represent Evil and Good. Also, Scion no longer has his evil side anymore. It has vanished into the mists of time, and only under moments of extreme anger for him would you ever know that that kind of evil lay within him.


Scion has diffficulty understanding exactly who he is. He even wonders where his path will take him in life. So far it only seems to have become more clouded. He sometimes wonders if he has to settle a few things from his past in order to see the future ahead of him. Also, since he knows about the balance of order and chaos, he wonders if he'll ever end up fighting for evil again to preserve that balance.

The Long Road Ahead

Scion has fought for Nighthelm for a while now. His life seemed to be repetitive, but there were forces at work that changed everything.

The Princess of Thieves, Laura, had asked him to help her meet with Ziode so that she could build her guild, The Order of Thieves. Scion met her at the tournament, and although the guild was never built, he had fallen in love with Laura, and a close relationship had begun. For a little while someone was disrupting tournaments and giving out free gold. This happened at both the Lunarian and Antozan tournaments. Scion was given a large sum of gold at the second one. He used that and a big favor from his friends Gul'Dan and Senoske to build the first guild hall for The Order of Thieves.

Another event that occured was the unknown return of Nobdy. If this was true, then Scion was far from done with the Chaos Requiem. He still had to beat Nobdy and see to it that this time he stayed dead.

Other Information


  • The Wolf (Mercenary Title)
  • Walker of the Path (Former ~V~ Hall of Blood and Battle Title)
  • Thorn of the Black Rose (Brotherhood of the Black Rose Co-founder title)
  • The Gray (For his gray attire, and deep gray eyes)
  • Champion Thief (Title of a member of the Order of Thieves)
  • 1st Lieutenant (Rank in Nighthelm's army - Currently part of the Lightning Raiders)


  • White Wind - Longsword -> Given up after quitting the ~V~ Hall and reclaiming it
    • (End of the Beginning - Nighthelm)
  • ~V~ Wind - Longsword -> Given up upon leaving the ~V~ Hall
    • (Nighthelm - until leaving the ~V~ Guild)
  • Storm Caller - Longsword -> Broken in a duel with a mysterious old man
    • (End of The Beginning - Resurfaced Past)
  • Vjaya (The Soul Splitter) - Longsword -> Cursed rune blade from Scion's mercenary days; returned to him by a mysterious old man
    • (The Beginning and Resurfaced Path - Balance)
  • Vjaya (Nature's Wrath) - Longsword -> Same as above only reforged by the mysterious old man after Scion's awakening; It has new runes carved into it and no longer is an evil blade
    • (Balance - Present)

Also See