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(Brief history and facts about the Vain Moral.)
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<<The information in this Article is highly scurrilous and suspect. It consists of an egomanaical Personal Mythology which contradicts the high learning of Attamara's learned Alchemists and Astrologers. It is outdated and rife with falsehood. The reader should consider this article an amusing fiction, no more. Enjoy!>>

Revision as of 17:52, 21 July 2006

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<<The information in this Article is highly scurrilous and suspect. It consists of an egomanaical Personal Mythology which contradicts the high learning of Attamara's learned Alchemists and Astrologers. It is outdated and rife with falsehood. The reader should consider this article an amusing fiction, no more. Enjoy!>>


BIRTH OF AN IDEA: The Vain Moral is a secret society that once held the entire world of Sother at its mercy. In its early years, its members numbered less then one dozen, but was said to be made up of local kings, merchant-lords and powerful political figures from all over Sother's north lands.

The group was created to sapport peace, equality and justice. The members vowed an oath of blood

"For the Moral of Vain, we are the Vain Moral."

This group was orginized by rich wine dealers and traders of fabrics and spices. The orginization was also rumored to be housed in a secret mannor located within the Noble lands of "Vain" (Southern Sother). The original members never made much of events, insted turning a "good idea" into a country club for the bluest of bloods. The society began aquiring many members, who in mock ritual and glamerous garb, swore to up hold the "Sacred Sins of Society" as the common law. The Sacred sins represented all the desires of man's flesh, mind and soul. The finer things, luxery, sex and gluttony. The welathy members of the VM spent thier meeting time drunk on wines and whores.

THE JAMOONIAN WAR By the time of the war (200 years later), where Jamoon was proven to be a servant of evil, the Vain Moral found new life. the members, still wealthy and powerful, had for warning of Jamoon's deceat and had been prepearing to strike at the heart of his empire. They plotted to kill jamoon and his dukes of death in one foul swoop.

JAMOON FOUND DEAD War broke out as the evil Empire's leader was found dead- throat slit, along with his children (17 of them, all dead...rumor says perhaps two escaped). The war caused major chaos and turned the lands into a feild of fire and death. Vain attacked CrackenSeed, entering battle with its armies in control of generals who belonged to the VM. Brooksheild struck the farm lands of Edenna, cuasing food shortage to much of Jamoon's armies in the south. Vashmere sat back ploting for the perfect angle- sapporting Rohaven's attacks from the west- but never truly entering battle. Darghoolah sided with vashmere in not entering battle "until the end- sending soilders to takeover the east of Sother.

After the 25yr war- most lands lay waste. Vashmere, Brooksheild and Dargoolah were the only winners, while most familys were erased forever from history- these three familys made a fortune off the war.

A DIRTY PAST Since the war's end, the vain Moral was offically dispanded and for the past 50 years any bearing the mark of the vain Moral (a silver face mask, and or a ring/necklace bearing the symbol of the silver mask) have been publically hung in the kingdoms of all Sother. Reports of members actually exsisting have become less and less...and for the past ten 25 years no member has been proven to exsist. Those who were found since before the war -have all turned out to be criminals and straglers using the name as a sort of Cult or gang. All criminals involved with the VM were hung publically- usually for stirring up trouble, murder or thieft. Most were poor and uneducated thugs. Many pirates, cut-throats, murderous mercenaries, and drifters adopted the symbols the VM, using its mysterious lore as a dark cloak to invent fear and unrest within enemies. A few public officials found murdered in thier own homes (In Rohaven) did actually prove to be linked to the true VM by old blood lines. Though the bodies of these officals bore marks of the VM's popular symbols (faces covered by sacks, and the words 'MORAL' carved into skin) were found at all crime scenes- the local government never found connection to any real clues of the VM operating again. The words 'Vain Moral' once stood for heroic riseing of the people- now was considered a slurr word. To be called a "Vain Moralist" was to become the greatest insult a tongue could bring about for many decades following.

SYMBOLS: A member of the VM can be noticed by the symbol of the silver mask, or by jewlery of silver containing pictures or symbols of masks. A Moralist was often said to be fond of silver, and some accounts show some members adopting silver rings that bore the dragon as its symbol. Dragons, silver, and Masks often are considered symbols of the VM.

DOGMA: The secret dogma of the VM is simple. "humans have needs. Good humans and bad humans alike wish to be peaceful at all times- but both can be driven to kill and show no mercy. What drives the good to kill can be the same as what makes the evil kill. Hunger, lust, pride, anger, greed, gluttony, sloth...these things are not good or evil- they are "humanistic", such desires should be fed not starved- those who are refused these freedoms always turn into animals (just as bad, or somtimes worse) then those on all fours. It is not a man's alignment that often cauases him to war- its the removal or forbiddence of these basic animal needs.

Those who refuse the free right to satisfie one's self (as a people or as individuals) are MONSTERS. Those who choose to limit a free thinking man's reason and understanding of the universe, himself or the true nature of nature- are MONSTERS. Those who limit education of the people, or the flow of information reguarding truth- are MONSTERS. The Vain Moral slay all MONSTERS.

For the Moral of Vain, we are the Vain Moral!!!

RUMORS STILL TODAY: It has been over 25 years since the last offical hanging or beheading of any proclaimed (by self or law) Moralist. Any positive connection with TRUE proven Moralists date back over 60 years ago. But still till this day some whisper the word that the VM shall return only when government turns agiasnt its people. Only when a ruler becomes a MONSTER. And they will slay that Monster.