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Furiae has arrived at the city of Golden Farrow by sea, running away from a wedding she never wished with her own father's stolen sword and the bridal price that had been paid. '''[Under construction]'''
Furiae has arrived at the city of Golden Farrow by sea, running away from a wedding she never wished with her own father's stolen sword and the bridal price that had been paid. '''[Under construction]'''
''Location: Golden Farrow''

==De Haguns==
==De Haguns==

Revision as of 21:06, 10 April 2021

Furiae has arrived at the city of Golden Farrow by sea, running away from a wedding she never wished with her own father's stolen sword and the bridal price that had been paid. [Under construction]

De Haguns

The Wayward Daughter Location: Golden Farrow

“My lady”, said the captain, “the Duke awaits”.

Furiae smiled gently at the man and nodded. “Make sure the Perdanese Free Company is ready to escort me to the palace. Oh, and I want them to form two lines in front of the palace and raise their swords as I pass by. I want to make an impression on the rabble”, she said, imagining the scene as she bit her lower lip. “One last thing. Spread the word that if any able-bodied man wants to serve me and leave the mercenary life in the past, I’ll pay handsomely those that join my retinue”.

The mercenary nodded affirmatively and left the hall of her employer’s new estate. The Haguns girl had recently taken over the Stronghold Precint under the auspices of the Duke of Golden Farrow, and she was now to rule it in his stead. Now, all that was left to do was to formally swear her allegiance before the duke’s court.

Furiae’s Pride Location: Golden Farrow

Leaving her estate, Furiae was escorted by a small retinue of men and women divided in two lines. Some wearing leather and others breastplates and light armor. Some had the Lion of Perdan, still embroidered in their surcoats, others bore the Lion of Perleone, but any sigil was barely recognizable after long months or years as mercenaries. All carried longbows and quiver on their backs, and a short sword by the waist. These soldiers had been paid by Furiae on town port of Pelasgia with the money had stolen from her bridal price, to protect her until she reached Dwilight.

The new Dame of Stronghold Precint stood out amongst the group as they marched through the city, riding a horse she had just bought and named Swiftstar.

As soon as she arrived at the palace’s courtyard, she took her sweet time dismounting from the horse, with the help of the mercenary captain, while her escort advanced forward and stood in formation as two honor lines. Adjusting her gown, she strode forward each pair of soldiers as they rose their swords, while curious eyes watched her, some thinking who was that new brat that had the gall to put such a pretentious and grandiose show.

The guards had been alerted of her arrival, and let her pass through the palace’s gates. She was escorted by one of them into duke Solomon’s hall, where the knighting ceremony was to take place and the Dame would swear her oath of fealty. A footman than announced “The Dame Furiae de Haguns has arrived to swear her allegiance!”, and Furiae entered the hall, bowing graciously as her blue eyes rose from to the ground to meet Solomon’s.

The young girl had her long raven black hair braided and styled so it fell to the right side of her shoulder. She wore an elegant, light and slightly provocative strapless azure blue gown that partially exposed one of her legs, and carried no weapons. The only jewelry she had on herself was a gold necklace with a small sapphire that matched her eyes. In fact, that was the only jewelry she had ever since she ran away from Perdan.


Furiae’s Pride Location: Golden Farrow

That day, Solomon had not needed to hold court for the sunset session for the vast majority of disputes had been settled. The Royal Duke was well aware of how the high tax could cause complications and disputes amongst his subjects, hence he made himself available during the majority of waking hours to their pleas, all for the benefit of his city. Yet, on the rare occasion where court did not need to be held as the sun set over the horizon and the temperature dropped, he would take the time to go to the academy or spend time for his children. Despite all of this, even as his time as Autarch, he always made time for his fellow nobility, which was what would occur that evening.

Arriving from the Eastern Continent, the Furiae of Family de Haguns came to the Royal Palace to officially swear fealty, a matter that Solomon took incredibly seriously. He remembered when he first took his proper oaths to the Lord of Giask as a man of 18,or base azure martlet volant argent heraldry of Greybrook family. which were simply ignored and assumed. After that, when he was appointed to the Lordship of Dantooine, the elation of recognition and ceremony with his own Duke was something which pushed the man forward to what he achieved today. Hence, Solomon ensured that the court was properly organised to demonstrate the significance of this noble's ascension and recognition of nobility. He had asked for some of his vassals to be present in the room to support their newest warriors in arms, which he spotted Emyhr amongst the crowd at least.

The court room was adorned and renewed with all proper iconography of the former Autarch. The Golden Anchor was draped over the walls with the red and green fluttering quietly as the sea breeze came through the windows. The insignia of or base, azure martlet and volant argent heraldry of Greybrook family was also holstered in alternate patterns with the realm's banner. Yet, the Throne that previously dwelt in the Duke's court room, which had been sent to the quarters of the reigning Autarch, was replaced with only a slightly less modest golden throne of the Ducal man. There, Solomon adorned his formal military uniform, black tunics with specs of Golden accents to reflect the Gylden Kraken elite.

Signified with the Dame's arrival, Solomon rose off his seat and came down the steps to stand before his subject, whom had knelt in custom. The young girl was elegant, refined and held a youthful beauty which Solomon certainly took note of. She bore no military regalia but he was already informed of her disciplined unit's capabilities as she had arrived in the city, signs of a possible commander in the making. Ensuring to capture the moment before any pleasantries, Solomon began the ceremony:

"Court of Golden Farrow and subjects of the greater realm of Tol Goldora, you have been summoned here to witness the traditional knighting ceremony."

Looking down to the kneeing woman, Solomon spoke directly to Furaie:

"Furiae of Family de Haguns from the Perdanese Mines of the Eastern Continent, do you provide your oath of body, mind and loyalty to me, Royal Duke Solomon Greybrook of Golden Farrow, on behalf of the crown of Tol Goldora. Do you pledge yourself to serve loyally, act diligently and promote the interests of our fair realm? Do you take responsibility for the fief that I have provided for you and ensure it's success? If you accept this oath, I will knight you as a Dame of Golden Farrow."

Solomon waited for Furiae's response before continuing, hoping she would rise to the occasion.