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Rodney Ogren
Rodney Ogren
Family Fame:


Revision as of 13:02, 23 February 2020

Greetings and Salutations one and all

Greetings to one and all,

Welcome to the RP history pages of the Ogren Family. Each character is updated as often as I am able. If you notice an error, please leave me a note in the discussion tab. I will get to it as soon as I can.

Blessed be and Peace be with you.

Sincerely, Rodney Ogren

Family Fame:





Home Country
  Game Family
(Wiki Page)
"Honor in Service, Serve with Honor" is the Ogren Family Motto.


Beginning in Fontan as the Daughter of Jon Paul Ogren and Katalyfae Dragul. Served as Countess of Oporto in Fontan until moving to Sirion where she fell in love with a Sirion native and soon gave birth to Rayne Ogren. However, She was killed in a Pardan Raid just months after the birth of her child. The Father was never named.

Died in a raid while traveling near Perdan. It was a Perdan Raiding party the killed her.

Her only Daughter Rayne was too young at the time to take up the Family Banner.


Was next to leave home. She did so on the 21st day of March in the year of 1008. She began her career on the Island of Dwilight in the realm of Pian en Luries, where after a short time was appointed Countess of Cadier 2 times as the region had had all it was going to take from Pian en Luries and its looting ways. She then joined Verus Luria, the Duchy of Poryatown had succeeded from Pian en Luries. The story surrounding this can be found in the Poryatown Press. Then after the Fall of Verus Luria Lady Katayanna found herself responsible for a number of nobles that came to depend upon her. She decided along with a few other close companions that the best way to care for the nobles that followed her was to colonize another realm. Lady Katayanna started speaking with the different Rulers of the realms of Dwilight trying to find a new home for the almost dozen nobles that surrounded her. The Realm of Shadovar was in need of assistance and appeared about ready to succumb to the wilds of Dwilight. So Lady Katayanna struck a deal with Dictator Edelstein to assist Shadovar in the securing of its borders in exchange for permission to colonize to the north/west of Shadovar on the western Mainland. Shadovar agreed to this and an alliance of sorts was formed. They will soon be headed out to secure their own realm, having assisted in the revival of Shadovar. Shadovar tortured her and this was the trigger that ended the realm of Shadovar as her followers rebelled and Sir Mathias took over as ruler. Katayanna became the next Duchess of Port Raviel and when threatened with being banned seceded to Form D'Hara. She ruled D'Hara as the Dragon Queen and took over the remaining regions of Shadovar. during this time she was at odds with the SA Religion. then fate would have it that a rebellion arose by her most trusted advisor and those she called friends. She was forced to run and found a home in Caerwyn for a while and then left for Morek and converted to the SA and stayed there for years in quiet retirement. Then she moved to Kabrinskia.

Many Years have gone by with no sign of Katayanna until she was found on a small uncharted island. and she returned to her Beloved D'Hara hoping to have time to heal and recover from her ordeal. She had been gone some 60+ years yet to her own reckoning only a few years had passed. She cannot explain why or how. She was unable to account for her missing years and her apparent lack of aging. Baffled She returned to D'Hara in hopes to find solace and be allowed to see if she could discover what had happened to her. However, that was not to be. She was met with immediate suspicion and aggression from some of the Nobles. Especially Marshal Prudence. Marshal Prudence seemed to take personal offence at katayanna's arrival. His insults and threats made her homecoming a living nightmare. Only the Dragon King Zond's counsel and gentle approach allowed to to remain calm and not seek Prudence out to exact satisfaction. On her final sea voyage to Port Nebel she vowed to seek satisfaction in the future.

She would remain in Port Nebel at the Kings request to stabilize the the region before she took the Vows of Priesthood, and leave to head to Arnor to serve the SA church.

Jon Paul

Was the third to leave the nest and probably the most outspoken of all the Ogren's. jon Paul take the adage of his word is his bond to new levels. he takes the family motto of Honor in Service to the extreme. he began his career on the East continent as well, not too far from the family mansion in the realm of Fontan. Drawn probably to the aspect of freedom of speech and the ideals of Democracy. he serves as a Bureaucrat and is marshal of the Bureaucratic army for Fontan. Jon Paul was the first to take a wife. Though they have yet to formalize the arrangement, Countess Katalynfae Dragul is for all tense and Purposes his wife. They rarely get to see each other as the 5 front War that engulfs Fontan keeps them separated. He was reported murdered and lived as a peasant for a while until his memory returned and he stepped forward and claimed his rights as a Noble of Fontan. Though the experience seemed to change him.


Rayne is the Daughter Sasha Ogren who is Daughter of Jon Paul Ogren and KatalynFae Dragul. Born Just before Sasha's death, Rayne was too young to take up arms. She does not forget the bastards of Perdan that killed her mother. Her mother never revealed the name of her Father. So Rayne is a Bastard child. She spent her youth training in the martial arts, well as reviewed Jon Paul's journals left to her by her mother. Jon Paul had put to paper all his tactics and strategies against Perdan. During her martial training, she surprised her tutors with well thought out strategies and tactics she had derived and modified to blend with all the current military tactics and strategies that her tutors had to teach. They were hers now. She acquired an estate in Parm with the long term goal to take the fight to Perdan and make them pay for her loss. (the mother she never got to know due to her death at Perdan hands). Rayne's current driving motivation is the destruction of Perdan and the Protection of Sirion. For Sirion had always been her home for as long as she could remember. She had Elven features though not as prevalent as a Full Blooded Elf of Sirion. She stood tall being just under 6' with with long Flame Red hair streaked with Silver. She knew she was a bit of an enigma. Though if asked it had served her well thus far. She stood out among her peers. Both in height and the color of her hair being the obvious visible reasons.


Starts his Career in the Colonies and the realm of Assassins.

--Ogren Family Commoners--

Ogren Commoners

History of commoners of the Ogren Family