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| width="34%" align="right"|Issue number 4, Late March
| width="34%" align="right"|Issue number 4, Late March
| width="100%" colspan="3" text-align="center"|Articles Included in This Issue: Recent news, and an update on the journalistic war with the papers of the OCPU, Interview with Eleran, the king of Yssaria, Itorunt forces defending ally and assisting in in retaking regions.
| width="100%" colspan="3" text-align="center"|Articles Included in This Issue: Recent news, and an update on the journalistic war with the OCPU, Interview with Eleran, the king of Yssaria, Itorunt forces defending ally and assisting in in retaking regions, Prominent TL's speaking out.

Revision as of 16:00, 25 March 2006

The Itorunt Informer
Price: Free! Written by the Exiled Family and Aurum Bishamon. Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt! Issue number 4, Late March
Articles Included in This Issue: Recent news, and an update on the journalistic war with the OCPU, Interview with Eleran, the king of Yssaria, Itorunt forces defending ally and assisting in in retaking regions, Prominent TL's speaking out.
Recent news, and an update on the journalistic war with the papers of the OCPU
Here at the Itorunt Informer, we are dedicated to publishing the whole, pure and beautiful truth, with perhaps a litle bit of propaganda sneaked in. It is with this noble policy that we have been fighting the misguided publshers of the Caligan Courier and Oligarchian Observer. The fact that out on the battlefield both realms are losing has done nothing to dampen their spirits. The publishers of the Itorunt Informer are confident that these papers will fail in their attempt to corrupt their readers however, and we will publish the true store on the facts and data.

Our recent news; Itorunt has been continuing to rout the forces of Perdan and Ubent almost singlehandedly, while Ibladesh begins to retake their regions stolen from them. The well trained troops of Itorunt have valiantly defended against troops from the enemy realms, and monsters, although the difference was sometimes hard to tell. Our resident Infiltrator has been successful in most ventures, successfully confusing enemy troops and doing immeasurable harm to our enemies covertly.

Itorunt forces defending ally and assisting in in retaking regions
These past 2 weeks the forces of Itorunt have been championing the cause of justice, as our forces smashed Perdanese troops and Ubentish troops in Al Aquabah and Ar Raqquah respectively. Under our newly re-appointed general Lucian, who has taken over the role of High Marshal from Aurodu the Hawk, we have led serious campaigns against the Perdanese. Lucian has led us to many victories since his appointment and in one movement of troops we have mustered the army outside of Ibladesh city. His masterful plans have led to the forces that defeated the brave troops of Ibladesh inside their capital, and then to the routing of reinforcements from both Ubent and Perdan. Unfortunately, we were too late to stop enemy aquisition of the regions Al Aquabah and Ar Raqquah. The loss of such great numbers of their troops forced Perdan to retreat, and Ubent also sustained heavy casualties. In Ubents case, however the situation was different; they have less troops. But one hero fighting there on the battlefield for them will no longer return to fight again with his troops. Paris, a hero of Ubent fell in the battle in Ar Raqquah, at the hand of Darkus' troops, the count of Noritor. Ibladesh reformed quickly, and is now running takeovers in both regions, while our well-trained troops stand guard.

In other news, Itorunt has also re-aquired Az Rarqua after it revolted and declared itself rogue. Rebels have been hung, and Itorunts bureaucrats have been working overtime to bring the region up to scratch. "Takeover succeeded After 4 days, Az Zarqua has been successfully converted to your realm and the people are now hailing to a new government. Morale in the region drops by 5 points due to the takeover, most likely caused by the brutality associated with the necessary political change." At this time Ibladesh was also suffering from the effects of a rebellion. This rebellion failed, but the revelation of which troops leaders were involved was so shocking we at the II are not allowed to publish names. While most troop leaders were pardoned, some were not. This was a dark day for Ibladesh, but as menioned above, the brave nobles of Itorunt were immediately on scene to protect the forces of our confederates. Itorunt shall be victorious!

Inteview with Eleran, King of Yssaria
How do you view Caligus?

Caligus is a realm that exists in the shadow of Perdan. I consider it and all alliances except for Oligarch to be a puppet state of Perdan. Yssaria wars with Caligus for many reasons, the late Ramirez's betrayal, warring our Federated allies, and the torture of our former King and most skilled retired General in the history of this game, Prandur.

Would you entertain any thoughts of peace with them?

Sure. Currently, they do not understand why I would be asking this, but they will soon know under the guidance of my two trusted military advisers, Abishur as High Marshal and Sumsar as second in command. I would peace with Caligus if Aureus, Aestus, Supra, and Domus were in our hands. simple.

What do you say to accusations that you are too young to think about commanding a realm such as Yssaria?

What accusations? I was elected twice. The first time might have been a bit shady as many were in prison; however, I am not larger than Yssaria. I stepped down to have a FAIR election. I was re-elected. As for my age, with my decisions militarily and how we are progressing now, Caligus is but a memory under the intereim military administration.

Is it true that you refused to take your troops to Supra to help tear down the walls? What was your reasoning?

Yes, I refused to assault the walls of Supra in the first wave, first line on a pathetic attempt to take the walls down that we could have used in the future. We will no longer ever be able to have walls in Supra again. I did not approve of the wave attack. We out produce Caligus, out military them, and am superior to them in every aspect. Stats show our superiority. I applauded the use of a huge force approach in the ammount of three attacks. Our former General used that tactic one time and said that it was useless. She failed to understand the overall picture. Two or three more attacks would have given us the victory. Would any other normal General who respected the King order him to go into the first wave of an outnumbered and overwhelming loss? no. She did not respect me as she was wrapped in her own objectives. My other military advisers thought there was a better approach. Other rulers on the East Continent laughed at our military state. They questioned our military leadership and our stance as a former power. I will not sit and allow Yssarian military to be laughed at. Changes needed to be done. I now have a General and Lietentant that are phenomenal. We just destroyed all of Caligus' military. Great things are on the horizon. Wait and see.

Finally, what is your response to a prominent Caligan TL saying "You guys couldnt have taken Supra if you life depended on it...."

My response would be, "Could someone give this confused lad a scout report of Supra please? I believe that they are constructing Yssarian Statues and running up the Yssrian colors."

Prominent TL's speak out
Former ruler of our brave realm, Sir Emanuel, has spoken out against Lucian, by saying "Lord Lucian,

You are an idiot, and your plans are foolish I do hereby ask for you to step down as general. I also ask that you not only step down as General but that you leave the whole contient. You are the most power hungry grubbing piece of dirt that I have ever met." Soon after Ryndhal issued threats of fines to those who would insult members of our realm. Emanuel spoke out against this saying "Lords & Ladys,

So now we are stopping free speech, if I decide to call Lucian names or he me we are fined... What a joke. very funny Ryndhal when did this become a tyranny?", but Ryndhal rightly defended his actions by saying "I am not stopping free speech, just trying to ensure that the people of this realm behave like nobles. It is possible to have disagreements in a civilised fashion you know.

You want to disgree with what someone has said or done, fine. Do it so that you do not come across as a petty lout! We are not some Realm that has its manners in the gutter, we are Itorunt and everything we do or say reflects Itorunt. Do not behave in a manner which stains this glorious Realm!"

I could not have put it better myself. The issue of our current alliances was also mentioned, with a count of our great realm saying: "While I don't agree that an alliance with Ilbadesh has been a good thing... And I believe an Alliance with Perdan would benefit us much more...

However, I fully support whatever decision this realm comes to and will always be at the front line when needed. I have complete faith in the Monarchy and the lords of this realm.

I can't wait to take the fight to Ubent!" This sort of statement will always provoke a strong reaction in our realm, with one of our most prominent TL's saying "No way in hell will I ever support an alliance with Perdan. At least not for the foreseeable future" and other nobles share these sentiments towards Perdan, although most were agreed on one point; none of us wanted to wait to take the fight to Ubent.