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Roleplay from Peryn Borthenall  (1st week of September 2014)
'''Roleplay from Peryn Borthenall'''   (1st week of September 2014)
Peryn rode through the streets upon his mount, feeling its warmth waft up from beneath him, like the steam from a hot bath. It was a hot day in Irvington, and his realm had recently begun a peaceful take over of the city. Peryn, whose family had sent him out from their lands and homestead to make a name for them, had begun to truly love his realm. He could see the love, and the loyalty in the men of Luria Novia. He could see that these lands were their home, and that they would fight until their last breath, before they knelt to Fiossa, or any other foes. He felt that brotherhood run deep within him. These men shared that one thing with him. Though it might only be one thing, it was something so intrinsic to their lives, that they became brothers.  
Peryn rode through the streets upon his mount, feeling its warmth waft up from beneath him, like the steam from a hot bath. It was a hot day in Irvington, and his realm had recently begun a peaceful take over of the city. Peryn, whose family had sent him out from their lands and homestead to make a name for them, had begun to truly love his realm. He could see the love, and the loyalty in the men of Luria Novia. He could see that these lands were their home, and that they would fight until their last breath, before they knelt to Fiossa, or any other foes. He felt that brotherhood run deep within him. These men shared that one thing with him. Though it might only be one thing, it was something so intrinsic to their lives, that they became brothers.  

Revision as of 11:56, 10 September 2014

Read more about the magnificent city of Giask.

Theodorus the Thespian

This tale was gathered by Lore Gatherer Joaquim during the reign of Queen Alanna in Pian en Luries. Giask at that time was the second duchy of the realm, ruled by Duke Chris. William was Grand Imperator, Brom was Royal Arbitrator and Proslyn was High Treasurer. The guild had grown in membership, its recent addition being Lady Annalise, who was about to construct the second guildhouse for the Keepers, located in Outer Giask.

The Tale

In the great city of Giask there is a story about a thespian by the name of Theodorus. He was a short, curly-haired young man who made his living by telling stories to the travelers. One of his favorites was one about a man and his cat. Upon meeting a new traveler, Theodorus asked for his trade. When the traveler told it, a carpenter, for example, the cheeky lad said he had a story about a carpenter and his cat that he would like to tell. Rarely did anyone refuse. This is what he told:

”Once upon a time there was a carpenter who had a cat, a very black cat it was too. The carpenter worked hard for day and night, for he was in very much debt, not due to his own fault but the mischievous traders in the town. All the while he worked, the cat sat there, not lifting her paw to help. Then one day when the carpenter had finished a set of quite delicately carved chairs, he decided it was the time to take a little nap. When he woke up, he saw that all the chairs had been scratched, completely ruined, and the cat laying on top of one of them, linking his paw in deep satisfaction. The man yelled:

"Why, oh WHY have you done this? All the day I work in my shop to feed you, I pour you milk when I do not drink any myself, I find you the best meat, and this is how you reward me? You never help me and I do everything for you! Why?"

Theodorus held his breath for awhile and then continued:

"You know what the cat answered?”

This is when the traveler always told the thespian that no, he did not know and Theodorus asked if the traveler wanted to know. They always wanted to know and Theodorus always told them:

”Well, I can tell you, but it will cost you a silver penny.”

Some smiled at this, some grumbled, some threw things at him, but they always paid him the penny. They all wanted to know what the cat said. And the cat always said ”meow”.

The Knighting of Giask, the Age of War, The Southern League versus the Hegemony of Luria Nova

As with strong Emperor at that time, Sholan the warrior, preceded by Emperor Seoras the Prophet and Empress Alanna the Ice Queen and Empress Alice the Founder.

After the recapture of the Great City of Giask during the war of the Southern League versus the Hegemony of Luria did was Lord Aldrakar Renodin given the city by Emperor Sholan A'Valti, Duke of Sky Hall. With permission to switch the allegiance of the Great City to the Duchy of Sun Hall which lay just west of it. The names Duchy and Duke were referred to as Kingly titles and held such esteem and authority under the Imperial Monarch.

Aldrakar had claimed the city by marital rights through his late wife, The Imperial Conciliator, Lady Lucini Talratheon of Giask. Wide support for this claim was voice throughout the Hegemony of Luria Nova and so it was done.

In the early stages of restoring the Golden City back to prosperity did Lord Aldrakar offer to take on 4 Knights. The proceedings are listed below for your perusal.

Listed here are surviving records of the letters and document shared between Prospective Knight Axylia Dundrave and Lord Aldrakar Renodin of Giask.

Sir Aldrakar,

I just found this scribe asking:

There will be space for some 4 Knights with the current occupation levels and I will be strict in who is considered for one of those positions. Should you believe you are right and true enough to be considered I will require a Record of Service, where have you been, what titles assigned to your name, experiences gained and ability possessed. Once this is provided and approved I will ask for your Oath.

My record of service is not long here in Luria but it has been ever long and noble in Asylon. You can take the word of my brother the respect Sir Edwyle. I have also pleaded with King Buffakill to return the city to Luria without the drawn out takeover. Unfortunately he was set to his ways and unflinched. For this I have letters I can show to prove my actions and his response. Over the years I have been Priest, Courtier, Warrior and not because of fickle desire but because of need of my realm. I served how I could where I could and I take great pride in that. I have also served as Lord and Storm General. I am a skilled courtier but serve as warrior to the realm until I am called to be a man of the pen once more.

To prove my dedication accept this gift. Regardless of you asking my Oath. This was given to me by Sir Erasmus LaPointe well before he was King og Barca, it was lost in battle in the North with Morek and a low birth returned it to me. It is made from the skin of the bloodmoon fruit and has a +9 bureaucracy, which will come in handy for a man of your what what you will with it but please accept it as a token of my service.

Respectfully, Sir Axylia Dundrave Knight of Giask


Sir Axylia,

I write to you on the subject of your Record of Service and your desire to become a Knight of Giask.

First allow me to say that it must not have slipped your notice that I took care to evaluate each candidate and will not take this decision easily nor lightly. If I accept you there will be one of the most wealthy estates in the realm if not -the- most wealthy estate waiting for you. That you are a foreigner and former enemy of Luria stains your Record. In contrast does your willingness to take any role that the realm needs shine some light onto it.

Where I could write more and go in depths of the how and why, I think it is suffice to say that I will look forwards to receiving your Oath of Fealty. What you decide to take up into and make part of that Oath I leave to you. Show me what you will do, what will keep you and how you will show your devotion onto me as your Liege. With that being said, I give you leave to approach the City of Giask and take up the estate currently named The Gate district. The area I will grand onto you is close to the Main Gate of Giask. A prestigious place fit for a warrior such as yourself and rich in inns, market places and bustles with life day and night. Should you desire another name be given you may request this of me.

You may expect some 199 Lurian Minted Golden Coins every tax day.

This Estate will be pending the approval of your Oath of Fealty onto me and should I reject it, so will this estate be forfeit to you.

With respect,

Aldrakar Renodin Margrave of Giask


My Liege Aldrakar Renodin,

You have granted me a tremendous opportunity one which I pray I do not fail for you or my house. The Dundrave name is a title I was lucky to have been born. Where we go we are recognized for our fortune and nobility. In my house I must prove with my actions that I deserve to be of my lineage. We do not get what we do not work father would have it no other way.

Having given me this opportunity shows your gift of grace. This alone is a rare and significant gift not often found in even a friend. Before I came to Luria I read your words on the retaking of Giask. You showed such respect and grace, you did not make us look weak and gave us respect and you gave us dignity and it is to that kind of man I wish to serve.

You asked me to show you what I will do, and what will keep me and how I will show my devotion unto you as my Liege. To this I write my oath:

I swear allegiance to the Emperor and commit to serve as required for the betterment of Luria Nova, to the Rules of the Kingdom of Luria Nova, to the Eminent City of Giask and to my liege Sir Aldrakar Renodin . I swear that I will faithfully perform the duties my Liege lays upon me. I swear that my body be used to defend my Liege and his City of Giask. I swear my words be used only for the good of Liege, my hands to build and rebuild What my Liege desires, my blood to defend and fight for my liege and for my life if my liege requires it of me. I swear that any riches bestowed upon me will be used for the betterment of Luria, Giask and what my Liege may ask. I swear any glory gained by my action will belong to my liege and his good name. This I swear to the highest power, the beasts, the stars, the sacred fruit and all that is holy.

Faithfully, Sir Axylia Dundrave Knight of Giask


Sir Axylia, Knight of Giask,

And to your Oath I shall hold you. Until such a time that I release you from it or death does claim you. In turn I will provide you with an upkeep suitable to your service rendered onto me. Providing enough so that you may command a company of good and loyal men in my name and do battle for the pleasure of the Realm and our Sovereign master, The Emperor.

I swear to do right by you as long as your Oath is strong and shelter you in my homes, provides you cloth to garb your body in and see to the nourishment that grands you life. Justice shall be mine to give and my hand to shield you from the evil of others. This is my sacred vow onto you as Liege and I accept your Oath.

The estate known as The Gate district' is now yours by bond and oath, use it wisely.

Sir Axylia, you do me proud and make swell my heart with hope as the future just turned to a stark Gold against the black night sky.

With a benevolent eye, Aldrakar Renodin Margrave of Giask

Aldrakar Renodin's letter after all the Records of Service were reviewed and candidates chosen

Prospective Knights of Giask,

I write this letter so you may know your potential fellow Knights.

Several others have not made the cut and you all may now ponder of how to best formulate your Oath of Fealty. Should you wish to deliberate amongst your number feel free to do so, there are no rules or any such other than that it should please me.

A keen observer may note that 2 Estates are not equal to the other. This is due to the perceived status of 2 of your number. Low knights of little standing or repute. This I say not because I seek to insult but because it is true. Speak plainly always to me and advice me where you see fit. Sirs Turgan and Peryn are new to this world, realm and with little experience of their own or of their Noble Houses.

All my future Knights -but them two in particular will compete with one another for my Favor and I will be a difficult master to please. This only because the road we walk upon will never be easy and I expect exemplar behavior from all of my Knights. Should any point you feel you are no longer fit to strive for the position of Knight of Giask you are free to leave. Know however that once Oath has been given you are bound to me by Sacred oath and vow until such a time that I release you.

Do well and I shall shower upon you my favor, riches and fame. See that your career in the Empire of Luria is a shining one and that you stand a cut above all other Knights.

I await your Oaths of Fealty and welcome you to the City of Giask, Aldrakar Renodin Margrave of Giask

Roleplay from Peryn Borthenall (1st week of September 2014)

Peryn rode through the streets upon his mount, feeling its warmth waft up from beneath him, like the steam from a hot bath. It was a hot day in Irvington, and his realm had recently begun a peaceful take over of the city. Peryn, whose family had sent him out from their lands and homestead to make a name for them, had begun to truly love his realm. He could see the love, and the loyalty in the men of Luria Novia. He could see that these lands were their home, and that they would fight until their last breath, before they knelt to Fiossa, or any other foes. He felt that brotherhood run deep within him. These men shared that one thing with him. Though it might only be one thing, it was something so intrinsic to their lives, that they became brothers.

His men had fought and rode hard, and some had taken injury's at the battle of Cadier. It was their first battle together, but they had trained countless times on his fathers lands. They had listened to Peryn before listening to the commands of the commanders in the battle, for if they had not, there would have been chaos. They fought alongside their knight, and they each had something to show for it. Peryn himself had but a scratch, a small one, but a meaningful one indeed. He had found himself dueling an enemy knight, who moved with grace, who held his sword as though it was born to him. The two knights moved throughout the battlefield like two lovers, meeting blow with blow, and parry with parry. Their blades sung out among the battle, weaving their own frequency into the chaotic harmony, making for the song of war. It was one slight misstep that was his folly, Peryn got too eager, and over extended. This over extension had revealed a gap in the armor of his right shoulder. The knight swung his blade and just barely broke the skin, nearly beheading Peryn in the process. Suddenly baffled by this cut, he stumbled back but held his composure. He remembered the words of his father, he had said "Son, when you face a man and the veil of life and death floats between you, the man who succumbs to the fear of it, will be the one to die". He felt a fire light inside of him, a will to win, a will to dominate his opponent unlike anything he had felt before. He knew then, in that instant, the nature of desperate war. Two kingdoms scrabbling at the others throats, just for the right to live. Peryn raised his family blade, and began to fight again. The fire that had been lit before, was pushing him to win, not just for his own right to live, but for his realms. His parry's were perfect, his strikes swift and correct. Within minutes, the enemy knight sprawled lifeless, his pale eyes looking towards the sky.

It was before that battle that Peryn had sent his scribe, to the noble King Aldrakar with his application to become a knight of Giask. He knew the number of knights fighting for the position would be staggering, and had only hoped that he would live through this battle to serve his King. It was then, whilst riding through the streets of Irvington, that he saw the courier of the king. He presented Peryn with the letter, and Peryn held it with a hopeful hand. Slowly, he peeled the wax seal of the letter away and revealed the note within. The words within filled him with a pride he hadn't felt ever before. He had been chosen by his king, and would serve among other fellow knights in his name. There was a feeling inside of him, a feeling that he had earned it in his last battle, that he had fought for the realm, and won the rights to this honorable position. He rode to his encampment, telling the men that he had been chosen by the king, feeling their pride, and sharing it too. He sat, and began to write his oath offhand, as he knew it already, he had learnt it on the battlefield.

​My King Aldrakar,

In the name of my King, and all that he loves, I Sir Peryn Borenthall pledge my oath of fealty. I shall be true, I shall serve throughout your lands with the calm and controlled hand of my King. I shall never displease him, disobey, or call into question the benevolence of his word. Through the light of god and the realm around us, I shall hold the roof of the sky from collapsing upon his great house. I shall call out for aid to my brothers in arms to protect your word of law, to seek the greater truth beyond these physical bodies, and to spread the greatness which is our realm of Luria Novia. I pledge that his word will serve through me like the singing of two blades on a battlefield, persistent and clear. I shall protect all that is holy to him, and destroy all that should displease him. My King Aldrakar, I pledge to you, until you release me from your service, my oath of fealty.

Your loyal man,

Sir Peryn Borenthall

Scholars believe there was more to be written down but was lost in time. The Imperial Libraries of Giask and the catacombs may yet hold great treasures of knowledge stored away behind mortar, brick and vellum.