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'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''

Kaylan shook her long red hair and wrapped a small cloth around her curvaceous figure tucking it in quickly. Droplets of moisture gave an alluring sheen to her tanned skin as she walked towards her bedchamber. Closing the door behind her, she gave a cursory glance to her riding clothes and picked them up. Sniffing once, she frowned and tossed them to the ground. Looking over to the immense bed, she looked to the deep red silk material fanned out before her and grinned mischievously. Games and intrigues, it was time to play the part.
The skin on the back of her neck prickled and she turned swiftly. The servant barely had time to open his mouth before she snapped a powerful elbow to his face knocking him to the wall. Without a moment’s pause she slammed her forearm to his windpipe and a long dagger mysteriously appeared pressing into his throat.
The sharp edge slid ever slightly over the tender skin and he whimpered with fright. With the motion her cloth slipped to the ground to reveal every inch of her, but she paid it no mind. Her eyes narrowed with extreme focus. Her usual expression turned malicious and her nostrils flared. “I was wondering how long it would take for one of you to resurface,” the wicked sneer transformed her voice to a hiss, frightening the servant no end. All the blood rushed from his face and he visibly blanched, going through several shades of white. “M, my..LA, DY!” he managed to croak and weakly brought up a parchment. “Sweat beaded his brow at her preying grey colored gaze and he swallowed feeling the sharp edge of the blade once more.
“You said if I… if I…” he couldn’t think clearly and tried again. “If you received a letter with this crest to come to you at once… no matter…” he gulped and his eyes involuntary glanced down and with panic he looked up again. “No matter...the consequences.”
She examined the seal on the rolled parchment and released the pressure from his throat. The pressed wax revealed a rose, entwined with a vine and she blinked. “Good lord man, never creep up on me like that again, cough, sniff, but for your sake make noise when you approach!” She shouted the last, recovering from her previous eerie calmness and ripped the parchment from his trembling fingers.
“You’re lucky I’m tired,” she mumbled as he bobbed his head in agreement, “If I had been fully rested you would be no good to anyone, but for the sound of your high pitched voice,” she motioned the dagger towards his manhood and he dry washed his hands and let out a small squeak.
“Off with you and If you wish to see the morrow, you will keep this confidential,” she ordered and slowly picked up the cloth from the ground, completely forgetting she had stood there in the nude. She almost laughed herself stupid trying to decide which was funnier: her reaction, or the fact the poor servant had to explain himself in the presence of his lady displaying such extreme lack of modesty.
The good news was, he survived. She broke the seal and began reading the letter. Finally, word from her mother.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
A sense of duty compelled Malcolm to give the orders to begin restoring Dulbin before following his personal goals, but it was hard. During that long twelve hours, he was busily ticking through wardrobe choices, conversational gambits...Knowing full well that all of it was futile, as he would promptly change his mind upon reaching his quarters or when actually meeting the lady in question...
Thus, after returning from the day's efforts Malcolm stood facing his rather extensive closet. So many choices...And all of them dependent on his goals for this particular evening. He had already moved somewhat faster than normal...Yes, the black. The silver trim was just enough to satisfy his desire for shiny bits, and it was subdued enough to not be threatening, but accentuated his eyes and build nicely. Thus, off with the old and, after a quick but thorough wash finished with a few rare scented oils, on with the black tunic, the form-fitting lines emphasized with silver trim along all the folds. His personal sigil, a black hunting cat in mid-stalk, was picked out with broken silver above his left breast.
Now...What to bring...The wine took care of the expensive gift, and anything more than a simple token would be too much...Difficult to guess, not having seen the lady, what would work well...Hm, there was the old tactic...Malcolm plucked one of his standby flowers that matched his outfit, the dark red of the rose complimenting him well, and strode off. If the color worked with hers, he would twirl it and present it with a bow, if not, then it would serve well enough as a decoration for his own outfit. Always wishing to be prepared, there was even a special loop neatly hidden as part of the cat that was designed to hold flowers.
Everything being ready, he dispatched a brief letter informing the lady that he had arrived and was ready to meet her at her convenience. This should be an interesting night...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan strode through the long hallway when one of her servants coughed as loud as he could, attempting to get her attention. Amused at the exaggeration of his action, she tried to keep her face impassive and turned to meet his gaze. “Yes?” she gave a whisper of a smile, and the left corner of her mouth tugged lightly.
“My Lady,” he bowed and presented a letter. “This has just arrived for you.” That morning’s event evaporated from her mind and she carefully took hold of it. Recognizing the seal, the small smile grew to reveal a flash of white teeth but she schooled her features quickly. “Thank you,” she said impassively.
With anticipation, he stood still, awaiting an order hoping to please her but a thin, high-arched brow, lightly rose. The servant was beginning to understand that his Lady had quite the temper, often displayed through expression alone. “Ve..ry.. well my Lady,” he stammered and turned away.
Deciding to return to her bedchamber for some privacy, she turned back the way she came. It seemed to take forever, her stomach fluttered when she finally crossed the doorway and she closed the door behind her. Impatiently breaking the seal, her bright blue eyes scanned the page and she bit her lip slowly passing it through her teeth.
I but await your summons, and hold myself in readiness to stride off immediately upon receiving your answer.
Sir Malcolm Bedwyr </i>
Again the smile returned and she lowered the page.
Looking around the room, her eyes immediately glanced to the gown she had previously chosen for this particular occasion. She paused weighing her options. She had one mission, and one only, she never anticipated this turn of events and wouldn’t let anything deter her from her goal. On the other hand she was terribly anxious to finally meet the mysterious gentlemen with the velvet words who had so quickly fixed himself within her daily thoughts.
Making her decision she opened the door, and went in search of her personal scribe. When she found the young man she took him aside. “Logan, I trust only you to do this for me.”
“Yes my Lady,” the green-eyed young man intoned seriously. “I fear that sending this message to Sir Malcolm with haste will only make me appear too eager.” The young scribe grinned knowingly, having been aware of the entire unfolding of events, having been given the task of writing the messages himself. “He should fret with impatience before meeting you milady” he grinned wryly, “then, I will deliver it, personally.”
“What would I do without you Logan?” She gave a lopsided grin and he smiled warmly.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm had been anticipating a wait of up to two or three hours, depending on what message the lady was intending to send...But...Five hours later...He'd had to get rid of the first flower, and was waiting before grabbing another...The things were fairly costly, after all...
He had taken to striding back and forth around the street outside the building he had commandeered for his stay. A few snapped orders at his men had made him feel slightly better, but his impatience was clearly visible for all to see...And his eyes had gone almost completely grey, a sign of intense frustration. He was not used to being treated thus...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Observing from a distance, Logan watched with amusement as the knight of Viseu, Sir Malcolm Bedwyr fumed with impatience, satisfied he approached.
“My lady sends word,” he said with a smile, hoping to meet the man eye to eye, it was futile. His grey eyes were somewhat frightening and his eyes shifted nervously.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm closed his eyes for a few moments, taking one long, deep breath.
When his eyes opened again, they were a friendly shade of blue with merely a touch of grey, as was normal. Malcolm smiled as he took the letter, broke the seal, and read the missive.
<i>Sir Malcolm,
I am pleased that you have arrived and pray you are well. Logan will direct you to my estate, I have a bottle of what I am told is extremely fine wine. I would like the opinion of a connoisseur in this department; perhaps we shall discuss it over dinner?
Awaiting your arrival,
Kaylan McDowell </i>
"I thank you for your efforts, and would appreciate it if you would inform your lady of my imminent arrival. I must inform my men of my absence, and will follow in your footsteps shortly."
Malcolm flicked his fingers and a small silver appeared on either side of his middle finger. One was launched into the air and landed in the messenger's palm.
"One for gratitude for your letter...The other if you can tell me the color of your lady's eyes and hair. And if you can inform me of the colors of her outfit..."
A large silver appeared in Malcolm's palm, three times the size of the other coins.
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
Fiona packed the last of the supplies for the road before she headed back to Commonyr as instructed, her men were restless and couldn't wait to get home, shutters or arguments between them were getting louder.
"Eugen! quiet those men" she grabbed hold of her head
"They are driving me crazy, what's with the commotion!" she sighed loudly impatient for an answer and grabbed the reigns to her horse
"Anxious to get back to Commonyr Milady" he looked up at her.
"Can't they do that more quietly, they are just as loud this morning as they were last night, remind me not to give them ale on a night before we head out" she looked over at her men shaking her head.
"Yes, Milady" Eugen smiled knowing to well Lady Fiona had one mug to many and was suffering from a headache, after all it was the only time she would snap at him.
"When they get done with their packing set forth to Commonyr I'm right behind you, I must see If Lady Aewyn has left already.
"As you wish Milady" he turned over to the men and started giving instructions
Fiona rode out in haste but her horse almost bucked her off, she grabbed the reigns and looked ahead
"Boy!! do you not look where you are going! you're going to get yourself run over!" Fiona looked at the boy, frowning eyebrows upset she almost ran the child over.
The boyish figure looked up, still catching his breath, the biggest green eyes just starring back at her in awe like he had seen a ghost.
"Are you okay, child" she questioned him, but the child just stared at her, trying to find words to answer the lady
"Speak Boy! did someone cut your tongue" impatiently waiting for a response
" Mi.. lady" he swallowed
"I'm sorry milady, I must hurry back to Lady Kaylan" he answered with a worried look
"Kaylan? from the Fontan Rangers Kaylan?" she questioned
"Yes" he nodded
"What's your name?" she leaned over to get a better look at the boy
"Lo..Logan milady" he answered nervously
"Well Logan watch where you run to, one of these days you may not make it back to your mistress" she smiled sarcastically at the boy and rode off.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan dabbed a small drop of lavender water to the sides of her neck. She adjusted the strand of luxurious long red bang partially hiding one intense blue eye, behind her right ear. She waved a hand over her face, hoping to get a bit of cool air to her flushed skin.
Looking down to her crimson colored gown, she grinned. The neckline lowered revealing only a small amount of her cleavage, in a fashion that was respectable, but would make any man swallow. It continued fitting snugly to her slender waist, where it fell to the floor with two silver colored slashes on the inner folds.
He did previously mention he would appear at his best, she was only returning the favor, why should she be the only one at a disadvantage? She smiled with anticipation and waited.
“My lady,” Logan appeared before her with a frown, as if he hadn’t expected to see her there at all. “What’s wrong Logan?” she frowned as well and he swallowed. “I just saw…”
Remembering the urgency of his message, she cut him off, “and?”
Forgetting what happened Logan perked up, “he’s on his way Milady.”
“Perfect,” she grinned and ruffled his hair. “You can go. I won’t be needing you this evening.”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
The silver had been well spent. With that in mind...Malcolm had sifted through his collection for a minute, and found what he needed. A small necklace of a silver-green circle inset with radial lines was resting in a small box inside his outer shirt, hidden but within easy reach.
As he stopped in front of Lady Kaylan's residence, he nodded to the guard.
"Sir Malcolm Bedwyr, present as requested by milady Kaylan. If you would inform her of my arrival...?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Logan ran off in the opposite direction and Kaylen turned towards the entrance. At that moment the door opened to make way for her Guard. “Sir Malcolm Bedwyr, has arrived,” he announced in a formal tone.
Pleased by the announcement she smiled. “Show him in,” she replied, when his back turned she inhaled nervously. A few moments later, the door opened once more only this time she blinked slowly.
They were blue… light blue, and it was the only thing she noticed at first, as if his gaze completely drew hers, hypnotizing her. Then her chest tightened and she was reminded to breathe. His head of dark, almost black hair reflected the candle light adding a bluish sheen and she swallowed. Next her gaze followed the line of his well-defined shoulders, and followed through to examine the rest of him…And then his scent…clean with just a touch of sweetness, relaxing and soothing.
Upon seeing her, he momentarily faltered and paused, and she was very pleased by his reaction. Catching himself, he twirled a red rose, and presented it to her with a smooth motion and bowed.
“Oh my,” she whispered huskily under her breath and cleared her throat.
“Sir Malcolm Bedwyr,” she greeted formally with a clear voice and he smiled handsomely. “Lady Kaylan McDowell,” he answered in turn and she approached, catching a whiff of another scent, underlying the first…This one of spice and fire…
“Kaylan will do,” she said softly. She was glad for her eidetic memory, as the sound of his voice was immediately stamped away along with his striking appearance.
Taking the beautiful rose, she gave a dazzling smile and brought it closer so as to smell its soft fragrance.
“Dinner is waiting,” she told him, remembering the excuse she had used to finally meet face to face and waved down the hall. “I’m sure you must be hungry,” she turned around and grinned. “Have you had a long day?” she asked innocently, knowing full well how his day unfolded due to Logan’s information.
She walked away down the hall, and he followed for dinner.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm took a moment to recover his equilibrium. Gods above...He hadn't anticipated...The only thing comforting him was that <i>she</i> has been just as off-balance...He was very, <i>very</i> glad he had prepared himself fully...And it appeared she had him wait intentionally. For the first time in years, Malcolm believed he had met his equal in this particular field...
"Oh, 'twas a day as long as a week in my mind. The anticipation of our meeting drove me to distraction...And I still vastly underestimated your beauty and..."
Malcolm paused to make sure she realized that he knew of her ploy earlier, and was applauding her as one expert to another.
They strode into the room, and Malcolm saw an intimate little alcove set with a small table, with food waiting...And noticed the servants discreet absence as well...As they sat, Malcolm stretched sensuously, carefully noting her reaction under half-lidded eyes.
"My apologies, I am not yet used to the saddles in this part of the world, have to make sure the muscles don't tighten too much...Would be a shame to be...unprepared..."
A small grin lifted the corners of his mouth, and his eyes twinkled briefly.
"Ah, but I have been remiss in my duties...I ought to have inquired about your day already, milady...How are you finding your new home?"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
At his forwardness, Kaylan’s eyes opened slightly larger with affront but almost immediately returned to normal, the reaction concealed by the flickering candlelight.
She may have been new to the realm, but she wasn’t new to the game. He was testing the waters based on her initial reaction hoping to see how far he could take matters.
If she actually bit, naïve enough to swoon at his advances then he would lick his paws like a contented cat after a nice bowl of cream and go off into the night. On the other hand, if she refused, he had at least shown her he was willing. She would show him she wasn't so easily won over. Oh but she did enjoy playing the game and he was handsome, she had to give him that. Who better to play with?
She smiled lasciviously as blue eyes transformed into a smoldering gaze.
“My day was…” she paused, “uneventful I’m afraid. Simple matters really, you know how it is.” She waved it away as if shooing a fly. “Until I received word from you of course, but, Sir Malcolm,” she purred and her hand drifted along the edge of the table. “Why waste time discussing mundane matters, when we can be getting to know one another.” She reached up and one lone finer traced along the silk resting above her cleavage, and took a long breath, making sure to emphasize her action.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
This was...unexpected...It was far too early in the game for such a move...And the motion her finger made, while...very very distracting...seemed a little...Hm...Too much...He had moved <i>far </i>to fast, and was now paying the price...Let's see if it could be salvaged...
"Ah, but...Milady...I almost forgot...But thankfully, you just reminded me that sadly unadorned. However, happily I may remedy this, if you will accept a small token of my appreciation for you. It appears my manners are indeed out of sorts tonight, and I do apologize..."
Malcolm drew out the velvet-lined box, and displayed the necklace for her, positioning it so the silver-green circle reflected the candlelight well, and emphasizing the fine, pure silver chain that held the piece.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
The pendant reflected the small symbol and she was momentarily reminded of her mother and her own pendant which she purposely omitted for the evening. Putting it to the back of her mind she focused on the blue of his gaze. The surprised expression slipped and she took a moment to carefully weigh his words. Upon seeing the sincerity in his eyes, she genuinely smiled. “I accept,” she said simply. She gracefully approached him, lifting her long thick red hair to reveal a slender neck and turned around, glancing over her shoulder, “The honor is yours, but Sir..." she spoke softly. "I pray in the future you will not take me so lightly.”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm nodded slowly. Perhaps...It was time to put the game aside...At least for a little while. He reached over, and carefully placed the pendant around that soft, luscious, eminently desirable throat without even a hint of impropriety, and sat back in his chair, uncharacteristically quiet and contemplative. He had been outplayed, which was something...beyond his experience. Perhaps his parents hadn't been so wrong in their estimation of his abilities after all...
"It appears I misjudged you indeed, milady...My deepest apologies."
Malcolm made a small bow from his seat, before holding her eyes with his as she turned to face him once more.
"Shall we continue our dinner, milady? I promise to be on my best behaviour...For now, at any rate."
He flashed a quick grin, and received a faint smile in return, as they continued to speak pleasantly for the remainder of the meal...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
The next morning, Kaylan was riding her horse as fast as she could, racing to meet her men. She had sent them ahead and remained to fulfill her promise of meeting Sir Malcolm.
They were probably already leaving Greatbridge. The night began with a kick, both had been weighed and measured, and everything spiraled into a comfortable evening and she was quite satisfied by the outcome. In the back of her mind, she didn’t regret her delay one bit. Only now she would have to work her horse harder, <i>that</i>, she regretted.
Something nagged at her and she slightly recalled Logan’s expression the last time she spoke with him. Something had been terribly off before she shamelessly let her heart control her head and by the looks of it he had been quite shaken. She made note to ask him, the minute she saw him

Latest revision as of 00:27, 31 May 2014

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan shook her long red hair and wrapped a small cloth around her curvaceous figure tucking it in quickly. Droplets of moisture gave an alluring sheen to her tanned skin as she walked towards her bedchamber. Closing the door behind her, she gave a cursory glance to her riding clothes and picked them up. Sniffing once, she frowned and tossed them to the ground. Looking over to the immense bed, she looked to the deep red silk material fanned out before her and grinned mischievously. Games and intrigues, it was time to play the part.

The skin on the back of her neck prickled and she turned swiftly. The servant barely had time to open his mouth before she snapped a powerful elbow to his face knocking him to the wall. Without a moment’s pause she slammed her forearm to his windpipe and a long dagger mysteriously appeared pressing into his throat.

The sharp edge slid ever slightly over the tender skin and he whimpered with fright. With the motion her cloth slipped to the ground to reveal every inch of her, but she paid it no mind. Her eyes narrowed with extreme focus. Her usual expression turned malicious and her nostrils flared. “I was wondering how long it would take for one of you to resurface,” the wicked sneer transformed her voice to a hiss, frightening the servant no end. All the blood rushed from his face and he visibly blanched, going through several shades of white. “M, my..LA, DY!” he managed to croak and weakly brought up a parchment. “Sweat beaded his brow at her preying grey colored gaze and he swallowed feeling the sharp edge of the blade once more.

“You said if I… if I…” he couldn’t think clearly and tried again. “If you received a letter with this crest to come to you at once… no matter…” he gulped and his eyes involuntary glanced down and with panic he looked up again. “No matter...the consequences.”

She examined the seal on the rolled parchment and released the pressure from his throat. The pressed wax revealed a rose, entwined with a vine and she blinked. “Good lord man, never creep up on me like that again, cough, sniff, but for your sake make noise when you approach!” She shouted the last, recovering from her previous eerie calmness and ripped the parchment from his trembling fingers.

“You’re lucky I’m tired,” she mumbled as he bobbed his head in agreement, “If I had been fully rested you would be no good to anyone, but for the sound of your high pitched voice,” she motioned the dagger towards his manhood and he dry washed his hands and let out a small squeak.

“Off with you and If you wish to see the morrow, you will keep this confidential,” she ordered and slowly picked up the cloth from the ground, completely forgetting she had stood there in the nude. She almost laughed herself stupid trying to decide which was funnier: her reaction, or the fact the poor servant had to explain himself in the presence of his lady displaying such extreme lack of modesty.

The good news was, he survived. She broke the seal and began reading the letter. Finally, word from her mother.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

A sense of duty compelled Malcolm to give the orders to begin restoring Dulbin before following his personal goals, but it was hard. During that long twelve hours, he was busily ticking through wardrobe choices, conversational gambits...Knowing full well that all of it was futile, as he would promptly change his mind upon reaching his quarters or when actually meeting the lady in question...

Thus, after returning from the day's efforts Malcolm stood facing his rather extensive closet. So many choices...And all of them dependent on his goals for this particular evening. He had already moved somewhat faster than normal...Yes, the black. The silver trim was just enough to satisfy his desire for shiny bits, and it was subdued enough to not be threatening, but accentuated his eyes and build nicely. Thus, off with the old and, after a quick but thorough wash finished with a few rare scented oils, on with the black tunic, the form-fitting lines emphasized with silver trim along all the folds. His personal sigil, a black hunting cat in mid-stalk, was picked out with broken silver above his left breast.

Now...What to bring...The wine took care of the expensive gift, and anything more than a simple token would be too much...Difficult to guess, not having seen the lady, what would work well...Hm, there was the old tactic...Malcolm plucked one of his standby flowers that matched his outfit, the dark red of the rose complimenting him well, and strode off. If the color worked with hers, he would twirl it and present it with a bow, if not, then it would serve well enough as a decoration for his own outfit. Always wishing to be prepared, there was even a special loop neatly hidden as part of the cat that was designed to hold flowers.

Everything being ready, he dispatched a brief letter informing the lady that he had arrived and was ready to meet her at her convenience. This should be an interesting night...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan strode through the long hallway when one of her servants coughed as loud as he could, attempting to get her attention. Amused at the exaggeration of his action, she tried to keep her face impassive and turned to meet his gaze. “Yes?” she gave a whisper of a smile, and the left corner of her mouth tugged lightly.

“My Lady,” he bowed and presented a letter. “This has just arrived for you.” That morning’s event evaporated from her mind and she carefully took hold of it. Recognizing the seal, the small smile grew to reveal a flash of white teeth but she schooled her features quickly. “Thank you,” she said impassively.

With anticipation, he stood still, awaiting an order hoping to please her but a thin, high-arched brow, lightly rose. The servant was beginning to understand that his Lady had quite the temper, often displayed through expression alone. “Ve..ry.. well my Lady,” he stammered and turned away.

Deciding to return to her bedchamber for some privacy, she turned back the way she came. It seemed to take forever, her stomach fluttered when she finally crossed the doorway and she closed the door behind her. Impatiently breaking the seal, her bright blue eyes scanned the page and she bit her lip slowly passing it through her teeth.


I but await your summons, and hold myself in readiness to stride off immediately upon receiving your answer.

Sir Malcolm Bedwyr

Again the smile returned and she lowered the page.

Looking around the room, her eyes immediately glanced to the gown she had previously chosen for this particular occasion. She paused weighing her options. She had one mission, and one only, she never anticipated this turn of events and wouldn’t let anything deter her from her goal. On the other hand she was terribly anxious to finally meet the mysterious gentlemen with the velvet words who had so quickly fixed himself within her daily thoughts.

Making her decision she opened the door, and went in search of her personal scribe. When she found the young man she took him aside. “Logan, I trust only you to do this for me.”

“Yes my Lady,” the green-eyed young man intoned seriously. “I fear that sending this message to Sir Malcolm with haste will only make me appear too eager.” The young scribe grinned knowingly, having been aware of the entire unfolding of events, having been given the task of writing the messages himself. “He should fret with impatience before meeting you milady” he grinned wryly, “then, I will deliver it, personally.”

“What would I do without you Logan?” She gave a lopsided grin and he smiled warmly.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm had been anticipating a wait of up to two or three hours, depending on what message the lady was intending to send...But...Five hours later...He'd had to get rid of the first flower, and was waiting before grabbing another...The things were fairly costly, after all...

He had taken to striding back and forth around the street outside the building he had commandeered for his stay. A few snapped orders at his men had made him feel slightly better, but his impatience was clearly visible for all to see...And his eyes had gone almost completely grey, a sign of intense frustration. He was not used to being treated thus...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Observing from a distance, Logan watched with amusement as the knight of Viseu, Sir Malcolm Bedwyr fumed with impatience, satisfied he approached.

“My lady sends word,” he said with a smile, hoping to meet the man eye to eye, it was futile. His grey eyes were somewhat frightening and his eyes shifted nervously.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm closed his eyes for a few moments, taking one long, deep breath.

When his eyes opened again, they were a friendly shade of blue with merely a touch of grey, as was normal. Malcolm smiled as he took the letter, broke the seal, and read the missive.

Sir Malcolm,

I am pleased that you have arrived and pray you are well. Logan will direct you to my estate, I have a bottle of what I am told is extremely fine wine. I would like the opinion of a connoisseur in this department; perhaps we shall discuss it over dinner?

Awaiting your arrival,

Kaylan McDowell

"I thank you for your efforts, and would appreciate it if you would inform your lady of my imminent arrival. I must inform my men of my absence, and will follow in your footsteps shortly."

Malcolm flicked his fingers and a small silver appeared on either side of his middle finger. One was launched into the air and landed in the messenger's palm.

"One for gratitude for your letter...The other if you can tell me the color of your lady's eyes and hair. And if you can inform me of the colors of her outfit..."

A large silver appeared in Malcolm's palm, three times the size of the other coins.

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

Fiona packed the last of the supplies for the road before she headed back to Commonyr as instructed, her men were restless and couldn't wait to get home, shutters or arguments between them were getting louder.

"Eugen! quiet those men" she grabbed hold of her head

"They are driving me crazy, what's with the commotion!" she sighed loudly impatient for an answer and grabbed the reigns to her horse

"Anxious to get back to Commonyr Milady" he looked up at her.

"Can't they do that more quietly, they are just as loud this morning as they were last night, remind me not to give them ale on a night before we head out" she looked over at her men shaking her head.

"Yes, Milady" Eugen smiled knowing to well Lady Fiona had one mug to many and was suffering from a headache, after all it was the only time she would snap at him.

"When they get done with their packing set forth to Commonyr I'm right behind you, I must see If Lady Aewyn has left already.

"As you wish Milady" he turned over to the men and started giving instructions

Fiona rode out in haste but her horse almost bucked her off, she grabbed the reigns and looked ahead

"Boy!! do you not look where you are going! you're going to get yourself run over!" Fiona looked at the boy, frowning eyebrows upset she almost ran the child over.

The boyish figure looked up, still catching his breath, the biggest green eyes just starring back at her in awe like he had seen a ghost.

"Are you okay, child" she questioned him, but the child just stared at her, trying to find words to answer the lady

"Speak Boy! did someone cut your tongue" impatiently waiting for a response

" Mi.. lady" he swallowed

"I'm sorry milady, I must hurry back to Lady Kaylan" he answered with a worried look

"Kaylan? from the Fontan Rangers Kaylan?" she questioned

"Yes" he nodded

"What's your name?" she leaned over to get a better look at the boy

"Lo..Logan milady" he answered nervously

"Well Logan watch where you run to, one of these days you may not make it back to your mistress" she smiled sarcastically at the boy and rode off.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan dabbed a small drop of lavender water to the sides of her neck. She adjusted the strand of luxurious long red bang partially hiding one intense blue eye, behind her right ear. She waved a hand over her face, hoping to get a bit of cool air to her flushed skin.

Looking down to her crimson colored gown, she grinned. The neckline lowered revealing only a small amount of her cleavage, in a fashion that was respectable, but would make any man swallow. It continued fitting snugly to her slender waist, where it fell to the floor with two silver colored slashes on the inner folds.

He did previously mention he would appear at his best, she was only returning the favor, why should she be the only one at a disadvantage? She smiled with anticipation and waited.

“My lady,” Logan appeared before her with a frown, as if he hadn’t expected to see her there at all. “What’s wrong Logan?” she frowned as well and he swallowed. “I just saw…”

Remembering the urgency of his message, she cut him off, “and?”

Forgetting what happened Logan perked up, “he’s on his way Milady.”

“Perfect,” she grinned and ruffled his hair. “You can go. I won’t be needing you this evening.”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

The silver had been well spent. With that in mind...Malcolm had sifted through his collection for a minute, and found what he needed. A small necklace of a silver-green circle inset with radial lines was resting in a small box inside his outer shirt, hidden but within easy reach.

As he stopped in front of Lady Kaylan's residence, he nodded to the guard.

"Sir Malcolm Bedwyr, present as requested by milady Kaylan. If you would inform her of my arrival...?"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Logan ran off in the opposite direction and Kaylen turned towards the entrance. At that moment the door opened to make way for her Guard. “Sir Malcolm Bedwyr, has arrived,” he announced in a formal tone.

Pleased by the announcement she smiled. “Show him in,” she replied, when his back turned she inhaled nervously. A few moments later, the door opened once more only this time she blinked slowly.

They were blue… light blue, and it was the only thing she noticed at first, as if his gaze completely drew hers, hypnotizing her. Then her chest tightened and she was reminded to breathe. His head of dark, almost black hair reflected the candle light adding a bluish sheen and she swallowed. Next her gaze followed the line of his well-defined shoulders, and followed through to examine the rest of him…And then his scent…clean with just a touch of sweetness, relaxing and soothing.

Upon seeing her, he momentarily faltered and paused, and she was very pleased by his reaction. Catching himself, he twirled a red rose, and presented it to her with a smooth motion and bowed.

“Oh my,” she whispered huskily under her breath and cleared her throat.

“Sir Malcolm Bedwyr,” she greeted formally with a clear voice and he smiled handsomely. “Lady Kaylan McDowell,” he answered in turn and she approached, catching a whiff of another scent, underlying the first…This one of spice and fire…

“Kaylan will do,” she said softly. She was glad for her eidetic memory, as the sound of his voice was immediately stamped away along with his striking appearance.

Taking the beautiful rose, she gave a dazzling smile and brought it closer so as to smell its soft fragrance.

“Dinner is waiting,” she told him, remembering the excuse she had used to finally meet face to face and waved down the hall. “I’m sure you must be hungry,” she turned around and grinned. “Have you had a long day?” she asked innocently, knowing full well how his day unfolded due to Logan’s information.

She walked away down the hall, and he followed for dinner.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm took a moment to recover his equilibrium. Gods above...He hadn't anticipated...The only thing comforting him was that she has been just as off-balance...He was very, very glad he had prepared himself fully...And it appeared she had him wait intentionally. For the first time in years, Malcolm believed he had met his equal in this particular field...

"Oh, 'twas a day as long as a week in my mind. The anticipation of our meeting drove me to distraction...And I still vastly underestimated your beauty and..."

Malcolm paused to make sure she realized that he knew of her ploy earlier, and was applauding her as one expert to another.


They strode into the room, and Malcolm saw an intimate little alcove set with a small table, with food waiting...And noticed the servants discreet absence as well...As they sat, Malcolm stretched sensuously, carefully noting her reaction under half-lidded eyes.

"My apologies, I am not yet used to the saddles in this part of the world, have to make sure the muscles don't tighten too much...Would be a shame to be...unprepared..."

A small grin lifted the corners of his mouth, and his eyes twinkled briefly.

"Ah, but I have been remiss in my duties...I ought to have inquired about your day already, milady...How are you finding your new home?"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

At his forwardness, Kaylan’s eyes opened slightly larger with affront but almost immediately returned to normal, the reaction concealed by the flickering candlelight.

She may have been new to the realm, but she wasn’t new to the game. He was testing the waters based on her initial reaction hoping to see how far he could take matters.

If she actually bit, naïve enough to swoon at his advances then he would lick his paws like a contented cat after a nice bowl of cream and go off into the night. On the other hand, if she refused, he had at least shown her he was willing. She would show him she wasn't so easily won over. Oh but she did enjoy playing the game and he was handsome, she had to give him that. Who better to play with?

She smiled lasciviously as blue eyes transformed into a smoldering gaze.

“My day was…” she paused, “uneventful I’m afraid. Simple matters really, you know how it is.” She waved it away as if shooing a fly. “Until I received word from you of course, but, Sir Malcolm,” she purred and her hand drifted along the edge of the table. “Why waste time discussing mundane matters, when we can be getting to know one another.” She reached up and one lone finer traced along the silk resting above her cleavage, and took a long breath, making sure to emphasize her action.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

This was...unexpected...It was far too early in the game for such a move...And the motion her finger made, while...very very distracting...seemed a little...Hm...Too much...He had moved far to fast, and was now paying the price...Let's see if it could be salvaged...

"Ah, but...Milady...I almost forgot...But thankfully, you just reminded me that sadly unadorned. However, happily I may remedy this, if you will accept a small token of my appreciation for you. It appears my manners are indeed out of sorts tonight, and I do apologize..."

Malcolm drew out the velvet-lined box, and displayed the necklace for her, positioning it so the silver-green circle reflected the candlelight well, and emphasizing the fine, pure silver chain that held the piece.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

The pendant reflected the small symbol and she was momentarily reminded of her mother and her own pendant which she purposely omitted for the evening. Putting it to the back of her mind she focused on the blue of his gaze. The surprised expression slipped and she took a moment to carefully weigh his words. Upon seeing the sincerity in his eyes, she genuinely smiled. “I accept,” she said simply. She gracefully approached him, lifting her long thick red hair to reveal a slender neck and turned around, glancing over her shoulder, “The honor is yours, but Sir..." she spoke softly. "I pray in the future you will not take me so lightly.”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm nodded slowly. Perhaps...It was time to put the game aside...At least for a little while. He reached over, and carefully placed the pendant around that soft, luscious, eminently desirable throat without even a hint of impropriety, and sat back in his chair, uncharacteristically quiet and contemplative. He had been outplayed, which was something...beyond his experience. Perhaps his parents hadn't been so wrong in their estimation of his abilities after all...

"It appears I misjudged you indeed, milady...My deepest apologies."

Malcolm made a small bow from his seat, before holding her eyes with his as she turned to face him once more.

"Shall we continue our dinner, milady? I promise to be on my best behaviour...For now, at any rate."

He flashed a quick grin, and received a faint smile in return, as they continued to speak pleasantly for the remainder of the meal...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

The next morning, Kaylan was riding her horse as fast as she could, racing to meet her men. She had sent them ahead and remained to fulfill her promise of meeting Sir Malcolm.

They were probably already leaving Greatbridge. The night began with a kick, both had been weighed and measured, and everything spiraled into a comfortable evening and she was quite satisfied by the outcome. In the back of her mind, she didn’t regret her delay one bit. Only now she would have to work her horse harder, that, she regretted.

Something nagged at her and she slightly recalled Logan’s expression the last time she spoke with him. Something had been terribly off before she shamelessly let her heart control her head and by the looks of it he had been quite shaken. She made note to ask him, the minute she saw him