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'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec’s army had followed Kaylan’s for days now and he was secretly grateful they were always heading in the same direction, because it gave him the opportunity to keep a close eye on her. The previous night, he had taken time for himself and indulged in some much needed female attention. It was with a satiated expression and a happy step that he made his way to her estate to make his daily appearance.

He announced himself and was shown in, and then was made to wait. He got terribly impatient as he stood there waiting and was about to go exploring when the head servant finally showed up. “Well it’s about time, I was about to come looking for you,” he said unimpressed and frowned as the servant bowed his head and dry washed his hands. From his earlier visits Alec knew that to be a nervous habit.
“Sir Alec,” he said in a small voice trying to muster an air of ease.
“My cousin no longer greets her guests?” he questioned with a frown, looking over his shoulder down the hall and the servant followed his gaze. “The lady is unavailable at the moment,” he said quickly.
“Unavailable?” he grinned, “Malcolm you’re one sly…” he began saying but the servant interrupted him. “When she returns I will inform her that you were here,” he approached Alec is if trying to usher him out but he stood his ground. “Well man all you had to say is that she isn’t here,” he sighed with exasperation, “just tell me where she ran off to and I will be on my way.”
At this Oscarius paused with uncertainty and spread his hand in a helpless gesture. “We…don’t … know,” he sighed and his voice
suddenly became anxious and he looked to the ground with shame.
Alec’s smiled slipped and he cocked his head. “What do you mean, <i>you don’t know</i>?” he pronounced every word clearly and with disdain. Oscarius appeared to be tight lipped and Alec took one step forward and he began to speak, “there was an incident,” he started quickly, “the lady was terribly upset and she left the estate at a run, she has not yet returned.”
His hands turned into fists and he hissed, “she what?” His eyes narrowed and he clenched his jaw forcing out his next words, “and you’re just sitting here waiting for her to return?” Alec then looked up to the ceiling praying the Gods to still his anger and grant him tolerance for people’s stupidity.
“We have sent some men to look for her but they did not find her. More men have been sent off. We are doing what we can, she ran off with naught but her dress.”
An incredible chill coursed down his spine with a tingle of dread. His stomach seemed to bottom out and he closed his eyes trying to regain his composure and keep a cool head. “Then she would have returned by now,” he whispered dangerously to the other man. His frightening green eyed gaze made the other man shrink back.
“What could have possibly made her so upset, that she ran from her own home?” he questioned.
“Sir Malcolm… would … know,” he stammered, “but he is… also unavailable.”
Alec cursed and passed his hand through his hair, “well someone is going to have to explain to me what is going on. Double your man search immediately and when Malcolm becomes <i> available </i>” he said sourly, “you tell him I would like to see him. If I find out he’s the cause of this I will personally make sure he regrets ever looking at her,” he narrowed his eyes, “make sure he receives the message.”
With that he left the estate in search of Kaylan. Ever since arriving, the streets were bustling with people, and that scared him. In this case it would be all too easy for someone to take her unnoticed; no matter who was watching it was the perfect cover. He silently cursed himself for allowing this to happen, he should have kept a closer watch on her.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm woke up with a head that felt like an anvil...And hands that felt like mittens. The first was adequately explained by the lump on his head about the size of Suville City...And the second by what Malcolm personally thought had to be excessive bandages. Interesting how the healers seemed to think that even the smallest-
Ah. That would be why there were so many bandages. Interesting, he could half-feel the pain, but was still...Oh...There...Yes, he could see the blood seeping through now. Now, why was he in such bad shape? Possibly from the last battle...But now, he was in a city...Must have made it-
Malcolm surged to his feet and began running towards the door. Or, at least, that's what he told himself he was doing. He looked down in some amazement as he moved approximately an inch to the right. Having had his first plan thwarted, he began yelling and screaming for someone to tell him what the hell was going on. Well...If you call mewling in a voice barely louder than a whisper "yelling", anyway.
Frantic worry and an inability to accomplish anything do not mix well. Even less so for Malcolm who was used to getting his way. This, combined with the various medicines, injuries, and a complete lack of knowledge of what had happened to Kaylan and his...child? Lead him to begin sobbing.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what I would classify as a day it just wasn't worth waking up for. 
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec had started his search for Kaylan by trying to discern her steps from the many footprints near her estate. He slowly made his way to the field and realized she may have fell. He thanked his father for teaching him the art of tracking and was putting the skill to good use. He kneeled down to touch the ground and looked around, her steps picked up once more and seem to continue in a different direction. He looked up and realized she had headed back to the city. Which is exactly what he wished she hadn’t done. Now he would all but lose her tracks and cursed his luck.
He returned to the city, asked as many people as he could if they had seen her but no one had. He finally found an old man and managed to empty his purse in a desperate attempt to get him to speak up. The old man grunted as he took the gold and narrowed his one good eye. “I saw someone like that,” he spit what he was apparently chewing and Alec backed up with disgust. “Well, where did she go?”
“She all sorts of crazy that one…” he cackled and put a finger near his head making a circular motion, “don’t think she knew where she was going, looked lost if you ask me. Some big man offered to help her and she started to scream and fight, like I said… crazy.” The man spit again and wiped his mouth and Alec sighed with impatience, “well what happened?”
The ugly man held his hand out and Alec’s nostrils flared as he handed another coin. “Looked like they got into an argument, she hit him good” he laughed as he recalled the memory, “but he stopped her yelling swift and hit her back. Then his friend showed up. I say good she was starting to get on my nerves if you know what I mean… Women like that need to be subdued.”
“And didn’t anyone think to step in?” Alec asked appalled and the other man shook his head with a shrug of his shoulder. “Maybe, there was a big fight broke out right after. Them was a bunch of serious men, they weren’t playing around but look around you too many people here to care, I only caught it because it happened right beside me. Why ever since that happened more fights broke out all over the city. Its good entertainment,” he cackled and Alec refrained from wiping the smile off his face. “Well what happened next?”
The man put weeds into his mouth and grinned, showing black teeth and Alec’s face changed to revulsion. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” he asked incredulously.  “Well weren’t you there?”
He held out his hand again and Alec sighed. He closed his hand over the coin and smiled, this time Alec covered his nose and looked away. “Like I said, I don’t know. One second she was there, and then she was just gone.”
“Gone? Well what direction did they go?” he asked urgently, looking around.
“Makes no nevermind to me… They probably took her to teach her a lesson.”
Alec snarled with frustration, “wow you’re so much help.” He walked away from the man and began to ask around some more. Only he wasn’t able to get any more information than that. He had hoped he was panicking for no reason, but to his dismay Kaylan had really been taken and he burned with anger and fear.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She felt herself sway back and forth and groggily came to, the back of her head pounded painfully and her cheek throbbed. Kaylan tried to exhale but something soft was lodge in her mouth.  The awful taste of the material filled her mouth and she gagged. She frantically tried to spit it out but it was near impossible making her upper lip burn. She breathed through her nose and the smell of sweat surrounded her and she moaned through the gag. Reaching up to remove it, she panicked when she realized her hands were bound.
Her eyes snapped open and she froze with fear and breathed erratically through her nose. It was dark, the sun was near to setting she was extremely cold and the swaying was from the horse she was sitting on.  Her wrists hurt from being tied together, her feet were tied to the saddle and someone was holding her close. She tried to cry out and fight herself free but his arm pressed her closer.
“Now now, save your energy,” he whispered in her ear and his horrid breath reached her and she turned away. He reached up to hold her chin forcefully making her look ahead, his fingers dug into her skin and he rubbed his face against hers, “you’re not going anywhere.” The short stubble irritated her skin and she struggled again. He squeezed the air out of her and his hand started to slowly creep up her dress feeling her up and the other joined in. “I’ve never had anyone this soft…” he said slowly and tears stung her eyes. “Gronak won’t even know, it seems you’ve already been spoiled so it doesn’t matter now.” 
She tried to snarl with rage at the invasion of his hands and he squeezed her face once more, this time harder. “Oh we know about him, we’ve been following him for weeks, waiting for a chance, but we couldn’t pass you up, you’re the real prize. Now be quiet, I don’t want to have to hit you again. I like them lively,” she couldn’t do anything but sit helplessly and cry.  Her tears were of anger, rage and humiliation.
She closed her eyes, trying to block out his hands and what was in front of her. If only she had returned home to Malcolm. Now she would never see home or him again, it was all over.
He lowered his hand once more, and she took one last desperate attempt, gathering what strength she could muster she threw her head back into his face and he let her go with a shocked grunt. He struggled with the reins and teetered back. She prayed he would lose his balance and slip off, but he quickly reached in. She felt a painful blow at the back of her head, and everything turned black.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
This was the third time Alec circled the city asking for more information but he wasn’t any closer now then he had been before. Stopping dead center in the street, he looked around to the people walking by and passed both hands through his hair with frustration. Time was slipping through his fingers and no one seemed to care and simply passed him by. He just wanted to scream at the top of his lungs and make everyone stop and listen to him.
“I can’t do this alone…” he breathed softly and decided to return to Kaylan’s estate. He needed help, and he would rouse the “unavailable” Malcolm if he had to. That got him thinking about the reason why she left in the first place.
Did something happen between them? Was it because her and Malcolm fought, were they still an item? Kaylan had told him in a moment of weakness how much she loved the man and if she could no longer be with him she would die… Didn’t the man love his cousin? From what he had seen he seemed crazy about her, would someone’s feelings change so quickly?
“What’s going on?” he asked out loud and a peasant frowned at him. If that wasn’t the case and he was just jumping to conclusions, what in the world was Malcolm doing at such a crucial time? And what was the actual meaning of his unavailability?
Grumbling, he turned on his heel and made his way back. He had let his emotions lead him and ran off, when what he should have done was start at point A, and work from there.
As he walked back, he noticed a head of blond hair and his breath caught in his throat. “Zadek?” he whispered and when the man turned to an apparent scribe, he smiled with relief, it was him. “Thank you,” he pressed his hands together and thanked the heavens.
He walked towards him and put a friendly hand on his shoulder. “Boy am I happy to see you,” he smiled and the other man turned to face him. “Alec,” he greeted, “how are you?”
“We’ll have to leave the greetings for some other time, right now I really need your help,” he started to say and explained the situation to his friend who listened attentively. He wasn’t able to give him much detail not knowing the real unfolding of events himself but enough so that Zadek knew what was going on.
'''Roleplay from Zadek Dragul'''
Zadek listened to Alec while he exitedly told him what he knew of what had happened. "Ok buddy, calm down. So she ran out into the night, and hasn't been back? She ran here to the city, and you say that a peasant saw her with some large men. Those kind of men should have attracted some kind of attention. We just need to find someone who saw that will 'remember' seeing them. I was on my way to see Fiona, she arrived not long ago. She was wounded in Westmoor and I need to see if she is ok."
Alec looked down at Zadek's hand and noticed the red roses he held.
"I am sure she would want to help, and probably knows more of the people we need to find to get the answers than we do. Come on and we will ask her to help as well. Three of us can cover more ground than two, Zadek continued.
Alec nodded, and they headed to find Fiona's camp and see what she could tell them about finding Kaylan.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
On their way to Fiona’s camp, Alec kept thinking of his last conversation with Kaylan and he turned to Zadek, “Fiona is Kaylan’s sister,” he blurted and the blond man mouth worked open then closed. “Yeah my reaction exactly,” Alec chuckled and they continued to walk. “So, well this won’t be the first time I see her, but it’ll be the first time I know she’s my cousin,” he grinned awkwardly. “Weird,” he muttered as they continued to walk.
“So if things go well between the two of you and there’s wedding bells in the future, then well would that make us related in any way?” he winked in his friend’s direction and he blushed a deep shade of red remaining silent.
“Sorry,” Alec quickly apologized, “I make stupid comments when I’m nervous or scared, and right now I’m both,” he admitted softly and swallowed. They arrived at Fiona’s camp and he put his hand out. “You lead the way.”
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
Fiona walked around the camp trying to ignore the pain in her leg from the last battle, slightly limping back to her tent she looked up and seen Alec walking with someone but couldn't make out the other persons face as Alec stood right in front of him.
Moving slowly around to a nearby rock she found rest and tilted her head to notice Zadek's sweet face looking back at her. She got up and limped over to go greet them.
"Zadek" she smiled and reached around his arm to get a bit more support off her leg "Alec" she grinned and looked back at Alec smiling at her.
"What do I owe the honors" she question both as they started to walk for her tent, looking at Alec she noticed an uneasy feeling, hidden behind a nervous smile.
"What's the matter" she stopped and looked at both men. "Is Aewyn ok?" her eyes widened
"Aewyn is fine" Zadek quickly answered patting her hand to reassure her
"Then what's wrong" she looked at back and forth at Alec and Zadek who now stood in the middle of the ground looking at her.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec looked from Zadek as he handed out the rose, to Fiona who smiled graciously accepting. “It’s my cousin…Kaylan,” he said softly and Fiona’s eyes widened again and her mouth seemed to try and work. “Yeah I keep getting that reaction…She told me she found her sister, so uhm yeah, hey cousin.”
He gave a weak laugh and continued, “more importantly we don’t really know exactly what happened, but something occurred last night and she ran off. She was last seen here in the city, of course the source isn’t as reliable as I’d wish, but it’s the best I have right now.” The red head frowned as the information was beginning to sink in, saving her the confusion he just blurted out, “Fiona, Kaylan was taken last night and no one can find her.”
Fiona’s green eyes burned intensely at the news and Alec sighed. “I don’t know if she ever told you…. but,” then he began to tell them more of their family and past events that would have undoubtedly led them there and relayed everything the old man had told him.
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
Fiona studied every word as they came out of Alec's mouth the more he spoke the more his voice became distant, like an echo she could see his mouth moving and his blunt expressions but could no longer hear the words as he spoke them.
She felt a dark cloud come over her and all she could smell was smoke, her feet were hurting and her chest felt so tight she had to remind herself to breathe. She shook her head and stood up straight looking at the men.
"Where's Malcolm in all this?" she frowned
"I was told by Kaylan's manservant that he probably knows what made Kaylan run off, but it seems he's unavailable." Alec shrugged
"Where's his men who are supposed to be watching her" she started to walk ignoring the pain in her leg and thinking all the worst possibilities as to why no one could find her.
"If something has happened to my " she paused and swallowed hard "Kaylan" I will make sure the people involved in this will be begging for a quick death for what I'm about to do if I don't get the answer I want"
She closed her eyes and couldn't help the awful feeling she was getting in the pit of her stomach. She hadn't felt this fear in over 20 years but this overwhelming feeling was taking over and there wasn't anything she could do to control it. It was a dark, ugly side of herself she never thought she would see again.
"Unavailable uh, well we're going to make him available!" she marched to her horse and called out to her captain.
"Be sure to guide the men you're in charge until I get back" she handed him a pouch full of gold, get supplies and wait for the orders, I'll be back with Kaylan" she put one foot in the saddle and rose herself up swinging a leg over his back looking back at the men.
"What are you waiting for?" she snapped
"Grab two horses and lets go visit Malcolm" she kicked her horse and headed to where Malcolm was staying.
Alec watches Fiona and snaps at attention. "Yes Ma'am" and quickly to the response Zadek jumped to attention and grabbed a horse without question.
"Quick one that one uh?" Alec looked back at Zadek with a raised brow
"I guess it runs in the family" he smiled showing a set of white teeth as they race off to catch up with Fiona
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm had recovered somewhat since we last looked in. Some rest, more herbs, a bit of broth, a drug-induced "nap" that Malcolm thought lasted for an hour...And the sun looked about right...But 25 hours does as well as one for that.
So it was with a clear mind and full possession of his mental faculties that he was screaming at the healers to let him out of his bed to find Kaylan. I am sure this was of small comfort to aforesaid healers. And, when Alec, Zadek, and Fiona came barging in, he thought that he had been saved, and they were here to take him off to Kaylan to sort out the sorry mess.
"Thank the heavens...These damn healers think that I have suddenly turned to a babe-in-arms...How is Kaylan?"
Judging by the looks on their faces when he asked, not well. Either that or they really, really didn't like him, but for the life of him, he couldn't see what would cause that. Yes, his reaction had not been the best, but what, exactly, had they expected?
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
It had been a long ten minutes before they arrived and Fiona forced them all into Malcolm’s room despite the healer’s insistence that his patient needed rest – She only had to raise an eyebrow showing her extreme displeasure. “Are you opposing me?” she said with disdain, behind her, she could almost hear Alec snicker and he cleared his throat with a cough. “Remove yourself, or I will do it for you,” she glared. It wasn’t long and they found his room. 
When they entered, she had to ball her hands into fist to keep from overreacting at his lazy state.  "Thank the heavens...” Malcolm breathed. “These damn healers think that I have suddenly turned to a babe-in-arms...How is Kaylan?”
She stood amazed by his words. “You should know you were the last one to see her,” she deadpanned and locked her gaze to his, waiting for his reaction, daring him to continue playing the ignorant fool – Secretly she had never really approved of his competence and worth as far as her sister was concerned. She had kept silent disliking men in general him included, with one exception of course; but now he had cemented his worth in her mind and nothing short of the earth’s shattering would be able to change that image now.  It truly made no difference to her that he was obviously in a sick bed, and his hands had been bandaged so much he didn’t keel over from the weight of them alone.
“Get yourself out of bed,” she said dangerously. “I pray for your sake you have a good reason for her running off. If I learn that you intentionally hurt her and she disappeared on your account, I will make sure you won’t stop regretting it the rest of your miserable existence, and trust me, your only comfort should be that it will be short.”
At that Malcolm seemed to stop and looked over at Alec and Zadek who stood behind her.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
From behind Fiona, Alec, swallowed at her threatening promise, she sounded very displeased as she should be, he was ready to kill Malcolm on the spot.
Before the other man even had a chance to say anything Alec stepped forward and put a calming hand on Fiona’s shoulder. “Look I’m as angry as you, but before you decide to cut off his family jewels and feed them to him, let us ask him some questions first, then well…” he trailed off as if thinking, “you can do wha’ever you want, I’ll e’en hol’him down,” he said, a Gaelic accent suddenly flavoring his speech and he closed his mouth with a frown. It was only under extreme duress or anxiousness that his family’s accent came through at all – This confirmed how upset he was and there would be no turning back on his anger. He gave a flat stare in Malcolm’s direction showing him, how extremely serious he was.
Trying to control his speech once more, he started again, “whut happened the last time you saw’er? And where are your men?” his Rs seemed to roll off his tongue thickly and his words had a different nuance. He closed his eyes and continued, “I know she was being watched, I’m not without resources of my own,” he stated smartly now able to control it better. “I trusted you would protect her better than this,” he said with more strength and bit down his devastating anger.
“Well speak up man, I can’t promise I’ll be able to hold her down at all,” he nodded to the redhead. “She is Kaylan’s sister after all… when they get pissed, it’s not pretty.”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm's mind whirled.
"Disapp-No, that can't be...I had men tailing her...They wouldn't have let any healers stop them from reporting if she'd..."
He heard more shouting and the already crowded room was crammed with a healer trying to bandage a heavily wounded...Malcolm let out his breath with a half-cry.
The man looked up, face bruised and battered badly.
"Milord...I'm sorry...There were too many, and they must have known we were watching...Took out all the pickets..."
Malcolm started shaking, while Fiona and the rest stared. There was exactly one person he could think of that would take Kaylan in such a way...
Fiona's voice broke in with a dangerous edge. "Malcolm..."
His eyes snapped up, and he began struggling out of the bedclothes. "She's pregnant. I found out in a less-than-optimal fashion, and when I clenched on the roses I was carrying, I started screaming. She saw me. She ran off. And now the men I had tailing her have been beaten or killed. That's not something Westmoor or Sirion would do. Which means that the same bastard who has been hunting her and your mother for decades has her. We need to move, now."
He finally worked his way free, and tore off the outer layers of the bandages so he could at least move the tips of his fingers. The bleeding had stopped, although if he moved the last bandages it would open the wounds up again...He couldn't afford that, he needed to move, needed to find her...
"You, get out, grab the rest, and start tailing them. The trail can't be that cold, not with that large a group. I want a lead and a direction by the time I get my damn sword and get to the edge of the city. Move. Now."
He concealed his shaking as much as possible, and shoved his healer aside while he buckled his swordbelt on. Had to find her, had to find her, had to find her...
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm suddenly looked up, hope flashing in his eyes.
"Zadek! Get to Katalynfae, tell her what's happened, and beg her to get Fontan's secret police out. My men are decimated, but a full realm's compliment can find the best infiltrators in the wildest regions, finding Kaylan with "escorts" should be easy. We need dispensations for our troops to be absent from battle for a while too, we'll need them. Hopefully we can catch them all before they make it to whatever hideout they're using..."

Latest revision as of 23:48, 30 May 2014

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

Alec’s army had followed Kaylan’s for days now and he was secretly grateful they were always heading in the same direction, because it gave him the opportunity to keep a close eye on her. The previous night, he had taken time for himself and indulged in some much needed female attention. It was with a satiated expression and a happy step that he made his way to her estate to make his daily appearance.

He announced himself and was shown in, and then was made to wait. He got terribly impatient as he stood there waiting and was about to go exploring when the head servant finally showed up. “Well it’s about time, I was about to come looking for you,” he said unimpressed and frowned as the servant bowed his head and dry washed his hands. From his earlier visits Alec knew that to be a nervous habit.

“Sir Alec,” he said in a small voice trying to muster an air of ease.

“My cousin no longer greets her guests?” he questioned with a frown, looking over his shoulder down the hall and the servant followed his gaze. “The lady is unavailable at the moment,” he said quickly.

“Unavailable?” he grinned, “Malcolm you’re one sly…” he began saying but the servant interrupted him. “When she returns I will inform her that you were here,” he approached Alec is if trying to usher him out but he stood his ground. “Well man all you had to say is that she isn’t here,” he sighed with exasperation, “just tell me where she ran off to and I will be on my way.” At this Oscarius paused with uncertainty and spread his hand in a helpless gesture. “We…don’t … know,” he sighed and his voice suddenly became anxious and he looked to the ground with shame.

Alec’s smiled slipped and he cocked his head. “What do you mean, you don’t know?” he pronounced every word clearly and with disdain. Oscarius appeared to be tight lipped and Alec took one step forward and he began to speak, “there was an incident,” he started quickly, “the lady was terribly upset and she left the estate at a run, she has not yet returned.” His hands turned into fists and he hissed, “she what?” His eyes narrowed and he clenched his jaw forcing out his next words, “and you’re just sitting here waiting for her to return?” Alec then looked up to the ceiling praying the Gods to still his anger and grant him tolerance for people’s stupidity.

“We have sent some men to look for her but they did not find her. More men have been sent off. We are doing what we can, she ran off with naught but her dress.”

An incredible chill coursed down his spine with a tingle of dread. His stomach seemed to bottom out and he closed his eyes trying to regain his composure and keep a cool head. “Then she would have returned by now,” he whispered dangerously to the other man. His frightening green eyed gaze made the other man shrink back.

“What could have possibly made her so upset, that she ran from her own home?” he questioned.

“Sir Malcolm… would … know,” he stammered, “but he is… also unavailable.”

Alec cursed and passed his hand through his hair, “well someone is going to have to explain to me what is going on. Double your man search immediately and when Malcolm becomes available ” he said sourly, “you tell him I would like to see him. If I find out he’s the cause of this I will personally make sure he regrets ever looking at her,” he narrowed his eyes, “make sure he receives the message.”

With that he left the estate in search of Kaylan. Ever since arriving, the streets were bustling with people, and that scared him. In this case it would be all too easy for someone to take her unnoticed; no matter who was watching it was the perfect cover. He silently cursed himself for allowing this to happen, he should have kept a closer watch on her.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm woke up with a head that felt like an anvil...And hands that felt like mittens. The first was adequately explained by the lump on his head about the size of Suville City...And the second by what Malcolm personally thought had to be excessive bandages. Interesting how the healers seemed to think that even the smallest-

Ah. That would be why there were so many bandages. Interesting, he could half-feel the pain, but was still...Oh...There...Yes, he could see the blood seeping through now. Now, why was he in such bad shape? Possibly from the last battle...But now, he was in a city...Must have made it-




Malcolm surged to his feet and began running towards the door. Or, at least, that's what he told himself he was doing. He looked down in some amazement as he moved approximately an inch to the right. Having had his first plan thwarted, he began yelling and screaming for someone to tell him what the hell was going on. Well...If you call mewling in a voice barely louder than a whisper "yelling", anyway.

Frantic worry and an inability to accomplish anything do not mix well. Even less so for Malcolm who was used to getting his way. This, combined with the various medicines, injuries, and a complete lack of knowledge of what had happened to Kaylan and his...child? Lead him to begin sobbing.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what I would classify as a day it just wasn't worth waking up for.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

Alec had started his search for Kaylan by trying to discern her steps from the many footprints near her estate. He slowly made his way to the field and realized she may have fell. He thanked his father for teaching him the art of tracking and was putting the skill to good use. He kneeled down to touch the ground and looked around, her steps picked up once more and seem to continue in a different direction. He looked up and realized she had headed back to the city. Which is exactly what he wished she hadn’t done. Now he would all but lose her tracks and cursed his luck.

He returned to the city, asked as many people as he could if they had seen her but no one had. He finally found an old man and managed to empty his purse in a desperate attempt to get him to speak up. The old man grunted as he took the gold and narrowed his one good eye. “I saw someone like that,” he spit what he was apparently chewing and Alec backed up with disgust. “Well, where did she go?”

“She all sorts of crazy that one…” he cackled and put a finger near his head making a circular motion, “don’t think she knew where she was going, looked lost if you ask me. Some big man offered to help her and she started to scream and fight, like I said… crazy.” The man spit again and wiped his mouth and Alec sighed with impatience, “well what happened?”

The ugly man held his hand out and Alec’s nostrils flared as he handed another coin. “Looked like they got into an argument, she hit him good” he laughed as he recalled the memory, “but he stopped her yelling swift and hit her back. Then his friend showed up. I say good she was starting to get on my nerves if you know what I mean… Women like that need to be subdued.”

“And didn’t anyone think to step in?” Alec asked appalled and the other man shook his head with a shrug of his shoulder. “Maybe, there was a big fight broke out right after. Them was a bunch of serious men, they weren’t playing around but look around you too many people here to care, I only caught it because it happened right beside me. Why ever since that happened more fights broke out all over the city. Its good entertainment,” he cackled and Alec refrained from wiping the smile off his face. “Well what happened next?”

The man put weeds into his mouth and grinned, showing black teeth and Alec’s face changed to revulsion. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” he asked incredulously. “Well weren’t you there?”

He held out his hand again and Alec sighed. He closed his hand over the coin and smiled, this time Alec covered his nose and looked away. “Like I said, I don’t know. One second she was there, and then she was just gone.”

“Gone? Well what direction did they go?” he asked urgently, looking around.

“Makes no nevermind to me… They probably took her to teach her a lesson.”

Alec snarled with frustration, “wow you’re so much help.” He walked away from the man and began to ask around some more. Only he wasn’t able to get any more information than that. He had hoped he was panicking for no reason, but to his dismay Kaylan had really been taken and he burned with anger and fear.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

She felt herself sway back and forth and groggily came to, the back of her head pounded painfully and her cheek throbbed. Kaylan tried to exhale but something soft was lodge in her mouth. The awful taste of the material filled her mouth and she gagged. She frantically tried to spit it out but it was near impossible making her upper lip burn. She breathed through her nose and the smell of sweat surrounded her and she moaned through the gag. Reaching up to remove it, she panicked when she realized her hands were bound.

Her eyes snapped open and she froze with fear and breathed erratically through her nose. It was dark, the sun was near to setting she was extremely cold and the swaying was from the horse she was sitting on. Her wrists hurt from being tied together, her feet were tied to the saddle and someone was holding her close. She tried to cry out and fight herself free but his arm pressed her closer.

“Now now, save your energy,” he whispered in her ear and his horrid breath reached her and she turned away. He reached up to hold her chin forcefully making her look ahead, his fingers dug into her skin and he rubbed his face against hers, “you’re not going anywhere.” The short stubble irritated her skin and she struggled again. He squeezed the air out of her and his hand started to slowly creep up her dress feeling her up and the other joined in. “I’ve never had anyone this soft…” he said slowly and tears stung her eyes. “Gronak won’t even know, it seems you’ve already been spoiled so it doesn’t matter now.”

She tried to snarl with rage at the invasion of his hands and he squeezed her face once more, this time harder. “Oh we know about him, we’ve been following him for weeks, waiting for a chance, but we couldn’t pass you up, you’re the real prize. Now be quiet, I don’t want to have to hit you again. I like them lively,” she couldn’t do anything but sit helplessly and cry. Her tears were of anger, rage and humiliation.

She closed her eyes, trying to block out his hands and what was in front of her. If only she had returned home to Malcolm. Now she would never see home or him again, it was all over.

He lowered his hand once more, and she took one last desperate attempt, gathering what strength she could muster she threw her head back into his face and he let her go with a shocked grunt. He struggled with the reins and teetered back. She prayed he would lose his balance and slip off, but he quickly reached in. She felt a painful blow at the back of her head, and everything turned black.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

This was the third time Alec circled the city asking for more information but he wasn’t any closer now then he had been before. Stopping dead center in the street, he looked around to the people walking by and passed both hands through his hair with frustration. Time was slipping through his fingers and no one seemed to care and simply passed him by. He just wanted to scream at the top of his lungs and make everyone stop and listen to him.

“I can’t do this alone…” he breathed softly and decided to return to Kaylan’s estate. He needed help, and he would rouse the “unavailable” Malcolm if he had to. That got him thinking about the reason why she left in the first place.

Did something happen between them? Was it because her and Malcolm fought, were they still an item? Kaylan had told him in a moment of weakness how much she loved the man and if she could no longer be with him she would die… Didn’t the man love his cousin? From what he had seen he seemed crazy about her, would someone’s feelings change so quickly?

“What’s going on?” he asked out loud and a peasant frowned at him. If that wasn’t the case and he was just jumping to conclusions, what in the world was Malcolm doing at such a crucial time? And what was the actual meaning of his unavailability?

Grumbling, he turned on his heel and made his way back. He had let his emotions lead him and ran off, when what he should have done was start at point A, and work from there.

As he walked back, he noticed a head of blond hair and his breath caught in his throat. “Zadek?” he whispered and when the man turned to an apparent scribe, he smiled with relief, it was him. “Thank you,” he pressed his hands together and thanked the heavens.

He walked towards him and put a friendly hand on his shoulder. “Boy am I happy to see you,” he smiled and the other man turned to face him. “Alec,” he greeted, “how are you?”

“We’ll have to leave the greetings for some other time, right now I really need your help,” he started to say and explained the situation to his friend who listened attentively. He wasn’t able to give him much detail not knowing the real unfolding of events himself but enough so that Zadek knew what was going on.

Roleplay from Zadek Dragul

Zadek listened to Alec while he exitedly told him what he knew of what had happened. "Ok buddy, calm down. So she ran out into the night, and hasn't been back? She ran here to the city, and you say that a peasant saw her with some large men. Those kind of men should have attracted some kind of attention. We just need to find someone who saw that will 'remember' seeing them. I was on my way to see Fiona, she arrived not long ago. She was wounded in Westmoor and I need to see if she is ok."

Alec looked down at Zadek's hand and noticed the red roses he held.

"I am sure she would want to help, and probably knows more of the people we need to find to get the answers than we do. Come on and we will ask her to help as well. Three of us can cover more ground than two, Zadek continued.

Alec nodded, and they headed to find Fiona's camp and see what she could tell them about finding Kaylan.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

On their way to Fiona’s camp, Alec kept thinking of his last conversation with Kaylan and he turned to Zadek, “Fiona is Kaylan’s sister,” he blurted and the blond man mouth worked open then closed. “Yeah my reaction exactly,” Alec chuckled and they continued to walk. “So, well this won’t be the first time I see her, but it’ll be the first time I know she’s my cousin,” he grinned awkwardly. “Weird,” he muttered as they continued to walk.

“So if things go well between the two of you and there’s wedding bells in the future, then well would that make us related in any way?” he winked in his friend’s direction and he blushed a deep shade of red remaining silent.

“Sorry,” Alec quickly apologized, “I make stupid comments when I’m nervous or scared, and right now I’m both,” he admitted softly and swallowed. They arrived at Fiona’s camp and he put his hand out. “You lead the way.”

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

Fiona walked around the camp trying to ignore the pain in her leg from the last battle, slightly limping back to her tent she looked up and seen Alec walking with someone but couldn't make out the other persons face as Alec stood right in front of him.

Moving slowly around to a nearby rock she found rest and tilted her head to notice Zadek's sweet face looking back at her. She got up and limped over to go greet them.

"Zadek" she smiled and reached around his arm to get a bit more support off her leg "Alec" she grinned and looked back at Alec smiling at her.

"What do I owe the honors" she question both as they started to walk for her tent, looking at Alec she noticed an uneasy feeling, hidden behind a nervous smile.

"What's the matter" she stopped and looked at both men. "Is Aewyn ok?" her eyes widened

"Aewyn is fine" Zadek quickly answered patting her hand to reassure her

"Then what's wrong" she looked at back and forth at Alec and Zadek who now stood in the middle of the ground looking at her.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

Alec looked from Zadek as he handed out the rose, to Fiona who smiled graciously accepting. “It’s my cousin…Kaylan,” he said softly and Fiona’s eyes widened again and her mouth seemed to try and work. “Yeah I keep getting that reaction…She told me she found her sister, so uhm yeah, hey cousin.”

He gave a weak laugh and continued, “more importantly we don’t really know exactly what happened, but something occurred last night and she ran off. She was last seen here in the city, of course the source isn’t as reliable as I’d wish, but it’s the best I have right now.” The red head frowned as the information was beginning to sink in, saving her the confusion he just blurted out, “Fiona, Kaylan was taken last night and no one can find her.”

Fiona’s green eyes burned intensely at the news and Alec sighed. “I don’t know if she ever told you…. but,” then he began to tell them more of their family and past events that would have undoubtedly led them there and relayed everything the old man had told him.

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

Fiona studied every word as they came out of Alec's mouth the more he spoke the more his voice became distant, like an echo she could see his mouth moving and his blunt expressions but could no longer hear the words as he spoke them.

She felt a dark cloud come over her and all she could smell was smoke, her feet were hurting and her chest felt so tight she had to remind herself to breathe. She shook her head and stood up straight looking at the men.

"Where's Malcolm in all this?" she frowned

"I was told by Kaylan's manservant that he probably knows what made Kaylan run off, but it seems he's unavailable." Alec shrugged

"Where's his men who are supposed to be watching her" she started to walk ignoring the pain in her leg and thinking all the worst possibilities as to why no one could find her.

"If something has happened to my " she paused and swallowed hard "Kaylan" I will make sure the people involved in this will be begging for a quick death for what I'm about to do if I don't get the answer I want"

She closed her eyes and couldn't help the awful feeling she was getting in the pit of her stomach. She hadn't felt this fear in over 20 years but this overwhelming feeling was taking over and there wasn't anything she could do to control it. It was a dark, ugly side of herself she never thought she would see again.

"Unavailable uh, well we're going to make him available!" she marched to her horse and called out to her captain.

"Be sure to guide the men you're in charge until I get back" she handed him a pouch full of gold, get supplies and wait for the orders, I'll be back with Kaylan" she put one foot in the saddle and rose herself up swinging a leg over his back looking back at the men.

"What are you waiting for?" she snapped

"Grab two horses and lets go visit Malcolm" she kicked her horse and headed to where Malcolm was staying.

Alec watches Fiona and snaps at attention. "Yes Ma'am" and quickly to the response Zadek jumped to attention and grabbed a horse without question.

"Quick one that one uh?" Alec looked back at Zadek with a raised brow "I guess it runs in the family" he smiled showing a set of white teeth as they race off to catch up with Fiona

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm had recovered somewhat since we last looked in. Some rest, more herbs, a bit of broth, a drug-induced "nap" that Malcolm thought lasted for an hour...And the sun looked about right...But 25 hours does as well as one for that.

So it was with a clear mind and full possession of his mental faculties that he was screaming at the healers to let him out of his bed to find Kaylan. I am sure this was of small comfort to aforesaid healers. And, when Alec, Zadek, and Fiona came barging in, he thought that he had been saved, and they were here to take him off to Kaylan to sort out the sorry mess.

"Thank the heavens...These damn healers think that I have suddenly turned to a babe-in-arms...How is Kaylan?"

Judging by the looks on their faces when he asked, not well. Either that or they really, really didn't like him, but for the life of him, he couldn't see what would cause that. Yes, his reaction had not been the best, but what, exactly, had they expected?

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

It had been a long ten minutes before they arrived and Fiona forced them all into Malcolm’s room despite the healer’s insistence that his patient needed rest – She only had to raise an eyebrow showing her extreme displeasure. “Are you opposing me?” she said with disdain, behind her, she could almost hear Alec snicker and he cleared his throat with a cough. “Remove yourself, or I will do it for you,” she glared. It wasn’t long and they found his room.

When they entered, she had to ball her hands into fist to keep from overreacting at his lazy state. "Thank the heavens...” Malcolm breathed. “These damn healers think that I have suddenly turned to a babe-in-arms...How is Kaylan?”

She stood amazed by his words. “You should know you were the last one to see her,” she deadpanned and locked her gaze to his, waiting for his reaction, daring him to continue playing the ignorant fool – Secretly she had never really approved of his competence and worth as far as her sister was concerned. She had kept silent disliking men in general him included, with one exception of course; but now he had cemented his worth in her mind and nothing short of the earth’s shattering would be able to change that image now. It truly made no difference to her that he was obviously in a sick bed, and his hands had been bandaged so much he didn’t keel over from the weight of them alone.

“Get yourself out of bed,” she said dangerously. “I pray for your sake you have a good reason for her running off. If I learn that you intentionally hurt her and she disappeared on your account, I will make sure you won’t stop regretting it the rest of your miserable existence, and trust me, your only comfort should be that it will be short.”

At that Malcolm seemed to stop and looked over at Alec and Zadek who stood behind her.

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

From behind Fiona, Alec, swallowed at her threatening promise, she sounded very displeased as she should be, he was ready to kill Malcolm on the spot.

Before the other man even had a chance to say anything Alec stepped forward and put a calming hand on Fiona’s shoulder. “Look I’m as angry as you, but before you decide to cut off his family jewels and feed them to him, let us ask him some questions first, then well…” he trailed off as if thinking, “you can do wha’ever you want, I’ll e’en hol’him down,” he said, a Gaelic accent suddenly flavoring his speech and he closed his mouth with a frown. It was only under extreme duress or anxiousness that his family’s accent came through at all – This confirmed how upset he was and there would be no turning back on his anger. He gave a flat stare in Malcolm’s direction showing him, how extremely serious he was.

Trying to control his speech once more, he started again, “whut happened the last time you saw’er? And where are your men?” his Rs seemed to roll off his tongue thickly and his words had a different nuance. He closed his eyes and continued, “I know she was being watched, I’m not without resources of my own,” he stated smartly now able to control it better. “I trusted you would protect her better than this,” he said with more strength and bit down his devastating anger.

“Well speak up man, I can’t promise I’ll be able to hold her down at all,” he nodded to the redhead. “She is Kaylan’s sister after all… when they get pissed, it’s not pretty.”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm's mind whirled.

"Disapp-No, that can't be...I had men tailing her...They wouldn't have let any healers stop them from reporting if she'd..."

He heard more shouting and the already crowded room was crammed with a healer trying to bandage a heavily wounded...Malcolm let out his breath with a half-cry.


The man looked up, face bruised and battered badly.

"Milord...I'm sorry...There were too many, and they must have known we were watching...Took out all the pickets..."

Malcolm started shaking, while Fiona and the rest stared. There was exactly one person he could think of that would take Kaylan in such a way...

Fiona's voice broke in with a dangerous edge. "Malcolm..."

His eyes snapped up, and he began struggling out of the bedclothes. "She's pregnant. I found out in a less-than-optimal fashion, and when I clenched on the roses I was carrying, I started screaming. She saw me. She ran off. And now the men I had tailing her have been beaten or killed. That's not something Westmoor or Sirion would do. Which means that the same bastard who has been hunting her and your mother for decades has her. We need to move, now."

He finally worked his way free, and tore off the outer layers of the bandages so he could at least move the tips of his fingers. The bleeding had stopped, although if he moved the last bandages it would open the wounds up again...He couldn't afford that, he needed to move, needed to find her...

"You, get out, grab the rest, and start tailing them. The trail can't be that cold, not with that large a group. I want a lead and a direction by the time I get my damn sword and get to the edge of the city. Move. Now."

He concealed his shaking as much as possible, and shoved his healer aside while he buckled his swordbelt on. Had to find her, had to find her, had to find her...

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm suddenly looked up, hope flashing in his eyes.

"Zadek! Get to Katalynfae, tell her what's happened, and beg her to get Fontan's secret police out. My men are decimated, but a full realm's compliment can find the best infiltrators in the wildest regions, finding Kaylan with "escorts" should be easy. We need dispensations for our troops to be absent from battle for a while too, we'll need them. Hopefully we can catch them all before they make it to whatever hideout they're using..."
