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title =<center>The Caligan Courier Febuary '06</center>|
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article = Price: Free unless Yssarian ------------------------------------------ Printed In Domus ---------------------------------------- Editors: [[User: Twinblade]]}}
title =The Caligan Courier March '06|
price =Free unless Yssarian|
quote ='''Editors:''' [[User: Twinblade|Twinblade]]|
issue ='''Printed In Domus'''|
other = [[Caligan Courier| Caligan Courier]]


Revision as of 09:21, 23 March 2006 The Caligan Courier March '06
Free unless Yssarian Editors: Twinblade Printed In Domus
Caligan Courier

Sirion wants peace?!

Seeing as the newspaper got off to a late start this month this will be the only Article the Febuary Issue will have to offer. As you know, Sirion declared war on us for "Interfering in the war with Ibladesh" So Queen Gwynyth approached the realm with this message:

As you know, Sirion declared us war after our attempts on Ibladesh city. However, after the emotions cooled down, Doc is willing to return to peaceful relations, if only we agree to not attack Ibladesh anymore.

But, honestly, talking between us, he needs this peace mainly because their traders cannot pass down south with food to Ibladesh anymore. I asked him what he would like to offer us in exchange, but I am aware nothing much would be interesting for Caligus.

Shortly, we can have easily the peace with Sirion again. BUT my question to you all is if you want it? I know many of you hate Sirion, but this peace would not hurt us and we could state some of our demands in exchange. However, war is also useful :)

Please speak. Voice of the people is the voice of God.

Lady Gwynyth Queen of Caligus

Shortly after this message was sent she posted this message:

Report from Gwynyth (56 recipients) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm Just received the word from Doc: 'You know what I have to offer, Gwynyth, I have peace to offer.

We can return to how it was before, and you will never have to fear of Sirion attacking you for any reason...I will call back all the Infiltrators...and bygones will be bygones, but at least this small "fiasco" sends a clear bell to your people that we will not sit by idly while a realm that is already getting gang-banged, get further raped when Sirion can do something about it.'

It means nothing. Sirion cannot attack us because thanks to our peace with Fontan and my diplomacy, Fontan declared neutrality in Caligus-Sirion war and closed the borders for Sirion invaders. Sirion simply has no route to reach us and attack. At the moment only Sirion and Ibladesh would gain from this peace: no more attacks from Caligus to Ibladesh and a free way for Sirion traders to Ibladesh. But we can sell it at good price, demanding something we need from them, for exchange.

Lady Gwynyth Queen of Caligus

Here are some of the responses from the TL's of Caligus:

Message from Lisa (56 recipients) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm Honestly, and oddly.. Thanks to the diplomacy issues..I think we can handle it.. War, let the fool think of the cost of his actions. unless hes willing to give us a city or somethign very much more usefull than gold

Lisa Countess of Nascot,


Message from Glen (55 recipients) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm Exactly. It gives Doc a big SCREW YOU! Tell him These conditions or nothing. It is the same thing he wants us to do. He is no threat no mater what he says. Full of hot air ;)

Glen Arch Priest of Caligus,


Message from Eagles Reach (55 recipients) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm I am glad to see so many replying to the Queen.

We do help the SA even if we are at peace with everyone else, our war holds back Yssaria, they cannot leave to help Ibladesh, they also know we have a damn good army now, their days of walking in to Caligus and doing what ever they want is at an end. (It is a long time from we had over 30k of an army (at least 15k are mobile))

Doc talks about a realm getting gang banged, Ibladesh and Itornut against Perdan. It is Siron who is doing the gang banging, OR, Siron and Fontan against, Oligarch.

Personally, it makes little difference to me if Caligus is at war with Siron or not, we still concentrate on Yssaria.

Eagles Reach High Marshal of Caligus


Ouch! Doc, looks like the answer to your "peace" is a big fat NO!