McDowell Family/Alec McDowell/moving on: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''

Alec was finally on his way to recovering and tried to walk, or wobble was more like it, around his tent. He was inattentively pacing trying to convince himself he was fit to move ahead, but he really wasn’t. The last battle had been proof he wasn’t ready. He had to admit to himself his head just wasn’t in it. He was thinking too much, in his mind he was constantly trying to change events, but no matter what he did, nothing could bring her back.
Grabbing the small chair near him, he carefully slumped into it and tried to occupy himself. He grabbed stacks of papers that sat at his desk, orders, letters, announcements and invitations. The only ones that held his attention long enough were his orders, they were simply unavoidable but the rest held no meaning. He had meant to get to them, even reply to some but too much silence allowed for too much thinking.
Today he forced himself to do it, at least he had to try and continue with his life. He was glad his sister, Sorsha, was safely away in D’hara, he had one less worry.  Without bothering to get a scribe for the task, he read the letters, and personally replied to each. 
When he was finished with those, he stared at the last sheet of paper before him. He sat in silence for a long time, trying to form the words in his head, when his pen touched the paper he began to scrawl his uncle’s name and then stopped.  Sighing miserably, he crumpled it into a ball and threw it. He leaned over the desk and grabbed fists full of hair and closed his eyes.
He could still hear her voice the last time he saw her, <i>“I’m so scared Alec…what will happen to us?” she finally said and he had frowned. “I don’t want to lose courage, but whether I want it to or not, it’s leaving me.”</i> Letting his hair slide through his fingers Alec buried his face in his hands. He remembered it as if it was only yesterday, how disheartened she had sounded. Like she knew this was bound to happen. <i>Then there’s Malcolm… would him and I remain together? What if something were to happen to either of us? What if he goes somewhere I can’t follow? Where would I be without him?” and then she had cried. “I would die…” </i>
Alec’s hazel eyes filled with moisture and he pushed the table in front of him out of anger, and regretted it when the pain in his side flared. It was all wrong. Kaylan deserved to live a safe and happy life, not this nightmare he could only imagine had happened.
Leaving the table upturned, he grabbed his sword and walked out of his tent, he needed a distraction, a familiar face, anything to get him out of the heavy guilt that paralyzed him.
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira'''
Isabel was happy for the outcome of the last battles but in the back of her mind she still couldn’t or wouldn’t forget the men she lost. Yes, it was inevitable in battle but something she was finding hard to grow accustomed to – If anyone can ever grow accustomed to death.
She walked amongst her men listening to their worries, giving them a word of comfort and appreciation for their efforts and courage. Trying to concentrate on the good side of leading an army and maybe finding comfort in the pride and respect her men’s eyes shown.
An hour later she found herself back in her tent alone, bored with paperwork. She quickly went through all of it so she could enjoy some time for herself. She called out to her captain, “Gregor, give the men their deserved rest. I will be absent for a few hours. I think you can handle everything without me uh?!” she winked.
Captain Gregor understood the underlying meaning of her words. He had earned her trust in the last weeks as much as she had earned his and her men’s respect, trust and confidence in her and her leadership. "Yes milady, I will do my best," he smiled.
Isabel took her stallion and rode to the nearest village not far away. Yes, a little distraction will do me well. Upon arriving she walked into a tavern and noticed a young man sitting at a table in the corner. He looked lost in thought and she couldn’t help notice some sadness across his face. Hmm... a good looking face nonetheless. Averting her eyes when he looked up from his mug, Isabel walked to the counter, sat and ordered a drink.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Some time later, Alec found the nearest tavern and walked directly to the back subconsciously choosing the table in the corner of the room. The barwench appeared quickly giving him a sly smile but he paid very little attention. A quick glance in her direction satisfied his curiosity but his eyes returned to the table in front of him. With disappointment for his lack of attention, she fetched his mug of ale and left him alone.
He knew drinking wasn’t the smartest thing to do in his recovering state, but that was the least of his worries. He drank slowly, trying to savor the taste, but sadly it left much to be desired. Occasionally voices permeated through his hazy thoughts and he grinned at the camaraderie between friends, sadly wishing Zadek would have been around, the man was quiet but he made for good entertainment.
He returned to the amber liquid before him and sighed. In the corner of his eye, he saw the door open as someone walked in. He didn’t pay much attention again, until someone behind him, whistled and purred low in his throat. “Would you take a look at that beauty,” he whispered and Alec couldn’t help himself, he looked up.
For a fraction of a second, their eyes met, but she swiftly averted her gaze. He was used to this type of reaction and a ghost of a smile formed on his lips. He waited for her to take another look as most usually did, but she never did. Strangely it was him who was unable to pull his gaze away from her. It was a few minutes before he managed to look down but almost immediately he was watching again.
He had to agree with the men behind him, but that wasn’t what attracted him, it was the simple fact she seemed to be oblivious to him. That was extremely odd for him. Normally Alec would have crossed the room and introduced himself, but he couldn’t make himself move. He was mesmerized by the way she carried herself. Her complete self assurance was intriguing. The almost timid smile she gave the bartender in politeness when he returned with her drink and the tight yet graceful way she moved.  It was enough to keep his mind distracted which was exactly what he had needed.
For the first time in his life he was simply content watching this woman. He knew what it was now… She seemed too pure for him, untouchable and he chose to leave the image intact instead of approaching her. If Kaylan could only see him now, she would be extremely surprised and he then wondered if she would be proud of him for being a gentleman.
He quietly finished his drink, and rose from the table. He had to pass by her to get to the door, and as he did, he couldn’t help himself, he looked over his shoulder. Her face was partially hidden by her short brown hair, but he caught a glimpse of her easy smile and took that last image of her with him. Yes…she was beautiful. He smiled wistfully and left the tavern. Some things were too beautiful to touch, even for him.
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira'''
Isabel was enjoying her drink when she felt all the eyes of the room upon her. She never liked being the center of attention and it always left her with a feeling of uneasiness. She usually ignored it but sometimes that just wasn't possible. She saw a man standing up to leave and noticed it was the same one that sat by the corner table when she had arrived. She half expected for him to behave like most men did around her, but he left without approaching her and she chuckled into her mug. Interesting…
Another very drunk gentleman got up and started walking or…stumbling towards her. He leaned on the counter and sat next to her. Great! And it starts...
“Bartender! I’ll have what the lady is having.” He gives her a nauseous smile. She turns to him. “I’m having a bad week and I have the feeling I’m going to be bothered by a drunken man. You sure you want that?!” she smiles sarcastically. The man in his drunken haze barely manages to register the sarcasm of her remark and picks up the mug the bartender had just placed in front of him and takes a sip trying to figure out what to say next.
Isabel shakes her head and decides to ignore him since that didn’t send him on his way. He turns to her and decides to give it another try. “C’mon. You’re playing hard to get but you know you can’t resist my charm. They never can!” Isabel almost chokes on her ale upon hearing such words. She decides to end it and just leave before it gets worse so she turns to him, approaches his face with much sacrifice and says. “Of course I am. What did you expect? It’s so much more fun.” she winks. “And now that I am really taking a good look at you...” she pauses to give him a good long look. “I believe you are a God’s gift to women.” She says without a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She approaches his ear and whispers, “why don’t you go ahead and find us a room upstairs? I will be right behind you.”
The very oblivious drunk gives her a sly smile and with an “I knew it!” gets up and turns in the other direction. Isabel gives him a smile and a wink when he looks back at her as he walks upstairs. She places a few coins on the counter and leaves before he figures out he was fooled. Closing the tavern door behind her she looks up at the sky and sighs. “Just my luck…” she walked towards her ride and actually smiled when she remembered her remark at the gentleman and repeated it out loud giving a small laugh. “God’s gift to women!” She heard a chuckle and turned to her left where the sound came from and noticed the previous good looking man leaning on the wall.
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec could have left right away, but he waited just a bit longer, gathering his wits. He leaned into the wall outside the tavern, quietly watching people go in and out of the place envying their light moods.  Then a short while after she walked out, he stopped to fully capture the vision before him and smiled ruefully. 
Was this the meaning of temptation?  Something he deemed himself an expert manipulator, but now found himself a victim of. Was it a joke on the Gods part? Just when he finally decided to be good and let her be, she seemed to follow him as if by an invisible gravitational pull, beckoning for him to fall into his usual Machiavellian role. 
“Gods gift to women!” she laughed and he chuckled again. Amazingly she seemed to be mocking the very thoughts flying around in his head. Then she turned in his direction and a smile formed on his lips. Their eyes met again but this time, he took the moment to really look into their green depth, to examine the delicate lines of her young face and sighed as a small pain wormed into his chest.  She was exactly the opposite of what he usually looked for in a woman but she was more beautiful than any he had ever crossed. In the back of his mind though, the same thought played over in his head. <i>Save yourself, I’m no good for you. You’ll only learn to hate me.</i>
Letting the smile slip, he lowered his gaze. Pushing himself off the wall, he walked away trying so hard to resist the temptation to look again. He sadly returned to his men…and his waiting grief.
'''Roleplay from Isabel Moreira'''
Their eyes met and for a split second Isabel could swear he saw her for who she really was. She looked intensely into his hazel eyes and for what seemed like a long time she saw desire but at the same time sorrow and...<i>was it guilt?</i> His eyes mirrored many different layers within and she became instantly attracted to this cryptic man. She was about to say something but words eluded her when he gave her a breathtaking smile. But unlike she would expect he, once again turned away from her without saying a word. <i>Hmm…that’s odd.</i>
She watched him take his horse and ride away and her heart told her to follow and satisfy her curiosity but reason stepped in and she could only stare. She rode back to her camp and the entire time she couldn’t stop thinking of his image and his demeanor.
When she arrived, Captain Gregor was waiting with a messenger by his side but she didn’t even notice him. She entered her tent and sat down when Gregor got her attention. “Milady with your permission, there’s a letter for you.” She looked up and got the letter from him noticing a familiar seal. “Oh I’ve been expecting this. Thank you.” She gave the boy a couple of coins and told Gregor to spare him some food for his return home.
She opened the letter and her first thought was right. It was from him. A Sir Alec McDowell who she hadn’t met in person but he had welcomed her and invited her for dinner when she started her career in this land. She had written him a few weeks back to share her sympathy for his friends being captured and since then she hadn’t received any word from him. She sat down to read and reply to the letter herself since she had waited for it for so long.
<i>Sir Alec,
I understand completely your late reply. I hope you are doing well. I am alright considering all these battles. Thank you for your concern. I was wounded recently but I am fully recovered. I don't have much experience in battle yet and I am finding very hard to accept the inevitable deaths of my men. However, it is something I must learn to deal with.
I am glad your friends were safely returned home.
I am sorry to hear about your cousin’s disappearance. I truly hope she is well and hereby I offer you my help. I will keep an ear out for news and rumors to see if I come across any useful information on her whereabouts.
Please take comfort in the fact that evildoer got what he deserved and can no longer hurt anyone else.
As for the invitation, I don't think this is the right time to meet. I am sure you are busy with this war just as I am, not to mention your family problems.
I do appreciate your offer and I am looking forward to fulfilling it.
My kind regards,</i>
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
When Alec returned to his tent, he lit a candle. He immediately found his cot and lay down to get off his feet. Maybe leaving hadn’t been the brightest idea, considering… He only had himself to blame if he hurt worse the next couple of days, still, he didn’t regret it.
Closing his eyes, the image of the young woman returned and he took a deep breath. It was over. He had resisted the temptation and walked away, leaving the person she was, intact. He actually felt different, in a sense proud of himself. She would never fall victim to his selfish ways, she would never know the meaning of a broken heart or empty infatuation, at least not from him. Just the thought of her being in that situation made him cringe. The last thing he wanted was for her to be in any type of pain. Sitting up, he stared out and frowned. “What’s wrong with me?” he suddenly whispered following his own train of thought.
Taking him out of his shock, his captain entered his tent. His gaze lingered over the overturned table and Alec followed his gaze. “Oh yeah, that. I got in a fight with the table, guess who won?” he muttered sarcastically and his captain’s face became amused.
“Whatever occupies your time my lord,” he answered trying to hide the smile on his face and Alec rolled his eyes. “Alfreid, did you come here to make me feel like a two year old who just had an over exuberant temper tantrum, or is there a reason for your presence?” Alec had more patience than this, usually he would just continue on jesting, but his heart wasn’t in it.
“New orders,” he extended the papers, “and a letter.” This time the captain didn’t bother hiding his smile and Alec returned a sour one in response. “Wonderful, I was getting bored with the furniture they don’t fight back as well as you’d think.” Alfreid laughed this time and Alec smirked.
His eyes quickly scanned the orders, “prepare to move out.” The other man bowed and left the tent and Alec broke the seal on the letter. He read it quietly and when he reached the end, frowned. Lady Isabel didn’t want to meet after all. He had to admit he was a bit surprised but he couldn’t fault her for the decision. There was no reason they couldn’t continue their friendly exchange of words. Before he prepared to move out with his men, he returned the table to its original position and replied.
<i>Lady Isabel,
I admit you’re probably right, maybe now isn’t the right time to meet. Perhaps instead I could just be satisfied with getting to know you better, and in exchange you wouldn’t deny me someone to converse with?
I would like to thank you for your words of encouragement, honestly I try to see the optimism in them but I am having some difficulty. I fear not only my cousin’s disappearance, but that she was taken from this world as well. The thought of it just tears me apart. My task now is to completely pull myself together and maybe by the time we do eventually meet I shall be my charming self once more. Until then, take care of yourself and good day.
In Friendship, </i>

Revision as of 12:49, 17 December 2012