McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/surprise: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 

Thain returned to camp, tired and dirty. He had gone straight from the battlefield, into pursuit of the heretical Mosesadelphians who had scattered throughout the region, then fought another battle, without taking time to rest. The adrenaline was still coursing through his veins, and he could not bring himself to rest. He set out, and found the camp of Lady Deianarah, and spoke to her guards.
"I'm here to see your lady. Tell her Lord Thain is here to see her."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah had only just returned to her tent, removed her helmet and unplated her long hair when a guard walked in behind her. He cleared his throat to get her attention and she turned.  “Lady Deianarah, Lord Thain is here and wishes to see you.”
At his words she looked at him curiously and a small smile reached her lips. That was surprising, she wondered what brought him to her. “Well show him in,” she told him. It was a few moments as he was led into her tent and Deianarah nodded her head. “My lord,” she smiled. “I’m glad to see you are well. You wished to see me?” She examined him and then waited for him to speak, he looked tired, yet exhilarated.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
"Just figured I'd check in and see how things are going. The battles have been going well. Most exhilerating, fighting up front with the men. No wonder my father did it for so many years."
He said, and took a seat, feeling the rush starting to fade.
"I hope all is well with you?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
She took a seat beside him and nodded, “Yes it has been exhilarating. Not exactly how I expected it. I am… well, considering” she gave a lopsided grin. “Although I was beginning to wonder when I would next see you. It is a pleasant surprise.” She looked to his handsome face, noticing the dirt stains and suddenly realized she must look the same since she had only returned herself. On him it was endearing, a man truly dedicated to his cause and with fervor, for her…well she could only imagine what he saw.
She shyly reached up and started to wipe her cheeks. “Can I offer you something to drink?” she asked as she got up, reaching for the bottle of wine she had prepared herself to drink. “It isn’t much, I am still not fully established here, and I do not know all of Arcaea’s treasures yet.”
'''Roleplay from Lyndia Knytling''' 
Lyndia had been traveling tirelessly for a few days, and as soon as she had arrived at her destination she had been in a battle, and thus, she was simply put thirsty, tired, and just short off mentally exhausted. so when she passed by an encampment in the surrounding area, she decided against her better judgment to take a break around these parts and to bother the master of the encampment, which turned out to be Lady McDowell, as a slight gust of wind blew across her tied up dark brown hair, she walked to one of the guards and asked him "Lyndia Knytling is here, would you mind telling that to lady Deianarah?"
The guard gave a slightly happy huff at her and said "I do not see why not, however I cannot guarantee you anything, since Sir Thain is in there too." and then he walked off to the tent...
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah was just about to pour Thain a glass when her guard returned, clearing his throat again. This time she looked to Thain who wore a blank expression, and back up. She couldn’t imagine what demanded her attention now. “What is it?”
“Lyndia Knytling to see you as well My Lady,” he smiled, proud he managed not to mangle the name. At that she paused, she didn’t even know who the Lady was. She looked to Thain, “I wonder what this could be about, excuse me.” She left him and walked out facing the lady in question. “Lady Lyndia, I hope you are well. How can I help you?”
'''Roleplay from Tony Saprano'''
The Mosesadelphia Capo stands on the balcony of his extravagant palace in Azros to the address the many in the street below.
The many enemy soldiers are formed up in a line preparing for their next assault on the palaces inner walls, the Mosesadelphia nobles and their soldiers standing on the ramparts, many with broken swords and shields, the wounded and healthy alike are ready to resist what comes.
Then Tony opens his arms and speaks in a loud voice, the carnage in the streets below halts for a moment, the looting and fighting between the locals and the invaders that sparks up in pockets from time to time is put on hold while the Capo speaks.
"Invaders of the north, enjoy your last few moments above the very soil you now stand on in the twilight of this day, For soon you will be on the run, much like a rabbit from the hounds and once the chase has started you will not have the peace you have now, in the short refuge from the pains of your demise.
I welcome most of you into my city, but you showed up with the vilest of viles, the Arcaeans and for this you yourselves have shown not to be good company.
Kings and Dukes alike, your invited into my personal chambers tonight for dinner, I will allow you this evening to come and sit before me and repent for your actions, then I will council you on how to return to your people and seek their forgiveness in aligning their banners with the Arcaeans. I am a merciful man and my arms are open to those that seek forgiveness and a better path to walk on"
Tonys voice then turns deeper and with a different tone
"Jenred, you to are invited, but your repentance will not be accepted for you have caused many others to fall from honor and for that you will be need to first ensure that those you have tricked into following your wicked, are set back on the path of honor and are shown your deceit and then you need to gain their forgiveness, then once you have done that, then I will accept your repentance"
Tony then smiles politely, completely oblivious to the turmoil in the streets below and continues
"For those among you that are leaders, I have made my offer to you, come and par take, for this is your last day in my city I am sure of, so why not take advantage of mt hospitality, Cause I am certain that you will be leaving within a days time, and we never know when we may have this opportunity again"
Tony then nods his head and returns back inside and tow guards take up his place on the balcony, soon after the fighting between the looters and peasant militia resumes
'''Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr'''
Jenred paused along with the rest when Tony began speaking. His men had set up camp in one of the small fortified houses near the palace, easy to defend and centrally located, so he heard the words of the False God himself without having to rely on hearsay from others.
The King smiled. His hair was still tight in the warrior's queue, but it hung free with his helmet gone, swaying with his steps as he moved toward the room his scribes had occupied.
"Soliferum's forces may move tomorrow to make matters interesting, but for tonight, the city is still ours. Please send word throughout Azros...The King and Queen of Arcaea invite High King Luyten and High Lord Remorse to join them in the palace of the madman to jointly lay to rest the ridiculous idea that Tony has any power to control it."
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain overheard Tony's speech and smirked. He looked at Lady Deianarah, and spoke
"Come with me, this will be interesting."
As Tony's pathetic speech wound to a close, Thain strode up next to Jenred, and climbed atop a damaged piece of the fortifications around the city. He stood tall and proud, his white cloak whipping around him the wind.
"We will dine in your palace with or without your invitation Tony Saprano, your days of madness and heresy have come to an end. Look now upon your foe. I am Thain Himoura, True King of Nighthelm. It will not be long now until my flag flutters high, and yours is dragged through the mud and spit upon, or used as chamber paper. No one has anything to fear from the likes of you anymore! Your wretched, criminal reign has come to an end. You make bold statements, but your actions do not back them. You are the same coward that dared to stick his forked tongue out at my father, to taunt him, and in the next breath revealed your cowardice when you refused to duel him. How interesting, your title. Capo, meaning Captain. A rank that originated in criminal organizations, and was not the highest rank either. The Capo was always subordinate to the Boss. How fitting, Tony Saprano, subordinate to Conan McGahee, Boss of the wretched hive of corruption that has become the South. Not for long. I am here to liberate it, and you will be cast down, and cut down as any common criminal. DEATH TO THE FALSE GOD!" he said, thrusting his blade, once his father's blade, high into the air to a chorus of cheers from the soldiers who now fought to purge the lands of the abomination that had taken hold in the South.
'''Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr''' 
Jenred raised an eyebrow at Thain's words, and he gestured for the man to walk with him.
"Not a bad speech...Though I would suggest that the most effective way of deflating Tony's importance would be via actions, instead of words. I have fallen into the trap more times than I would prefer to recall, but arguing with madmen is frustrating, and when more concrete options are available..."
A cold smile curled his lips.
"Tony's words may be fierce, but we can prove them as hollow by the very simple gesture of occupying his 'private quarters'. Indeed, I am meeting Edara and hopefully the other Rulers of the coalition there to do just that. If you wish, you would be welcome to join us."
Jenred strode into the palace with the Hawk's Vengeance behind him and saw Edara's Brutes, and an Aenilian banner with a royal crest waiting. He did not see any Papanians, but that meant little...There were over a hundred troops inside already, and even the banners were lost in the bustle. He found his wife and wrapped an arm around her shoulders with a brief but loving kiss before turning to Luyten.
"Shall we?"
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
"Speeches are good for the morale of the men. Gives them purpose, lets them know what they're fighting for. Plus I like to make people eat my words. I would be honoured to accompany you two. One moment though please."
He walked over to Deianarah, and kissed her hand.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go now, I'll catch up with you later."
And he hurried back over to Jenred.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah watched as Thain left and made a speech of his own, and then he was met by a man she had never seen before, by his appearance, insignia, and his entourage she could only guess him to be King Jenred. They exchanged words, and the King left in one direction and Thain made his way towards her.
Then she watched in silence as he kissed her hand, telling her he had to go and left to rejoin the King without even allowing her a moment to say a word.
Her brown eyes followed his tall frame as he walked away, and she finally lowered her hand. She couldn’t help herself, she was slightly annoyed and... Scoffing, she turned and walked back to her tent, where Lady Lyndia was most likely still waiting. “I apologize Lady Lyndia, it seems much is taking place…” she told her quietly, her mind was still on Thain and his abrupt departure. <i>Had she done or said something wrong?</i> She entered her tent, hoping the other woman would follow and then took her goblet of wine and drank it, in one gulp.
'''Roleplay from Lyndia Knytling'''
As Lyndia was waiting outside lady Deianarah's tent, she had come to three possible conclusions,
1st. She had been forgotten.
2nd. She had been ignored.
3rd. She had fallen asleep and missed when lady Deianarah had returned.
... Or she had just yet to return... yeah four conclusions. and then when she heard a soft voice behind her saying “I apologize Lady Lyndia, it seems much is taking place…” which made her jump half a meter in the air due too pure chock.
"Ah, no, pardon me for intruding uninvited" she said as she followed Deianarah into the tent as she sat down on a chair she started looking around her, 'a rather ordinary tent...' she thought too herself as her eyes once again fixated themselves upon the other woman.
Only too see her take an entire goblet of wine in one gulp. 'Woah, wish I could drink like that'. She thought too herself 'Or rather, wish I could drink at all...' she corrected herself.
"So, lady Deianarah. how fares your day?" she asked, hoping too spark a conversation.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah gave a mirthless smile and then lowered her goblet. “I’m not entirely sure to be honest…” brown eyes looked in her direction and she shrugged. “ I’m unsure if you are acquainted with Lord Thain, he was only here but a moment ago but it seems he had more pressing matters to attend. I have to admit I am slightly miffed, as you can tell.” She motioned with her now empty goblet and chuckled, only then wondering why it should bother her so much.
“Do not worry about being uninvited, I do not know many nobles yet, I am pleased by this surprise. This will allow me the opportunity to get to know one at least.” She then refilled her goblet and filled the one meant for Thain and handed it to Lyndia. “How are you? Have you been in Arcaea long? Please forgive me if I sound ignorant. Like I said I do not know much of everything that occurs yet, I am slowly trying to get up to speed.”

Revision as of 12:46, 17 December 2012