McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/found/continue: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell''' The voice returned and the tightness of anger receded and she relaxed again. The coldness around her dissipated and she began to feel something new. Ag...)
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'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''

The voice returned and the tightness of anger receded and she relaxed again. The coldness around her dissipated and she began to feel something new. Again something she should have known but couldn’t remember. It was…warmth.
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
Fiona reached under the saddle and grabbed her water skin, she had kept an extra skin there to prevent it from freezing and giving her access to water. She returned to her sister’s side and poured a little water on her lips trying to make her drink but the water fell alongside her cheek. She was too cold and her breathing was short she needed to warm up but Fiona was such in a panic she couldn’t think straight.
The only thing she could think of doing is taking another blanket and wrapping Kaylan up with as much warmth as she could but it wasn’t working.
Fiona went outside and grabbed some braised logs and put them in the barrel inside the tent to give more heat, but with the cold weather outside and her coming in and out of the tent she had lost a lot of the heat already. She closed her eyes and screamed in tears.
“Please help me, her hands curled into a fist” as she looked at Kaylan’s face
Fiona looked down and breathed slowly closing her eyes, she knelt down beside her and parted her hair then she remembered uncle Markus. One of his favorite stories to tell the girls as they were growing up is how he had saved one of his soldier who had fallen through ice.  In an instant she started to take all of Kaylan’s clothes off and then hers, everything went from the tunic to the pants until she was completely naked and she curled under the blanket with her sister wrapping her arms around her.
“You’re going to be okay” she cried as she kissed her forehead
“I’m promise I’m going to get you out of here” she rocked her
“I’ll keep you warm” she cried and kissed her sister's forehead still in a rocking motion holding on tightly to her.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Looking up she smiled and could see the sun shining down around her. Long strands of grass reached out and she tried to touch the softness, wanting to remember the sensation. She was in a meadow now, everything silent, the harshness had gone, instead there was finally peace.  A new voice entered this time, and she smiled sorrowfully trying to remember who it belonged to. It kept slipping through her fingers and finally like a loud soundless thunderclap it hit her. She knew who this voice belonged to and she almost crumbled to pieces with the realization.
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
Less then an hour had passed and Fiona continued to talk to Kaylan, the tent was starting to warm up again and she could finally feel warmth between their naked bodies. Kaylan’s hand slowly reached for Fiona’s arm. Looking down, she met Kaylan’s eyes looking straight at hers, and she parted her lips slowly to say something.
“I.. “ she tried to swallow
“I.. I had...a dream” Kaylan's eyes filled with water
“Shhhhh.. It’s ok” she busted out crying holding her tighter
“I just found you” she tried to control herself but couldn't
“I'm not going to lose you” she pressed her lips hard on her forehead sniffling
“We’re going home Kaylan, we’re going to get as far away from here as our horses can take us” she promised Kaylan.
"We're going to go to a place where it's warm, and the rivers run through grassy fields, where the birds will sing you their songs" she closed her eyes.
Kaylan forced her head up to meet Fiona's face “Where are they?” she said forcing a voice through her lips and held on tighter.
“One is dead, and Dalvax is tied outside in the snow” at the sound of those words Kaylan finally let go and started crying.
“When you are warm and ready to stand I have my medicine bag we are going to tend to your wounds and wrap them” she explained now that she could see Kaylan was starting to understand Fiona.
“Then we are going to have to get out of here as quickly as we can they have men ahead who will come looking by mid day if they don’t show up” Kaylan nodding her head still crying.
“We can’t stay here all night, we have to cover some ground to get ahead, I’m going to need you to push a little further until we can get you to a healer” she said as her tears calmed.
“Malcolm is leading his troops here with Alec and they aren‘t far behind” she said trying to offer hope to Kaylan
Kaylan cleared her throat in pain “Malcolm..” she said in a small voice.
“Yes Malcolm has been looking for you” she closed her eyes as the lie crossed her lips, but she wanted Kaylan to keep hope, to stay awake even if her body and mind were exhausted she had to give her something to hang on to. But Kaylan’s eyes were getting heavy and she wanted to sleep
“Kaylan you have to be strong” she shook her in her arms to wake her.
“Not just for you” her hand slid over her sister’s stomach.
“Do it for her”  Fiona knew every words that crossed her lips from here on were lies, there was no way in the recent state she was in that the baby would make it.
“We’ll stay here a little longer and then we’ll leave” she brought the blanket over their heads to breathe hot air into their sheltered bedding and Kaylan brought her arms tighter around Fiona.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She couldn’t stop crying, she had been cheated her one and only request. “You should have let me die,” she finally sobbed, days of bottled up fear, anger and shame drawing out after much awaited release.
“Katlyn,” her voice chocked over a trembling sob, “grant me mercy, please.” She let out a long shaky sound of deep pain, “kill me!” she wailed pleadingly. Her eyes had completely lost what luminescence it once had and there was only a dark cloud of shadow remaining.  “Take…me… the pain,” she said hoarsely, “Kaylan is lost” she said again and shook her head, “there’s nothing left...” 
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
"Kaylan don't talk like that" her throat tightened knowing well she couldn't help Kaylan if she didn't fight herself.
"You still have to take me to our mother" her lips trembled at the fear that her sister was giving up, those men had broken more then just her body they had taken her spirit with it. Fiona had to be forceful she wasn't going to let her take that route.
She got out from under the blanket and dressed herself, going through the satchel she took out clothes for Kaylan and dressed her.
"Before you go to sleep you need to decide what we are going to do with him outside" she replied. If anything was going to give her focus it had to be what put her in the shape she was in, even if it meant holding her up while she did it.
Her feet were almost white and cut but the bleeding had stopped the open flesh on the side of her foot wouldn't permit a boot so Fiona wrapped extra soft linen around them to protect them from the freezing weather. Fiona helped Kaylan up and wrapped her cloak around her and lifted the hood above her head. Kaylan took painful steps out towards the flap of the door.
Stepping outside she noticed Dalvax had drug himself closer to the fire which had slowly started dying out, he had managed to pull himself up in a sitting position. Fiona had cocooned his body with every piece of rope she had, his hands were tied behind his back and his arms wrapped in a rope around his chest, lower around his waist another rope bound his hands tightly to his back. His feet had been bound but to make it impossible for him to get up and steal her horse she tied a rope around his neck down to his feet bringing his legs further back, with any movement of his legs he would choke his own self.
Kaylan stood in front of Dalvax silent, the hood covered her face and it was impossible to see her, but he knew his time had come. His eyes filled with the same fear Fiona had seen on the last man who was forced to watch her kill two of his man. The kind of fear that consumes not only the eyes but the soul itself, the kind that makes the body paralyze from movement. Fiona handed the sword in front of Kaylan but her hand pushed it back, lifting her hands slowly up to her head she pulled the hood back.
"He doesn't die yet..." she said keeping her eyes in a straight lock with his.
"He rides with us until we hit the mountains north" she cocked her head "And from there he walks the rest of the way, until there's no flesh left to keep his body together" she lifted her hood and turned her back to Dalvax
Fiona couldn't believe she was forced to drag him around this would only slow them down, they couldn't be riding out with a bound man on a horse, people would talk. People were surely looking for her after killing three men at a tavern it's not like a town under such control would let something like this slide.
"Alright" Fiona said looking around the camp "You need to go back inside and keep warm, I need to clean this up she looked at the dead body and Dalvax.
Fiona rushed around the camp throwing every thing that could burn in the fire, she took the extra supplies and packed both of their horses. She had Kennocha drag Viktor further from the camp and covered him up with snow hoping the animals would find him before anyone else did. She took down the tent and put it on the other two horses, she took a last look around.
"Ok we're good they can't see this far in from the road" she said out of breath
"We'll take their horses and sell them before we hit the mountains" she turned over to Kaylan who sat in total silence starring at Dalvax.
The murderous look Kaylan hid behind her eyes sent a cold chill down Fiona's back, she could see they had awakened a dark cold empty shell for a body and Fiona swallowed as Kaylan manifested herself in a total different light before her very own eyes.
She managed to get Dalvax on the horse with much struggle and tied his ropes to the saddle to keep him still it was still early in the night and they had at least 6 hours of darkness ahead of them but they had to move fast. She helped Kaylan on Kennocha and threw a blanket over her and tied both horses behind hers and traveled back down the road as quickly as they could to hit the mountains before day break.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She felt the familiar sensation of her horse’s steady walk and slid her fingers into his mane, with no strength left she felt she was barely holding on. She wanted to run… disappear and never look back, but that was someone else talking, the Kaylan that had gotten her into this mess in the first place, it was time to replace the coward. 
Death would have been too easy she knew this now… she could never be granted such a simple way out. Instead she would be made to suffer more, new memories joined old nightmares with a brutality that took her breath away. She had only one thing keeping her there now. Hate, revenge, it flared painfully throughout her body, making her veins pulse. Giving a sidelong glance in her sister’s direction she then allowed herself a direct glance, looking at her nightmare. Would his death be enough? 
Leaning in, she fell into an exhausted sleep, she swam in a fog. It was a dream filled with darkness… and cruel laughter and pain. In the dream, her body was no longer broken she escaped and ran…until she found what she was looking for.
It was a safe room, inside there was a new darkness filled with a peaceful silence… Emptiness.  Then she noticed something small a few inches from her face, a dull light. She reached out to touch it and it suddenly flared to life. For the first time in a long time she smiled and knew this was all she would ever need again… Rage.

Revision as of 12:51, 17 December 2012