McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Thain's duel: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' Thain squeezed Deianarah's hand and stepped into the dueling ring, unsheathing his blade. He sneered at the man across from him. He whispered a short pra...)
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'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''

Thain squeezed Deianarah's hand and stepped into the dueling ring, unsheathing his blade. He sneered at the man across from him. He whispered a short prayer, and then looked up at the man across from him. The official dropped a cloth, and both men charged ferociously. Steel met steel, and the ringing of the blades could be heard for some distance. The two locked blades, and glared at each other, each grunting with exertion.
"The true path guides me. You will find peace only in annihilation!" roared Thain, breaking the stalemate and lashing out, his blade striking home. He grunted with satisfaction and then groaned as he felt his opponent's blade pierce his side, digging deep. He wrenched the blade out of him, and drew his blade out of his foe, who fell to the ground bleeding. He took a few steps, and brushed off the healers who rushed up to him. And locked eyes with Deianarah.
"Just a scratch." he said through gritted teeth, and then collapsed.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
As Thain rushed up to meet his opponent she gasped and her hands shot up to her mouth to stifle the sound. Her eyes grew round and she watched in silence as they both pressed on. When Thain pierced his opponent she froze, a part of her glad, but then she watched as he was pierced in turn and she took a step forward and someone stopped her from getting any closer.
The duel was ended as his opponent fell to the ground. Thain approached her and she lowered her hands to close the distance but the healers ran to him, blocking her way.
Thain ignored them and looked directly at her. <i>“Just a scratch.”</i> He said with a bit of strain. She pushed one of the healers out of the way to get to him, but he had already collapsed.  Kneeling to the ground beside him, she ignored the healer who kept trying to push her away and took his hand but he was already unconscious. “Don’t you dare leave me,” she told Thain with a trembling voice, not caring for anyone who heard her and the healer finally managed to pull her hand away. “Please my Lady, let us help him,” he said with exasperation and she gave a small nod.
She rose from the ground and watched as they carried him away. She waited a few moments and followed after them, she had nowhere else to go anyway, and she didn’t much feel like returning to the festivities.
'''Roleplay from Endvorque Paulandon''' 
"Not dead!" Endvorque screeched. "I drove my sword clean though him!"
"Indeed, m'lord..."
"This is more of that Arcaean Witchcraft, by my father's beard! Clean through him...and then a sword came right up through the ground and smote me!"
"I don't believe it was actually the ground, m'lord...I believe Sir Thain..."
"SILENCE!" The man fell back in fear. Endvorque's head fell back on the pillow.
"Arcaean trickery, is what we have...deviousness." He smiled. "Well, fight fire with fire, I say."
"RAGEN! Send for that priest."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah had walked back to the tent where the healers rushed inside, busy taking care of their lord. She paced outside of the tent and chewed her thumbnail with anxiety. It was some time before they came back out, and informed her there wasn’t much more to do now but wait.
She then asked if she could see him and he had hesitated for a moment before seeing the look on her face. He had some difficulty refusing her and gave a short nod, and she smiled in return.
Entering the tent, she then walked to Thain’s side and sat in the chair left by the healers.
He looked so pale, his lips a lighter color than usual. The blanket didn’t quite cover him entirely and she could see the edge of a bandage around his torso. She lightly reached in and touched it, not really believing this was real, but it was and he was unconscious to prove it. His eye patch had been removed and set aside on the table beside him and she could then for a moment imagine him without the scar and the milky appearance in his one eye.
He was very handsome and she gave a weak smile as she admired him. She wouldn’t tell him that though she would just feel extremely shy, not to mention awkward doing so, instead she would just continue to admire him secretly.
She then reached in to touch his hand. It was large compared to her own, rougher than her soft ones, but she tucked his hand between hers, waiting for him to open his eyes.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain's eyelids fluttered open, and he blinked. His vision was blurred, but slowly came back into focus. He became aware of someone holding his hand, and of a sharp pain in his side. He briefly wondered what was happening when it all came flooding back. He looked over at the person next to his bed, and smiled when he recognized Deianarah.
"I do hope I didn't worry you too much my lady."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
When his eyes started to open, Deianarah’s hands tightened around his and she leaned forward. He smiled at her and she breathed a sigh of relief returning it. Suddenly a large weight seemed to lift from her shoulders and she kneeled beside the bed. She bit her lip and tried not to show just how worried she still was. “Please call me Dei,” she said and looked to his eyes. “I have not really slept since,” she told him honestly. “But now I can breathe easier knowing you’re well,” she admitted with a light blush to her cheeks.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain's smile widened, and he squeezed her hand a bit.
"No need to be embarrassed Dei. Go, get some rest, you've earned it. I'm sorry for having kept you up. I'm too damn stubborn to die you know. This little scratch is nothing." he said boldly, secretly wishing that the pain in his side would go away.
"Get my men to get some food in here, we can eat, and you can get some rest, I'll have a spare tent and bed set up if you wish." he paused briefly, then smirked.
"That was a real good example of Nighthelmian culture... Though normally I would be fine and he would be dead. Maybe next time."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah rose from his beside and her hand lingered over his. “Yes that was a fine example,” she grinned, “but death is too good an end fore some, they should be made to suffer.” Her eyes tightened slightly and her grin slipped, the anger she felt for his Soliferan opponent now rising to the surface.
At his request for food, she gave a small nod. At the mention of a tent and a bed, she paused briefly but then an easy smile returned to her lips. “I would like that,” she told him and left.
She was gone for a few moments, relaying his wishes to his men and returned. She took her seat again. “Food will be arriving shortly.”
She then paused and cocked her head. “I’m curious. You fight well with a blade, but do you excel in any other particular weapon?” she asked with interest.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
"Of course. My youth was spent drilling with various types of weapons. I'm rather rusty with the lance... But I can use it. Axes, hammers, spears, maces, staffs, you name it, I can use it. I am partial to a warhammer, or a mace, but the blade is the chosen weapon of a holy warrior of the Order of the Elders, and a member of the Hall of Blood and Battle, a blade which he uses to cut the cancerous growth that is evil from the world."
Thain struggled to sit up a little, grunting, and leaned against the headboard.
"Meat and potato stew would be excellent right now."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah gave a light laugh at his words. Well at least he was hungry, that was a good sign. “I seem to remember you like porc and spiced potatoes, Remton is a bit too far,” she grinned, “fortunately for you there is stew. It should give you some of your strength back.”
She leaned back in her chair and examined him. Thinking about what he had said about weapons. “Maybe one day when we’re not too busy fighting this war, you’ll honor me with the opportunity to practice with you, I’m curious to see how my skills compare.” The corner of her mouth tugged into a grin. “Of course... I am likely no match for one of the Order of the Elders.”
As she finished her words, someone entered with two bowls of food. The soldier gave one to Thain and one to Deianarah. “Thank you,” she thanked him.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' 
Thain didn't speak for a few minutes, intently chowing down on his stew. He finished quickly and let out a satisfied sigh.
"Just being a member of the Order of the Elders doesn't make one strong. You must devote yourself to the faith, as I have, wholly, and do deeds that will gain the attention of the Elders. I hold the rank of Chosen, because of my destiny. There are many members of the Order who aren't great. The faith has many members that are mere peasants, pig farmers and the like. They are by no means mighty."
Thain leaned back.
"And that is why I must be. To protect them from those such as Tony and Conan. You should look into joining."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah considered Thain’s words as she swallowed a mouthful and licked her lips. “I will look into it,” she said. He had said nothing of them practicing, she figured she would ask at a later time.
He finished his bowl quickly and she grinned. After the worry she had been through the last day, she still had difficulty finding an appetite. “Perhaps, I should let you rest now,” she said as she took the empty bowl from him. “I wouldn’t want to… suffocate you with my presence.”

Revision as of 12:45, 17 December 2012