McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/taken/continue: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien''' Fiona fumed with anger as she walked closer to Malcolm, bringing her face so close to his she could smell his breath. "How dare you!" she whispered in a...)
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'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''

Fiona fumed with anger as she walked closer to Malcolm, bringing her face so close to his she could smell his breath.
"How dare you!" she whispered in a lower tone only for his ears to hear "You think you can fix this now?" her eyes narrowed studying his every move. "Calling in favors with the Chancellor" she backed away and looked over at Alec who stood there trying to figure out what she had said.
"If you had not put her in this mess I would have my sister right now!" she hissed
"And you better pray the Gods above Malcolm that nothing has happened to her, and if that man has her you better pray he didn't lay a hand on her" she paused and looked back as she was making her way out of the room "Because for every thing she may have to endure I will put you through ten folds, you will pray the gods to have ended you in this last battle for I wont' be as forgiving" she stepped outside the room and took a shaky breath.
"Pregnant" she closed her eyes and swallowed hard "Kaylan you could you be so careless" she looked to the floor and wiped her teary eyes as Zadek offered a hand of comfort on her shoulders
"Are you okay?" Zadek tilted his head still keeping his distance from the fuming attitude he just witness from her
Nodding Fiona stood straight and continued to wipe her eyes "I need you to do something for me" she looked deep into his eyes
"I know you have been there for me in my times of need" she paused "Getting Aewyn safely out of Braga" she swallowed
"Right now I need you to trust me" she waited for him to respond
"Of Course" he took her hands in his "What is it Fiona, don't hesitate you can trust me" he waited
"Do not contact the chancellor, she'll only be calling on me" she looked from the floor back up at him
"I do not command a unit anymore" she said boldly
"You mean you're" he began to ask but she put her finger on his lips nodding
"Yes, and I need for you and Alec to stay here while I leave to find her" she said convincingly
"But what I don't need is an unstable love struck man behind me making careless mistakes" she shook her head "If these men have her they will stop at nothing, hopefully they will not touch her until they have reached their destination because the man who sent for her will kill them if they did, but you could never be sure they are tyrants" her eyes watered again
"This is also part of my inner demon I need to deal with, mine and Kaylan's alone, no one could help her but me, I know those lands I know where my feet need to take me, any wrong moves on Malcolm's part could be the death of Kaylan if they have her now they will not part with her and return empty handed to their lord, they will kill her first instead of having to suffer his wrath" she took Zadek's hands in the cup of her hand
"I know you will understand that I need to do this alone" she continued
"But Fiona, you might..." he began to talk but Fiona interrupted him
"Zadek if this was KatalynFae would you take the chance if you knew what was at the end of the road, would you allow anyone to make any crucial mistakes which could mean the end of your sister?" she questioned
Zadek stood looking into Fiona's eyes but before he could render a response Fiona reached up and kissed him.
"I know you don't want me to go alone, but this is the way it must be done" she turned on her heels and walked out of Malcolm's Estate to Kaylan's to get her horse
"I'm coming for you Kaylan" she choked up "you just need to hang on sister" again she swallowed and wiped the tears and took off on her horse in haste.
'''Roleplay from Zadek Dragul'''
Zadek watched Fiona leave and his thoughts were in a turmoil. He turned to Alec who was trying to help Malcolm finish getting out of bed and calling for servants to help him dress.
"Fiona said she had to take care of this, and that I have to trust her," Zadek told Alec. “She said that KatalynFae would send her anyway.”
Just then a messenger approached and asked for Zadek, who turned as the young boy approached. He recognized him as one of his sister’s scribes. "What is it man?" he asked.
"Sir, your sister the Chancellor, she has been wounded, the healers are calling for you now."
Zadek looked at Alec and then at Malcolm. "Sorry I have to go. Who knows where Jon Paul is and she needs someone with her. I will join you as soon as I can."
With that Zadek rushed out to find his horse and follow the young messenger back to his sister's side.’
'''Roleplay from Alec McDowell'''
Alec watched first Fiona leave like a hurricane of fury, angry and unmerciful, unforgiving; ready to destroy everything in her path. Then his best friend followed shortly after to join his sister, the wounded chancellor, his concerned partitioned in several directions at once.
He turned back to face Malcolm who was now completely dressed and ready to go, moving out of rote, the numbing shock had not truly left him yet. He actually liked the other man, but a part of his was extremely disappointed at the turn of events.
“Pregnant?” Alec’s voice sounded hollow to his ears and Malcolm stopped long enough to nod once. “I hope nothing happens to her. If he even gets wind of this…” he let the words trail softly unable to voice it and the other man’s blue eyes turned into a devastating grey filling with extreme concern, and was that regret?
At least Malcolm wasn’t as oblivious as he had first thought. Instead of leaning on his anger like he normally would have, Alec did something out of the ordinary, especially for him. “Look, everyone’s panicking right now, but we’ll find her. I promise,” he really said it more for his benefit than Malcolm’s but whatever worked. His words did change something in the other man’s icy grey stare.
“And then we’ll make sure this never happens again,” he promised. “We’ll get some sort of revenge, because I don’t know about you, but I’m about to explode from anger alone…” he looked away balling his fists. He grinned handsomely for a split second, “since there’s no real time to blow this frustrated energy where it should really be spent, the gods would strike me down if I even said the word now, but trust me it’s going to have to be killing this tyrant.”
Without waiting for the other man, he walked out of the door and he followed. Really not caring what Fiona had said… he wasn’t going to sit there, while she searched, he would put his skills to good use. “I’ll get Nór,” Malcolm frowned without understanding and Alec clarified, “my steed… My father trains warhorses you know…” he said absently as he walked out of the door, making small uncomfortable talk trying to ignore the ball of worry in his stomach. “He even manages to make them do things you wouldn’t imagine possible…wonder if Kennocha would be some help to us…” his voice lowered as they walked away.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm shook his head as he walked with Alec, and called for a messenger and sent off a brief letter.
"Fiona is insane, and doesn't know what she's talking about. An untrained infiltrator is no match for the hunts Katalynfae can call, and I don't give a damn about her threats. As for revenge..."
Malcolm turned his cold grey eyes on Alec.
"House Bedwyr is not known for half-measures. My cousin Damian got himself a duchy, seceded, formed his own religion, and even though he was obviously insane he kept a few knights loyal to the end, and even got some outside assistance. My cousin Darkwind was killed trying to gut the most infamous man on Atamara. My cousin Jenred has, by all reports, managed to defeat three realms in a war that, whatever he claims, he probably started to deal with a man who tortured him once. And he threatened to level the second largest city in the Far East because the General of the realm that owned it insulted his wife. I've been told everyone thinks he's deadly serious."
Malcolm's eyes showed a howling darkness behind the surface.
"Once this peace is declared, which it probably will be soon, we will have some forces to spare. I may not have said much in public recently, but I've been talking with Katalynfae a great deal behind closed doors, and besides that she likes Kaylan as well. I have no doubt that I can gather a full army. If they've hurt Kaylan, then I have even less doubt that I can convince everyone in it to butcher everyone following that man, and torture him to death. And unlike Fiona's words...I can carry mine through."
Malcolm turned away, calling out a few orders to his steward as they prepared to go.
'''Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien'''
Fiona got to Kaylan’s estate and by passed all the servants and help who were asking her questions. Her men were still at her quarters awaiting for their leader to return.
“Who’s the Captain here?” she asked boldly
“I am milady” a tall man stood in front of her
“Get these men to Braga and wait for further instructions, your in charge until I bring your leader back” she motioned them into step “Get moving Lady Aewyn has quarters waiting and ready for all the troops in the city, Don’t stop until you get to Braga” she reached in her belt and handed the captain 50gold ”Get more men before you make you way out” without any more thought she made straight for her room to find anything that would give her a sense of what she was doing last. She came across her desk where she found a small book and an open ink jar.
“A diary, orders, letters, damn you!” she took a deep breath “Come on Kaylan where the hell are you?” she continued to ruffle through the papers to find nothing she sat at the desk and thought in silence
“Your horse, you wouldn’t leave without Kennocha” she stood up and walked quickly to the stables to find a man tending to the horses.
“Where is your mistresses horse?” she questioned the old man
“It’s over in the last stall milady” he pointed at Kaylan’s horse
“When was the last time you seen her?” she walked around outside Kennocha stall
“Hmm roughly 3 days ago” he said looking at her
“Where?” she asked impatiently
“She didn’t say much milady to be honest she looked rather upset, she was walking around in the back here, I didn’t want to bother her she looked like she needed some time alone, if you know what I mean” he gave a small shrug
“No I don’t know what you mean, explain” she snapped
“She was crying milady, she was upset” he answered Fiona quickly
“Prepare her horse for travel, see that it’s ready to ride out for at least a 5 days journey” she ordered him and return to her chambers
Fiona didn’t know Kaylan that well, but if there’s one thing she did know was that Kaylan would not deliberately leave without telling her, not after going through all the troubles she had gone through to find her which only means two thing, she was hurt somewhere or she was being held against her will.
Entering her room once again she open the chest and ruffled through some clothes, grab some pants, a tunic and just as she was about to close the chest something inside her made her want to grab the black tiny laced shirt and the small black skirt. She packed everything in her bag and made her way back to the stables to grab both horses.
“Do not tell anyone that I was here or you won’t even find work at a manure farm is that clear?” she told the man
“Y.. yes milady” he said rather shocked “What do I tell them if they come asking about her horse like you did” he asked confused
“You tell them Kaylan has it” she gave him a cold stare
“Yes milady” the man picked up his pitch fork and continued to move the hay around
Walking around to the back she looked around to find a trail of any sort it had been three days the trail would be fading fast she needed to pay closer attention. After walking around for some time she came across a trail of small fainted footsteps which headed in the north direction of her estate she hopped on her horse and pulled Kennocha behind her.
“I’ll find you Kaylan, I promise you I will” she followed the trail out of the farming area to a fork in the road. She studied the grounds carefully and by instinct she took the left road out.

Revision as of 12:52, 17 December 2012