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[[Category:Poryatown Press|Lurian Weekly|Issue 24|Special 4|Page 2]]

Latest revision as of 06:59, 12 July 2009

Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Special #4
Previous Issue September 5 - September 23 Next Issue
Previous Page Page Two of Four Next Page
' '
Due to the length of the article, it has been split into parts over multiple pages. For reference:
Page 1: Rebellion! - Page 2: Internal Conflict - Page 3: Yoruk - Page 4: D'Hara
Shadovar Part 2: Internal Conflict
September 22nd Zanaras Tian
Rebellions are nasty things and while many tend to be swiftly put down there are also those that overthrow the government of a realm... Some better than others. Either way, the first page I presented to you was only part of what happened during the turbulent message-laden rebellion.

In response to Sir Edelstein Greneburie's message, Lady Katayanna Ogren offered the following:

You should know that no one that sides with the loyalists will be allowed to remain. All will be banished.
The Gold that Celyn brings was to set up a colony, now it will be used to make this realm strong.
And in my discussions with the Queen of Pian en Luries, she herself said I should remove you. That PeL will be invading no matter who is the ruler. That she would just get more pleasure if I am.
And after the way I was treated. There was never a word spoken that you acted in haste or that you were sorry. Just a notification of lifting the ban close enough to the deadline to try and make me worry about it.
You have tried to cut the hand that helped you and now you will pay the price.

Shortly thereafter another notable message came, this one from Lady Sybil Jackson:

Letter from Mathias Ridder (just in)
I'm sorry i had no intention of staying in Shadovar up till a few days ago. I was mostly bogged up with killing monsters in Nebel, and preparing for our colony. Then The Terrans show up and then i had to begin discussions with them about trying to get land. Better yet with your logic why should I not mindlessly hate you? But I don't hate you in fact you can always choose the correct path with this rebellion and join us.
If your choice for being a loyalist is your unprovoked dislike of me. Then vote for someone else when it comes time to choose our first ruler. If not for me then for your own freedom from this tyrant.
Mathias Ridder (Noble)
One other reason. You kept taking all the units that were drafted, then when others complained about having no units, you said nothing for having taken them.
I wanted a unit too, my lady Edith even drafted some for me, but when I showed up at the recruitment centers, they were gone.
Why did you stay silent when you stole all the men?

To this Sir Mathias Ridder offered the short response of:

:Lady Sibyl,

At the time they were meant to fight of the monster in the lands of Nebel, and it seemed not big matter as to who does it. It was until Edelstien banned Katayanna that we were angered into this action.

Minutes later, Yoruk Bronzeweasel sent an interesting message on his reasoning on joining the rebellion:

Although Dictator Edelstein's methods are harsh, you cannot argue with the results. Rebellious peasants cause much less trouble when their thoughts of treason are cut off at the neck. The same holds true for those of noble blood.
No, the realm holds true when "peseants" feel that they are vital members of our realm and living beings in addition.
Yoruk, Shadovar is a tyranny.
The meaning behind that word, means he has absolute power, and can do, and can kill whoever he wants with no provocation.
That is a tyranny, why did you join if you did not wish to be ruled by such a person?
I felt that a harsh rule was necessary under such conditions s are presented in Dwilight. I was wrong.
Members of the realm, realize now that despotism has no outcome other than death and destruction. Join us and reap the fruits of liberty.

The next day and a half is much the same forms of arguing back and forth between loyalists and rebels. Regardless of the arguments I believe it was obvious from the beginning that the rebels would come out victorious, as the world knows they did. This next bit is something I find particularly interesting. No loyalists were banned as an immediate result of the rebellion itself, even though the rebels were victorious. Even Sir Edelstein Greneburie still remains a part of Shadovar at the time I write this message, over two weeks later.

Sir Mathias Ridder, leadership of the Rebellion, set about the task of determining what form of government the new Shadovar should fall under, and after four hours of debate amongst the nobility of Shadovar a majority was noted and the new government was setup under the rules of a Monarchy. Under Mathias's reign the realm saw a reassessment of duties for each individual. Celyn Haerthorne was appointed Chief Strategist (General), Katayanna Ogren was appointed Chancellor (Judge), and Yoruk BronzeWeasel was appointed Chamberlain (Banker). Seemingly by accident, Adrathorn Strider was appointed as Duke of Port Nebel--he stepped down 4 hours later.

As her first act as Chancellor, Lady Katayanna Ogren declared everything (magic and spell casting, looting, duels, and founding of religions) "conditionally illegal pending investigation".

Minutes after Duke Adrathorn Strider gave up his Duke-ship, Chamberlain Yoruk BronzeWeasel sent a particularly interesting message:

Thank you for your support, but I really am not qualified to be banker. I have no experience as banker and even if I did, it wouldn't be right to rob the traders of a position which rightfully belongs to them. I don't even care about position any more. I just want something which recognizes my role in the rebellion. Hell, I would be satisfied with "x" amount of gold (so long as "x" isn't insultingly low) and a public note of thanks. Just something to qualify as a return on my investment. I gave alot of gold to Mathias before the rebellion, and all the drafting he made me do kinda hurt my region.
I am not greedy. Ever since I got my region I have (with exclusion to the money I gave which funded the rebellion) spent ALL (100%) of my money on my region and will continue to do so.
The only reason I spouted off about being judge is because it was promised to me. I agree with Edith, I am not qualified for that position either. The only reason I planned to take it is that me and Mathias are good friends (OOC: We have IRL contact), and he issured me that he would aid me in my career.
When I recieve that which is rightfully mine, I will step down as banker. I will then use my power as region lord to initiate a referandum. The referandum will be titled "Should Yoruk be sent into exhile". If there is a 2/3 majority of people who want me to leave, I will go amicably.

Four hours later, Chancellor Katayanna Ogren fined Deposed Ruler Edelstein Greneburie in the amount of 250 gold "For his crimes". A similar fine was issued against Lady Kristabelle of Emerald Flare for, "disrespect to our council members. 'That's a lofty title for a thief.'"

In response to Sir Yoruk's message, Chancellor Katayanna sent the following:

Greetings and Salutations,
As you may be aware, Yoruk BronzeWeasel was instrumental in the success of the rebellion. The price of his service was to be a position of power (paraphrased). Being the Lord of Nebel is not good enough for him.
The services that he gave was 150 gold and a single draft of 17 soldiers.
As all of us are painfully aware, he has chosen to make this public knowledge. He has been abusive to our nobility, both loyalist and rebel alike. There is no excuse for this behavior.
However, the new government did incur this debt and it is obligated to fulfill its side of the bargain.
As judge I have determined that there is an obligation. After much consideration, Yoruk BronzeWeasel will be appointed duke of Port Nebel.
Before anyone screams. We will be moving the capital to Port Raviel before too long anyway.
If you have questions or concerns about this appointment, please feel free to contact me and I will discuss it in more detail.

Scarlett Emperor (Ruler) Mathias Ridder also sent a message on the matter:

Marquis Yoruk,
I have tried to be kind to you for your aid given to me during the rebellion, but extortion is not the way to go. I have offered you Port Nebel for your aid to us, and refused to step down out of fear that I will not reappoint you. Well here is your public acknowledgment of your aid given to me, and my nobles.
I gave you the position of Banker and you stepped down of your own free will, because of the complaints sent to you during your sort term.The matter should have ended there. I technically held up my side of the bargain, but no i decided to be kind and offer you one last chance at a position. The position of Duke of Port Nebel.
In order to do this however as previously stated you have to step down from your current position! Instead after realizing that you can't be immediately appointed to the position you threaten us with extortion and blackmail. You will NOT get 500 gold! You will get what is offered and take it joyously, and finally if you dare lay a harmful hand on Nebel we will hunt you down, and hang your corpse from the rafters!

On an matter unrelated to the workings of Sir Yoruk, Chief Strategist Celyn Haerthorne sent the following:

Whether we like it or not, it seems we are stuck with each other. Circumstances have changed with our original colony effort, and with the pressure of the monster invasions we have been forced quite violently together. For those that are wondering or accusing, I merely followed my own loyalty to the Lady Katayanna when the call came suddenly, knowing my fate was bound to hers. That is not to say I search for glory or for power, but to try and make sense of this all, and to salvage whatever chaos has come about because of this.
First, we cannot have a royal council comprised solely of those of us originally headed for Dragonshire. Though we have fought as hard in the time we have been here, giving much to a realm that was near the point of being finally overwhelmed, we are but a few of the realm. More importantly though, Shadovar needs at the bare minimum competence to survive.
Lord Arthea, if neither of the traders wish to accept the position, then you have my full support for bankership.
Meanwhile, the parting words of Edelstein, Kristabelle and their company are aimed at destroying any order we might try to preserve. I will not fault their hate, but I will pay no more heed to it.

Shortly following this message, Lady Arthea Belios was given the position of Chamberlain within the realm of Shadovar. A bit after that Lady Katayanna Ogren was captured by rogue forces in a battle outside Port Nebel's walls. This lead to Valdrix Hendrix being appointed Chancellor within the realm. At the same time Valdrix was given his position, Yoruk was appointed Duke of Port Nebel.

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