Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Convening the Phoenix Court: Difference between revisions

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(New page: Galdor had arrived early this morning. He had entered the nicest inn he could find, because he needed to wash himself properly before he went to see the King. He had packed his nicest clot...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 17:27, 30 January 2010

Galdor had arrived early this morning. He had entered the nicest inn he could find, because he needed to wash himself properly before he went to see the King. He had packed his nicest clothes which made him look even fiercer than usual. He sent a messenger he had took with him, because of his formal appearance, to the place where the King and Queen were staying, to let them know he had arrived.

He felt a bit weary after having traveled non-stop for two and a half days, but it just had to do. He put on his black sleeveless shirt and his leather tunic. Lastly he replenished his weapons belt. He looked at the marvelous sword his father had left him. He didn't know much about the man, but this magnificent piece reflected him a bit. The embedded gems in the hilt and the flawless steel which made every warrior tremble, was his most prized possession. He brushed some dirt off it and strapped it on his belt.

When he was done he threw some water on his face and made sure his braid was properly tied. He had paid a maiden to do it for him after he had made sure she was professional enough.

When he arrived at the magnificent building where the King stayed he asked the guards whether his messenger had delivered the message. After they kindly told him what he needed to hear the man gave him a letter with the seal of the King. He broke the seal immediately and read the letter to himself.

"So, there is an announcement. Could you fellows please tell me where this main dining hall is located?" After a quick glance over Galdor's outfit the man gestured behind him, "Sir, the main dining hall is upstairs and then the first door to your left." Galdor thanked the man and walked on, the guards followed the man and closed the door again.

Galdor went up the stairs and turned left. A maid came running down the hall and said: "Sir, Sir, the door is still locked. We are waiting for the King to arrive, he is not up yet. If you like you may wait in this room, I will announce your arrival." Galdor nodded and let her lead the way into a cozy room with 2 sofa's and one small table in the middle. On the table was a big pot of tea with some cups. " Sir, you may sit here and enjoy some tea. Could you give me your name?"

Galdor walked straight on to the window and turned around. " I am Galdor Stormwind, Baron of Sasat. Thank you for the hospitality, I appreciate it." The bowed deeply and scurried off down the hall leaving him alone. He sipped from the tea and thought about what announcement they could have.

Galdor Stormwind Baron of Sasat

Jenred wore the Impenetrable Armour of the Kings with the Faewood Guard slung across his back (for there was a war taking place, and he had not forgotten his status as a Paladin of the Aenil) softly in golds and silvers, with golden-ruby glints on his rings and pendant...And the bejeweled hilt of Aerywyn's gift-sword. His hair hung in a braid suitable for being tied under his helmet at need, but his natural silver accentuated with artificial silver and gold as had become his custom. The coronet he usually wore rested properly on his brow, and he looked every inch the warrior-King.

She wore her wedding gift proudly. The Ancient Hat of Beauty sat on her head, drawing all eyes towards her and transforming adorable Edara into an enticing beauty (although Jenred saw little difference). The Emerald Studded Scythe in hand, glittering and flashing along with her pendant, rings, and earrings...And her armour, a wedding gift from Jenred, leather studded with metal rings...And at the center of each ring an emerald of the same size and cut of those on the Scythe. Underneath that she wore the silk body-suit, in flaming greens and reds. Her hair was intricately braided underneath the Hat, wrapping around her neck and glistening with flashing gems to complement her fiery hair.

Now...They were the King and Queen of Arcaea, and when they spoke it was in a voice of command, used to obedience.

"Send word to Unicorn Guard Dante to attend upon us immediately, and summon all the members of the Phoenix Court in Topenah to gather in the main dining hall for a joyous announcement. Also, send word to Duke Goffrey that we need him here first, so as to enter with us."

The scribe bowed.

"At once, Your Majesty."

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Unicorn Guard Dante was looking around the grand palace in Topenah when he received the royal message. He was to meet the King and Queen privately before the ceremony. With nervous anticipation Dante made his way to their suite.

One of the King's servants was at the door apparently awaiting Dante's arrival.

"Sir, if you'll wait here, I'll announce you."

The servant enters and moments later Sir Dante is allowed in.

Dante slowly enters and notices the King and Queen of Arcaea in the middle of the room both decked out in their royal splendor. Noticeably nervous and uncomfortable, Dante didn't know how to act in the presence of royalty.

"Your Majesty, Unicorn Guard Dante at your service. You wanted to see me?"

Dante Silverfire (Knight of Remton)

Tammo set back in his chair, shaking his head in disbelief. Sitting in Topenah ordering his men to train had gotten very boring until just recently. A few days ago a firestorm had suddenly been raised over the origin of nobility: did it come on a basis of merit and achievements as many in Ohnar West asserted, or was it a natural born right as was the conventional norm? Tammo hadn't really thought much of it before. He'd just assumed that those who were nobles were such because they were born that way. It didn't make much sense that one could achieve nobility. Of course, a particular person could be refused to be recognized as part of a certain family - that had happened to Arcaea's very own King. But an entire family couldn't just claim to be noble. Your family was either noble, or it wasn't. Nobles were superior due to their wealth and education. You certainly couldn't have a mere peasant be in a position of power - all one had to do was look at the state of rogue regions "ruled" by peasants. Peasants in charge would lead to utter anarchy, chaos, and ruin. If Ohnar West was indeed run by peasantry or people who looked favorably upon peasant ways, the realm was certain to fail whether anyone warred against it or not.

At least this was how Tammo had reasoned his way through the initial debate. Then had come some truly mind-blowing revelations from the Priest Dren and King Jenred. They had apparently been doing research into how religion played into this very subject. It turns out the Aenil had a very...intimate role in noble affairs. Tammo was no scholar - Flaylen had always been better at that sort of thing - but he had found himself intensely immersed in the research and histories Dren had shown him. The fall of Taith Aenil, the birth of Greater Aenilia and the modern Magna Aenilia Ecclesia religion has he knew it...Tammo found it all incredibly interesting. For a religion that had always seemed rather laissez faire, the Aenil were - or had been - integral to political affairs in the Far East. Tammo had never been very religious, but this seemed to go beyond mere spirituality. It was certainly something worth investigating further.

Just then, a servant walked in with a letter. His time in Topenah had other perks, it seemed: he was invited to a dinner with the King and Queen, and other Court members. Tammo sighed. This would be a nice distraction, at least. He hadn't talked with his fellow, friends in quite some time. Besides, Tammo couldn't ever remember spending so long reading books. Having a fondness for literature was a new experience for the seasoned warrior.

After dressing himself in his least battered suit of armor, Tammo arranged for the proper funds to allow his men plenty of time to get drunk and entertain themselves for the night. He stepped outside, took a deep breath of the cool night air, and rode off towards the duchal palace.

Tammo Hlessi Count of Saex

Jenred smiled broadly at Dante, the nature of the news smoothing the worry lines he'd been recently accumulating.

"Yes, excellent...We have an important announcement to make, and I thought this would be an excellent time for you to take up your duties...Ah, excellent, Baron Galdor is ready. They have him in the waiting room...We still need Duke Goffrey, so we'll join the good Baron. Walk with us...Oh...Given that this is a new post, the protocol scholars had nothing to offer, so we're going to have to wing it. Maybe...Stand to my left when walking, sit to my left at any formal meals, stand at attendance to the back and left when I'm seated on the throne? Basically, the idea is to just keep it simple and have you glued to my left. I'm open to suggestions if you have any ideas."

Jenred broke his King persona in an effort to settle the nervous man down while they walked to the waiting room holding Galdor. He was going to be with Dante for the next few weeks, and wanted their relationship smooth. Last thing he needed, especially now, was another possible stress point...There the room was...

"Ah, Baron Galdor, excellent! Edara's Unicorn Guard hasn't arrived yet, and I was hoping you could do the honours for today."

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Dante after listening to the King's instructions thought them to be rather good.

"Seems like a good idea Your Majesty, I shall begin immediately. I have no ideas to offer as of yet but may as I get used to the position."

Taking up his position to the King's left, Dante walks with Jenred toward where Galdor was waiting.

Dante Silverfire (Knight of Remton)

Galdor stood up as Jenred and Edara walked in with his new guard.

When Jenred said: "Ah, Baron Galdor, excellent! Edara's Unicorn Guard hasn't arrived yet, and I was hoping you could do the honours for today." Galdor didn't think twice about it. "Of course, my King. It will be my pleasure."

He asked if anyone wanted a drink, since he was the one nearest the table.

Galdor Stormwind Baron of Sasat

Jenred grinned more broadly (if such could be believed).

"I think a good red wine for me...A toast will be in order. Now...Where is Goffrey? And where in the names of all the Aenil is Ae-..."

Jenred's face fell, and he closed his eyes briefly. He still did that, on occasion. Aerywyn had been his right hand for so long...And Jenred still felt off-balance without him. He wondered if that would go away in time...Aenil damn Deathwyrm...

He felt Edara's hand squeeze his and looked up to see her eyes filled with concern. He managed a bit of a smile...Then shook his head, clearing it of such thoughts. Not today. Only the happy memories today. He spoke quietly to Edara...

"Well...At least we know the child's...Hm...Middle name if it's a boy."

He paused again, considering...And laughed.

"Or a girl, for that matter..."

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea