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After the disturbing letter his brother sent him a couple months ago, he just packed his backs and went to Fontan on the East Continent.

And it proved to be a right decision to make, as his brother was in fatal danger. Just like his sister, who came from the far lands of Caerwyn, he arrived just in time.

His brother used to offend people way to easily, that he knew. But that he would insult a King in front of his whole council, was something he couldn't ever have thought of. Even he should know better.

After a flight from the Capital of Fontan, the city of Westmore, the three of them took a run to Perdan, after a incredible chase by the whole army of Fontan. Their ways split there, his sister back to Caerwyn and he on her long way to Arcaea.

He loved being back in Remton, the capital of his nation.

Tatham Aldaríon (Noble)

Great relief spread across his face as he stood on the hill in front of Remton. A little sigh left his mouth 'How lovely to be back.' He stood there for a least a quarter of an hour, before he spurred his horse to gallop down to the capital.

After a week in Greater Aenilian dungeons, he desired a clean and proper bed, let alone some decent food. And he knew he was going to get what he wanted in this town. Luckely the guards didn't take his money away, and even if they had, he just had to visit the bank. So after finding the place where he was planning to stay, a inn called the 'Hogs Head', he went out to get his gold.

Whe he returned in the inn, after a meal in one of the most famous taverns in town, he found the bartender waiting for him with a message. Whilst retreating to his room, he thought about all the people who could possibly know he would be here. He didn't send any letters out just yet about his release, so he couldn't think of anyone, unless the ruler of Greater Aenilia had send a message forward about his release. But that didn't make sence, unless he was transfered for one of them.

Back at his room, he examined the letter more in detail, it had a royal stamp on it, which made him even more confused. Opening the letter brought nothing but more confusion, he was to visit the King in his palace. The letter didn't contain anything else, no clue why, and the only thing he could think of was an inquiry about his condition by the King. 'Better not to let the King wait' He thought and he went downstairs again.

'I could be back late, so you can leave the back door unlocked for me.' He trusted to the bartender. His visits were so frequent down here, that it was more of a normal procedure, than it was odd for him. Therefore the bartender never needed any more information. As he walked down the streets of Remton, his confusion only grew bigger, he just couldn't figure out why the King wanted to see him that badly, for he was just a normal bureaucrat, not even a knight.

He wasn't planning on staying long in the palace, as he needed a new unit to give him a safe passage to Talex, where he was send by the High Imperator. The barracks were on the other side of town, and he liked to be there well before dusk, as it was not one of the places you wanted to be after dark.

When he finally reached the palace, it seemed so very odd to extually enter the place. But after he was spotted by the guards, there was no turning back anymore. As he walked the drive to the palace, he cursed himself, trying to find out why he deserved a visit to the King. Next the bronze doors of the palace opened, and he was just taken away by the beauty of the place.

Tatham Aldaríon Banker of Arcaea

As he was entering the immense entrance hall of the palace, he was taken away by its beauty. He was just not used to all the shiny marble and mosaics, properbly laid with not only normal stones. But through all this he never forgot why he was here, he was called by his King.

Second doors opened, third did the same. Hall after hall, corridor after corridor. He remembered that he had visited this place once more, but after a few turns he did not know anymore where he was in the building or which direction the exit was. Not that it mattered right now, but his sences told him, he should have known still. The servants of the King brought him finaly to a closed door, where he was told to wait.

The time passed like a slain trying to walk 100 metres. He still was too confused by his call, that he even didn't hear the door next to him open. The servant had to speak out his name thrice for he even reacted. He was to enter the visiting quarters of the King himself.

As he entered, he greeted his King as he had always done, he went with one knee to the ground and bow his head with his body. He was told to stand very quickly, far more soon than he expected. It was weird to him. But it was all to get even more odd.

As soon as the King finished his words, he was stuck by astonishment. He could not believe what he just heard. He was to be the Royal Treasurer of Arcaea, even though he had been in prison for so long. The King had waited for his release to give him this position. When he, in the end, realised all this, the only thing he could do was to just bow before the King once again. 'Thank you my noble and wise King, I will do my upmost best to not fail you in this task. It is an honour indescribable for a simple bureaucrat like me. Thank you so much!'

The King only nodded, and handed him a glass of brandy. 'For Arcaea' Were the only words that left his mouth. When he was dismissed, and stood on the street agian, he still couldn't believe what just happened. He was so immense happy by his appointment, that he truly didn't know what to do anymore.

After a walk halfway through the city, he found his sence again, he was to get a unit, so he could start defend his hometown, while building it as well. So he went all the way down to the other end of the city, where the barracks were located. He found himself a nice captain Maximilian and 20 fine archers. That should do for the time coming. He told them he would be back the next morning, to check on their equipment, and that he expected everything to be in good shape.

When he finaly reached the inn again, the bartender was still awake, as often was the case. He was handed a couple of congratulations from other members of the Council, as well some from fellow Nobles. Exhausted as he was, he still managed to write everybody a neat and kind letter back for their congratulations. After this last task done, he requested a proper glass of wiskey, and went very content to his bed, dreaming about the tasks ahead in the beautifull country of Arcaea.

Tatham Aldaríon Banker of Arcaea