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Wrapping her cloak tightly about her, Adine walked out of the inn she had stayed in the last night. Well, she was really walking out of the pub, but it didn't matter. Her latest mission had been a disappointment, especially after so long a wait for a job to do. Her next mission was one she had created for herself but maybe it would be the spark she needed. She had spent three months in this new realm and while it had no limit of pleasurable company, her spirit of mischief was completely bored.

Adine was followed out by a trader who, after a drink, a wink, and a promise, had been persuaded to take her to Nocaneb. She climbed up next to him on the wagon seat and made sure the small wooden box she had with her was secure under her cloak. In it was a gift of great value and one that the infiltrator did not part with lightly. However she had felt a calling to deliver it to the woman she was going to see. She had never in her life given much thought to the presence of the goddess her family worshiped but since receiving news of the death of her mentor and closest friend, Alexander, Adine had a bit of a change of heart.

The trader kept trying to make conversation on the road. "So what brings you to Nocaneb?" "I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you," she responded with a grin. He chuckled briefly. "No, really, what are you there for?" She raised one eyebrow and stared at him. He realized she wasn't completely joking. He decided to start telling his life story and all the perils of being a trader. She only half listened.

As they entered the gates of Nocaneb, the trader stopped his tale, finally. "Where was it you said you were goin' again?" he asked. "House of Silk and Light, if you please." She proceeded to give him detailed directions which he waved away. "No, ma'am, I know the way, though maybe not so well as you." He resumed his tale as they continued on for the last few minutes of their journey. When they got to the entrance of the House, Adine kissed the man on the cheek and hopped off with a brief word of thanks. The trader watched her go with a certain amount of fascination. He didn't know why she was so anxious to get in there but he'd listen for news of a mysterious death or attack at that place. Unsettled for a moment, he shrugged it off and went on about his business.

When Adine entered, she found the closest servant. "Inform the Lady Harmony that Adine Evadne has arrived to see her." The servant rushed off and she sat down to wait.

Adine Evadne (Dame of Remton)

Harmony made a brief appearance at Baron Euran’s party. She had wanted to be around people and, frankly, did not feel much like going home, but the attentions made her uncomfortable: she hadn’t done anything. When she received Lady Adine’s letter, it was just the excuse she needed to head back to Nocaneb...and meeting at the House...that was inspired. Harmony could stay there if she wanted, and then she wouldn’t have to be alone...she really didn’t want to be alone.

She had intended to stop by her home to pick up her own clothing and weapons, but a growing sense of unease as she approached it caused her to change plans. Harmony sent one of her men on to collect her things and another to the House of Silk and Light to have a room prepared for her there...and a bath. Perhaps she wouldn’t stay that long in Nocaneb after all...after she concluded her business with Adine, Harmony would see if this was a good time to take that trip to Remton with Arlian to get their wedding present for Jenred and Edara. Anything but going home.

She soaked in the prepared bath until the steaming water turned cool. Harmony had been afraid that Jonty would be uneasy around her, but the fat bonus she had paid him seemed to have mended matters. Frankly, she thought the slight crook in his nose added to his appeal...he was less pretty, but somehow, more attractive. When he accepted Harmony’s invitation into her bed, she stilled his practiced hands.

“Just...hold me...sleep...I just don’t want to sleep alone.”

The next day Harmony felt more rested and more human. Having her own clothes...and boots and weapons...made her feel infinitely better. She carefully repacked Jenred’s borrowed kit and had it sent up to the Castle. The borrowed boots she returned herself. The lad, Arden, clutched them to him as though she had handed him a treasure. He could barely speak as she thanked him and tipped him for their use.

A fine breakfast in the House’s kitchen restored her even further. Harmony wondered what the House’s patrons would think if they saw their fantasies here in this ordinary domestic setting in their plain garb, eating and arguing like a bunch of siblings. She smiled at this, glad that the customers did not get too many invitations into the kitchens...where would all her profits go then?

When Adine was announced, Harmony went to greet her in the parlour. It was still early enough that it was empty of any custom.

“Lady Adine,” Harmony held out a hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I was very touched by your kind letter. And even more touched by your interest in showing me some new techniques. I figure a girl can never know too much.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

As Adine sat waiting for Harmony to arrive, she put down the hood of her cloak and, glancing around to make sure no one was around, opened the box she had hidden. Nothing had been disturbed during the journey, she was glad to note. She heard footsteps down the hall and quickly shut the box, rising as Harmony entered and greeted her.

Adine shook Harmony's offered hand. "Lady Harmony, the pleasure is mutual. If you don't mind, could we go somewhere a bit more secluded? What I am going to show you...well, suffice it to say I don't want word of it getting around. My methods are a bit uncommon and while I won't be showing you nearly half of my secrets, I can guarantee that they could save you quite a bit of trouble in the future should you be bothered again. I only ask that you speak of this to no one."

Adine Evadne (Dame of Remton)

Harmony was intrigued by the woman before her. She looked at her carefully and nodded, “Yes...there’s a room that we can go one will bother us there,” Harmony cleared her throat, “I can assure you of that.”

She led Adine from the parlour, down a hallway, and through a door that led into the next building. There Harmony escorted her to a private sitting room, “The...very...discreet side of things,” she told Adine.

“Now...I must have me most intrigued...what is this great secret of yours?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Adine and Harmony entered the private sitting room and the infiltrator placed the box she carried on a table. She removed her cloak and tossed it onto a chair. She gave Harmony a wide grin. "Don't look so concerned," she said lightheartedly to her hostess. "I only put on that mysterious, solemn act for fun. Not that what I'm going to teach you isn't serious; one slip-up and it could be your last." Too excited to wait to share her toys, Adine opened the box. She stood back and ran a hand through her shoulder-length red hair as she rocked on her heels, allowing Harmony to peer inside the box at the bottles contained within. She furrowed her brow in disappointment when Harmony looked back at her quizzically.

"They're poisons, Harmony!" Adine said, pulling out a little purple bottle full of powder. "I'm the only infiltrator that I know of that uses them, oh, there's probably others somewhere, but I haven't met any of them. If you were one I would never have thought about teaching you this. Got to keep a hold on the market, you know, so I'm not even showing you half of my stock. I also like to keep the fact that I use poisons a secret, except from you of course, but trust me, you don't want this secret getting out. Soon everyone is wanting some for their own use and it nearly always ends in tears. You strike me as being clever enough to handle this and if you're not, well, we'll find out won't we?" She said all this in one breath and gave another grin. Before Harmony could comment, she started again.

"This is extract of Belladonna. Slip a little of this into someone's drink and they're off to sleep, just for a bit or permanently depending on how much you slip them. Very useful as you might well imagine. Though I wouldn't recommend trying it on yourself. I heard of a girl who did that once...her lover thought she was dead, killed himself in a fit of passion...again, ended in tears."

She took another bottle out, green this time. "This is wolfsbane. No, it won't prevent someone from turning into a werewolf. No, it won't protect you from wolf attacks. It stops the heart and paralyzes breathing. People just think that the victim's heart gave out. Put a little of that on a dagger and give a little cut, he's done for."

She pulled out a blue bottle. "Now this is foxglove. Nasty little bugger. Even consuming just a bit will cause terrible things. Eventually it causes death but I find it's nice to use if you want your victim to feel some, well, a lot, of pain for a while. Not that I've ever done that. No, never. Well, there was that one time. And his brother. But that's off the subject." She quickly replaced the foxglove bottle.

Now it was time for the last bottle, again full of powder. "Now, this one," she said, pointing to the red bottle, "is snake venom. I harvest it myself. Fangy, that's the name of my little friend. Oh, he's secret too. I find most people don't like snakes. Me, I grew up in the desert, and that's where Fangy is from. Come with me every step of the way, he has."

Having gone through all the bottles at a breakneck pace, Adine gave them one last fond stroke and closed the lid, staring at Harmony. "They're yours, Harmony, to do with as you like. No man will ever harm you again as long as you've some of these about you. The bottles are little enough to hide on your person. Even the strongest man will be brought down with these where a blow would only make him laugh. Of course, I'll understand if this isn't your cup of tea."

Adine Evadne (Dame of Remton)

Harmony had watched, fascinated, as Adine went through the inventory of the box, her mind working furiously. She was not completely ignorant of poisons—in theory—they did crop up in the theatrical works in which she had appeared. In fact, the story that Adine had told sounded a lot like a play she knew...beautiful language...silly story.

But...the possibilities...she had never considered...

“I wonder if you know the name of my troop,” Harmony said conversationally after a long pause, her face neutral. At the slight shake of Adine’s head and a puzzled look, Harmony grinned wickedly, “Poisoned Steel.”

Adine grinned back at her.

“It was to honour my father...the family crest contains May lilies, which are apparently noted for being both beautiful...and poisonous. seems oddly appropriate.” Harmony stopped grinning and looked at Adine appraisingly.

“This is a great gift...which I appreciate and intend to accept with great joy...I do wonder...this is a valuable present...and all...from the goodness of your heart? I don’t mean to...question your motives, but I am curious. I’ve known precious few, maybe none—beyond perhaps my cousin—who are that purely generous of spirit.”

Harmony waited...her hand lightly stroking the see what the Shadow lady would say.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Calculating what she would say in reply to Harmony, Adine sat drumming her fingers absentmindedly on the arm of the chair for a moment. She started to speak, ticking off each reason as she went. " reasons are many and varied. First and foremost, I'm fairly broke. Training is expensive now and I just don't earn enough from my estate, therefore, I am asking for payment. Second, I'm bored out of my mind, plus I'm lonely and felt like trying to make a friend. You sounded like you could be fun to meet." She got up and started pacing the room as she continued. "Third, I heard about your misadventure and I wanted to help but sadly there was no job for an infiltrator in your rescue. This is my way of helping. I don't help often. Fourth, I'm broke." She stopped pacing and furrowed her brow. "No, wait, said that already. There's probably others if I sat here long enough thinking of them but I'm far too sober to feel like doing that." With a grin, she flopped back down in the chair.

Adine Evadne (Dame of Remton)

Harmony let lose the thread of tension that had held her and relaxed. Money, boredom, and friendship were all motives that she could understand...altruism was always suspect.

She returned Adine’s grin easily, “Ah...well...funds I can provide; friendship is easy enough to earn; and, I do believe that two clever women such as ourselves should be able to find entertainments a plenty. For starters...we can work on that sobriety problem of yours,” Harmony opened a lacquered cabinet against the wall.

“ and spirits...” she gave Adine a look, “We could certainly stop here and sample some of this...or go into the public parlour of the House...or, we could step out into town and see if we could find some decent ale and...entertainment to suit us. What say you?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

After surveying the cabinet Harmony had opened, Adine turned to her hostess. "This is certainly a lovely display, but I'm all in favor of going somewhere else. I haven't had a good ale in I don't know how long, and as for fresh entertainment, even longer," she said with a wink. She grabbed her cloak from where it lay and with a flourish, draped it around her shoulders, stepping to the side to allow Harmony to lead the way.

Adine Evadne (Dame of Remton)

Continued in Rondo on the Theme of Siegfried