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{{Template:Private|work on the Lurian Weekly newspaper. At least until Sunday July 13th, after which this can be considered public|}}
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If you have any other information please forward it to the Poryatown Press or if you are able, send it directly myself.|}}
If you have any other information please forward it to the Poryatown Press or if you are able, send it directly myself.|}}
[[Category:Poryatown Press|Lurian Weekly]]
{{Template:PPress large left|
title =New Realms and Old|
writer =Macal|
date =July 11th|
article =With the destruction of Verus Luria, rumours are afoot that many of the exiles are fleeing en mass to the city of Mimer, in the hope of establishing their own nation. The land is close to that claimed by Morek, but since the more established realm is unlikely to find the colonists to populate the region to their south it is quite possible that the exiles will find peace in Mimer. The city is far enough from Pian to avoid the inevitable conflict that would arise between the two, but not so far that it is entirely outside the Lurian region.
Although it might be thought that Melodia's collapse would have warned nobles of the dangers of the Western half of Dwilight, a similar colonisation expedition is underway there. Under the leadership of Teniel Dell, once editor of the Caerwyn Chronicle, a group of colonists departed Caerwyn on the 7th, with about 300 men and hundreds of gold coins. Their reported target is the city of Echiur.|}}
{{Template:PPress small right|
title =Monsters Sieze Mech Alb|
writer =Macal|
date =July 11th|
article =Reports from Caerwyn suggest that the region of Mech Alb, monster ridden for many weeks and utterly deserted bar a few mad old souls, has been actually claimed by the monsters. Apparently one particularly vile creature was able to speak, albeit in a slimy way. More investigation will have to be carried out, but suggestions that the monsters are organised in some fashion are beginning to seem not all that farfetched.|}}
[[Category:Poryatown Press|Lurian Weekly|Issue 19]]

Latest revision as of 06:41, 12 July 2009

Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #19
Previous Issue July 6 - July 12 Next Issue
Previous Page Page One of One Next Page
July 6th Poryatown Press
We at the Poryatown Press would like to remind our readers that the Press itself is not officially affiliated with any realm on Dwilight or abroad. It is because of this that we can remain and tell you all the sides of a story that we see.
More to Monsters than Mange?
July 6th Macal
Last week I learned personally of the danger that we all face. Pian en Luries and Verus Luria, and many other realms of Dwilight, are under attack from large groups of monsters which roam throughout our lands feeding off our peasants and cause havoc everywhere. While their movements are apparently at random, many nobles seem to be caught in small groups, away from the main army, where they have little chance to defend themselves. 5 days ago myself and two others, Sir Brom and Sir Necroid, were caught on the doorstep of the very capital of Pian en Luries, in Askileon Purlieus. I know that others in the northern half of the realm have been similarly caught out without support. An unnerving idea suggests itself to me. Perhaps such events are proof that we do not face an uncoordinated enemy force of savage beasts, as we thought. Perhaps we are dealing with a much more sinister threat, one directed towards the destruction of what civilisation we have been able to bring to this barbaric continent. These attacks do seem to have come at the time when we are most divided, and therefore when the monsters have been capable of moving virtually unopposed.

Suggesting that nobles of either Verus Luria or Pian en Luries have conspired with our true enemies to gain advantage seems too far fetched to be given credence. However, this does not mean that we are not facing some other form of intelligence, no; for reports have not merely been heard of mindless monsters, but also of cruel and cunning undead creatures. The stuff of nightmares. "Imaginary!" some of you may cry. You may believe that such things are creations of the minds of terrified peasants, unable to deal with monstrous beasts ripping apart their homes. But hear me, I tell you, for the beasts I fought were no unthinking creatures of nature!

We had more than two men for every beast that we faced, but my soldiers were more than a little fearful of coming to grips with the monstrousities. They were hulking figures of fur and sinew, with wicked claws that could slice open chain mail with ease. Sir Necroid's men were the first to fall, torn to pieces by the enemy. It was not an enjoyable sight. Next came Sir Brom Silverfire - his troops were devoured by the things' razor-like fangs. The knight himself fell before the onslaught, although I saw him escape barely with his life. Now I, and the few men I had left from combat with Verus Luria, were to be put to the test. We were made mincemeat of - and by and large I do not use that term figuratively.

What interests me in particular about the battle was the dark furred creature, more mangy than most, which seemed to be direcing the monsters. Although I managed to put a cut on it with my blade which should have felled any lesser being, it continued to fight regardless. If, as I suspect, this was a sign of the monstrousity's undead heritage, then we have a great problem on our hands. To aid in combating this menace I plan to start a monster compendium of the fearsome beasts we face on the field of battle.

The Lurian Weekly would be most interested in hearing of any experiences readers have had with the monster and undead plaguing Dwilight.

Monster Compendium
July 6th Poryatown Press
By suggestion of Macal Kandurell, Editor-in-Chief of the Lurian Weekly, the Poryatown Press has begun work on a Monster Compendium of Dwilight, an up-to-date encyclopedia of every monster known to inhabit the wilds of Dwilight. We would like any readers of the Lurian Weekly to report findings of new monsters to Macal Kandurell of Pian or Zanaras Tian, soon to be of Everguard.

Along with your report we would like to know the name of the beast, it's description, and the area you've seen it in. All finders of new beasts will be credited with it's discovery in the Compendium.

July 6th Monster Compendium
Found By: Macal Kandurell

With superb night vision and deadly claws, the Pawclaw is a thing to be feared. Although normally on all fours, the Pawclaw can measure anything up to 10 feet tall when standing. While they are not known for their exceptional speed, these fearsome beasts blend into a forest's dark leaves with alarming ease, and prefer to hunt at night time. This makes them deadly ambushers. They have four long claws on each paw, and are suspected to be excellent diggers; it is possible that they burrow into the ground to stay out of sight during the day, since Pawclaws appear to be primarily nocturnal.
July 8th Vitki
Haktoo, Gone or just gone into hiding?

Not Long ago the name of Haktoo appeared both on the Scribe listing of rulers as well as the listing of Generals of all of Dwilight. If you look now however you will find no sign of Haktoo, Ruler of the Dwilight Netherworld, Lord of the Western Volcanic Regions, Earl of Evilness, Duke of Debauchery, Tetrarch of Tomfoolery, Basileus of Buggery. Also, the true Baron of Old Grehk.

At a time when the hordes of monsters are running more rampant then ever, the Lord of the Dwilight Netherworld, is nowhere to be found. Could there be a massive invasion coming soon, or is this to be a short reprieve.

However the monsters still seem directed in some way. They may appear like random movements, but if you stop and step back and look at the behavior of the monsters they are acting as if they are following orders to some degree. This is still unconfirmed of course. I once wrote to Lord Haktoo and asked if he was the leader of the "Rogue" nation. How many regions does rogue now control. And has anyone ever counted the actual rogue regions. Does these numbers match or doe he only control a portion of them.

If you have any other information please forward it to the Poryatown Press or if you are able, send it directly myself.

New Realms and Old
July 11th Macal
With the destruction of Verus Luria, rumours are afoot that many of the exiles are fleeing en mass to the city of Mimer, in the hope of establishing their own nation. The land is close to that claimed by Morek, but since the more established realm is unlikely to find the colonists to populate the region to their south it is quite possible that the exiles will find peace in Mimer. The city is far enough from Pian to avoid the inevitable conflict that would arise between the two, but not so far that it is entirely outside the Lurian region.

Although it might be thought that Melodia's collapse would have warned nobles of the dangers of the Western half of Dwilight, a similar colonisation expedition is underway there. Under the leadership of Teniel Dell, once editor of the Caerwyn Chronicle, a group of colonists departed Caerwyn on the 7th, with about 300 men and hundreds of gold coins. Their reported target is the city of Echiur.

Monsters Sieze Mech Alb
July 11th Macal
Reports from Caerwyn suggest that the region of Mech Alb, monster ridden for many weeks and utterly deserted bar a few mad old souls, has been actually claimed by the monsters. Apparently one particularly vile creature was able to speak, albeit in a slimy way. More investigation will have to be carried out, but suggestions that the monsters are organised in some fashion are beginning to seem not all that farfetched.