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[[Category: News from the South East Island]]
[[Category: South-East Island]]
[[Category: Island News]]
image =|
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title =News from the South East Island|
title =News from the South East Island|
price =Price: 2 Gold Coins|
price ='''Price:''' 2 Gold Coins|
quote ='''Creator:''' Shadow|
quote ='''Creator:''' Shadow|
issue =Updated as Needed|
issue =|
other =Three opposing Realms, no allies, there can be only war}}

other =''This island belongs to Sandalak and Boswick. If you are interested in buying some of Sandalak's resort beach properties in Ikalak and/or Bieth please contact the Sandalakian Minister of Propaganda, Keyser.''}}

<center>'''Editorial note:'''''Please do not post any work in this paper without first asking me via the discussion option''<br>

'''Editorial note:''''' Please do not post any work in this paper without first asking me via the discussion option''<br>

*[[Daily Toren Issue 1]]
*[[Daily Toren Issue 2]]
*[[Daily Toren Issue 3]]
*[[Daily Toren Issue 4]]
*[[Daily Toren Issue 5]]
*[[Daily Toren Issue 6]]
title = '''''== Sandalak is victorious =='''''|
article =Date: <i>May 30th, 2006</i>
At 1:20 today the God's themeselves proclaimed Sandalak victorious.  The entire Island is in celebration as for the first time in more then two years there will finnaly be peace.  With Taselak raised to the groud there are only pockets of resistance remain of the once great Taselakian army.  Despite being at a massive disadvantage in wealth and population as well as the travel time to the Toren Stronghold compared to the other two realms, Sandalak prevailed against all the odds.  Under the command of Boswick, Sebastian led the army of Sandalak to an almost unbroken string of glorious victories.  First in Abykal, finnaly breaking through the first Ikalakian line of defence followed by Korlock, and then finnaly Ikalak city itself.  The war with Taselak started with the greatest defence of the entire island.  The Taselakian forces had broken there way through to the Sandalakian capital but were defeated by the combined forces of the people of Sandalak, the current standing militia and several noibles who had just arrived on the Island.  Taselak never truly recovered from this loss and suffered several major defeats in Figobar, the Cave of Guilt, Toren Stronghold followed by Moeth and finnally the victory is Taselak city by Sandalaks army.

title = Slaughter in Unagae|
title = GENOCIDE!!!|
article =Date: Nov. 27 2005
article =Date: <i>May 20th, 2006</i>
A huge battle took place in Abykal with aproximatley 1000 men on each sideA blood bath was assuredCastimir lead his force in a standard Ikalakian formation with archers infront, infantry behind and Calvary as heavy support, while Sebastian chose a fortification defence formation even though there was no avaiable walls.  The Ikalakian force rushed forward into a hail of archer fire from the superior Sandalak bowmen before rushing into close combat.  The traitor Jair was captured quickly by Ikalakian forces after he was surrounded by Ikalakian infantryThe Ikalakian infantry continued there steady advance on the right flank however the Ikalakian calvary had smashed through the first rank of the Sandalakian infantry and had left themselves dangerously over stretchedSandalaks calvary then charged the unsupported infantry in the middle of Ikalaks battle lineWith the two flanks of Ikalak cut off from each other it wasnt long before the right infantry flank collapsed however Sandalak was preventedfrom charging the remaining vulnerable bowmen thanks to a brave last stand from the Ikalak General who drove his Mumakil straight into the right flank of Sandlak, delaying them before he was finaly overrun, wounded in the process, with the wounding of Castimir, the remaining Ikalak forces were quickly eliminated by the bows and swords of Sandalak.
On the afternoon of May the 20th the current population of Taselak has been butchered down to a poplation of 2584. This extreme act of violence is quite possibly the biggest slaughter of peasents in one city in the known worlds historyThe origanal population stood at an impressive 26000, however after several failed takeovers Boswick and his council ordered that the city should burned to the groundTaselak no longer resmbles a city anymore, at best a small town.  It has no walls, most of its recruitment centrs are inoperational and what little taxes are collected are stolen by the Sandalakian looting force that was left in Taselak while the main army refitted and started additional takeovers of the surrounding Taselakian regions.  The peasents have tried to put up a valiant fight with their duke Penny leading them on the front lines but it has been to no availTwice a day for the last 18 days a peasent miltia force has risen up to fight the oppressers and twice a day they are mowed down by Sandalakian calvary.  Any that survive the initial charge are then butchered by advancing infantry.   
If Boswick and his council were to leave this island they may well be treated like war criminals for such an act of violence on such gigantic proportions, but such is the fate of the island where there can be only war!

The cheers of Sandalak were short lived however when reinforcements arrived for Ikalak, outnumbered nearly 2-1 the forces of Sandalak were easily defeated and the take over of Unagae was stopped.
title =Castimir Flees Island|
article = <i>May 20th, 2006</i>
Castimir has been seen in old Rancugua after fleeing the South East Island.  After leading Ikalak to defeat he was then appointed general of Taselak where he once again, led the armys he commanded to ruin after he was outsmarted by the Sandalakian general Sebatian.  He has been the doom of both realms he has served in leading both into certain defeat, he may well go down as the worst General in history for his actions, and to remove what little shred of honour he had left, he has fled his realm rather then fight his enemies, even the Taselakian nobles now see him for what he realy is, a coward.

title = Ikalaks prayer answered?|
title = The Heroic Nobles of Sandalak|
article =Date: Nov. 20 2005
article =Date: <i>May 30th, 2006</i>
Ikalak has looked very weak as of late, even the victories over Sandalak have been hollow, for every battle they win they lose three skirmishesAll hope seemed to be lost for them with there council in turmoil and indesicion and chaos in the high council with some members who have been found to be clearly corrupt while others were nothing more then thieves.  However it seemed negotiations between Lone Wolf and Yavanna may of actually had some effect.  One Taselak battle group broke off there attack on an Ikalak territory (costing Taselak a victory) and began a takeover in Toren Stronghold.  This territory was banned from being taken over by either side according to an ammended contract which the battle group leader claimed was void since the leader of Sandalak had changed since the contract was made.  Lone Wolf has been unavailable for comment but seems to have let this Taselak loosecannon take over his part of the army away from the actual General.  This breach of the treaty has not gone unnoticed by the other two realms.  After the various spys caught on all three sides of the war no realm can claim to be the honourable one, but mearly the least dishonourable.  Reguardless of this fact fierce fighting continues around the region of Aboal and Unagae while Taselaks army regroups.
These names before you are the victors of the first South East Island warThese names may well become legendary in the future.
Al, Alex II, Alexei, Althea, Amos, Andross, archer, Arnold, Ascadia, Atrian, Black Fox, Bloodbath, Boom 2, Borian, Boswick, Boudicca, Carlo, Carter, Charles, Contrebeck, Cyperus, Cyril, Darian, Darinus, Dark Shadow, Deimos, Delaran, Dilgaard, Dispater, Dormein, Eagle, EastMed, Ellanor, Falstaff, Faradon, Feanor, Finegus, Fingolfin, Finn, Gafgarion, Gaso, George, Gilgamesh, Guido, Harald, Hassan, Hei, Henry, Hiei, Hongli, Hue, Hvrek, Ibiac, Jaguar, Jair, jesse, Jmik, Jolee, Julius, Kahlia, Kaidoky, Kainaq, Katerina, Katsu, Keyser, Killian, Kostova, Lady, Lestat, Little Ogre, lorddeath the second, Louis, Lu Bu, Lucius Artorius Castus, Magnus, Malak, Malcom, Marioara, Marius, Mark, Matador, melissa, Midnight, Mighty, Moonglum, Mungo, Oreus, Osiris, papewaio, Phear, Phelan, Pile, Ranger, Rigel, Rinoa, Riscoso, Roscoe, Sarpedon, Scipio, Sebastian, Senchae, SeTh, SG, Shadow, Sheldar, Sienna, Silena, Sirion, Smithy, Sponge, suiso, Tancred, Trapper, Trystrem, Tycho, Valarya, Vengeance, Vladimir, welcome to, Will, Wolf, Yorgenn, Zack the Great, Zel
title =Recent events on the South-East Island|
article = <i>May 30th, 2006</i>
'''Sandalak declared Victorious'''
Taselak city burnt to the ground, 90% of the population wiped out
Sandalak begins heavy looting of Taselak city
Umkinnu taken by Sandalak
Multiple Takeovers Started in Taselak and failed
Takeover attempt begins on Taselak city
Sandalak attacks Taselak city and secures a massive victory
Sandalak recruits a massive army
Taselak drives Sandalak out of Belus
Taselak attacks Astin with its army but is crushed
Sandalak drives Taselak out of Astin - Heavy Militia placement
Astin retaken by Taselak
Neralle Taken by Sandalak, Taselak cut in two
[[Category: Newspapers]]

Latest revision as of 21:02, 29 May 2013 News from the South East Island
Price: 2 Gold Coins Creator: Shadow
This island belongs to Sandalak and Boswick. If you are interested in buying some of Sandalak's resort beach properties in Ikalak and/or Bieth please contact the Sandalakian Minister of Propaganda, Keyser.

Editorial note: Please do not post any work in this paper without first asking me via the discussion option


== Sandalak is victorious ==
Date: May 30th, 2006

At 1:20 today the God's themeselves proclaimed Sandalak victorious. The entire Island is in celebration as for the first time in more then two years there will finnaly be peace. With Taselak raised to the groud there are only pockets of resistance remain of the once great Taselakian army. Despite being at a massive disadvantage in wealth and population as well as the travel time to the Toren Stronghold compared to the other two realms, Sandalak prevailed against all the odds. Under the command of Boswick, Sebastian led the army of Sandalak to an almost unbroken string of glorious victories. First in Abykal, finnaly breaking through the first Ikalakian line of defence followed by Korlock, and then finnaly Ikalak city itself. The war with Taselak started with the greatest defence of the entire island. The Taselakian forces had broken there way through to the Sandalakian capital but were defeated by the combined forces of the people of Sandalak, the current standing militia and several noibles who had just arrived on the Island. Taselak never truly recovered from this loss and suffered several major defeats in Figobar, the Cave of Guilt, Toren Stronghold followed by Moeth and finnally the victory is Taselak city by Sandalaks army.

Date: May 20th, 2006

On the afternoon of May the 20th the current population of Taselak has been butchered down to a poplation of 2584. This extreme act of violence is quite possibly the biggest slaughter of peasents in one city in the known worlds history. The origanal population stood at an impressive 26000, however after several failed takeovers Boswick and his council ordered that the city should burned to the ground. Taselak no longer resmbles a city anymore, at best a small town. It has no walls, most of its recruitment centrs are inoperational and what little taxes are collected are stolen by the Sandalakian looting force that was left in Taselak while the main army refitted and started additional takeovers of the surrounding Taselakian regions. The peasents have tried to put up a valiant fight with their duke Penny leading them on the front lines but it has been to no avail. Twice a day for the last 18 days a peasent miltia force has risen up to fight the oppressers and twice a day they are mowed down by Sandalakian calvary. Any that survive the initial charge are then butchered by advancing infantry.

If Boswick and his council were to leave this island they may well be treated like war criminals for such an act of violence on such gigantic proportions, but such is the fate of the island where there can be only war!

Castimir Flees Island
May 20th, 2006

Castimir has been seen in old Rancugua after fleeing the South East Island. After leading Ikalak to defeat he was then appointed general of Taselak where he once again, led the armys he commanded to ruin after he was outsmarted by the Sandalakian general Sebatian. He has been the doom of both realms he has served in leading both into certain defeat, he may well go down as the worst General in history for his actions, and to remove what little shred of honour he had left, he has fled his realm rather then fight his enemies, even the Taselakian nobles now see him for what he realy is, a coward.

The Heroic Nobles of Sandalak
Date: May 30th, 2006

These names before you are the victors of the first South East Island war. These names may well become legendary in the future.

Al, Alex II, Alexei, Althea, Amos, Andross, archer, Arnold, Ascadia, Atrian, Black Fox, Bloodbath, Boom 2, Borian, Boswick, Boudicca, Carlo, Carter, Charles, Contrebeck, Cyperus, Cyril, Darian, Darinus, Dark Shadow, Deimos, Delaran, Dilgaard, Dispater, Dormein, Eagle, EastMed, Ellanor, Falstaff, Faradon, Feanor, Finegus, Fingolfin, Finn, Gafgarion, Gaso, George, Gilgamesh, Guido, Harald, Hassan, Hei, Henry, Hiei, Hongli, Hue, Hvrek, Ibiac, Jaguar, Jair, jesse, Jmik, Jolee, Julius, Kahlia, Kaidoky, Kainaq, Katerina, Katsu, Keyser, Killian, Kostova, Lady, Lestat, Little Ogre, lorddeath the second, Louis, Lu Bu, Lucius Artorius Castus, Magnus, Malak, Malcom, Marioara, Marius, Mark, Matador, melissa, Midnight, Mighty, Moonglum, Mungo, Oreus, Osiris, papewaio, Phear, Phelan, Pile, Ranger, Rigel, Rinoa, Riscoso, Roscoe, Sarpedon, Scipio, Sebastian, Senchae, SeTh, SG, Shadow, Sheldar, Sienna, Silena, Sirion, Smithy, Sponge, suiso, Tancred, Trapper, Trystrem, Tycho, Valarya, Vengeance, Vladimir, welcome to, Will, Wolf, Yorgenn, Zack the Great, Zel

Recent events on the South-East Island
May 30th, 2006

Sandalak declared Victorious

Taselak city burnt to the ground, 90% of the population wiped out

Sandalak begins heavy looting of Taselak city

Umkinnu taken by Sandalak

Multiple Takeovers Started in Taselak and failed

Takeover attempt begins on Taselak city

Sandalak attacks Taselak city and secures a massive victory

Sandalak recruits a massive army

Taselak drives Sandalak out of Belus

Taselak attacks Astin with its army but is crushed

Sandalak drives Taselak out of Astin - Heavy Militia placement

Astin retaken by Taselak

Neralle Taken by Sandalak, Taselak cut in two