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Marquis of Ar Mosul
Marquis of Ar Mosul
===Khyron Magnus===
Letter from Khyron Magnus  (24 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (103 recipients)
Fellow Nobles of Perdan,
We all share in the mourning of our lost friend Count Falcion. Even the world itself seems to mourn him by scathing us with a monster attack in his region of Woolton.
I have been asked to give a few words to the Sanctus Acies faithfuls, which both Count Falcion and myself belong to, especially regarding the circumstances of his death. If anyone, perhaps even the Marquis of Ar Mosull himself, would be willing to share some information on what the duel was about in the first place, I may write a fitting tribute to the Count for the Book of the Dead.
On to Sacred Battle, may the path guide you.
Khyron Magnus (Knight of Clermont)
===Zeldi Greenleaf===
Roleplay from Zeldi Greenleaf  (17 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (102 recipients)
As another time sun has risen spreading light over these lands a young girl in an estate was sitting near a window and weeping. So much has happened in past months and now this. She didn't knew him as well as a daughter should know her father, he wasn't there when she needet him for her whole life...but also he did not know about her.
Those last days when he showed her around Perdan and told her of tales long forgotten by many. When he laughted with his men and when he tought her some basic about nobles life. When he taught her how to adress certain people, how to read and how to write, how to handle a weapon. Those were happy days that were now over. Now he was dead, he always told her to be strong and to remember that each day for a warrior may be his last, and he always laughted after those words like he was trying to hide his fear or scare deaths hand with it.
That day when they brought his body back, he looked so calm, almost satified. She told him to not stretch hmself, she saw how by these past months he grew wearier and the years started getting to him. But he insisted saying that as a Count he is not responsible just for people around but like any Lord, Duke or King for realm as whole and he must stand by what he belives.
She wept her tears, no more need to be shed as he would prbably not like it anyway.
She took her equipment and left knowing that her duty now starts and that she needs to continue her fathers work. Outside Cedric awaited her, a long friend of Falcion. His look was grim but he forced a smile when she came out.
- Good morning MiLady
- It's not good as you know but we will manage through it, are the men ready?
- Yes we shall pay pay our last honors and after that... - he paused
- And after that we will march on to new tommorw, that's what he would wanted, I hope you're with me Cedric?
- Of course!
- Then let's move out - she mounted a horse and they all left.
A remain of young warriors that wished to become sworddancers were with them, others from her father's main unit left or stayed to guard Woolton and his resting place. She wished to lead them but unlike her father she wasn't a sworddancer and certainly not the one to teach that, Cedric would be willing to pass it on to her but she knew that she can't be a reflected image of him but she has to follow her own path.
On their way Cedric rode forward to her.
- Will you do it?
- Do what?
- You know, apply for your heritage?
- Ha! I don't even think anyone would agree to it, after all I'm...was under his care for barely few years
- Well all paprs are legitamet
- We'll leave it to wisest ones of the realm and besides, first comes first, I'll start my own legend now!
She moved forward and made her horse gallop for a bit then make him stand, she she then unsheated her two-hander and point it in direction they were moving to - I pledge myself to that cause!
She looked marvelous in this pose as armor clothed her body, she was like a knight of legends with only the diffrence of her sex. She had short grey hair and a small slice over her left eye from the past that made her look more like a thug then a knight but alas from that a new knight of Perdan was borned.
Zeldi Greenleaf (Noble)
==Funeral & Burial==
==Funeral & Burial==
Roleplay from Evangeline Uceek
Message sent to everyone in your realm (102 recipients)
Falcion lay motionless on the platform, his twin swords crossed his body and held in his still, dead hands. Evangeline noted his face looked peaceful, still proud and courageous even in death. Her stoic exterior cracked and she lowered her face as a tear traced her cheek.
She lent forward and brushed her lips against his cool forehead,
"I promise I will look after her, the way you always looked after me" she whispered.
She moved aside as other nobles began to arrive to pay their last respects to the dead Lord.
Lady Evangeline Uceek
Arch Priestess of Perdan
Roleplay from Maelg Vallejo  (just in)
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Maelg steps forward and looks down at his friends face, reaches out and squeezes one of his hands.
"Farewell, old friend," the words almost a whisper.
Stepping back, Maelg puts his arm around Eva's shoulder and bows his head, silent tears running down his face.
Sir Maelg Vallejo
Duke of Perdan
Roleplay from Zeldi Greenleaf  (8 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (102 recipients)
On th funeral Zeldi was quiet, she was sitting next to her fathers body and looked at people who paid their last respects. She knew them all, some she saw but all she could name easilly as her father was a great storyteller and could go on for hours about people he met, about his friedns about people he fought with side by side against their enemies. It's unfortunate that her mother could not be with her now as she felt she needet her words more now then ever, at least they'll be reunited.
She was silent and tried to look proud and still but every few minutes tear were broking through her wall and she bowed her head sheading another portion of sadness for her loss. Cedric stood beside her with his hand on her shoulder, behind her Sworddancers that remained by her father side all in their armors and their blades unsheated paying their honour to ther leader.
Zeldi realized that in this tragic she also sees hope, a hope for ne beggining. All that gathered, all are of the same land and all should unite...his death brought them here and maybe that was the gods will, gathered here for same reason we can find others. She looked up to the sky and whispered to herself "Thank you...and farewell, Father". She looked at the next person that approched.
Zeldi Greenleaf (Noble)
Roleplay from Gustaf Baldersson  (6 hours, 27 minutes ago)
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Gustaf approached the funeral bier, stood for a moment silently and then tucked a small flask of mead at the foot. Approaching Zeldi he said Mi'Lady, I did not know your father well, but I know Perdan has lost a champion today. If you have half the warrior spirit he had, you will be a great warrior
Sir Gustaf Baldersson
Count of Beziers
Roleplay from Zeldi Greenleaf  (5 hours, 47 minutes ago)
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Zeldi bowed her head a little and answered silently:
- Thank you, I...I will try my best. - she fell silent.
She felt the weight of her fathers deeds, "I will have to carry them now in your absence father, strange how I feel some see me almost as a reincarnation of you, are we that similiar?" - she thought to herself.
Zeldi Greenleaf (Noble)
Roleplay from Screndt Faracan  (5 hours, 30 minutes ago)
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Duke Screndt paid his respects to the Greenleaf family, giving words of condolence to some, a strong hand on the shoulder of others. Arriving at Zeldi, he said, "He died a good death. All of us must meet our end at some point; let us all hope that our ends are as honourable as his. His footsteps are ones that any nobleman, or noblewoman, should be proud to walk in and to further."
At Falcion's coffin, he looked in on a man he respected. He took a small token from his pocket and placed it inside the coffin. It was a very good replica of the swords that sat crossed upon his chest, "A larger one has been placed in the hall of heroes in my estate. You shall not be forgotten."
Screndt Faracan
Duke of Aix
Roleplay from Hiddukel Kiri-Jolith  (5 hours, 6 minutes ago)
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Hiddukel walked silently towards Falcion's Coffin.
Taking a single knee before it, head lowered in prayer.
Softly the words were murmured.
"Good Lord, I spoke to you seldom, but of you greatly. I did not want to tarnish your reputation with my admiration, but now, I may speak freely.
You were the best Perdan had to offer. None have shown your dedication... Your wisdom, or your eternal loyalty to our great realm. You were the greatest of us all. And now we are in mourning. Your bravery, your Strength, and your Honor has demanded your life. And you have paid it willingly. For that, you shall forever be written in Perdan's history.
In the end, Sir, you died well. There is nothing more a warrior could wish. May your gods grant you rest. Good-bye."
Hiddukel slowly stood, as he turned he saw Zeldi standing nearby, talking to the well-wishers and mourners alike.
He waited for the current group to step away, approaching he began speaking...
"Your Father has left quite a legacy. He has left you with high expectations of greatness from the realm. He has left very large shoes for you to fill...
You will never fill them."
He turned to walk away, saying as he left...
"Never feel you have to. Make your own legacy."
Sir Hiddukel Kiri-Jolith
Marshal of the Perdan Strike Force
Roleplay from Ercc O'Riley  (1 hour, 45 minutes ago)
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Ercc stood on a hill distant from the preparations to send off his fellow warrior to the next life. He really never knew him well, but yet respected his role in Perdan's history. Raising his sword high in the air with one hand he pointed the blade to the sky and stared momentarily at the crowd below. Grasping the sword with the other hand as well he then turns the point downward and kneels with the cross of the sword at his bowed head. A final salute to the hero was performed
Ercc O'Riley (Knight of Partora)
Roleplay from Evangeline Uceek
Message sent to everyone in your realm (102 recipients)
Evangeline numbly watched the nobles pay their respect. She looked at Zeldi, Casia and Cedric hovering nearby Falcion's body, their eye swollen and bloodshot from tears. The nearby priest held a torch ready, the moment had come to send Falcion on to his final journey.
Stepping forth Evangeline cleared her throat. Watching the still Falcion she re-lived in her own words his time in Perdan.
"Falcion came to Perdan from Atamara, arriving a few days after I joined our mighty realm. While Magnus and Maelg were drinking and joking, Falcion would train himself and his sworddancers. In fact, the first time I met him was in Perdan city, we were both training.
He was my friend well before I was Queen, but as Queen I couldn't ask for a more loyal and honourable knight. To me Falcion embodied what it meant to be noble.
I couldn't have been more proud when Falcion brought home the 1st place swordfighting prize at the tournament I hosted for our year long peace celebration. His training had paid off and he was crowned the best swordfighter on the continent.
Falcion wasn't all seriousness though, I remember the night he drank too much and fell asleep on a ship headed for the SEI. He had to spend two long weeks away from his beloved Perdan until he could fight his way back to the shores he loved.
He will never find himself away from Perdan again."
She smiled ruefully and nodded to the priest who touched the lit torch to the pier. The platform burst into hot orange flames, dark smoke rising into the sky.
Lady Evangeline Uceek
Arch Priestess of Perdan

Latest revision as of 23:59, 13 February 2009

Death of Falcion Greenleaf, Perdanese Hero


Roleplay from Modi Jorvik (1 hour, 18 minutes ago)

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For honour and life, I, Modi Jorvik Marquis of Ar Mosul will accept Your challenge , Falcion Wistir, Count of Woolton for no other then death. Sadly as it sounds you asked for it two times. Strenght to Us, as we are both excellent masters at the sword, it will be a loss for either one.

For your and mine honour we will see blood spilled by guidance of our Gods. May the best men win and tell the defeated why he lays down on to the Perdan soil.

Dawn draws near and both masters are gathering in Woolton castle for the duel. No mortal soul can stop this duel but tears will fall anyway.

Sir Modi Jorvik

Marquis of Ar Mosul

Roleplay from Evangeline Uceek (1 hour, 15 minutes ago)

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Evangeline twisted her hands nervously, both knights were excellent swordsmen and the duel could go either way. She tried not to think of the upcoming sunrise and what might happen.

Lady Evangeline Uceek

Arch Priestess of Perdan

Noble has left (39 minutes ago)

Falcion was killed in a duel against Modi today.

His unit, the Sworddancers has been partly converted into a militia unit.

Woolton is now without a lord.

Duel Death (39 minutes ago)

Falcion has suffered a fatal blow in a duel against Modi. He died quickly.


Evangeline Uceek

Roleplay from Evangeline Uceek (39 minutes ago)

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Noooo! =(

No, no, no, no!

Lady Evangeline Uceek

Arch Priestess of Perdan

Paulus Schlottenzwiebel

Letter from Paulus Schlottenzwiebel (18 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (104 recipients)

Dear gods, and that's all there is to it. Now cracks a noble heart.

Paulus Schlottenzwiebel

Count of Dimwood

Modi Jorvik

Roleplay from Modi Jorvik (just in)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (104 recipients)

Sunlight just touched the feet of both Lords and their secondants agreed it was time. Both gave the signal to start.

Falcion moved first at an agressive pace but Modi waited to defend the heavy blows of the Woolton Lord. Falcion nearly found a gap in his defense but a lucky move of Modi's sword could prevent an early defeat. Nearly was the blow delivered when Falcion came down with his second sword at the shieldarm of Modi. Barely held high, Modi's shield shattered Falion's sword, at that same instance Modi drew a blow to Falcion's chest from his downward position. While getting up Modi saw that Falcion was bloodily struck and fell to the ground with eyes a gaze. Modi raised his sword but saw no reaction and dropped his arm. Wearily Modi looked at the bleeding count and kneeled by his side. His heart was still pumping but after some seconds it felt more like bleeding. His fellow lord, his neighbour was dying on his own land. Modi didn't want this, he wished they were still just argueing...

Modi was helding Falcion's head in his arms. Blood was flowing on his cloathes but he did not care. Unable to speak much words, Falcion looked at Modi and he could only look back as the life was seaping away from his chest.

"Forgive me, my friend, I ...Why did it came to this ? Is it worth... " spoke Modi while holding Falcion in his arms. " Falcion said heavily breathing and with many bloody coughs " It is always worth it .... " With his last breath the Count of Woolton said " Fight... for.... Perdan, I ... did."

Modi sat with his arms around his neighbooring Lord long after the sun lit both lords with a morning's innocent. Neither was satisfied...

Sir Modi Jorvik

Marquis of Ar Mosul

Shaw Torradoch

Letter from Shaw Torradoch (just in)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (104 recipients)

Lords and Ladies

It is as it should be, His honor has been preserved.

"Brave man may die, but can not Yield"

I shall morn his passing this day. Death is a part of life we may all fear it, wonder about it, risk it, but it will come for us all in its own time.

Stay the Course

Sir Shaw Torradoch

Count of Brive

Funeral Invitation

Roleplay from Evangeline Uceek

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An invitation arrives printed on fine small parchment with a heavy black border:

Yourself and family are invited to

attend the Funeral of

Lord Falcion Greenleaf,

at his late residence in Woolton,

from sunrise.

Lady Evangeline Uceek

Arch Priestess of Perdan

Magnus Solarin

Roleplay from Magnus Solarin (just in)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (104 recipients)

Magnus was seated in his solar, going over accounts, chamberlin reports, blah blah blah, the usual drudgery associated with runing a large townsland region. The millers were into it with the fisherman again, about them wanting to string nets across the river thereby decreasing the flow downstream to the mills. Daft fools, even a half-brained Viking knew that nets had holes in them for a reason. With a sigh he pushed the accounts and petions away and began to rumage through the morning news and missives. Just then Blen, his faithful and long lived scribe, walked into the solar with his head bowed. Magnus glanced up and asked, "Whats the matter you old coot, someone die?"

"Uhem, yes Sire...I...you should..well here!" With that Blen laid the scroll on the desk and hurriedly turned and left the room.

Magnus picked up the scroll and breaking the seal began to read. As his eyes wandered down the page he shot straight out of his chair and then after just a few more lines he fell back into it as if the very bones in his legs had gave way.

I can't believe this...Modi and Falcion dueling to the death? What were they thinking?" Magnus thought to himself.

Magnus remembered Falcion as he was when he first met him, a young Knight, quick to anger, quick to fight for honor's sake, but just as quick to forget the slight after honor had been met. Magnus grieved for a friend and Shield Brother, but rejoiced that he had died with a sword in his hand! If anyone deserved a place in the Golden Hall it was Falcion! Taking out a jug of Norland Select Reserve Mead and getting his wedding horn off the mantle Magnus proceeded to toast his friend into the next world and himself into painless oblivion for a few hours.

Magnus Solarin

Marquis of Bescanon

Willjr Skulls

Letter from Willjr skulls (just in)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (104 recipients)

im am sorry to say that those who knew Falcion he died in a duel till the death against Mordi a member of Perdan

Willjr skulls (Knight of Partora)

][osferatu Reapers

Letter from ][osferatu Reapers (13 hours, 7 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (103 recipients)

This is a sad day for Perdan. Brothers should not be spilling each other's blood. Why did it have to come to this?

Sir ][osferatu Reapers

Duke of Partora, Marshal of the Perdan's Murderous Wrath

Ercc O'Riley

Letter from Ercc O'Riley (9 hours, 58 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (103 recipients)

The tongue that calls for war brings emotions that are hard to contain. Once spoken words may never be retrieved. It is the tongue that has spilt the blood of a brother from another Perdan noble. Perhaps the desire to spill blood is so great neither could help but to bring such an event about. Even though Falcian's death was honorable, I disagree that it was worth spilling over the tongue. Have patience and the conflicts desired will happen, when they do spill the blood of our enemies and fight beside our brothers.

Ercc O'Riley (Knight of Partora)

Screndt Faracan

Roleplay from Screndt Faracan (8 hours, 12 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (103 recipients)

Duke Screndt was in Dimwood, in one of the many guest wings of Paulus' estate, when the news came.

He died well and for a good cause, he thought and then said aloud, "May his gods treat him well. He was a man of honour and deserves no less."

And now to discern the gods' intent in allowing the Marquis to be victorious...

Screndt Faracan

Duke of Aix

Cody Peterson

Roleplay from Cody Peterson (7 hours, 56 minutes ago)

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Cody was briefing his captian when the news came. He stared at the letter that said that Falcon had been killed in a duel to the by Modi. Shaking his head he tells his sergant that this peace is tearing us apart.

Cody Peterson (Knight of Bescanon)

Tabatha Tribal

Letter from Tabatha Tribal (3 hours, 25 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "Church of Humanity" (37 recipients)

The next sermon will be conducted by myself, in memory of Falcion. I hope all can attend.

Thank you

Tabatha Tribal (Priestess of Church of Humanity)

Maelg Vallejo

Roleplay from Maelg Vallejo (1 hour, 11 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (103 recipients)

Maelg reads the notice of Falcion's death and drops into his chair, tears running down his face.

I wish it was Modi that had died, his arrogance and traitorous actions have caused the death of one of Perdan's greatest champions. Maelg thought to himself.

"Sir" Breck breaks Maelgs train of thought from the doorway, "There's a letter from Evangeline, notifying everyone of Falcion's funeral. Will you be attending?"

"Stupid question Breck, of course I will be there. I'll need some proper clothes for it though, send for a tailor."

Maelg continues to stare into the fireplace remembering his (then) young friend standing on the very walls Maelg now commands, the wind blowing his cloak and hair away from his body. Even then, you could tell Falcion was going to be a great man, a damn shame it was cut short.

Sir Maelg Vallejo

Duke of Perdan

Modi Jorvik

Roleplay from Modi Jorvik (just in)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (103 recipients)

Modi let go of Falcion's body when his region councellors took him to honour his remains. Modi did not look back to Falcion but left for Ar Mosul to grief in silence of his own estate. He would come back to pay his last respects soon.

While riding away he noticed his hands. Their were not cleaned yet, dust and dark blood stuck into the lines of his palms. He did not say it outloud but he got blood on his hands, noble and good blood. Modi thought of how it came to this. Why did noone stopped them in this insanity. No, Modi thought, it wasn't insane, it was inevitable. Along the way rain was falling and when Modi looked at the sky it was turning dark en red with the setting sun clouded by sheer rain. His hands were soken but cleaner.

No doubt he would recieve, yet again, letters of malcontent even angry ones. But it would not turn his mind around, that was not why he killed Falcion on the field with drawn swords. It was a duel of honour and the gods spared him. Modi found no confort in it...

Both were wrong but neither stand down, both believed in their cause, both would have died for it. A tragedy as it undoubtly was with his father Thorad, whoshared the same faith as Falcion. Modi raised his horn to the sky and spoke his first words since the morning : May they life forever !

Sir Modi Jorvik

Marquis of Ar Mosul

Khyron Magnus

Letter from Khyron Magnus (24 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (103 recipients)

Fellow Nobles of Perdan,

We all share in the mourning of our lost friend Count Falcion. Even the world itself seems to mourn him by scathing us with a monster attack in his region of Woolton.

I have been asked to give a few words to the Sanctus Acies faithfuls, which both Count Falcion and myself belong to, especially regarding the circumstances of his death. If anyone, perhaps even the Marquis of Ar Mosull himself, would be willing to share some information on what the duel was about in the first place, I may write a fitting tribute to the Count for the Book of the Dead.

On to Sacred Battle, may the path guide you.

Khyron Magnus (Knight of Clermont)

Zeldi Greenleaf

Roleplay from Zeldi Greenleaf (17 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (102 recipients)

As another time sun has risen spreading light over these lands a young girl in an estate was sitting near a window and weeping. So much has happened in past months and now this. She didn't knew him as well as a daughter should know her father, he wasn't there when she needet him for her whole life...but also he did not know about her. Those last days when he showed her around Perdan and told her of tales long forgotten by many. When he laughted with his men and when he tought her some basic about nobles life. When he taught her how to adress certain people, how to read and how to write, how to handle a weapon. Those were happy days that were now over. Now he was dead, he always told her to be strong and to remember that each day for a warrior may be his last, and he always laughted after those words like he was trying to hide his fear or scare deaths hand with it. That day when they brought his body back, he looked so calm, almost satified. She told him to not stretch hmself, she saw how by these past months he grew wearier and the years started getting to him. But he insisted saying that as a Count he is not responsible just for people around but like any Lord, Duke or King for realm as whole and he must stand by what he belives. She wept her tears, no more need to be shed as he would prbably not like it anyway. She took her equipment and left knowing that her duty now starts and that she needs to continue her fathers work. Outside Cedric awaited her, a long friend of Falcion. His look was grim but he forced a smile when she came out.

- Good morning MiLady

- It's not good as you know but we will manage through it, are the men ready?

- Yes we shall pay pay our last honors and after that... - he paused

- And after that we will march on to new tommorw, that's what he would wanted, I hope you're with me Cedric?

- Of course!

- Then let's move out - she mounted a horse and they all left.

A remain of young warriors that wished to become sworddancers were with them, others from her father's main unit left or stayed to guard Woolton and his resting place. She wished to lead them but unlike her father she wasn't a sworddancer and certainly not the one to teach that, Cedric would be willing to pass it on to her but she knew that she can't be a reflected image of him but she has to follow her own path. On their way Cedric rode forward to her.

- Will you do it?

- Do what?

- You know, apply for your heritage?

- Ha! I don't even think anyone would agree to it, after all I'm...was under his care for barely few years

- Well all paprs are legitamet

- We'll leave it to wisest ones of the realm and besides, first comes first, I'll start my own legend now!

She moved forward and made her horse gallop for a bit then make him stand, she she then unsheated her two-hander and point it in direction they were moving to - I pledge myself to that cause! She looked marvelous in this pose as armor clothed her body, she was like a knight of legends with only the diffrence of her sex. She had short grey hair and a small slice over her left eye from the past that made her look more like a thug then a knight but alas from that a new knight of Perdan was borned.

Zeldi Greenleaf (Noble)

Funeral & Burial

Roleplay from Evangeline Uceek

Message sent to everyone in your realm (102 recipients)

Falcion lay motionless on the platform, his twin swords crossed his body and held in his still, dead hands. Evangeline noted his face looked peaceful, still proud and courageous even in death. Her stoic exterior cracked and she lowered her face as a tear traced her cheek.

She lent forward and brushed her lips against his cool forehead,

"I promise I will look after her, the way you always looked after me" she whispered.

She moved aside as other nobles began to arrive to pay their last respects to the dead Lord.

Lady Evangeline Uceek

Arch Priestess of Perdan

Roleplay from Maelg Vallejo (just in)

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Maelg steps forward and looks down at his friends face, reaches out and squeezes one of his hands.

"Farewell, old friend," the words almost a whisper.

Stepping back, Maelg puts his arm around Eva's shoulder and bows his head, silent tears running down his face.

Sir Maelg Vallejo

Duke of Perdan

Roleplay from Zeldi Greenleaf (8 minutes ago)

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On th funeral Zeldi was quiet, she was sitting next to her fathers body and looked at people who paid their last respects. She knew them all, some she saw but all she could name easilly as her father was a great storyteller and could go on for hours about people he met, about his friedns about people he fought with side by side against their enemies. It's unfortunate that her mother could not be with her now as she felt she needet her words more now then ever, at least they'll be reunited. She was silent and tried to look proud and still but every few minutes tear were broking through her wall and she bowed her head sheading another portion of sadness for her loss. Cedric stood beside her with his hand on her shoulder, behind her Sworddancers that remained by her father side all in their armors and their blades unsheated paying their honour to ther leader.

Zeldi realized that in this tragic she also sees hope, a hope for ne beggining. All that gathered, all are of the same land and all should unite...his death brought them here and maybe that was the gods will, gathered here for same reason we can find others. She looked up to the sky and whispered to herself "Thank you...and farewell, Father". She looked at the next person that approched.

Zeldi Greenleaf (Noble)

Roleplay from Gustaf Baldersson (6 hours, 27 minutes ago)

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Gustaf approached the funeral bier, stood for a moment silently and then tucked a small flask of mead at the foot. Approaching Zeldi he said Mi'Lady, I did not know your father well, but I know Perdan has lost a champion today. If you have half the warrior spirit he had, you will be a great warrior

Sir Gustaf Baldersson

Count of Beziers

Roleplay from Zeldi Greenleaf (5 hours, 47 minutes ago)

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Zeldi bowed her head a little and answered silently:

- Thank you, I...I will try my best. - she fell silent.

She felt the weight of her fathers deeds, "I will have to carry them now in your absence father, strange how I feel some see me almost as a reincarnation of you, are we that similiar?" - she thought to herself.

Zeldi Greenleaf (Noble)

Roleplay from Screndt Faracan (5 hours, 30 minutes ago)

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Duke Screndt paid his respects to the Greenleaf family, giving words of condolence to some, a strong hand on the shoulder of others. Arriving at Zeldi, he said, "He died a good death. All of us must meet our end at some point; let us all hope that our ends are as honourable as his. His footsteps are ones that any nobleman, or noblewoman, should be proud to walk in and to further."

At Falcion's coffin, he looked in on a man he respected. He took a small token from his pocket and placed it inside the coffin. It was a very good replica of the swords that sat crossed upon his chest, "A larger one has been placed in the hall of heroes in my estate. You shall not be forgotten."

Screndt Faracan

Duke of Aix

Roleplay from Hiddukel Kiri-Jolith (5 hours, 6 minutes ago)

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Hiddukel walked silently towards Falcion's Coffin.

Taking a single knee before it, head lowered in prayer.

Softly the words were murmured.

"Good Lord, I spoke to you seldom, but of you greatly. I did not want to tarnish your reputation with my admiration, but now, I may speak freely.

You were the best Perdan had to offer. None have shown your dedication... Your wisdom, or your eternal loyalty to our great realm. You were the greatest of us all. And now we are in mourning. Your bravery, your Strength, and your Honor has demanded your life. And you have paid it willingly. For that, you shall forever be written in Perdan's history.

In the end, Sir, you died well. There is nothing more a warrior could wish. May your gods grant you rest. Good-bye."

Hiddukel slowly stood, as he turned he saw Zeldi standing nearby, talking to the well-wishers and mourners alike.

He waited for the current group to step away, approaching he began speaking...

"Your Father has left quite a legacy. He has left you with high expectations of greatness from the realm. He has left very large shoes for you to fill...

You will never fill them."

He turned to walk away, saying as he left...

"Never feel you have to. Make your own legacy."

Sir Hiddukel Kiri-Jolith

Marshal of the Perdan Strike Force

Roleplay from Ercc O'Riley (1 hour, 45 minutes ago)

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Ercc stood on a hill distant from the preparations to send off his fellow warrior to the next life. He really never knew him well, but yet respected his role in Perdan's history. Raising his sword high in the air with one hand he pointed the blade to the sky and stared momentarily at the crowd below. Grasping the sword with the other hand as well he then turns the point downward and kneels with the cross of the sword at his bowed head. A final salute to the hero was performed

Ercc O'Riley (Knight of Partora)

Roleplay from Evangeline Uceek

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Evangeline numbly watched the nobles pay their respect. She looked at Zeldi, Casia and Cedric hovering nearby Falcion's body, their eye swollen and bloodshot from tears. The nearby priest held a torch ready, the moment had come to send Falcion on to his final journey.

Stepping forth Evangeline cleared her throat. Watching the still Falcion she re-lived in her own words his time in Perdan.

"Falcion came to Perdan from Atamara, arriving a few days after I joined our mighty realm. While Magnus and Maelg were drinking and joking, Falcion would train himself and his sworddancers. In fact, the first time I met him was in Perdan city, we were both training.

He was my friend well before I was Queen, but as Queen I couldn't ask for a more loyal and honourable knight. To me Falcion embodied what it meant to be noble.

I couldn't have been more proud when Falcion brought home the 1st place swordfighting prize at the tournament I hosted for our year long peace celebration. His training had paid off and he was crowned the best swordfighter on the continent.

Falcion wasn't all seriousness though, I remember the night he drank too much and fell asleep on a ship headed for the SEI. He had to spend two long weeks away from his beloved Perdan until he could fight his way back to the shores he loved.

He will never find himself away from Perdan again."

She smiled ruefully and nodded to the priest who touched the lit torch to the pier. The platform burst into hot orange flames, dark smoke rising into the sky.

Lady Evangeline Uceek

Arch Priestess of Perdan