Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/New Duchy, New Bureaucrats: Difference between revisions

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Edara read the most recent reports on the condition of Nocaneb with gloom: production was up, morale was improving—she reckoned that the festival was helping with that—but, the loyalty of the populace was still resolutely Sartanian. They were working on the infrastructure and patrolling the streets…there was too much unrest to hold court. She was at a complete loss.

Gods…maybe she just wasn’t cut out for this Duchess business…maybe the people were unhappy because she was so young…maybe she should turn the region over to someone with more experience.

Oh…more experience! Arlian!

She penned a quick note and called the messenger. Edara hoped that her future brother could help her…he certainly had the experience. Unless of course…the problem was just with her.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Arlian looked up at the letter, broke the seal and scanned it quickly. He laughed a little, and then made ready to head to the Duchess, following a scribe back to her. After a deep bow, he smiled a little.

"Milady Edara, the production and morale of Nocaneb are far higher than I'd suspect for a region so recently conquered from a hated enemy. Loyalty is low, yes, but given the correspondingly high control...I would guess that you had rebels hung? Yes, I thought so. Well, the region is in little danger, and only time will bring the peasants to Arcaean ways. You are doing just fine."

Arlian's look became wry.

"Your work will come later, once the people are more loyal. Once Nocaneb is beyond the worst, most of the issues will have to be dealt with by you and I. Until then...Time and the army will work the best. Right now, all you have to do is make sure Nocaneb has adequate estates set up."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Edara felt relieved just to hear that they were doing the right things…although she was a little distressed that her orders to hang rebels had been in error. But…estates…

“Arlian…since you mention it…I have noticed that you have not actually done anything with your estates…perhaps you would like to do that? And…would you please not call me “milady”? I know that I am your liege, but I’m going to be your sister…you should just call me Edara.”

She smiled at him, “I do appreciate you coming and speaking with me…I just…I’ve never been in charge of anything before, and it’s a lot of responsibility, and I really don’t want to make any mistakes. I want everyone to be proud of me…especially…Jenred. And…I want to show everyone that their trust in me was not misplaced,” Edara looked at him earnestly.

“I want to be a proper Duchess.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Arlian gaped. How on earth...

"Great gods...I can't believe I forgot that. I was so focused on getting to work...Not enough time today, but I will do that first thing come sunup. Feel like such a blighted idiot..."

Arlian shook his head. An eighteen year old showing him up. That fight must have rattled him more than he thought.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Edara smiled, “It’s all right…I forget things all the time. It’s just that I have so many things going on in my head that sometimes something gets lost in there. It’s funny how it’ll just pop out unexpectedly, though. Like in the middle of the night, I’ll just wake up and remember…or someone will say something and…that will bring it to mind…does that ever happen to you?”

She looked at him thoughtfully, “Probably not…you look like you’re not used to forgetting things. In fact, I bet you rarely ever forget anything…that’s why you’re so aggrieved now.”

She jumped up, “OH…for example, I forgot to offer you any refreshment! Would you like something to eat or drink?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients) Arlian shook his head.

"I forget things fairly often...But rarely anything important. Oh well. Been a long couple of days. And yes, some refreshment would be appreciated."

Well, at least this Edara seemed pleasant enough...

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Edara rang for one of the servants and requested some victuals. After the sullen man had left, she looked at Arlian glumly, “I’m afraid that we are likely to get something…indifferent…even the servants hate me,” she brightened then, “Of course, Idelle and the rest of my household staff will be arriving from Remton soon. She’ll have them whipped into shape in no time…or sent packing…either way, we’ll start getting some better food…and cleaner linens.”

She grinned suddenly at Arlian, “Anyway, I don’t expect that you’re interested in domestic problems. I am interested to hear more about your life in Beluaterra. That’s where my cousin is from…oh, you should meet her…I expect you’ll have a lot in common. Oh! Once we get a proper cook again, Jenred and I will have to have a little party…with all of our family and friends…that will be lovely…but…oh yes…please tell me about this mad daimon infested land of yours.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Arlian winced a little.

"Ah, Edara, you do not want to hear such tales...Death and pain and horrible screams across a whole continent...Terrible. Not the proper conversation with a lovely lady who will shortly be family."

Arlian sat back, trying to change the topic.

"So, this cousin of yours, where is she from specifically? I spent my time in the South, but can remember most of the realms...Who knows, we might have even met...What was her name, again?"

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Edara realized her blunder…Arlian wasn’t partial to death and such…she scrambled to recover.

“Oh…my cousin… Her name is Harmony. Isn’t that just lovely? Makes me think of music and dancing. And, well, you know, I’m not certain where she lived…I haven’t actually met her yet. She’s supposed to be coming round sometime soon to make her oath. She’s my Uncle Dougal’s bastard and I never even knew that she existed until they got here. It’s so exciting to have a new cousin. Really, I can’t wait to meet her. Uncle thinks that we’ll get along famously and I reckon that we will…I like all of my other cousins…” she stilled for a moment, thinking of poor, lost Lek, “I guess maybe Uncle might be glad for another daughter since…he lost one.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Arlian choked a little at some of this, but managed (he hoped) to cover it with a cough.

"Harmony is a lovely name. I'm sure we'll meet soon, being part of the extended family...And, ah..."

Arlian trailed off thankfully as the food and drink arrived.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Harmony watched Goffrey during their ride. He still wasn’t talking, but he wasn’t shaking with nerves anymore, so that was an improvement. She wasn’t entirely certain what she was going to do with him. She had just picked him up to play with, but…then he was so kind…and rather sweet…and he brought her a really lovely gift. Of course, maybe that’s just what these noble-type men did with noble-type ladies.

Lost in her own thoughts, it seemed no time before they pulled up before the castle and alighted. Harmony looked at the impressive edifice and raised her brow…well…her cousin seemed to have done well for herself. Harmony muttered, half-under her breath, “Not farre from hence, upon yond rocky hill, hard by a straight there stands a Castle strong…”* and knocked upon the door.

The servant who opened the door showed them to a parlour where her cousin was enjoying some food and conversation with…oh…blazes…it was the angry man.


Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian looked up at the new arrivals and...Oh. Those two. He mentally replayed the herald's announcement and...Oh, blast...A Baron, and his soon-to-be sister-in-law's cousin. Damn and blast.

Arlian finished sipping his wine and then gestured toward the pair.

"Ah, Edara, these would be the two I mentioned the other day."

Arlian took another sip, appearing nonchalant, and waiting to see how everyone reacted...

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Edara was confused. The two that he mentioned? But, she was already jumping up and going to greet them. “Goffrey, so good to see you again. Jenred is quite convinced that you must have a statue to commemorate you holding off the horde while everyone made good their escape…you were rather wonderful!”

She turned to her cousin, “And Harmony! So good to meet you at last! It is so exciting to have a new cousin…well, not new, you’re not a babe…but new to me, anyway…and Uncle says he’ll explain it, but he hasn’t had a chance yet, so maybe you’d like to, but either way, explained or not…Welcome to the family!” and she threw her arms around Harmony.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

With the euphoric effects of the kiss finally winding they're way down, Goffrey managed to regain enough composer to speak.

"Lady Edara," he said with a wiry grin,"Or should I say Duchess Edara, nice to see you again without a horde of angry peasant folk chasing after you."

He was surprised at how easy the words came out, realizing the sharp contrast between his conversation skills regarding Harmony and those same skills regarding every other woman on the planet.

'Of course it had to be the one I can't seem to speak to,' thought Goffrey bitterly, not entirely sure what he meant himself 'oh the irony.'

Picking his way back into the conversation he looked over Edara shoulder and noticed a rather sullen looking man sitting at a nearby table. Recognition struck suddenly, fallowed closely by shock.

'And things are about to get awkward,' thought Goffrey as he motioned a servant over to bring him a drink.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony was bemused and touched by the effusive greeting her…cousin…gave her, and she was completely surprised by the warm and sincere hug. She hugged her back with equal warmth…she could see that it would be nearly impossible not to like the enthusiastic little red-head…if one could make sense of her speech.

She drew back from Edara’s arms and dropped a curtsey, “Your Grace,” she rose and grinned at her cousin, “It’s really good to meet you as well, but…much as it pains me…I must ask a favour of you when I am barely through the door. I wonder if you would mind very much if I borrowed your dining companion for a moment,” Harmony looked imploringly at Arlian, “I would very much like a word with him in private.”

Edara looked at her in confusion, “Oh, have you met Arlian, then? He’s my Jenred’s brother and is now my knight and chief bureaucrat. Where did you two meet…oh…” She looked from Harmony to Arlian, “Not the…bar fight? Two…Goffrey, too? Harmony nodded at her ruefully.

Harmony addressed Arlian, “Sir, if you would please do me the honour of speaking with me alone…I would truly appreciate it.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian had not taken Edara's apparent dismissal of his initial words well, and he was sure it showed, but Harmony's request...Hm. That was not the look of someone wanting to berate him again.

He rose, bowing to Edara.

"With your leave..."

She nodded, and he gestured towards the door, walking out with Harmony, closing it behind them. He turned to her, and raised his eyebrow in a neutral question, making a small gesture with a hand, turning it out and spreading his fingers, giving her the initiative.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

“Sir Arlian,” Harmony began, “I wish to apologize to you. You were right: Ignorance is no excuse, and I am ignorant of Arcaea and the current political climate. I do not care to be ignorant, and I have taken steps to remedy that, after I leave here, in fact, so that tomorrow I will know the names of all the realms and leaders and who hates us and whom we love…and the shape of the letters, too,” she sighed, “Though, to tell you truly, even if I had known that “S-A-R-T-A-N” spelled Sartan, I did not know that they were our enemy, because I had not yet made time to hear the history.”

She held out her hand to him, “I wish also to apologize for my shocking and unwarranted display of temper. I was unjust, and I hope very much that you will forget everything that I said,” she raised her chin slightly, “I am too proud, and I do not like being in the wrong. Please…won’t you forgive me and take my hand in friendship?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian was quite shocked by this, but nodded in approval, and shook her hand firmly.

"Apology accepted. And...I wish to apologize as well. I was...harsher than I needed to be. I have just...I don't take death well to begin with. The main reason for my current profession."

Arlian hesitated, but decided to speak further.

"I...I believe you mentioned that you had some problems reading, but could memorize things you heard very well. If that is the case, then why not simply have your scribes read to you? I have met many semi-literate nobles in my time who did the same. They could, if they wished, read all of their correspondence...But doing so would be troublesome for them, and they had the sort of head that remembers everything they heard."

Arlian gave a wry grin.

"I, on the other hand...Can't remember anything if I don't read it, and usually have to write it down. I often have to make notes to eat, as I will otherwise forget to do so."

Arlian paused, hoping she would not take this the wrong way....

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Harmony shook his hand with relief; there was one less thing she needed to worry about. She gave him a winning smile, “As it happens, that is exactly what I will be doing. My scribe is preparing the information for me now. Do you really forget things? Even if you’ve read them? Once I hear something…I don’t forget it. It’s one of the reasons that I was so successful in my former…well…I’ve tried learning to read, but the letters…I can’t seem to make sense of them. I can learn the shapes of some words if I make an effort, but it’s always been easier to just have things read to me. Especially now, as I can afford to keep my own scribe,” she added the last rather proudly.

“Now, sir, we are friends and fellow knights, and if I understood my cousin’s little speech correctly, we are to be family as well…therefore, if it chances that a meal is in the offing, I will remember to remind you to eat it,” Harmony said with humour, “Shall we,” she gestured towards the room that they had exited where Goffrey and her cousin awaited.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian laughed.

"Yes, I think we shall...And I will hold you to your promise to remind me to eat!"

Arlian liked her. Knowing one's limits was an excellent trait...But as they walked back in, he was reminded that while Harmony had some excuse...Goffrey did not. In fact, he had even less excuse than Arlian had originally thought. Jenred had told him about his defense at the Inn, and Goffrey was a Baron besides. After bowing to Edara, he turned to face Goffrey.

"Well, milord, it appears that while Lady Harmony realized her mistake and take steps to rectify it...You have no excuse whatsoever."

Arlian's voice chilled. Jenred had asked him to assist Goffrey in any way he could. Well...He was going to assist him in growing a brain stem.

"It appears that not only as a Lord of the Realm should you know better, but as the Hero of the Ambush at the Inn, you know firsthand how hostile the peasants are around here. In fact...With this knowledge, it is reasonable to assume that Lady Harmony might well have trusted your judgment, and believed that you would know your way around. A reasonable assumption...When your knowledgeable companion pays attention!"

Arlian glared fiercely. Let's see if this Lord Goffrey had any sense in him at all...

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Goffrey set the drink he had been nursing down. Goffrey turned towards the man matching his glare with a stare of studied indifference.

"Perhaps we should take this some place more private," he said noting the presence of both Harmony and Edara, doubting that they would be all that comfortable with all the yelling that was about to ensue.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Arlian snorted, turned, and walked into the hall.

"As you will."

After the door closed, he once again stood facing someone, albeit a someone less pleasing to the eye.

"Now. What have you to say for yourself?"

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

So Goffrey told his side of the story to the cross looking man, making it remarkably clear that it, indeed, was entirely his fault and that he was to blame for the whole incident. What exactly distracted him from noticing the sign over the in he mostly glossed over, hoping to avoid further such awkward conversation. Drawing to a close he turned in stared the man dead in the eye.

"I'm sorry," he said with something that might have been resignation "My own ignorance of my surroundings lead the whole incident happening, and any attempt to defuse the situation after that one initial mistake would have been fruitless, a fight was bound to happen as soon as I neglected to read that bar sign."

"I have no excuse, and I'm sorry for any inconvenience my actions may have caused you."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Arlian nodded. His inconvenience wasn't the issue, but...Most did not see it his way, and he would be content with the apology as it was. Besides...

"Apology accepted, Lord Goffrey. But...To be blunt, such inattention seems uncharacteristic of you, from what my brother has told me. And you were obviously not drunk, I would have seen that after the fight. At a guess..."

Arlian glanced toward the door with a small grin.

"Your companion was indeed at some fault...For Lady Harmony was distracting you, was she not?"

Arlian pondered while he waited for Goffrey to get over his sudden hesitation. Jenred was supposed to be quite the suave type from the gossip he'd overheard...And he did want to help Goffrey out...

Arlian grinned a little more.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Goffrey grinned a nervous sheepish grin silently cursing himself for being so easy to read.

"Well...I suppose one could say that," said Goffrey scratching the back of his head in a nervous manner.

'Well at least he seems to have forgiven me,' thought Goffrey,'Although that grin is starting to make me nervous.'

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Arlian's grin grew.

"Well...Might I point out that my brother, who feels he owes you a great debt, is supposed to be a renowned sweet-talker? One who, it seems, can keep his silver tongue even around Lady Edara?"

Arlian always had enjoyed playing matchmaker...

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)

Goffrey turned the implications of what Arlian was saying over in his head.

True Jenred did feel he owed him one, even though Goffrey felt that it was merely his duty he was fulfilling and nothing else. And he would like to have an actual conversation with Harmony for once. Whats the worse that could happen?

"You make an interesting point Sir Arlian, I'll be sure to keep that in mind," said Goffrey thoughtfully.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Arlian nodded. It was up to him now...He gestured toward the room, and they walked back in. After all...Arlian was still hungry.

Hm. His arm didn't hurt as much anymore. Strange.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Nocaneb)