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Just before a battle in Korlok, not much after they first talked.

Letter from Vanya

Greetings, Sir Tengstille,

I am sorry not to have answered you earlier - it seems my mind got lost somewhere between Ibyp and Aboal, along with me training my horse. I just hope he won't give me any problems in the forthcoming battle.

From far, I could see your large unit, and no one can doubt your noble blood, as I see it. You lead them finely, and I am proud to greet you as a knight of Taselak!

If I manage to greet, you, I mean. I know leading 60 men isn't easy, but I can maybe help you by travelling by your side. I can imagine no infantry unit being glad for being outrun by archers... the weak and lady-like archers. Hah! They'll see what archers are made of, when we arrive to Korlok!

What do you think?


Vanya Bluelake (Lord)

Letter from Tengstille

M'Lady Vanya,

It is good to hear from you again! I assumed you were busy, as it is a very busy time for us.

I am pleased to be leading so many fine Taselak soldiers into battle. It is an honour that they follow me. Of course, my Captain Waldor does most of the every day things.

But, M'Lady, I would be absolutely honoured to march to battle in Korlok with you. I can think of nothing that would please me more, except if we were to share a drink on the way there.

Highest Regards,

Sir Tengstille Flightwing (Noble)

Roleplay from Vanya

Vanya got the message just as she started to lift camp. As she saddled Thron, she wondered about her answer. He did have a sweet tongue indeed. No wonder he had spent so little time in Taselak and was already recommended as a noble. Queen Mischa might have even day-dreamed about him eventually, instead of Jonn... Vanya laughed and stopped that line of thinking.

Out of the ordinary, the short lady installed also the saddlebags, one small barrel of ale in one side, two bottles of wine in the other. She didn't quite appreciate wine, but maybe he'd like that. Before writing back, Vanya called up her scouts and sent one of them on a scouting mission through Aboal. She had to know where his camp was, didn't she? Not to mention send the council an estimate of who'd be leaving already.

"Good to hear, Sir Tengstille!

Being so, as soon as my camp is dismantled, I'll head towards yours with my archers, and we shall have a drink, or a few, on our way to Korlok.

Hopefully your captain Waldor can teach a thing or two to my Nicodemus, for I end up having to do most of the work with my men...

For Taselak! Yours, Vanya Bluelake (Lady)"

She sent the letter and rode off to her men, for she was certain they'd need a hand, specially with all the fighting a low cohesive unit had every day.

Roleplay from Tengstille

Tengstille read the reply and smiled. He was pleased to hear she would be coming. He lingered a few minutes before setting off, and sure enough, Lady Vanya arrived not long after, her captain and archers following behind.

Tengstille stood up to greet her. He was not a tall man, but not short either. His dark brown hair fell in curtains to about the length of his cheekbones, and he has a small goatee. He smiles as Lady Vanya.

- Good to meet you at last, M'Lady. I do hope you've come with intention to drink, for that is what goes on in this camp! - Tengstille gave a laugh before waving off his captain. Knowing what to do, the captain and the men take off. Brenen is a swift steed, and Tengstille knows he will be able to catch up easily later on. For now, there was time to stay at camp - Indeed, looking at the other nobles' campsites, he and Vanya were not the only ones making this arrangement.

Tengstille looks again at Lady Vanya.*

- Come, I have something to show you. Oh, and if you're hungry, there is some duck left over. I'm afraid it may be cold, but there you are.

Roleplay from Vanya

Vanya smiled at the young men in front of her. She was glad he wasn't very tall. Next to Sennianus she would look like a kid, but here she would nearly feel "normal". Dismounting and tying the big stud to a tree, her movements were precise, and her eyes, smiling as her face, would look directly into Tengstille's. The light brown hair was almost the only similarity to her sister, and Vanya's eyes were faded to a grayish color, not honey-light as Ilya's.

- Thank you, Tengstille, Sir. - she let out a short laugh - I believe some cold duck would suit perfectly an ale tankard, just before battle!

Vanya took the small barrel from the saddlebags and followed the knight to the duck, only hoping they wouldn't get drunk enough to lose their time notions and the battle...