Bennet Family (Aniri)/Lucilla/Lucilla rp3: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 16:23, 14 November 2017

Lucilla is delayed in the desert...

Travel Report (1 day, 5 hours ago) You find the route more difficult than you guessed, and will take one hour longer for the trip than planned. You make a short stop in Watersdown before you continue your travel to Apokh.

Lucilla had left Heen the previous day. The sun had just started rising over the horizon when she, and her troops, left the capital. They were headed towards Watersdown and they knew they would have to walk through the desert for most of that day before reaching their destination. But it wasn't their first trip on that route, they had walked that way many times before, they knew it by heart, they knew every sand dune, every valley and every rock.

Casimir, the captain of Lucilla's troops was leading the way. Lucilla followed, lost in her thoughts about the battles that lay ahead. Behind her came her troops chatting loudly. The wind was blowing softly causing small grains of sand to swirl around their feet. A few desert birds were flying up above them.

And so they marched, and marched...and marched...

Some time around noon, Lucilla noticed something odd in the air. Something had changed, but she couldn't really make out what. She looked around her...nothing, the desert looked the same. She looked above...nothing...only the blue sky. “ i just imagining things? I don't think so. Something must be different.” And then she noticed, everything was birds in the sky, no movement...

Only moments after she took notice of that, it started. The sky, clear only a few moments before, was darkening and Lucilla could hear a weird sound, a sound she was not familiar with. Casimir turned around and Lucilla noticed the terrified look on his face.

Casimir? What is going on?” she asked.

But Casimir's answer never came. Out of nowhere the wind started blowing, not really strong at first, but rapidly gaining speed and pressure, every moment threatening not only to blow their possessions out of their grasp, but also to lift them in the air. And the sand, which just moments before was forming still golden dunes, was suddenly thrashing at their clothes, stinging their skin, getting in their eyes and their mouths, violently carried by the wind. Lucilla plunged to the ground desperately trying to cover her face to protect herself from the wrath of the storm. She could hear shouts nearby, piercing throw the roaring of the wind. She could not see her men, she could not tell were they were, but what troubled her most was that she did not know when the storm would settle down. She had never been caught by one before...

But Lucilla didn't have time to worry too much, the storm ended as quickly as it had begun. All was still once more, the sand was forming dunes again and the birds were chirping gaily in the sky. Lucilla lifted herself from the ground, patted her clothes unsuccessfully trying to remove the sand and started looking for her men. They were all not very far from her and they managed to gather themselves and their belongings quickly and continue their march.

They arrived in Watersdown a few hours later than they had planned, but unharmed, only a bit shaken by the events of the day.

After a quick stop at the local pub, where they appeased their hunger and had a few glasses of wine to recollect themselves and a few hours of sleep, they continued their march towards Apokh. The orders were to arrive there the next morning...

Travel Report (17 hours, 21 minutes ago) You find the route more difficult than you guessed, and will take one hour longer for the trip than planned.

By the time they set off for Apokh, it was already dark. They marched in the same formation as before, Casimir in front, then Lucilla and then her troops. Lucilla wasn't very accustomed with walking in the desert at night, but Casimir knew the way, and she trusted him. She knew he would lead them on the right way, keeping them far from the dangers of the desert. But she was about to be proven wrong...

They were walking through the night, Lucilla lost in her thoughts and her troops singing a marching song to fight off sleep. Suddenly one of the men uttered a loud shriek. The singing abruptly stopped and they all turned around to see what had happened. One of the men in the back rows was the first to discover what had happened:

There was a small avalanche of sand” he shouted. “I can't see where Ronald is, captain!

They all started searching desperately for him. A few moments had passed until the sand disrupted by one's boots came down, uncovering an arm elbow high out of the sand.

I found him! I found him!

They managed to get him out still breathing, but he didn't look very well...he was in no condition to continue marching.

M'lady, I'm afraid we'll have to stop for a while. And give this man some rest and time to recover.” Casimir told Lucilla.

Will we still be able to make it to Apokh by next morning?” she asked Casimir.

I'm afraid not m'lady

They waited some time before the man had recovered a bit from shock and was able to march again. They arrived in Apokh not in the morning as they had planned, but around noon. They made a short stop to refit and they continued their march towards Suuk.

I hope we will get there in time to catch up with the rest of the army” thought Lucilla.

Travel Report (5 hours, 26 minutes ago) You make a short stop in Apokh before you continue your travel to Suuk.