Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/November '07/Scenes From Naraka: Difference between revisions

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|title = Fror's Battle
|title = Fror's Battle
|date = 10 November 1007
|date = 10 November 1007
|author = [[Baraedor_Family#Jadine_Baraedor|Jadine]]
|author = [[The_Dwarf_Family#Fror_Dwarf|Fror]]
|column 1 = The dust from the battle earlier was settling and the wounded were still struggling back from the front lines. It had been another tough battle with many fellow men going back to the mud.
|column 1 = The dust from the battle earlier was settling and the wounded were still struggling back from the front lines. It had been another tough battle with many fellow men going back to the mud.

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"I wouldnt hang around me for too long, my friends have a habit of getting wounded at the minute"}}
"I wouldnt hang around me for too long, my friends have a habit of getting wounded at the minute"}}
===Jadine Cheers Fror Up===
===Jadine Cheers Fror Up===
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|title = Fror Visits His Comrades
|title = Fror Visits His Comrades
|date = 10 November 1007
|date = 10 November 1007
|author = [[Baraedor_Family#Jadine_Baraedor|Jadine]]
|author = [[The_Dwarf_Family#Fror_Dwarf|Fror]]
|column 1 = Fror thanked Jadine, though she would never know it, she had helped him more in that short while than he ever thought possible. He knew that large odds need large men to stand up to them and this was a time better for none other than himself. He headed from his tent with purpose, with pride and with a many things that needed attending.
|column 1 = Fror thanked Jadine, though she would never know it, she had helped him more in that short while than he ever thought possible. He knew that large odds need large men to stand up to them and this was a time better for none other than himself. He headed from his tent with purpose, with pride and with a many things that needed attending.

Latest revision as of 10:21, 14 February 2009

Scenes From Naraka

The Heenite's had been fighting in Naraka for 24 hours now, and it was starting to take its toll, but it is not in the Heenite's Nature to give up, and as the friends within the realm helped each other get back to their feet, they stood their ground and defeated the Daimons from Vlaanderen. Here are some of the scenes played out by nobles who were involved in the fighting.

Jadine's Battle

Jadine's Battle

10 November 1007 Jadine
Jadine entered Nakara to find a bustling scene of production. People rushing back and forward to the armouries that had been set up by Thrydwulf and Fror. She went immediately to the tent of Thrydwulf, where she found his sitting at his desk looking over his plans, Fror and Erin sitting on the other side of the desk drinking from large flagons. Fror’s large figure looking tired, but nevertheless healthy. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for Erin, who looked terrible, with bandages over his entire ribcage, stained with blood, and his left arm in a sling.

As she entered, Erin and Fror both looked around and immediately Jadine could tell they had been drinking too much again. Through the inebriation of their eyes, she could see they were both exhausted, and decided to perk them up a bit with a little challenge. “Hey, you two look terrible! I’ll easily kill more Daimons than the both of you put together in the next battle!” said Jadine, in a joking voice. Job done, thought Jadine, as they both laughed out loud and accepted the challenge, although as Erin laughed, he started coughing and she didn’t think he’d make it to the battlefield. The look of concern that passed over Fror’s face confirmed her suspicion.

Jadine and Thrydwulf discussed the battle-plans and then the three friends strode out together to mount their steeds. Fror had put a sleeping powder in Erin’s drink after Jadine had pleaded him to do so. There was no way that Erin would be able to kill a Daimon, and would simply be struck down by the first one he came across. That was no way for a Celt to die, in a battle yes, at a slaughter no. She knew that Erin would never know, and would just be convinced that he had drunk too much in his ill state.

The battle lines were drawn, and this was the most perfect formation that Jadine had seen for a long time. Everyone in the right place, everyone moving at the right time. The battle looked a certainty for a Heenite and Monster victory, and the troops moved forward confidently. They could see the mass of archers in the distance, and there was no sign of Arcane, the “God” who was struck down by humans. It seemed to Jadine that he was either very weak, or just a coward.

The monsters on the front line were moving fast towards the archers, but then, out of nowhere it seemed, 3 large daimons attacked. They were carrying the banner of Arcane, and must have healed overnight, from the destructive attack of the Heenites. They moved into the attacking lines of monsters and cavalry, and were destroyed immediately. The damage was done however, and the cavalry charge would not be able to reach its maximum speed before they engaged the archer Daimons, unleashing their bolts of fire.

The battle raged for a long time, with humans, monsters and daimons falling throughout. Eventually, the monsters gave up the field after fighting alone for a while, and the Heenites rejoiced that once again, they had their victory. They had once again destroyed far more force of the Daimons than they had suffered themselves.

After the battle, Jadine went immediately to Thrydwulf’s tent to congratulate him, but found out that he had been wounded as well. Both the Grancourts and both the O’Deagheidhs had been struck down, and it was a sore blow to Jadine’s morale. She went to find Fror and drown her sorrows with him.

As she neared the beer tent Fror had erected, her scouts bought her news that the humans in Vlaanderen were moving in, to attack those who were trying to liberate them.

“Oh well” she muttered to herself, “They seem to be making their choice. Damnation it is then, they’ll find no sanctuary in any realm once Arcane is dealt with. If they do attack us, at least we’ll know who they’re choosing, Daimons or Humans.”

She went inside the tent to catch up with her friend, who had clearly already had too many.

Fror's Battle

Fror's Battle

10 November 1007 Fror
The dust from the battle earlier was settling and the wounded were still struggling back from the front lines. It had been another tough battle with many fellow men going back to the mud.

Fror was still feeling the adrenaline rush of battle, though he was in no mood to celebrate the great battle he had just been apart of. For the second time in a day he had the mis-fortune of seeing a friend struck down, this time from his horse as he rode with his unit besides Fror's.

Thrydwulf was caught by a daimon arrow as his unit charged into the enemy archers. Frors unit was lucky to only withstand another few casualties before pulling back from their charge.

Fror once again made sure that he left no friend behind and picked Trhydwulf from the horse trodden ground and ensured he got back to the Heenite camp safe without further injury.

After leaving Thrydwulf with the best healers Heen had Fror went back to his tent, not in the mood for much company.

After leaving Thrydwulf with the best healers Heen had Fror went back to his tent, not in the mood for much company.

Once back in his tent he moved to his travel chest and picked a bottle of Jopponite whiskey that he had finished creating before the campaign. Sitting behind his desk he then proceeded to poor glass after glass and drown his sorrows.

Before long he noticed a figure standing in the doorway to his tent, casting a shadow over where the big man sat. From the look of the stranger, they had also been in the melee that commensed not more than a few hours previous.

"Come in and shut the tent, im in no mood for bright light at the moment!"

Once the tent had closed, Fror saw that the stranger was none other than his old friend and arch priestess Jadine.

"And to what do i owe this honour?" Fror asked pooring another glass of whiskey.

"I wouldnt hang around me for too long, my friends have a habit of getting wounded at the minute"

Jadine Cheers Fror Up

Jadine Cheers Fror Up

10 November 1007 Jadine
Jadine entered Fror’s tent and saw that the man was clearly hurting. Not the physical pain that everyone had after battle, no, this man was hurting inside. A look of sorrow burned through Jadine as Fror looked up at her. If she didn’t know the man better she’d have thought he had a tear in his eye, but she dismissed the thought.

“My friend, you have not yet fallen, nor have I. They are my friends also, but I fear not for them. Erin, Thrydwulf and Beatrice will be healthy again soon. It is you who I worry about at this time.”

Fror chuckled sinisterly and replied with a low voice “Why worry about me? All I seem to be doing is picking up my friends bodies from the field and taking them to the healers. Battle holds no danger for me, I am a great and powerful man” he said as he stood and rose to a clear foot taller than Jadine, raising his voice as he towered above her, “I have slain hundreds of enemies in my time, and I’ll slay hundreds more. Don’t talk to me about worry Jadi!!!”

Jadine put her hand on his shoulder and pushed gently down, enticing him to take his seat again. “Fror, I’ve known you for over 25 years, you’ve never spoken to me like that before. You need my help and I’m not going to let you push me away. First of all, that’s the last whiskey you’re having for the next couple of hours. Whilst I know that you mainly drink for fun, today you’re drinking for the wrong reasons. What do you think Godfred would say to you if he could see you now.

He brewed in Latlan for years before he was killed by the undead, and he would have told you to buck your idea’s up! He’d want you to put down your drink, sleep it off, and raise the morale of all the troops in the realm, by strapping on your armour, and showing them that the Duke of Latlan never loses hope! He never dismay’s after a battle, no matter what the result, because he knows he can make it right the next time!”

Jadine could see she was getting through to Fror, as the fierce glint in his eyes burned ever brighter. The man still had a grudge to bear on the undead after they had killed his good friend, and one of the best brewers he had known.

“You get out of this tent and you get your troops chomping at the bit for the next battle, then you go and see Erin and Thrydwulf, they were asking about you when I spoke to them briefly earlier. Its amazing where being the Arch Priestess can get you. You’re a great man Fror, but we all need some help from our friends at some point. Maybe I’ll write a song about that someday….”

Jadine smiled at her friend and took the bottle of whiskey as she saw Fror try to hide it. As she walked out the tent she turned to Fror and said “You can have this back after you’ve been to see Thryd.”

Fror Visits His Comrades

Fror Visits His Comrades

10 November 1007 Fror
Fror thanked Jadine, though she would never know it, she had helped him more in that short while than he ever thought possible. He knew that large odds need large men to stand up to them and this was a time better for none other than himself. He headed from his tent with purpose, with pride and with a many things that needed attending.

First stop would be Thrydwulfs tent, the command post for all of Heenite action. As usual, the guards let him pass without a second glance, they knew that they could not stop him even if they tried, and had long since stopped trying.

"Thry......my friend" Fror sighed looking down at the man unconscious on the bed.

"Is he going to be ok" Fror asked the healer standing by a table sorting through different herbs and medcines.

"In a day or so he should be back on his feet" Replied the healer, without even turning to address Fror.

Kneeling down by Thrydwulf, Fror spoke softly, "I will rid these lands of the daimons that did this to you, I give you my oath" And with those words Fror got up and left the tent.

People could see the large figure of Fror walking with purpose around the camp, Frist stop was Thrydwulf, Fror then headed to both Beatrice and Erin's camp. Findout out about his friends well being and then moving on.

Lastly Fror came to a large tent, one that was regal, it was that of his Queens. As he entered, Martana was behind her desk looking over reports from the past day.

Before the tents flaps closed, the guards could overhear both voice clearly.......

"Greetings Duke Fror" Queen Martana said in her strong but kind voice. "What can i help you with ?"

"I would like to request premission to stay here and fight the daimons with the monsters, even if most of Heen heads back home before nightfall."

The tent flaps then closed and both voices became too muffled to hear correctly.

After several minutes Fror appeared and headed back to his camp to give his final address to his men before the evening battle commenced.