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==Bureaucrat in Abington==
==Bureaucrat in Abington==
===Making a noble offer of help===
24 Oct 2007
24 Oct 2007
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''As the scribe almost is out of earshot, Dor hears him say, "I just hope he doesn't make that joke around Callisto's HUSBAND.. otherwise I might have to look for a new boss..."''
''As the scribe almost is out of earshot, Dor hears him say, "I just hope he doesn't make that joke around Callisto's HUSBAND.. otherwise I might have to look for a new boss..."''
Callisto Maximoff, Minister of Finances of Abington, Duchess of Suville
===Battle against Abington after Secession to Suville===
10 Nov 2007
''Dor Grindle is on his way towards Washford, aware that there are undead causing problems, and once the army has destroyed them, the region is likely to need some repair - already, he's heard rumours on his journey that Washford is in bad shape, and he knows his bureaucratic skills will be needed. So, making sure he keeps within the boundaries of the soon-to-be realm of Suville, he makes his way through Werdham.''
''He sees the Washford Lord, Sir Jindo, also in Werdham, and goes over to him, to find him talking to Sir Shirogane.''
'''Dor''': Lord Jindo! I hear that Washford is not in its best shape at the moment, so I have come to assist in any way I can once these troublesome undead have been taken care of.
''Sir Jindo is just about to say something, when one of Dor's alert personal guard shouts a warning. The men turn round, to see a large block of cavalry heading straight for them, under covering archer fire.''
''Dor is sent into a mild panic, as he tries to work out what to do, while Jindo and Shirogane seem to be making much better, quick decisions. He feels his heart beat, trying to break through his ribs, and he has a momentary flashback to his only other experiences of war - defending Redspan against the horrors of a massive Cagilan Empire army.''
''He manages to compose himself, and starts to marshal his troops into a tiny rudimentary box to protect himself from the cavalry, desperately hoping it's the right decision as a flurry of arrows rain in on that box target. He knows he's taken too long to get into position, and moves his men forward so they can get a better shot with their arrows.''
"Damn it," ''he thinks,'' "I should be in a town hall, not in a battle," ''whereupon his thoughts turn to mild terror as the cavalry come towards him at a gallop. His men barely have time to change from arrows to swords, but regardless of their weapon, seven mixed infantry could never be a match for over twice their number on horseback, and he knows it.''
''He calls out to his men to reteat, as he realises that half of Shirogane's men already lie dead at the hands of the cavalry soldiers. If those men can't stop the horses, Dor knows his certainly can't. A horse cuts into the tiny box formation, and with that, the box breaks and Dor and his men run their fastest for cover. He hears the screams of his men as the big cavalry swords cut into them, killing some, and giving others wounds they'll be lucky to recover from.''
''Just as he feels he can run no longer, the cavalry officer comes up to him, and accepts his immediate surrender. It is only then, that Dor sees the banner of Abington trotting towards him on horseback, and another one held in the distance by the archers who started the fighting. He starts to feel dizzy, as the fear of death mixes with the confusion of friendly banners bringing that death.''
''He looks up at the cavalry officer. The officer seems to have a long nose. And a lot of hair. And suddenly whinnies, just as Dor faints.''
''Dor wakes up some time later, in an uncomforable bed, in an unpleasant hut, in what would seem to him, if he had the strength to get up, and uninspiring village on the outskirts of Werdham. But that strength he does not have, and he quickly falls back asleep.''
==Minas Ithil==
===Arrival in Lothruin, Minas Ithil===
19 Nov 2007
''Dor arrives in Lothruin after an exhausting march across the island. Though tired, he has enjoyed the scenery, and been untroubled by other men. He is therefore weary but happy as he finally reaches Minas Ithil.''
''Once in Lothruin, he seeks out the local lord, hoping an allegiance. Dor visits his home, and speaks to the servant when she opens the door.''
'''Dor''': I seek Lord Sidd, is he at home?
'''Servant''': Aye, sir, that he was, but that he is no longer, though that he'll be again.
'''Dor''': ''[looking slightly confused]'' So he's out for a bit?
'''Servant''': Aye, sir, that he be, but back he'll come, and out he'll go again.
'''Dor''': Do you happen to know where I might find any of Minas Ithil's landed gentry nearby?
'''Servant''': Aye, sir, that I knew, but know no longer, but hope to know again.
'''Dor''': ''[looking a mixture of perplexed and frustrated, and handing over a piece of paper]'' Hmm. Well, please can you pass this message on to Sir Sidd for me?
'''Servant''': Aye, sir, that I can't, but know I a man who can, and that he can, that I cannot, and th...
'''Dor''': ''[silencing the lady with a piece of silver]'' Yes, yes, thank you very much.
''The piece of paper reads:''
Lord Sidd,
My name is Dor Grindle, of the realm of Suville. I have left Suville behind me after it becomes clear that my skills are unvalued, and I hope to be of more use to the land of Minas Ithil.
My cousin Crip has told me good things of the realm; you may know him as one of your allies: in the Falasani Black Army. I have therefore travelled from the far south-eastern corner of this island to be in Minas Ithil, and find myself in your region upon my arrival.
I would be glad if you would accept me as a knight of Lothruin, as an initial step for me joining the realm. After that, I should be glad to spend some time in the realm to find the place most suitable for me to set up an estate.
Dor Grindle (Knight of Suville)
===A Cheap New Unit===
20 Nov 2007
''Dor prepares to head out to Crahandan with his newly-recruited troops.''
'''Dor''': Attention!
''Four of the seven men stand still, salute, and then turn round to form a crude line in front of Dor.  The other three look round, confused, and put their arms out protectively as if something's about to jump up and bite them.  Then one makes a joke at another, the other jokes back, and the third pushes them both, and they then make their way to join the line.''
'''Dor''': You three.  Names?
'''Man''': ''[Grinning]''  I'm Tom Goring, this is Dick Button, and this, erm, this is Harry Shirt.
'''Dor''': Right, Tom, Dick and Harry, you can...
''Dor pauses while the men fail to supress a giggle, and Dor's Captain Greimold, a young, nervous man, whispers something in his ear, to make him redden and cross.''
'''Dor''': Yes, Greimold, exactly.  As I was saying, you can, erm, start by telling me your real names.  And after that, you can... ''[looking around]'' ...carry the equipment for me.  About time old Doris had a rest.
''Satisfied that he has won the battle over insubordination with the punishment of carrying the equipment he'd usually take with an ox-cart, Dor soon learns from them that they are in fact called Lamb, Kale and Fennel.''
'''Dor''': Ok, men.  You have been recruited for police work, but I hope for you to be trained for battle should battle come to us.  For not always do battles give warning of their coming that we might find protection from them.
''Dor's face turns slightly pale as he remembers back to his [http://wiki.battlemaster.org/index.php/Grindle_Family/DorRP#Battle_against_Abington_after_Secession_to_Suville last battle].  He puts the thoughts to one side, and continues to command his small band.''
'''Dor''': Our first job is to head north to the neighboring region, that we might find a scout or two to add to our number.  Any questions?
'''Man''': Sir?
'''Dor''': Yes - your name?
'''Man''': Jacob, sir.  ''[waits for Dor to nod before continuing with his question]''  Which, erm, which way is north, sir?
'''Dor''': ''[sighing and pointing north]''  To Crahandan.
'''Jacob''': Oh, yes, sir, of course, thank you.
'''Dor''': Please gather by the trees over there ready to move in five minutes.
''Lamb, Kale and Fennel wander away, joking with each other and letting out huge laughs before Kale shouts something at Jacob causing more giggles between them.  Jacob, ignoring the teasing, takes part in a confused conversation with the remaining three troops, and the four of them walk towards the trees.''
'''Dor''': Jacob!  Men!  Your packs!
''Jacob and the other three men turn round, looking sheepish, and come back to collect their baggage before heading back to the trees.''
''Dor rolls his eyes, receiving a sympathetic nod from his captain, and wonders if he should have spent a bit more in the recruitment centre.  But they looked fine there... only out here they seem, well, a little less well trained than he'd hoped.''
===Meat and Two Veg===
22 Nov 2007
''Dor Grindle's three most annoyingly useless men, Lamb, Kale and Fennel, sit eating stolen chicken nearby to a small village. They were meant to be helping perform some civil work in the village, but after their civil work brought them to a hen coop, they decided it was time to deal with their civil rights, most specifically the right of soldiers to a full belly.''
'''Fennel''': ''[winking as he walks back to the village]'' Right boys, I'm off to get our new boots.
'''Lamb''': Bye! ''[to Kale, grinning]'' So, this Dor, bit pathetic, isn't he?
'''Kale''': ''[laughing]'' What a moron, Lewis. Can't believe he accepted your joke about meat and two veg!
'''Lewis/'Lamb'''' Well, Steve, seems as if we could tell him just about anything and he'd believe us. What a lemon!
'''Steve/'Kale'''' No meat but two lemons! ''[laughing]'' Think we're going enjoy being in this 'army', eh.
'''Lewis/'Lamb'''' And to think we get paid more now to eat chicken than we used to get to work all day in that slum in Shanandoah...
'''Steve/'Kale'''' ''[sniggering]'' Chicken and two veg...
''Lewis's and Steve's snide giggles and enjoyment of chicken are broken ten minutes later by the return of 'Fennel' from the village, looking grumpy.''
'''Steve/'Kale'''' Ant?
'''Anthony/'Fennel'''' ''[looking very angry]'' Queynte! Dor noticed about the boots. He noticed something wrong with the dates, and went through it until he found the error.
'''Steve/'Kale'''': Damn him! So we're not getting our new boots?
'''Anthony/'Fennel'''': No. No new boots. And not just that - but we're back to doing Doris's work, and with no rations of ale for three days!
''The three of them sit and curse together as they finish off the remains of the bird.''
===Sir Count Baron===
22 Nov 2007
''Jacob, and Dor's remaining three more respectful troops, Juthri, Beng and Sampson, completed their civil work eventually.  It took them a while, since they took a long time to work out that it was easier to rebuild a stone wall from bottom to top than from left to right, but they worked hard, and eventually received approval from Dor.  They then sat in the village square, watching the peasants walk past.  Then a nobleman came into sight - clearly not a peasant, from the fine clothing and noble air.''
'''Juthri''': Who's that then?
'''Beng''': ''[laughing]'' That's Jacob, you dunce!
'''Juthri''': No - down there - the man with all the finery.
'''Beng''': Oh!  I thought you meant Jacob, there!
'''Juthri''': Yes, I know that, but I didn't - who's the rich man then?
'''Beng''': Should have known that you wouldn't be asking Jacob's name!  ''[laughs]''
'''Jacob''': You already know my name - it's Jacob!
'''Juthri''': Yes, I kno-h never mind.  ''[points at the noble]''  That.  Who is that?
'''Sampson''': ''[finally paying attention to the conversation instead of untying a knot in his bootlaces]'' Baron.
'''Beng''': No it's not - there's no Baron here.
'''Juthri''': Isn't there?
'''Beng''': No, it's Count, erm, Count whatsit.
'''Sampson''': Connor.
'''Juthri''': Who's he?
'''Sampson''': Count.
'''Beng''': Count what, silly?  There's only one of him.
'''Sampson''': ''[flicking Beng's ear]'' Count Connor.
'''Juthri''': So that's Count Connor?
'''Sampson''': No.  Baron.
'''Jacob''': Yeah, Juthri, that's ''Baron'' Conner - don't you listen?
'''Sampson''': No.  Not Baron Connor.
'''Juthri''': See - ''you'' don't listen.  He's not a Baron, he's a Count.
'''Beng''': So he's Count Conner?  Or Baron Conner?  Sampson?
'''Sampson''': No.  Just Baron.
'''Beng''': He's the Just Baron Connor?
'''Juthri''': There's no such thing as a Just Baron, Bengi!
'''Beng''': But he said...
'''Sampson''': That's his name.  Just - Baron...  Baron...  ''Sir'' Baron.
'''Jacob''': ''[Looking up from biting his nails]'' Sir Baron?  But you can't have a Sir Baron.  Either Sir Connor, or Baron Connor, but not Sir Baron Connor.  Don't you?
'''Beng''': No Jacob, silly, it's Sir Count Connor, we already did that bit.
'''Juthri''': Bengi, he's Count Conner.  You can't have a Sir Count.
'''Sampson''': No!  He's just Baron.  Sir Baron, erm... Sir Baron J Elite Shadow.
'''Beng''': Huh?  I'm going to go and ask him who he is!  ''[grins and runs off]''
'''Jacob''': So which one's Baron Connor?
===Sir Baron Count===
20 Dec 2007
Soon after the main battle of Elost:
''Sir Dor Grindle, in Elost to support with bureacratic work, is none too pleased to find himself embroiled in a battle.  His 7 men are not well-equipped for fighting, and he keeps them back as long as possible.  Finally a runner from the Marshal instructs him to go forward.''
''Steve, Lewis and Anthony deal with their fright by running forwards into the fighting masses screaming obsceneties, and that is the last Dor sees of them.  After finding himself drawn into a skirmish on the edge of the battle, Dor parries one sword lunge, and retreats with his remaining four men.''
''Dor leaves the seriously wounded Sampson with healers in Elost, and with just Jacob, Beng and Juthri, he heads for the capital, musing over a wasted few days.  Four good men lost - well, one good man lost and three cretins lost, but lost all the same.  No time to make any improvements to the region as planned.  And now it appeared Elost would be taken back by Norland.  Dor sighs.  A bad time indeed.''
'''Beng''': ''[chattily]'' So that was Elost then?
'''Dor''': ''[tiredly]'' Yes, Beng.  And I don't think you'll be seeing it again for a while.
''Dor walks on ahead, talking to his scribe about something Beng can't hear - and wouldn't understand if he could.''
'''Beng''': So who runs Elost then?
'''Jacob''': Baron, I think.
'''Beng''': Yes, silly, I know it's a Baron, but who is the Baron?
'''Jacob''': It's Baron, Beng.
'''Beng''': Me!?  ''[laughs and struts around pompously]''  Then as Baron Beng of Elost, I command you to give me your ale rations!
''Jacob's ale ration comes out of his pocket in the form of a full flask, and strikes a friendly blow across Beng's forehead.''
'''Beng''': Hey!  What was that for!?
'''Jacob''': Beng, you are certainly never going to be Baron of Elost!  The Baron of Elost is Baron Baron.
'''Beng''': No it's not, stop pulling my leg, you're taking advantage of me now!
'''Jacob''': Honestly, it is.  Baron Baron.
'''Beng''': Stop it!  I may be stupid enough to believe you yesterday with the bet about paying me if I died in the battle, but I'm not falling for this one!  Juthri, who's the Baron of Elost?
''Juthri, having been chatting to a soldier from another troop, joins the conversation.''
'''Juthri''': Well, I'm not sure now, Beng.  It certainly was Baron Baron.
'''Beng''': Wh- Really?  Baron Baron!?  Should I change my name to Soldier, so I can be Soldier Soldier?  ''[laughs at his joke]''
'''Juthri''': Yes, Beng.  It really was Baron Baron.  But-
'''Jacob''': Was?
'''Juthri''': Yes - but I think he's stepped down as Baron, so this man was saying. ''[gestures to the soldier he'd been talking to before]''
'''Beng''': So who's in charge now?
'''Jacob''': I don't believe it, he can't have stepped down, he's only just been appointed.  It must still be Baron.
'''Juthri''': No, I'm sure he has.  So probably that means... probably it's Count in charge now.
'''Beng''': Ok, I think... If I get this right, will you give me some ale?  ''[Jacob and Juthri roll their eyes and nod]''  So it was Baron Baron, but now he's Count Baron?  ''[grins]''  Well, that is certainly less confusing, I can see why they changed it.
'''Juthri''': No, Beng, not Baron in charge any more.  Now it's Count.
'''Beng''': That's what I said!  Give me the ale!  ''[holds out his ale flask]''
'''Juthri''': No, no, Beng, Count's Baron now so that doesn't count.  It was Baron Baron but now it's Baron Count, not Count Baron.  Baron Count is no-longer-Baron Baron's brother Count.  So that ''[pointing at the flask]'' is going to remain barren; you can count on that.
'''Beng''': ''[faltering as he fails to keep up]''  Brother Count?  Is he a priest?  A priest in charge of Elost?
'''Jacob''': Oh, Beng, listen.  Baron and Count are brothers, and Baron was in charge of the region.  And I think he still is.
'''Juthri''': No, it's defintely Count.
'''Beng''': Count Count instead of Baron Baron?  ''[grins then ducks and takes a couple of steps away from Jacob, who swings his ale fash at Beng's head again]''
'''Jacob''': It can't be Baron Count now, I'm sure I saw him earlier and he didn't look like a Baron.  It must still be Baron.
'''Juthri''': Well it's not Baron, so it must be Count.  Here - let's ask this noble.
''Juthri and Jacob go over to a noble who is marching his troops close to them on the road.''
'''Jacob''': Sir.  ''[bows]''  Please would you tell me who is currently Baron of Elost?
'''The noble''': Sir Vinnie, of course.
''Jacob and Juthri look at each other in disbelief as the noble raises an eyebrow and walks on.''

Latest revision as of 13:11, 20 December 2007

Bureaucrat in Abington

Making a noble offer of help

24 Oct 2007

[Letter from Dor to Duchess Callisto, his liege]

Duchess Callisto,

I'm sure Suville will benefit soon from your expert control. Let me know if I can be of any assistance in raising the population of this fine city.

Dor Grindle (Knight of Suville)

- - - - -

Dor's scribe reads back what he's written and surpresses a smirk. "You are offering generous and noble support, sir...".

"I am offering the Duchess my firm support, yes," agrees Dor, who then turns to watch his scribe hurriedly complete the seal and snigger his way out of the room, much to his bemusement.

Dor Grindle (Knight of Suville)

- - - - -

[RP from Callisto]

As the scribe almost is out of earshot, Dor hears him say, "I just hope he doesn't make that joke around Callisto's HUSBAND.. otherwise I might have to look for a new boss..."

Callisto Maximoff, Minister of Finances of Abington, Duchess of Suville

Battle against Abington after Secession to Suville

10 Nov 2007

Dor Grindle is on his way towards Washford, aware that there are undead causing problems, and once the army has destroyed them, the region is likely to need some repair - already, he's heard rumours on his journey that Washford is in bad shape, and he knows his bureaucratic skills will be needed. So, making sure he keeps within the boundaries of the soon-to-be realm of Suville, he makes his way through Werdham.

He sees the Washford Lord, Sir Jindo, also in Werdham, and goes over to him, to find him talking to Sir Shirogane.

Dor: Lord Jindo! I hear that Washford is not in its best shape at the moment, so I have come to assist in any way I can once these troublesome undead have been taken care of.

Sir Jindo is just about to say something, when one of Dor's alert personal guard shouts a warning. The men turn round, to see a large block of cavalry heading straight for them, under covering archer fire.

Dor is sent into a mild panic, as he tries to work out what to do, while Jindo and Shirogane seem to be making much better, quick decisions. He feels his heart beat, trying to break through his ribs, and he has a momentary flashback to his only other experiences of war - defending Redspan against the horrors of a massive Cagilan Empire army.

He manages to compose himself, and starts to marshal his troops into a tiny rudimentary box to protect himself from the cavalry, desperately hoping it's the right decision as a flurry of arrows rain in on that box target. He knows he's taken too long to get into position, and moves his men forward so they can get a better shot with their arrows.

"Damn it," he thinks, "I should be in a town hall, not in a battle," whereupon his thoughts turn to mild terror as the cavalry come towards him at a gallop. His men barely have time to change from arrows to swords, but regardless of their weapon, seven mixed infantry could never be a match for over twice their number on horseback, and he knows it.

He calls out to his men to reteat, as he realises that half of Shirogane's men already lie dead at the hands of the cavalry soldiers. If those men can't stop the horses, Dor knows his certainly can't. A horse cuts into the tiny box formation, and with that, the box breaks and Dor and his men run their fastest for cover. He hears the screams of his men as the big cavalry swords cut into them, killing some, and giving others wounds they'll be lucky to recover from.

Just as he feels he can run no longer, the cavalry officer comes up to him, and accepts his immediate surrender. It is only then, that Dor sees the banner of Abington trotting towards him on horseback, and another one held in the distance by the archers who started the fighting. He starts to feel dizzy, as the fear of death mixes with the confusion of friendly banners bringing that death.

He looks up at the cavalry officer. The officer seems to have a long nose. And a lot of hair. And suddenly whinnies, just as Dor faints.


Dor wakes up some time later, in an uncomforable bed, in an unpleasant hut, in what would seem to him, if he had the strength to get up, and uninspiring village on the outskirts of Werdham. But that strength he does not have, and he quickly falls back asleep.

Minas Ithil

Arrival in Lothruin, Minas Ithil

19 Nov 2007

Dor arrives in Lothruin after an exhausting march across the island. Though tired, he has enjoyed the scenery, and been untroubled by other men. He is therefore weary but happy as he finally reaches Minas Ithil.

Once in Lothruin, he seeks out the local lord, hoping an allegiance. Dor visits his home, and speaks to the servant when she opens the door.

Dor: I seek Lord Sidd, is he at home?

Servant: Aye, sir, that he was, but that he is no longer, though that he'll be again.

Dor: [looking slightly confused] So he's out for a bit?

Servant: Aye, sir, that he be, but back he'll come, and out he'll go again.

Dor: Do you happen to know where I might find any of Minas Ithil's landed gentry nearby?

Servant: Aye, sir, that I knew, but know no longer, but hope to know again.

Dor: [looking a mixture of perplexed and frustrated, and handing over a piece of paper] Hmm. Well, please can you pass this message on to Sir Sidd for me?

Servant: Aye, sir, that I can't, but know I a man who can, and that he can, that I cannot, and th...

Dor: [silencing the lady with a piece of silver] Yes, yes, thank you very much.


The piece of paper reads:

Lord Sidd,

My name is Dor Grindle, of the realm of Suville. I have left Suville behind me after it becomes clear that my skills are unvalued, and I hope to be of more use to the land of Minas Ithil.

My cousin Crip has told me good things of the realm; you may know him as one of your allies: in the Falasani Black Army. I have therefore travelled from the far south-eastern corner of this island to be in Minas Ithil, and find myself in your region upon my arrival.

I would be glad if you would accept me as a knight of Lothruin, as an initial step for me joining the realm. After that, I should be glad to spend some time in the realm to find the place most suitable for me to set up an estate.

Dor Grindle (Knight of Suville)

A Cheap New Unit

20 Nov 2007

Dor prepares to head out to Crahandan with his newly-recruited troops.

Dor: Attention!

Four of the seven men stand still, salute, and then turn round to form a crude line in front of Dor. The other three look round, confused, and put their arms out protectively as if something's about to jump up and bite them. Then one makes a joke at another, the other jokes back, and the third pushes them both, and they then make their way to join the line.

Dor: You three. Names?

Man: [Grinning] I'm Tom Goring, this is Dick Button, and this, erm, this is Harry Shirt.

Dor: Right, Tom, Dick and Harry, you can...

Dor pauses while the men fail to supress a giggle, and Dor's Captain Greimold, a young, nervous man, whispers something in his ear, to make him redden and cross.

Dor: Yes, Greimold, exactly. As I was saying, you can, erm, start by telling me your real names. And after that, you can... [looking around] ...carry the equipment for me. About time old Doris had a rest.

Satisfied that he has won the battle over insubordination with the punishment of carrying the equipment he'd usually take with an ox-cart, Dor soon learns from them that they are in fact called Lamb, Kale and Fennel.

Dor: Ok, men. You have been recruited for police work, but I hope for you to be trained for battle should battle come to us. For not always do battles give warning of their coming that we might find protection from them.

Dor's face turns slightly pale as he remembers back to his last battle. He puts the thoughts to one side, and continues to command his small band.

Dor: Our first job is to head north to the neighboring region, that we might find a scout or two to add to our number. Any questions?

Man: Sir?

Dor: Yes - your name?

Man: Jacob, sir. [waits for Dor to nod before continuing with his question] Which, erm, which way is north, sir?

Dor: [sighing and pointing north] To Crahandan.

Jacob: Oh, yes, sir, of course, thank you.

Dor: Please gather by the trees over there ready to move in five minutes.

Lamb, Kale and Fennel wander away, joking with each other and letting out huge laughs before Kale shouts something at Jacob causing more giggles between them. Jacob, ignoring the teasing, takes part in a confused conversation with the remaining three troops, and the four of them walk towards the trees.

Dor: Jacob! Men! Your packs!

Jacob and the other three men turn round, looking sheepish, and come back to collect their baggage before heading back to the trees.

Dor rolls his eyes, receiving a sympathetic nod from his captain, and wonders if he should have spent a bit more in the recruitment centre. But they looked fine there... only out here they seem, well, a little less well trained than he'd hoped.

Meat and Two Veg

22 Nov 2007

Dor Grindle's three most annoyingly useless men, Lamb, Kale and Fennel, sit eating stolen chicken nearby to a small village. They were meant to be helping perform some civil work in the village, but after their civil work brought them to a hen coop, they decided it was time to deal with their civil rights, most specifically the right of soldiers to a full belly.

Fennel: [winking as he walks back to the village] Right boys, I'm off to get our new boots.

Lamb: Bye! [to Kale, grinning] So, this Dor, bit pathetic, isn't he?

Kale: [laughing] What a moron, Lewis. Can't believe he accepted your joke about meat and two veg!

Lewis/'Lamb' Well, Steve, seems as if we could tell him just about anything and he'd believe us. What a lemon!

Steve/'Kale' No meat but two lemons! [laughing] Think we're going enjoy being in this 'army', eh.

Lewis/'Lamb' And to think we get paid more now to eat chicken than we used to get to work all day in that slum in Shanandoah...

Steve/'Kale' [sniggering] Chicken and two veg...

Lewis's and Steve's snide giggles and enjoyment of chicken are broken ten minutes later by the return of 'Fennel' from the village, looking grumpy.

Steve/'Kale' Ant?

Anthony/'Fennel' [looking very angry] Queynte! Dor noticed about the boots. He noticed something wrong with the dates, and went through it until he found the error.

Steve/'Kale': Damn him! So we're not getting our new boots?

Anthony/'Fennel': No. No new boots. And not just that - but we're back to doing Doris's work, and with no rations of ale for three days!

The three of them sit and curse together as they finish off the remains of the bird.

Sir Count Baron

22 Nov 2007

Jacob, and Dor's remaining three more respectful troops, Juthri, Beng and Sampson, completed their civil work eventually. It took them a while, since they took a long time to work out that it was easier to rebuild a stone wall from bottom to top than from left to right, but they worked hard, and eventually received approval from Dor. They then sat in the village square, watching the peasants walk past. Then a nobleman came into sight - clearly not a peasant, from the fine clothing and noble air.

Juthri: Who's that then?

Beng: [laughing] That's Jacob, you dunce!

Juthri: No - down there - the man with all the finery.

Beng: Oh! I thought you meant Jacob, there!

Juthri: Yes, I know that, but I didn't - who's the rich man then?

Beng: Should have known that you wouldn't be asking Jacob's name! [laughs]

Jacob: You already know my name - it's Jacob!

Juthri: Yes, I kno-h never mind. [points at the noble] That. Who is that?

Sampson: [finally paying attention to the conversation instead of untying a knot in his bootlaces] Baron.

Beng: No it's not - there's no Baron here.

Juthri: Isn't there?

Beng: No, it's Count, erm, Count whatsit.

Sampson: Connor.

Juthri: Who's he?

Sampson: Count.

Beng: Count what, silly? There's only one of him.

Sampson: [flicking Beng's ear] Count Connor.

Juthri: So that's Count Connor?

Sampson: No. Baron.

Jacob: Yeah, Juthri, that's Baron Conner - don't you listen?

Sampson: No. Not Baron Connor.

Juthri: See - you don't listen. He's not a Baron, he's a Count.

Beng: So he's Count Conner? Or Baron Conner? Sampson?

Sampson: No. Just Baron.

Beng: He's the Just Baron Connor?

Juthri: There's no such thing as a Just Baron, Bengi!

Beng: But he said...

Sampson: That's his name. Just - Baron... Baron... Sir Baron.

Jacob: [Looking up from biting his nails] Sir Baron? But you can't have a Sir Baron. Either Sir Connor, or Baron Connor, but not Sir Baron Connor. Don't you?

Beng: No Jacob, silly, it's Sir Count Connor, we already did that bit.

Juthri: Bengi, he's Count Conner. You can't have a Sir Count.

Sampson: No! He's just Baron. Sir Baron, erm... Sir Baron J Elite Shadow.

Beng: Huh? I'm going to go and ask him who he is! [grins and runs off]

Jacob: So which one's Baron Connor?

Sir Baron Count

20 Dec 2007

Soon after the main battle of Elost:

Sir Dor Grindle, in Elost to support with bureacratic work, is none too pleased to find himself embroiled in a battle. His 7 men are not well-equipped for fighting, and he keeps them back as long as possible. Finally a runner from the Marshal instructs him to go forward.

Steve, Lewis and Anthony deal with their fright by running forwards into the fighting masses screaming obsceneties, and that is the last Dor sees of them. After finding himself drawn into a skirmish on the edge of the battle, Dor parries one sword lunge, and retreats with his remaining four men.

Dor leaves the seriously wounded Sampson with healers in Elost, and with just Jacob, Beng and Juthri, he heads for the capital, musing over a wasted few days. Four good men lost - well, one good man lost and three cretins lost, but lost all the same. No time to make any improvements to the region as planned. And now it appeared Elost would be taken back by Norland. Dor sighs. A bad time indeed.

Beng: [chattily] So that was Elost then?

Dor: [tiredly] Yes, Beng. And I don't think you'll be seeing it again for a while.

Dor walks on ahead, talking to his scribe about something Beng can't hear - and wouldn't understand if he could.

Beng: So who runs Elost then?

Jacob: Baron, I think.

Beng: Yes, silly, I know it's a Baron, but who is the Baron?

Jacob: It's Baron, Beng.

Beng: Me!? [laughs and struts around pompously] Then as Baron Beng of Elost, I command you to give me your ale rations!

Jacob's ale ration comes out of his pocket in the form of a full flask, and strikes a friendly blow across Beng's forehead.

Beng: Hey! What was that for!?

Jacob: Beng, you are certainly never going to be Baron of Elost! The Baron of Elost is Baron Baron.

Beng: No it's not, stop pulling my leg, you're taking advantage of me now!

Jacob: Honestly, it is. Baron Baron.

Beng: Stop it! I may be stupid enough to believe you yesterday with the bet about paying me if I died in the battle, but I'm not falling for this one! Juthri, who's the Baron of Elost?

Juthri, having been chatting to a soldier from another troop, joins the conversation.

Juthri: Well, I'm not sure now, Beng. It certainly was Baron Baron.

Beng: Wh- Really? Baron Baron!? Should I change my name to Soldier, so I can be Soldier Soldier? [laughs at his joke]

Juthri: Yes, Beng. It really was Baron Baron. But-

Jacob: Was?

Juthri: Yes - but I think he's stepped down as Baron, so this man was saying. [gestures to the soldier he'd been talking to before]

Beng: So who's in charge now?

Jacob: I don't believe it, he can't have stepped down, he's only just been appointed. It must still be Baron.

Juthri: No, I'm sure he has. So probably that means... probably it's Count in charge now.

Beng: Ok, I think... If I get this right, will you give me some ale? [Jacob and Juthri roll their eyes and nod] So it was Baron Baron, but now he's Count Baron? [grins] Well, that is certainly less confusing, I can see why they changed it.

Juthri: No, Beng, not Baron in charge any more. Now it's Count.

Beng: That's what I said! Give me the ale! [holds out his ale flask]

Juthri: No, no, Beng, Count's Baron now so that doesn't count. It was Baron Baron but now it's Baron Count, not Count Baron. Baron Count is no-longer-Baron Baron's brother Count. So that [pointing at the flask] is going to remain barren; you can count on that.

Beng: [faltering as he fails to keep up] Brother Count? Is he a priest? A priest in charge of Elost?

Jacob: Oh, Beng, listen. Baron and Count are brothers, and Baron was in charge of the region. And I think he still is.

Juthri: No, it's defintely Count.

Beng: Count Count instead of Baron Baron? [grins then ducks and takes a couple of steps away from Jacob, who swings his ale fash at Beng's head again]

Jacob: It can't be Baron Count now, I'm sure I saw him earlier and he didn't look like a Baron. It must still be Baron.

Juthri: Well it's not Baron, so it must be Count. Here - let's ask this noble.

Juthri and Jacob go over to a noble who is marching his troops close to them on the road.

Jacob: Sir. [bows] Please would you tell me who is currently Baron of Elost?

The noble: Sir Vinnie, of course.

Jacob and Juthri look at each other in disbelief as the noble raises an eyebrow and walks on.