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== Gnaeus - Leader of Men ==
== Gnaeus [[Unti Family|Unti]]- Life of Suffering ==

'''The Journal of Gnaeus'''<br>
[[Unti Family/Gnaeus/Journal|'''The Journal of Gnaeus''']]<br>
“The past that lead to my arrival here is a complicated one. At a young age I was drafted into the Oligarch army, given basic training and sent to battle during the Coimbra Campaign. During my term I often found myself doing battle among the trees and against the defenders of the star crown as well as the warriors of democracy on occasion. Thus I was there during the battle of Braga when Sir [[Unti Family/Antonio|Antonio]] Unti finally fell in battle at the hands of commander Jain Sun. He had proven to be a dangerous opponent during the war, single handedly defeating most of the forward scouts and raiders and killing many of my regiment along with a few others.” Gnaeus paused a moment seeming lost in the past, “I remember the battle well….. [[Unti Family/Antonio|Antonio's Death]] (Look for the title ''A small note'')

…..”I alone survived that fateful encounter. The courts of the Coimbrian king were a wonder to behold for one such as I, but I could not stay long, my duty lay elsewhere and Olgarans were not welcome. When I returned to Oligarch city I stopped at the ancestral manor of the Unti house to deliver the sad news on my way to the barracks. A strange people the Unti’s were, they welcomed me as an equal and said it was alright, that I need not be sad. The evening seemed to go on forever with highborn nobles treating me like I mattered, until finally the uncle approached with an offer that would change my life; a place in their house, not as a servant, but as a son.”
'''Accomplishments of Gnaeus'''<br>
[[Unti Family/Gnaeus/Demo Draft|Foundation of the Kalmar Island Democracy]] (with Veber Klotz, and [[Darby Family/Tomaas|Tomaas Darby]])

“I was stunned to say the least, but he was instant, saying that my courage and honour proved I was worthy and that Antonio would have agreed. In the end I was convinced, what other choice did I have, and so I rose to the rank of noble and began my education.
'''Soldiers of the Iron Guard'''<br>
Total served: 200
Killed in Action: 200
===The Life of Gnaeus===
The life of Gnaeus is one of hardship and despair. Born a peasant he could look forward to a life of constant toil and service to his betters and an early grave. Alas poor Gnaeus would not even be granted this relatively happy life, for at the age of 12 he was drafted into service for the Oligarian army and after a short but brutal training session was sent to fight in the Coimbra Campaign.  
Somehow surviving the normally brief life of an expendable soldier Gnaeus fulfilled the dying wish of Antonio Unti and took the man's great sword to the king of Coimbra. Surviving the courts of the enemy Gnaeus went to Oligarch city for the first time in his life to tell the family the bad news.

“It has been a long road but finally I was deemed ready to make my own way in the world. Still I could not fight for Oligarch, for I had often served under the various nobles of the land of my birth. So when my adopted sister returned with tales of the valour and nobility of the Republic of Avamar my choice was clear and here I came to make a name for myself.
What came next would be the only good thing in his life; the Unti family, for reasons unknown, adopted the peasant boy as one of their own. During the next few years Gnaeus spent his time in the Unti Manor, learning all the things he needed to know to be a noble, or at least as best he could. Having a great deal of trouble with reading and writing and the Unti's have an equal trouble teaching him it was eventually decided that a scribe would have to do that for him. Finally deemed ready Gnaeus made his way out into the world, joining the realm of Avamar where he'd herd from his new sister all men were free.

Soon after Avamar was destroyed by the kingdoms of Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Fontan and the unimpressed Gnaeus fled to Ubent where he soon became disillusioned with the Ubent spirit.

One day he met a pair of, what he first thought were traveling clowns, but quickly realized them to be a wandering lord and his knight, El Cid Rogala and Artanus Bladefist. Over the next few weeks the two spoke to Gnaeus at great lengths about many fantastical stories and adventures, which the simple born boy enjoyed immensely. Fast becoming friends with the wandering lord he swore an oath of fealty and took to wandering with him. Eventually they wandered to Kalmar Island.

'''Soldiers of the Iron Guard'''
It was here that the wandering lord put a master plan into action, toppling the weak king and becoming the new lord of the islands. All during these dark times Gnaeus remained by his lord, being a man who put great stock in the feudal system, though his compassionate arguments against his lord's proclamations lost him much favour.

Total served: 36
However the tyranny that his lord had formed was not to last, the wandering lord arranged that Gnaeus, a man who understood the suffering of the downtrodden transformed the nation into a place where all men truly were free, becoming the first Chancellor of the Kalmar Island Democracy.
Wounded: 12
Setting out careful laws for the governance and freedom of the people Gnaeus did his best to make a nation that his real parents and his idol, Antonio, would be proud to call home. Unfortunately Gnaeus' lack of a proper education left him somewhat disadvantaged and soon he had no choice but to step down. He was confident that the people would continue on without his rule and left to study further hoping that he would be worthy to lead the Assembly again upon his return.
Killed: 14
Alas when Gnaeus returned he found a nation that would more likely disgust Antonio than anything else. The careful laws that he had made had been cast to the dirt and the people lived in a constant state of anarchy and fear. Trying to correct the problem as best he could the simple Gnaeus was quickly lost in the myriad of political games that had corrupted the nation and failed. Watching frustrated and helpless Gnaeus latched onto the political movement that would see the island split in twain.
The wandering lord had left long ago, but his kin, One Rogala, was about to build a nation of his own. Swearing fealty to the new lord Gnaeus joined the Avamar Selective, and became lord of Alvralet, only to discover that some dark god had corrupted it beyond measure. Tasadar Bladefist, judge of the realm declared just laws of honour and virtue, but quickly seemed to succumb to a dark force and began to rampage across the land in senseless slaughter. When Gnaeus beseeched his new lord to halt the wayward judge One refused, either a coward or a simpleton Gnaeus knew not which, though in reality he too had succumb to the dark taint.
With nothing left to do but desperately cling to a few shreds of sanity that remained, Gnaeus declared his region no longer part of the courts of Avamar Selective where those fearing persecution could flee. The judge sent soldiers to quell the rebellion but they were defeated by the multitude of knights that swore fealty to Gnaeus and soon after One declared that the region be off limits to the judge. The hound thus leashed Gnaeus tried his best to help the people rebuild their lives.
Alas an assassin's blow soon felled the judge, the knights and refugees of Alvralet wasted no time and stormed the city, disposing of One as ruler. Gnaeus warned them that this would not solve their plight since the man was still duke but they refused to listen. The victorious knights called for Gnaeus to join them in celebration, but he refused saying that the actions this day would cause nothing but more hardship for the innocent and that he'd have nothing to do with it. Thus he remained neutral. However the hound Tasadar arrived in his land possibly seeking refuge, but Gnaeus would not allow him a moments peace and challenged him to a duel till death. Unfortunately for poor Gnaeus, whatever dark taint had gripped Tasadar made him more then a match for the former peasant and he only barely survived.
While still healing within the care of the clerics the next misfortune befell him. The new judge, a Knight of Alverlet, Aunt Emilia did not trust her former lord and declared him banished from the island for his refusal to support them. As the army approached Alverlet the wounded Gnaeus had no choice but to flee since it was his knights that now marched against him. Thus for his efforts he was hunted across the island.
Sending correspondence ahead to Ubent, Gnaeus prepared himself to a life of quiet contemplation and study not wanting to again adventure into the world. Alas en rout to his one time home the soldiers of Fontan captured the still wounded man and brought him to their judge. The judge demanded to know what plots were in effect in his nation and when Gnaeus could not provide the answer he was sentenced to death.
Thus in the dead of night Gnaeus, peasant born, and full of hope met his end in the dungeons of Fontan. Learn well reader, for this is the fate of those who believe in dreams and kindness.

Latest revision as of 22:49, 29 November 2006

Gnaeus Unti- Life of Suffering

The Journal of Gnaeus

Accomplishments of Gnaeus
Foundation of the Kalmar Island Democracy (with Veber Klotz, and Tomaas Darby)

Soldiers of the Iron Guard
Total served: 200
Killed in Action: 200

The Life of Gnaeus

The life of Gnaeus is one of hardship and despair. Born a peasant he could look forward to a life of constant toil and service to his betters and an early grave. Alas poor Gnaeus would not even be granted this relatively happy life, for at the age of 12 he was drafted into service for the Oligarian army and after a short but brutal training session was sent to fight in the Coimbra Campaign.

Somehow surviving the normally brief life of an expendable soldier Gnaeus fulfilled the dying wish of Antonio Unti and took the man's great sword to the king of Coimbra. Surviving the courts of the enemy Gnaeus went to Oligarch city for the first time in his life to tell the family the bad news.

What came next would be the only good thing in his life; the Unti family, for reasons unknown, adopted the peasant boy as one of their own. During the next few years Gnaeus spent his time in the Unti Manor, learning all the things he needed to know to be a noble, or at least as best he could. Having a great deal of trouble with reading and writing and the Unti's have an equal trouble teaching him it was eventually decided that a scribe would have to do that for him. Finally deemed ready Gnaeus made his way out into the world, joining the realm of Avamar where he'd herd from his new sister all men were free.

Soon after Avamar was destroyed by the kingdoms of Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Fontan and the unimpressed Gnaeus fled to Ubent where he soon became disillusioned with the Ubent spirit.

One day he met a pair of, what he first thought were traveling clowns, but quickly realized them to be a wandering lord and his knight, El Cid Rogala and Artanus Bladefist. Over the next few weeks the two spoke to Gnaeus at great lengths about many fantastical stories and adventures, which the simple born boy enjoyed immensely. Fast becoming friends with the wandering lord he swore an oath of fealty and took to wandering with him. Eventually they wandered to Kalmar Island.

It was here that the wandering lord put a master plan into action, toppling the weak king and becoming the new lord of the islands. All during these dark times Gnaeus remained by his lord, being a man who put great stock in the feudal system, though his compassionate arguments against his lord's proclamations lost him much favour.

However the tyranny that his lord had formed was not to last, the wandering lord arranged that Gnaeus, a man who understood the suffering of the downtrodden transformed the nation into a place where all men truly were free, becoming the first Chancellor of the Kalmar Island Democracy.

Setting out careful laws for the governance and freedom of the people Gnaeus did his best to make a nation that his real parents and his idol, Antonio, would be proud to call home. Unfortunately Gnaeus' lack of a proper education left him somewhat disadvantaged and soon he had no choice but to step down. He was confident that the people would continue on without his rule and left to study further hoping that he would be worthy to lead the Assembly again upon his return.

Alas when Gnaeus returned he found a nation that would more likely disgust Antonio than anything else. The careful laws that he had made had been cast to the dirt and the people lived in a constant state of anarchy and fear. Trying to correct the problem as best he could the simple Gnaeus was quickly lost in the myriad of political games that had corrupted the nation and failed. Watching frustrated and helpless Gnaeus latched onto the political movement that would see the island split in twain.

The wandering lord had left long ago, but his kin, One Rogala, was about to build a nation of his own. Swearing fealty to the new lord Gnaeus joined the Avamar Selective, and became lord of Alvralet, only to discover that some dark god had corrupted it beyond measure. Tasadar Bladefist, judge of the realm declared just laws of honour and virtue, but quickly seemed to succumb to a dark force and began to rampage across the land in senseless slaughter. When Gnaeus beseeched his new lord to halt the wayward judge One refused, either a coward or a simpleton Gnaeus knew not which, though in reality he too had succumb to the dark taint.

With nothing left to do but desperately cling to a few shreds of sanity that remained, Gnaeus declared his region no longer part of the courts of Avamar Selective where those fearing persecution could flee. The judge sent soldiers to quell the rebellion but they were defeated by the multitude of knights that swore fealty to Gnaeus and soon after One declared that the region be off limits to the judge. The hound thus leashed Gnaeus tried his best to help the people rebuild their lives.

Alas an assassin's blow soon felled the judge, the knights and refugees of Alvralet wasted no time and stormed the city, disposing of One as ruler. Gnaeus warned them that this would not solve their plight since the man was still duke but they refused to listen. The victorious knights called for Gnaeus to join them in celebration, but he refused saying that the actions this day would cause nothing but more hardship for the innocent and that he'd have nothing to do with it. Thus he remained neutral. However the hound Tasadar arrived in his land possibly seeking refuge, but Gnaeus would not allow him a moments peace and challenged him to a duel till death. Unfortunately for poor Gnaeus, whatever dark taint had gripped Tasadar made him more then a match for the former peasant and he only barely survived.

While still healing within the care of the clerics the next misfortune befell him. The new judge, a Knight of Alverlet, Aunt Emilia did not trust her former lord and declared him banished from the island for his refusal to support them. As the army approached Alverlet the wounded Gnaeus had no choice but to flee since it was his knights that now marched against him. Thus for his efforts he was hunted across the island.

Sending correspondence ahead to Ubent, Gnaeus prepared himself to a life of quiet contemplation and study not wanting to again adventure into the world. Alas en rout to his one time home the soldiers of Fontan captured the still wounded man and brought him to their judge. The judge demanded to know what plots were in effect in his nation and when Gnaeus could not provide the answer he was sentenced to death.

Thus in the dead of night Gnaeus, peasant born, and full of hope met his end in the dungeons of Fontan. Learn well reader, for this is the fate of those who believe in dreams and kindness.