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* THE newspaper for the most recent updates on the south!
* THE newspaper for the most recent updates on the south!
* Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Irombrozian government, merely a general accounting for the public, or just of the editors.
* Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Irombrozian government, merely a general accounting for the public, or just of the editors.
May 13, 2007- The recent slow-down in articles is due to the fact that we had to move the press it was being printed on. We invaded Ruefillo and began a TO which we quickly came to regret: we were soundly trounced by a Riombaran contingent. Then we fell back to Irombro in bits and pieces... closely hounded (even beaten to the gates in some circumstances) by the Riombaran army. We lost that battle as well. The past few days have seen Bolkenia brutally ripped from our hands (again), Irombrozia's walls being smashed to pieces (again), important government officials wounded, imprisoned, or leaving (again), and great courage, devotion, and bravery being demonstrated by Irombrozians one and all (again). Yes, this is... just another incident. Just another time we have to run away to other regions. Maybe it will end up worse (losing Bolkenia makes that seem probable), but maybe we'll recover. Time will tell.
==Celebratory Assault==
May 8, 1007- In celebration of my return, the courageous nobles of Irombrozia have practically spontaneously launched an assault on Ruefillo. In a well-fought battle the 2k defending garrison was crushed and a friendly TO has begun even as the 12k Riombaran forces in Bolkenia seem to be advancing upon us, as do troops from Glongin and Ardmore. It will be a glorious and beautiful death!
==The Return of the King==
May 6, 1007- Break out the national anthem, raise the banners high because... I'm back! Yes, that's right, King Hireshmont Vellos I, your friendly neighborhood king and propagandist, has returned to Irombrozia after a vacation in the remarkably chilly weather of Toren. Seems big changes have happened since I left and, much to my surprise, Riombara still exists. Sad really. Anyways, Rio is TOing Bolkenia... here's hoping they catch some kind of fatal disease or something...
==Another Victory in Irombro!==
May 2, 1007- After the battles which proved unfortunate for Irombrozia in Ardmore, Ruefillo, and Rii Irombrozian forces slowly gathered in Irombro as Riombaran forces TOed Rii. The TO failed and, just as Irombrozia began refitting in earnest, Riombara assaulted the walls of Irombro. Family funds were called in by many TLs to help out the cause of Irombrozia and the Riombaran forces were pushed back and several were wounded. Yet another victory for Irombrozia, though, with Eylmon seceded, KoA expanding, LdB weakening, Enweil barely holding it's own, and OG fighting against our far northern allies, the coming days shall be trying times for Irombrozia.
==Scattered Battles==
April 27, 1007- The last week or so has been largely uneventful. The RIM moved into Ruefillo and began yet another TO. When Riombara approached the RIM attempted a move to Ardmore but many were caught along the way. Soon after, three battles broke out in Ruefillo, Ardmore, and Rii. All were losses for Irombrozia but reports indicate substantial Riombara losses were suffered in Rii and Ardmore. About 5k Irombrozian forces and 6-7k Riombaran forces were involved in the fighting.
==Stopped Again in Ruefillo==
==Stopped Again in Ruefillo==

Latest revision as of 05:49, 14 May 2007

The Free South Times
Cost: We're a low budget paper, so we must charge 1 gold per issue. Editors-in-Command: Amekal and Hireshmont Vellosspace Volume: 4
The Only Newspaper in the Southlands worth reading!
  • THE newspaper for the most recent updates on the south!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Irombrozian government, merely a general accounting for the public, or just of the editors.


May 13, 2007- The recent slow-down in articles is due to the fact that we had to move the press it was being printed on. We invaded Ruefillo and began a TO which we quickly came to regret: we were soundly trounced by a Riombaran contingent. Then we fell back to Irombro in bits and pieces... closely hounded (even beaten to the gates in some circumstances) by the Riombaran army. We lost that battle as well. The past few days have seen Bolkenia brutally ripped from our hands (again), Irombrozia's walls being smashed to pieces (again), important government officials wounded, imprisoned, or leaving (again), and great courage, devotion, and bravery being demonstrated by Irombrozians one and all (again). Yes, this is... just another incident. Just another time we have to run away to other regions. Maybe it will end up worse (losing Bolkenia makes that seem probable), but maybe we'll recover. Time will tell.

Celebratory Assault

May 8, 1007- In celebration of my return, the courageous nobles of Irombrozia have practically spontaneously launched an assault on Ruefillo. In a well-fought battle the 2k defending garrison was crushed and a friendly TO has begun even as the 12k Riombaran forces in Bolkenia seem to be advancing upon us, as do troops from Glongin and Ardmore. It will be a glorious and beautiful death!

The Return of the King

May 6, 1007- Break out the national anthem, raise the banners high because... I'm back! Yes, that's right, King Hireshmont Vellos I, your friendly neighborhood king and propagandist, has returned to Irombrozia after a vacation in the remarkably chilly weather of Toren. Seems big changes have happened since I left and, much to my surprise, Riombara still exists. Sad really. Anyways, Rio is TOing Bolkenia... here's hoping they catch some kind of fatal disease or something...

Another Victory in Irombro!

May 2, 1007- After the battles which proved unfortunate for Irombrozia in Ardmore, Ruefillo, and Rii Irombrozian forces slowly gathered in Irombro as Riombaran forces TOed Rii. The TO failed and, just as Irombrozia began refitting in earnest, Riombara assaulted the walls of Irombro. Family funds were called in by many TLs to help out the cause of Irombrozia and the Riombaran forces were pushed back and several were wounded. Yet another victory for Irombrozia, though, with Eylmon seceded, KoA expanding, LdB weakening, Enweil barely holding it's own, and OG fighting against our far northern allies, the coming days shall be trying times for Irombrozia.

Scattered Battles

April 27, 1007- The last week or so has been largely uneventful. The RIM moved into Ruefillo and began yet another TO. When Riombara approached the RIM attempted a move to Ardmore but many were caught along the way. Soon after, three battles broke out in Ruefillo, Ardmore, and Rii. All were losses for Irombrozia but reports indicate substantial Riombara losses were suffered in Rii and Ardmore. About 5k Irombrozian forces and 6-7k Riombaran forces were involved in the fighting.

Stopped Again in Ruefillo

April 20, 1007- After refitting as fast as possible and moving out, Irombrozia forces successfully invaded Ruefillo and held it for a day, beginning a TO. Unfortunately, a Riombaran army gathered in Glongin and Ardmore. It attacked with about 7.5k, defeating the 5k Irombrozian forces in Ruefillo who decided to remain in region to try and repel the attack. Unfortunately, Irombrozia was defeated decisively, and is now in full retreat to Irombro. But, on the upside, the Irombrozian sacrifice may have bought time for the Luz de Bian army which, soon after the battle, finished a TO on Bym, returning it to rightful Luz de Bian sovereignty.

Victory in Irombro!

April 16, 1007- It has been long since we have published here. Our largest contributor, King Hireshmont, was deported and, soon after, Baiko was made Regent, holding the de facto title of Queen, as per King Hireshmont's last orders. In the past few days and weeks little has occured on our front except for troop manuevering and rebuilding our army after our ill-fated jab at Ruefillo. Another was made, and failed, leading to a scattered retreat, but few casualties. Then we slowly made our way to Irombro from Bolkenia and a few were left behind due to oversleeping, and were defeated. A new Royal Treasurer was appointed after Kazm was captured. Congradulations Destruidor! But the big news today is that a 8.5k CS Riombaran force hurled itself at our walls, manned by 5.2k CS Irombrozian troops. Irombrozia scored a victory, despite strong winds which made the bulk of our army, archers, less effective, and despite not being set up to defend a fortress. This is a day of hope for Irombrozia.

The Crucible

April 6, 1007- These are hard times for Irombrozia. We had been achieving victories and expanding our army for some time, but it seems things have turned now. Fate has shown her other side again. We marched our army into Ruefillo and began a TO just as Riombara completed the TO of Grehk. Due to misshaps in the chain of command our 7k army was unable to move out in time, and was utterly crushed by the 14k Riombaran force. We withdrew to Irombro, and were again defeated, though not as heavily. In that battle, I, King Hireshmont Vellos, was captured. It seems now that I will be deported. Meanwhile, a Riombaran detachment lurks in Ruefillo and Alluranian forces loot and pillage Bolkenia and Cagamir. They wage a dirty war. In these times we pray that Qyrvagg will give us strength, and that we will stay strong, and even be strengthened by these conflicts.

Stalemate... to victory

March 30, 1007- Though the initial battle was a not decisively won by either side, it is now clear that Irombrozia came out stronger. Both of KoA's primary traders, among them their royal treasurer, have been in our dungeons, and their trading funds confiscated to supply the Irombrozian army. Other than that, all prisoners have been treated with due respect. In the aftermath of the battle Bolkenia was raised from merely controlled by military occupation to a full province of Irombrozia, and it's production, morale, and loyalty are at or higher than they were prior to the battle. Irombrozia's economy flourishes, food piles up as in Eno reports come out of the peasants eating leather to get nutrition. The Irombrozian army refits in Irombro, getting a sort of mid-week tax from the 300-500 gold gained from Alluranian and Riombaran prisoners. Speaking of Riombaran prisoners, Morir, one of Riombara's most successful and dangerous infiltrators, has been captured. It is the hope of many Irombrozians that he will be banned before he escapes but, being as skilled as he is, that may be quite difficult. All the same, this battle has gone from a marginal victory to a decisive one. With tax coming soon, the Irombrozian army will likely expand to a larger size than it has been able to for the past few weeks or months.


March 28, 1007- The day after Irombrozian forces withdrew from Ruefillo, allies arrived from Luz de Bia, unfortunately became engaged in a battle with enemy troops present there and lost some troops. But, all the same, some 2-4k Luz de Bian forces aided Irombrozia in this most recent strike at KoA. The KoA force in Bolkenia divided up a bit and became vulnerable to attack... so we attacked it. In a narrow battle, 7k vs. 7k, Irombrozia was "defeated" despite taking somewhat lighter casualties, and capturing several Alluranian TLs, among them their primary trader Altheda and their Count of Xween, Caligio or some such thing. Now, outnumbered Alluranian forces seem to be in full retreat to Eno as we mop up the mess.

Battles in Ruefillo

March 24, 1007- A day or two ago 4.5k CS Irombrozian forces invaded Ruefillo, and was narrowly defeated by the defending and fortified Riombaran forces, largely due to bad weather for the archers. In a second day, in which some Irombrozian reinforcements arrived, another narrow defeat was suffered by Irombrozia. Finally, in a third go at fighting (after a brief lull), Irombrozian forces attacked a third time and achieved a decisive victory. Now, Ruefillo is occupied by a scattered and broken Riombaran force as Irombrozia moves out, and most of Rio's knights in the area are nursing their wounds.

Bolkenia Liberated!

March 17, 1007- After losing a series of battles in Bolkenia and Ruefillo, we have finally achieved victory. Luz de Bia distracted KoA in Xween and reduced their military power while we invaded Bolkenia. A friendly TO was begun and people immediately began flocking to our banner. KoA invaded with 3-3.5k CS and was stopped dead by our 4.5k CS present. The TO has succeeded, Dimian has been captured, Kazm has been reappointed as banker, and Gwinevere has been reinstated as Countess of Bolkenia. This is truly a good day for Irombrozia.


March 10, 1007- For the first time in a while there is true, definite good news. In a short and easily won battle in Bolkenia a small RIM detachment crushed the units of 3 KoA stragglers, among them King Dimian himself (who was wounded). Immediately a friendly TO was begun as Distorted shouted and screamed in the streets of the evils of Irombrozia. With Luz de Bia apparently perhaps also present on the other side of Eno, a victory and TO in Bolkenia, perhaps we will begin to retake territory, and strike out again?

Close Battle in Ruefillo

March 8, 1007- In a close battle in Ruefillo where Alluranian forces had about 4.5k, and we had about 3.5k, we were, again, defeated. But, we inflicted more or less even casualties on the enemy... better than previous times. Luckily, we just got taxes, so as we return to Irombro to refit, we hope to be able to launch a strong campaign either against the Kingdom of Alluran, or to aid our Luz de Bian allies elsewhere.

Defeat in Ruefillo

March 2, 1007- Yesterday our 5k CS was defeated in Ruefillo by about 9-10k Riombaran CS. We fought bravely... and were defeated. We had begun a TO, but it was broken. We now refitt in Irombro and pray that the TO in Bolkenia fails. The sturdy peasantry of Bolkenia have shown remarkable resilience... but we wonder how long it can last. The KoA garrison steadily increases as they make maximum use of the high income of Eno as well as a superior number of troop leaders. Yet we still persevere, and hope that our sacrifice makes it possible for our allies to win victories in our stead.

Persistence and Perseverance

February 27, 1007- The 24 of February we had another battle in Bolkenia. Again, Irombrozian forces were outnumbered by about 1,000 or 2,000 CS. Again, we were defeated. As King Marc's funeral is held in Irombro, along with Lou's, we re-arm to prepare again. Thanks to the generosity of several foreign donors and the families of many Irombrozians we are not as weak as we might have been. The usual debates are going on about who we want to make bleed more... Riombara or Alluran... such a decision!

Battle and Sorrow in Bolkenia

February 21, 1007- After a day or two of verbal battle beforehand, the battle in Bolkenia took place. The heavily infantry-centered force of the Kingdom of Alluran lined up on one side and our army gathered for an attack on the other. Though we were defeated the TO was broken (this was.. what, the 3rd or 4th TO overall, and the 2nd or 3rd brutal TO?) and Alluranian forces are in full retreat back to Eno. Though this was a tactical loss for Irombrozia... we do not feel so at loss. Now the whole realm works to refit and recruit and get Bolkenia back in shape. It is feared that Bolkenia may soon become a wasteland due to constant conflict between us and the Kingdom of Alluran.

Brutality in Bolkenia

February 18, 1007- For the past two days, a hostile takeover was running in Bolkenia. As expected, it failed, barely even having an effect on the stalwart region. There was one accidental incident of looting, yet it was quickly punished. But then, despite Alluran's claims that it did not condone brutality, a brutal takeover was begun right after the hostile one failed! Peasant partisans have risen up in the wake of an attack by the Alluranian noble Vika upon the local peasantry. Vika has been punished by the Alluranian officials, but this war seems to be taking an ugly turn. Torture, looting, murder, and brutality seem to be the tone that KoA is determined to set. We pray that the Alluranians may change their ways and behave as nobles instead of dogs.


February 16, 1007- The push failed in it's purpose. We recruited soldiers (a bit fewer than was hoped for), and assaulted Rii, encountering a bit more than was expected. We were defeated (though inflicted some casualties... not enough, but some). Our forces dispersed and hid, but many were engaged in Ruefillo, further weakening them. Then, Riombaran forces moved north for their anticipated TO of Grehk, thus leaving us largely free... so we thought. The Kingdom of Alluran sent in about 5k CS in Bolkenia. There was a brief incident of looting, due to one young Alluranian disobeying orders, but that's all been cleared up now. We in Irombrozia are gleeful that we have survived Riombara's onslaught, and now merely have to face 5k enemy CS... a piddling number compared to the 14k Riombara threw at us!

The First Push

February 14, 1007- Today, we are gathering troops for our first attempt at driving out the Riombarans. Troops are gathered and, according to preliminary reports, CS is right about where we expected it to be, and Riombaran troops are doing exactly what we expected them to. We'll keep you updated on events in Irombro. The IRF is doing everything in it's power to coordinate with the Royal Irombrozian Military these days, and we hope to see good results. In other news, the Republic of Fwuvoghor has signed a federation treaty with us, and declared war on Riombara! We hope to see RoF victories in the next few days and weeks, and will continue to pray for our northern allies and comrades.

Occupied Territory

February 13, 1007- Well, that's what Irombrozia is now. Occupied territory. Bolkenia has about 5 of our TLs in it, with about 3 Riombarans. But, the Riombarans have about 1100 CS there, we have about 550. We have about 700 CS in Irombro, and Riombara has about 2500 CS. Rii is occupied by just over 4k Riombaran CS. A hostile TO (thankfully not a brutal one!) is occurring in Rii, and rumours are spreading that King Marc's body may soon be returned. As our armies gather in the strongpoints from the Sack of Irombro, our emergency plans are put in action. Irombro has weathered this storm before, and we can do it again. Though the Riombarans have successfully taken control of the Artisan's Quarter, and parts of the Peasant Quarter, of the city, the IRF remains in control of the Government Quarter, most of the Peasant Quarter, and the aforementioned strongpoints throughout the city. Our patrol units still have not withdrawn from occupied areas, but instead are lurking about, waiting for a chance to strike back, but for now evading the Riombarans. Soldiers gather in the catacombs and strongpoints: we will strike back.

Riombara Finally Attacks!

February 11, 1007- Today, the walls of Irombro have again been assaulted. The mere 4k defenders (due to the majority of our army being stationed in Eno or Bolkenia, and weakened by the battle in Eno) was not present, thus the 14k Riombarans had an easy victory as they abandoned their takeover of Rii. It is with great sadness that we report that, once again, the capitol of our fair realm is suffering from enemy occupation. As both our duke and ruler are held captive in enemy realms, and almost half of our nobles lie wounded or just now recovering from wounds, and our army is strewn between Eno and Irombro, hope is dark. Yet we trust to Qyrvagg, as we did in the last battle in the streets. And we trust in the stalwart peasantry of Irombro, and hope that they will stand by us.

Action, Reaction

February 10, 1007- In response to Fronen and other nation's threats against the Republic of Fwuvoghor, today, Irombrozia joined in a combined arms assault on Eno with Enweil and Luz de Bia! In the brilliant battle the forces of Alluran were completely smashed, while Riombaran forces worked to retake Rii.

Rii Liberated!

February 4, 1007- We apologize for the long delay in articles! After our defeat in Ardmore, we returned to Irombro to refitt. We spent two full taxes building up our forces, and moved out to Rii a day and a half ago. A Hostile TO was begun a day ago, and it succeeded, surprisingly, this morning! In a mere 24 hours the people of Rii rejoined us! Large civil work efforts have already been begun, and production is almost up to full. Roads are being rebuilt, and the school system is being implemented and given top priority. Meanwhile, the announcement has been made that Count Scurtingbord shall be reinstated in Rii. There is much rejoicing in Irombrozia today that Rii has been returned to us. Many are calling for an advance to Ardmore, to try and TO it!

Defeat in Ardmore

January 26, 1007- Yesterday, 10k Riombaran forces moved into Rii... just behind our forces, who moved out to Ruefillo one step ahead of Rio, abandoning our TO. Then, we, in conjunction with Enweil and LdB, struck into Ardmore. In a roughly 12.5k vs. 16.5k battle, we were defeated rather heavily, with about 10k of Riombaran forces left standing, and only about 1-2k LdB forces remaining. This is a total defeat for our side. Yet, it is also important to note the location of the defeat. Defeat in ARDMORE. That's the farthest north our armies yet have gone.

TO in Rii!

January 23, 1007- A day or two ago, Treasurer Kazm began a TO of Rii under High Marshall Renee's orders. Due frequent visits by Riombaran "beaurocrats", the people of Rii have been brainwashed into supporting Riombara. Thus, we are forced to use a hostile means of taking over the region. All the same, no looting is occurring, and peasant clashes are being kept to a minimum. Unfortunately, Qyrvaggian priests have refused to enter the region and support the TO. Though Qyrvaggian priests have never done this for Irombrozia in the past, it was hoped that with me, Amekal's half-brother, as King, they might be more cooperative. It would seem not.

Victory and Defeat

January 17, 1007- Today is a day of mixed emotions in Irombrozia. On the one hand, our army lies in shambles. We lost lots of good men in Ruefillo yesterday, and our army was utterly destroyed by Riombara's (nearly twice as big). But, meanwhile, good fortune has set in elsewhere! Luz de Bia succeeded in liberating Glongin while we fought in Ruefillo, and Heen has essentially won it's war. The duchy of Latlan has joined Heen, thus signaling the end of Vice and, with it, Hedonism. Soon Varyamo Nolvo too will probably meet it's end, we expect. Truly, Qyrvagg has blessed our western friends and allies. May he continue to do so!


January 15, 1007- As the political chaos continues in Fronen, tossing back and forth, seemingly breaking Fronen to pieces, in Enweilieos there is a bubble of happinness. Today, Prime Minister Retravic was married to King Hireshmont. Thus, Prime Minister Retravic is now known by Irombrozians as Queen Retravic, and Hireshmont, presumably, would be known to Fwuvoghorians as First Man Hireshmont. This is a day of celebrations and joy in Irombro. In a grand gesture of goodwill and well-wishing, the honorable Duke Possibility declared a holiday for January 16th in Enweilieos. The entire city has come out to celebrate the wedding. The Enweilians sure know how to be hospitable! Rio has public execution as a social event, and Enweil has royal marriages as a social event... what a contrast!

Revolution! or not...

January 14, 1007- Yesterday, word arrived in Irombrozia that a rebellion is breaking out in Fronen, led by Grimbaldus. In the ruler channel, it has become clear that the gist of the matter is this: Enzeru, Grimbaldus, and Krider are the leaders of a Monarchist party, seeking to make Fronen into a monarchy. On the other side, we have Alexius and Cedric, leading the Republican party. Enzeru, before stepping down to give Grimbaldus the Prime Minister's post, sent all dukes into Exile, to prevent them from seceding or using their post to help the Republicans in the rebellion. This newspaper awaits a conclusion to these affairs. We pray that Qyrvagg will be with those involved, and grant them his strengthe and courage. May this trial strengthen and envigorate those who survive it. Fronen shall be in our prayers.

Continental Chaos!

January 10, 1007- As Irombrozian forces proudly scattered a small Riombaran detachment in Ruefillo, strange news floods in. It seems Roland, Duke of Twillen, has aquired the allagiance of every knight in Irombrozia! Duke Torrero has cried out in outrage. Meanwhile, reports show that a huge number of respected region lords have defected to Sint (a gigantic Sintian conspiracy, eh? Who'd a thunk it!), and many Sintians have become rogue. No, not a Sintian conspiracy, a coup! Probably Ashbornian in nature. Meanwhile, huge quantities of gold have been vanishing (probably stolen by the low-life adventurers of course), and strange events have occurred. The priests say that signs of undead are no more than usual but... perhaps this is a new kind of invasion. Twice, we were invaded by undead. Now perhaps the angry spirits of the world have been called up, and they run amuck, causing chaos among the nations. Many rulers around Beluaterra have called a cease fire, fearing that activity might worsen the problem and further agitate the spirits. But, some brave rulers have decided to carry on through this cataclysm. These are strange times we live in, when the judge of KoA for some reason is able to send messages to everyone in Irombrozia. Strange times indeed, when rulers are cast down due to unknown causes and new ones spring up. We pray that Qyrvagg will keep us safe. So far, there has been little to no action of the spirits in Irombrozia, other than the aforementioned changes of allegiance. We pray that it will remain so, and that Qyrvagg will continue to keep us safe.

Campaign Through the Hinterlands

January 4, 1007- For the past day or two, the Royal Irombrozian Military has been engaged in a practice exercise through the foreign lands adjacent to Irombro. A small Riombaran detachment was cleared out in Ruefillo but, other than that, things were uneventful.

Celebration in the Streets: A Wedding

January 1, 1007- As the peasants welcome the arrival of summer (OOC- it's BM summer right now) and the mystics and sages say the year has turned to a new Year-Age (OOC- year), good news has come from our King. He has found a fitting Queen. But, here, we'll let you read his words for yourself: "Letter from Hireshmont Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients) Greetings, rulers of the world!

A few days back, I spoke to you concerning my search for a wife. Quickly, I found, from among candidates from several realms across the continent, a wife of surpassing intelligence, character, strength, beauty and, coincidentally, power. I knew her long ago in the realm of Oligarch. She was not exactly a close confidant, but I did know her some. In my time on this continent, I have seen her name pop up several times and, more recently, worked closely alongside her on many occasions. She has been a vital ally in bringing more nations into the CCA, and working alongside her has, as I said, shown me her excellent qualities as a noble, and as a lady.

Thus it is with great joy that I announce that Prime Minister Retravic has accepted my proposal of marriage, and will become my wife, and the Queen of Irombrozia as well as Prime Minister of the Republic of Fwuvoghor (so long as her people vote for her, that is).

The exact date and details of our marriage are being worked out as we speak, and I hope that each of you may have as much fortune as I in finding a spouse of quality and character, to love and to live alongside.


Hireshmont King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force"

Defeat in Rii

December 30, 1006- Today, 6.3k CS of Riombarans swooped down upon our 5.4k CS in Rii, and defeated us. We put up a valiant fight, but lost, and are now retreating to Irombro. Unfortunately, our King Hireshmont is not with us. He lies wounded in Rii, brought down by a lance through the shoulder from cavalry who hit his archer unit. We regroup, and hope Qyrvagg will protect King Hireshmont, and that we may refitt quickly.

TO Continues

December 29, 1006- The TO continues as some 8k of Riombaran forces gather on the horizon in Ardmore. Maybe we can beat them, maybe we can't. Time will tell. In the meantime, we wonder where King Marc's body is, yet to be returned, or for a date of return to be set. Current peasant casualty count of Rii is 4. 4 peasants have died. They tried to attack our troops, ardent patriots that they are. We admire their courage, and do not envy them their stupidity.

Invasion of Rii!

December 28, 1006- After the execution of King Marc and our defeat in Rii, we took a while to recover. We waited for King Marc's body to be returned, but our agent was arrested (fortunately, Arch Enemy has always proved to be a cooperative and good judge, and Duke Torrero was promptly released, though the body is still missing). Meanwhile, the monsoons came in from the Inland Sea, as did some storms from the Outland Sea, and turned the roads to sludge during these winter times. Instead of marching in mud, we threw a party in memory of King Marc. (OOC- Inactivity over Christmas holidays) Now, finally, we have gathered our forces, and marched out to Rii again, and a hostile TO has begun.

The Horror! The Horror!

December 19, 1006- Today, Irombrozia has been shaken to it's core. Our founder, our father, our King, our countryman, our leige-lord, our ally, our friend, has been curelly murdered. Prime Tyrant Delvin refused the duel to the death offered to resolve the Civil War by King Marc and, instead, Riombaran forces captured King Marc in battle. A vote was swiftly held in Riombara, and King Marc was executed without trial, and without crime. This is abhorrent. Deliberations are in process to determine our next ruler, between either Queen Baiko or myself, High Marshall Hireshmont. Meanwhile, Riombara has refused to return the body to Irombrozia, and it is to be mutilated repeatedly. Riombara executed royalty, without trial, and proceeds to toss the body about like a rag doll. All the while, they claim justice, while the peasants had to be barricaded out to keep them from rioting, and rotten vegetables hit the nobles. Yes, oh yes, Riombara voted on the matter. Such is the tyranny of the masses; injustice, ignorance of due process, and dishonor to the body. Canm we truly call a nation "noble" or "honorable" when it won't even give due respect to man that was once it's duke? Yes, they won't even treat his body with respect. They threaten to send the headless and mutilated corpse to his family, so that his children might see it. Irombrozia stands shocked, outraged, and ready to exact true justice.

Battle in Rii!

December 16, 1006- Just moments ago, 7k Riombaran forces attacked our 5k forces who were deposing the RIombaran leadership of Rii, and re-establishing our rightful government. We still have the claim: we intend to keep it. Our forces fought bravely, and hurt the enemy, but it was not enough. The army lies in shambles as we limp back to Irombro, Riombaran oppressors hot on our tails.

Adventurers Abound!

December 15, 1006- SOmething like eight adventurers have arrived in Irombrozia these last few hours! Non-nobles in service as questors, undead hunters, and item finders, Irombrozia welcomes these courageous spirits, these brave souls shunned by society. Just as the established order of Riombara rejected Irombrozia, so does the established order of our world reject the outlaws and adventurers: we welcome them. Adventurers around Beluaterra! Come to Irombrozia, here you shall be welcomed!

Civil War Erupts

December 14, 1006- Today, King Marc issued a formal declaration of war against Riombara. Simulatenously, our neighbors, whom we supplied food to, the Kingdom of Alluran, lowered relations with us to neutral, and allied with Riombara, and arrested a Qyrvaggian priest from Irombrozia. We hope tensions do not lead to war with the Kingdom of Alluran as well! Meanwhile, the Royal Irombrozian Military has gathered in Rii, and Duke Torrero has begun a hostile takeover. Whether it will succeed or not is anyone's guess. This war is a continuation of the Civil War between Irombrozia and Riombara, which Riombara has made no effort to prevent. Negotiations broke down due to lack of cooperation from Delvin, offers were even made providing for the peaceful reintegration of Irombrozia into Riombara, by way of honorable duel to the death between King Marc and Prime Minister Delvin. And now... we are driven to war. Just as we were provoked to war by the Luz de Bians in the past, and ended the war when our terms, negotiated down to more reasonable levels, were met, so now do we fight with Riombara to settle insults to our honor and sovereignty, and their refusal to hand over Rii, which they said they would do, and never followed through on. Thus there shall again be bloodshed among Irombrozians, and there shall be blood shed by Irombrozians. We march to war.