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===Interview: The Chancellor of Fontan===
At the last tournament, I had a chance to speak with Chancellor Gregor of Fontan. He offered to be the subject of an interview, and I gladly accepted.
<b>What was the most important factor for your election as Chancellor?</b>
<i>Though I am unsure of your questions intent, I shall answer as to why I have been re-elected, for I doubt you are overly concerned why I ran in the first place after so many years content as Banker for Fontan. I believe I have been re-elected all these many times because I have presented to the people of Fontan a clear vision which brings us a secure and stable future. I place Fontan and its interests above any other in everything I do. And for this I am trusted by the people to guide our realm.</i>
<b>How is the life as Chancellor? Tell us some of your frustrations, achievements, plans..</b>
<i>Living as the Chancellor of one of the strongest and most powerful realms on the EI is no different than that of any other politician, though perhaps my position is more precarious. It is difficult at times, in that my own opinions on things are not always what the people desire. I must therefor work towards convincing others that something is necessary, or the best course of action. An easy example of this would be the Articles of Confederation with Sirion. For years, Handow and I have discussed entering into it, and one of my very early platforms which I ran on was an eventual Federation with Sirion. It took time to prepare the people of Fontan to secure our friendship with Sirion in such a bold and demonstrative way as the treaty which was signed, but ultimately it was for the best of Fontan's interests and that of our good friends in Sirion.
Frustration of course enters into the picture as a Chancellor when I am accused of being autocratic, and doing only as I will, for quite obviously I am up for review each and every month. Even now I am being challenged because I do not wish to use war as our first option with LoF in securing our ancient city under our banner. It is not a popular view as many have grown frustrated themselves with the leadership of our neighbor to the south. We shall see how the election turns out in a few days, but it has proven to inject live back into the daily politics of Fontan, that much is for sure.
It interests me though, that you would ask if I had plans. I of course have some, every good politician does. I am keenly aware of the increasing polarization of some bodies on this island. Fontan was viewed as a bully during the war against Perdan, we demanded the moon at the outset, but this, for those who took note at the time this will come as no surprise, was merely a bargaining ploy. It lengthened the deliberative process, and ultimately saw an acceptable resolution to all the troubles between the many realms of this island. Perdan 'lost' very little land to her then enemies, and Fontan was able to secure a new home for the honorable Caligans. All in all, it may perhaps have been the quietest political victory I ever achieved as Chancellor. Who would have ever thought that Fontan would have been looking out for one of her oldest enemies. It certainly escaped much notice at the time.
This leads me to my plans for tomorrow, I wish to secure our lands of Fontan, An Najaf, and Viseu peacefully. There of course is always compromise in such endeavors, but I truly do believe that our common heritage with the vast majority of those in LoF will provide us a good base from which to work towards this goal. Unless real progress is made, war may be an eventuality. Something that many have been predicting for months now. Of course, I have always tried to defy such predictions as I see them as too constricting.</i>
<b>What rulers do you hold in the highest regards? And in the lowest?</b>
<i>It is again an interesting choice that you use the word ruler here. The most honorable rulers I would only be able to judge from personal interactions with them, through reputation would see that nearly all are true to the very letter of the law. As for who I find to be the best politician, it would perhaps be the lovely Evangeline of Perdan. She sees subtlety where others see arrogance. This has allowed her to rise quite quickly through the ranks. The Perdanese queen Clarissa was equally well qualified. Perhaps it a weakness on the part of an old man for beautiful women, but I did find them both truly enrapturing. Of all the rulers who keep things closest to their chest I would have to say that Lucian would win by leaps and bounds. Not much escapes from the imperial court of Itrount, but the great void leaves little to speculation at times. The alliance to Perdan being an example. I perhaps hold myself in the lowest regards, I am subtle to the point of appearing deceitful, wily enough to appear cunningly ruthless, and honest to a degree that leaves much to be questioned whenever I open my mouth. Why anyone thinks I don't do exactly as I say I will is beyond me.</i>
<b>What is the most difficult challenge you think is ahead of you?</b>
<i>This next election. I nearly defeated my first opponent when I ran for Chancellor after my hiatus in such a race without saying a single word to the general public. Now, I am going against the flow in what is perhaps an epic test of will. I have but a few days left to convince enough voters that I am doing what is best for Fontan. Internal politics in Fontan are disproportionately harder than those between the realms. There I have only to convince so many old and wise rulers of the best course of action. In Fontan I have young nobles who are headstrong, love battle, and see nothing but bright futures down all paths for Fontan. Such a dance through tangled webs is at times more intriguing than all my time spent corresponding with other rulers.</i>
<b>What direction do you see Fontan taking in the immediate future? With the destruction of Kavamar, an island-wide peace has descended. Do you see this peace lasting, and why?</b>
<i>Unless the votes are split between two opponents in the upcoming election or I can convince enough that we should work for a peaceful solution, war. Fontan will declare war on LoF, Perdan will declare war on Fontan, Sirion and possibly OR will declare war on Perdan, Caligus will declare war on LoF and break its alliance with Perdan, Ibladesh will declare war on Perdan, Ubent will declare war on Caligus leading Ibladesh to declare war on them, Yssaria will declare war on Perdan and or LoF, and Itorunt will declare war on whoever is left without a front with active combat, likely Ibladesh shattering the Federation, this may cause Yssaria to either side with Ibladesh or Itorunt largely relegating all of them to an internal struggle.
All in all war between LoF and Fontan would be a disaster for everything the rulers had hoped to accomplish. The peace between our two realms is the little plug stopping the raging torrents of war from bursting through the dam of peace. I'm not sure how familiar you all are with the prophecies of the LoF church, but they predict an epic war one started because of the discovery of the temple. As I had said earlier, I do not like predictions much, and hope to defy this one as well.</i>
<b>Is Fontan having difficulties with the new fealty system, why or why not?</b>
<i>No, Fontan has had an equitable distribution system with only 10% of a regions extra income going to a local lord each tax. This has allowed for us to spread our Knights out fairly well through-out the realm. We remain true to our democratic background equal as best possible.</i>
<b>Any final comments?</b>
<i>I would just like to thank you for taking the time to ask these important questions, and allowing me the privilege of responding to them. If you or any of your competitors have any other questions I am always happy to respond to them.</i>
===Arlian's Intro===
Introduction away!  Greetings, all, this is Arlian.  I am originally from Abington on Atamara (Dorton, to be precise), my family's home for generations.  I am on good terms with Darkwind, but relationships with the rest of the family are, hm, rocky, hence why I went to the East Continent.  I started in Sirion, but it was not very welcoming, and discussions often became...venomous.  Also, Sirion is very violent, and I do not like killing other humans at all (hence my career as a bureaucrat), but I heard that Itorunt was known far and wide as a peaceful realm (I can excuse Kavamar), and so I began my journey, and found a welcome home here.  I am currently the Second in Command of the LAW, and a Knight of Enubec.  I have a few ideas for stories, which I will talk over with Ichigo, and hopefully begin working on in the near future, so keep your eyes out!  I'll make an annoucement whenever I finish an article.
===New Editor===
===New Editor===
The first (and so far, only) response to our call for editors was swift. Arlian has agreed to join the [[II]] team, and hopefully will be introducing himself shortly.
The first (and so far, only) response to our call for editors was swift. Arlian has agreed to join the [[II]] team, and hopefully will be introducing himself shortly.

Latest revision as of 19:52, 26 March 2007

I will not let this die!
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Ichigo Kurosaki and Thray Walsh, and hiring.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt. March Edition


Interview: The Chancellor of Fontan

At the last tournament, I had a chance to speak with Chancellor Gregor of Fontan. He offered to be the subject of an interview, and I gladly accepted.

What was the most important factor for your election as Chancellor?

Though I am unsure of your questions intent, I shall answer as to why I have been re-elected, for I doubt you are overly concerned why I ran in the first place after so many years content as Banker for Fontan. I believe I have been re-elected all these many times because I have presented to the people of Fontan a clear vision which brings us a secure and stable future. I place Fontan and its interests above any other in everything I do. And for this I am trusted by the people to guide our realm.

How is the life as Chancellor? Tell us some of your frustrations, achievements, plans..

Living as the Chancellor of one of the strongest and most powerful realms on the EI is no different than that of any other politician, though perhaps my position is more precarious. It is difficult at times, in that my own opinions on things are not always what the people desire. I must therefor work towards convincing others that something is necessary, or the best course of action. An easy example of this would be the Articles of Confederation with Sirion. For years, Handow and I have discussed entering into it, and one of my very early platforms which I ran on was an eventual Federation with Sirion. It took time to prepare the people of Fontan to secure our friendship with Sirion in such a bold and demonstrative way as the treaty which was signed, but ultimately it was for the best of Fontan's interests and that of our good friends in Sirion.

Frustration of course enters into the picture as a Chancellor when I am accused of being autocratic, and doing only as I will, for quite obviously I am up for review each and every month. Even now I am being challenged because I do not wish to use war as our first option with LoF in securing our ancient city under our banner. It is not a popular view as many have grown frustrated themselves with the leadership of our neighbor to the south. We shall see how the election turns out in a few days, but it has proven to inject live back into the daily politics of Fontan, that much is for sure.

It interests me though, that you would ask if I had plans. I of course have some, every good politician does. I am keenly aware of the increasing polarization of some bodies on this island. Fontan was viewed as a bully during the war against Perdan, we demanded the moon at the outset, but this, for those who took note at the time this will come as no surprise, was merely a bargaining ploy. It lengthened the deliberative process, and ultimately saw an acceptable resolution to all the troubles between the many realms of this island. Perdan 'lost' very little land to her then enemies, and Fontan was able to secure a new home for the honorable Caligans. All in all, it may perhaps have been the quietest political victory I ever achieved as Chancellor. Who would have ever thought that Fontan would have been looking out for one of her oldest enemies. It certainly escaped much notice at the time.

This leads me to my plans for tomorrow, I wish to secure our lands of Fontan, An Najaf, and Viseu peacefully. There of course is always compromise in such endeavors, but I truly do believe that our common heritage with the vast majority of those in LoF will provide us a good base from which to work towards this goal. Unless real progress is made, war may be an eventuality. Something that many have been predicting for months now. Of course, I have always tried to defy such predictions as I see them as too constricting.

What rulers do you hold in the highest regards? And in the lowest?

It is again an interesting choice that you use the word ruler here. The most honorable rulers I would only be able to judge from personal interactions with them, through reputation would see that nearly all are true to the very letter of the law. As for who I find to be the best politician, it would perhaps be the lovely Evangeline of Perdan. She sees subtlety where others see arrogance. This has allowed her to rise quite quickly through the ranks. The Perdanese queen Clarissa was equally well qualified. Perhaps it a weakness on the part of an old man for beautiful women, but I did find them both truly enrapturing. Of all the rulers who keep things closest to their chest I would have to say that Lucian would win by leaps and bounds. Not much escapes from the imperial court of Itrount, but the great void leaves little to speculation at times. The alliance to Perdan being an example. I perhaps hold myself in the lowest regards, I am subtle to the point of appearing deceitful, wily enough to appear cunningly ruthless, and honest to a degree that leaves much to be questioned whenever I open my mouth. Why anyone thinks I don't do exactly as I say I will is beyond me.

What is the most difficult challenge you think is ahead of you?

This next election. I nearly defeated my first opponent when I ran for Chancellor after my hiatus in such a race without saying a single word to the general public. Now, I am going against the flow in what is perhaps an epic test of will. I have but a few days left to convince enough voters that I am doing what is best for Fontan. Internal politics in Fontan are disproportionately harder than those between the realms. There I have only to convince so many old and wise rulers of the best course of action. In Fontan I have young nobles who are headstrong, love battle, and see nothing but bright futures down all paths for Fontan. Such a dance through tangled webs is at times more intriguing than all my time spent corresponding with other rulers.

What direction do you see Fontan taking in the immediate future? With the destruction of Kavamar, an island-wide peace has descended. Do you see this peace lasting, and why?

Unless the votes are split between two opponents in the upcoming election or I can convince enough that we should work for a peaceful solution, war. Fontan will declare war on LoF, Perdan will declare war on Fontan, Sirion and possibly OR will declare war on Perdan, Caligus will declare war on LoF and break its alliance with Perdan, Ibladesh will declare war on Perdan, Ubent will declare war on Caligus leading Ibladesh to declare war on them, Yssaria will declare war on Perdan and or LoF, and Itorunt will declare war on whoever is left without a front with active combat, likely Ibladesh shattering the Federation, this may cause Yssaria to either side with Ibladesh or Itorunt largely relegating all of them to an internal struggle.

All in all war between LoF and Fontan would be a disaster for everything the rulers had hoped to accomplish. The peace between our two realms is the little plug stopping the raging torrents of war from bursting through the dam of peace. I'm not sure how familiar you all are with the prophecies of the LoF church, but they predict an epic war one started because of the discovery of the temple. As I had said earlier, I do not like predictions much, and hope to defy this one as well.

Is Fontan having difficulties with the new fealty system, why or why not?

No, Fontan has had an equitable distribution system with only 10% of a regions extra income going to a local lord each tax. This has allowed for us to spread our Knights out fairly well through-out the realm. We remain true to our democratic background equal as best possible.

Any final comments?

I would just like to thank you for taking the time to ask these important questions, and allowing me the privilege of responding to them. If you or any of your competitors have any other questions I am always happy to respond to them.


Arlian's Intro

Introduction away! Greetings, all, this is Arlian. I am originally from Abington on Atamara (Dorton, to be precise), my family's home for generations. I am on good terms with Darkwind, but relationships with the rest of the family are, hm, rocky, hence why I went to the East Continent. I started in Sirion, but it was not very welcoming, and discussions often became...venomous. Also, Sirion is very violent, and I do not like killing other humans at all (hence my career as a bureaucrat), but I heard that Itorunt was known far and wide as a peaceful realm (I can excuse Kavamar), and so I began my journey, and found a welcome home here. I am currently the Second in Command of the LAW, and a Knight of Enubec. I have a few ideas for stories, which I will talk over with Ichigo, and hopefully begin working on in the near future, so keep your eyes out! I'll make an annoucement whenever I finish an article.


New Editor

The first (and so far, only) response to our call for editors was swift. Arlian has agreed to join the II team, and hopefully will be introducing himself shortly.



Thray hasn't written anything at all lately, so I'm blaming him for the lack of activity. I've also been very busy lately, and Valdid disappeared... So I have made a decision: The II is now hiring. We need anyone who can write on a somewhat regular basis, at least a few times a month. We really need help if we are to keep this paper alive. So stop reading, and leave us a note that you're interested in becoming an editor for us!


Comments for this month

Ichigo's comments

Thray's lazy, and I'm busy. We're hiring! Arlian, write!

Thray's comments

None Yet