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:It was you who brought Armitage III into this "discussion" - check your polite "letter" above. You claim to respect her, yet you disrespect her family and her judgement. That's not respect. That is disrespect. Disrespect me if you wish, but you are very clearly trying to insult all that I hold dear in a desperate attempt to goad me into duelling with you. But as I've said before, you aren't worth the effort. There's only one man who was worth receiving my honour of a duel challenge... and that man was King Carriantor of Abington. You, angry little man that you are, do not suffice, either in Rank, Stature, nor in Situation. Care to spit and froth at the mouth some more, little one? [[User:House Olik|House Olik]] 20:33, 28 January 2007 (CET)
:It was you who brought Armitage III into this "discussion" - check your polite "letter" above. You claim to respect her, yet you disrespect her family and her judgement. That's not respect. That is disrespect. Disrespect me if you wish, but you are very clearly trying to insult all that I hold dear in a desperate attempt to goad me into duelling with you. But as I've said before, you aren't worth the effort. There's only one man who was worth receiving my honour of a duel challenge... and that man was King Carriantor of Abington. You, angry little man that you are, do not suffice, either in Rank, Stature, nor in Situation. Care to spit and froth at the mouth some more, little one? [[User:House Olik|House Olik]] 20:33, 28 January 2007 (CET)
I am not angry, just dissapointed haha!  At least you do not refute the fact that you are not a warrior, and accept your place in this world...not fighting wars...just pushing papers.  It's all good, men like me ''pay'' your wages...now be a good little worm and eat more mulch--there is a lot coming I suspect.  Once again, I respect Armitage, not necessarily her toys...but her habits are her own...lord knows I have a few myself in the eyes of others--ie Drinking too much, and being too damn good with a sword.  You odn't have honor because it apparently went with King Carriantor haha!  When I walk by, warriors stand at full attention...that is respect above any rank or title.  When you walk by, warriors will spat and avoid you, mark my words, because yellow cowards like you are a disease that infect the integrity of Warriors.  Take off your skirt, make-up, wig and anything else you have concealed in your body that a warrior doesn't usually carry (ie: tiny dagger, poisonous perfume etc), and face me like you have a pair.  Or enjoy your meaningless life, Coward.  Simply by accepting the Duel you face one of FOUR possible outcomes, none guaranteed: 1. You Live, 2. You get Wounded, 3. You get Seriously wounded or 4. You die.  Many have dueled to the death, and only get seriously wounded, or wounded...only some get the gift of death.  Don't think too highly of yourself, I may not even kill you in the duel if I feel it isn't worth it, but if you prove to be a decent fighter, at least you can die fighting...and if you live, you'd have at least earned the respect of those around you that are surprised you cower in fear of ''another'' man.  I fear no man.  Only the Great Magnus... [[user: Primus Family|Doc's Revenge]]
:Argumentum ad nauseum, Doc? You seem to think just screaming "COWARD!" over and over will change anything. Perhaps it would, to weaker, more easily-manipulated men - the sycophants with which you surround yourself. The fools who believe rejection is due to cowardice. But what truly angers you so much, Doc, are two things - one, I speak the truth about your mother. She was a Criminal Traitor who cowered in the shadows, plotting to overthrow her own government. Two, I am not easily manipulated no matter what big words you manage to spit out of your oversized mouth. You want your chance to get at me - to kill the messenger - and in not receiving it, you have no target for your unending rage. Poor man! I suggest you learn to deal with the fact that your mother is exactly what I said she is. The quicker you do that, the less of a fool you will seem whenever confronted with the truth. And perhaps the less chance you'll kill yourself with a heart-attack, old man. [[User:House Olik|House Olik]] 19:07, 30 January 2007 (CET)
I find great Irony in the fact that the ''only'' thing you can say, in which you '''attempt''' to shame me, is saying my mother was a whore.  Well, you wouldn't even duel a "whore" as you put it...you cowered in fear of her, and you cower in even more fear of me.  Your mother was a whore, in fact, I even got a shot at her...however, the similarities between you and her made me a bit sick, so I just sent her away.  I know where you got your eyes, nose ''and'' ears haha!  Anyways.  I do not have endless rage.  I don't even get angry with you, just dissapointed, and you do bring me a great deal of laughter.  You call yourself what you aren't--a noble--and you pretend to be a tough guy--but you're yellower than your own ratty teeth.  If you ever get the nerve to show your face, you'll have the opportunity to see the calmest blue eyes, have you forgotten them already?  I can assure you that if you wish to see them again, they may very well be the last thing you see.  Honorless coward, you allow another man to call you a worm and scum...and you do nothing, pathetic.  Don't bother opening your mouth again because I stand behind my words, and yours are simply a waste of God's good air. [[user: Primus Family|Doc's Revenge]]

Latest revision as of 22:57, 30 January 2007

Gaihu lives because he is coward with no sense of Pride, Self-Respect, Integrity, Honor...you get the picture. I'll kill him with a Cane if I must, and that is assuming, he'll ever even come fight me then when I'm 70 years old haha! All talk, is nonsense, when it cannot be backed up. In the neighborhoods around Fallangard back in the day, if you were talkin too much bull, you got your teeth kicked in...Ironically the same thing happens in the streets around every major city in ASI. If you cast out a foolish insult at someone superior to you in every way, you'd had better have some sort of trick up your sleeve, lest you get your arse beat. Gaihu talks too much, and then runs under the skirts of Armitage--his own personal disappearing act. God knows I am not going in there after him...a gentleman would never soil the dress of a Woman with the guts of such a fat Insect. Enjoy your life Gaihu, and forever acknowledge your place beneath my feet you dirty little worm...Armitage III is Royalty, and you...aren't the King of Abington, and god willing, never will be. Doc's Revenge

You are a foolish knave if you think your words are doing anyone any good here. Sure, some long-time enemies of Abington, and of myself, will agree with and applaud you. Moses, for instance. Otherwise, no one can be bothered with your petty personal vendetta here. I'm surprised your newspaper found it worthy of publication - is gossip really all that's newsworthy in the ASI these days? And, sadly, your ignorance is still showing. It is your ignorance which leads you to make threats when your words fail to accomplish anything. Perhaps that worked for you as ruler. But I am an Arch Priest, and I was Elected into my position - both times. I do not succeed by killing everyone who I disagree with. I did not grow up in some podunk place like "Fallangard," wherever that is. You are a lower order of life, "Sir" Doc. Now let me address your "points" just to clarify, for anyone who cares for more other than your chest-thumping ego-gratification:
  • "Runs under the skirts of Armitage" - It is true, that I am married to Her Majesty, Armitage III, Queen of Abington. But you show only your hatred for Abington when you use this as an insult. You will find no example of me "hiding" behind her in any way, shape or form - in fact, as Husband, it is my duty to look after and guard her. That is one reason I am Marshal of the Queen Blackguard. To protect her from criminals who, like yourself, have this unreasoning hatred.
  • "You...aren't the King of Abington" - I am not the Reigning King, but as the husband of the Queen, I am indeed the King. That is what a King is - the husband of the Queen. It is more than simply a term for "Ruler." I hate having to explain these very basic things for you over, and over. Try to keep up.
  • "All talk is nonsense when it cannot be backed up" - Perhaps so. That is why I back up my words with reason, logic and argumentation. I have no need to resort to force and besides - force does not make words true. Might does not make right. Does that sound familiar to you? You said it once, when you were making an excuse to invade Abington. Even if I killed you, that would not prove any of my points - nor you killing me prove any of yours. This is the difference between TRUTH and KILLING. Again, it pains me to embarass you by explaining what should be very obvious concepts to you, but in your rage you have become like a child.
  • "no sense of Pride" - On the contrary, I have plenty of pride. I am proud of my family - most of it - and my wife, of Abington, of Anchorinn, of my vassals, of my comrades, of Suville, of the Royal Council, of the High Council, of Abington First, of various others such as foreign Judges of Talerium, Cagilan Empire, Minas Ithil, Tara, Redspan, Falasan.
  • "Self-Respect" - I think you are projecting here. You have no respect for me, so you assume I too must not have self-respect. Alas, you are simply wrong. It is partly because of my self respect that I do not indulge the needs of fools, criminals and unskilled diplomats (such as yourself) whenever they want. I am not at your beck and call, you see.
  • "Integrity" - Ridiculous! I have more integrity than you would ever know. I doubt you even know the meaning of the word. Your lies are so many that you can't even keep them straight. "Might doesn't make right, hence Abington should be destroyed! Oh, but Might Makes Right, because if I kill Gauihu I will be proven true!" I have relentlessly pursued Justice at the risk of my own neck, at the risk of my career, of friendships, of political convenience, of all things. If I didn't, I would have let your mother go, thinking, "Oh, she's only an old woman; it's OK for old women to conspire to assassinate the Royal Council!" But I have integrity. It is this integrity of mine which you so despise.
  • "Honour" - I have quite a bit of honour. Just because I don't duel every upstart that comes along has no bearing on my honour. I've fought in battles, I've served my Realm, my Lieges, and Justice. And I've no need to "defend" my honour when you, no matter what you say, cannot possibly threaten it. Nothing you say can diminish my honour. As I said before, your words are just hot wind, having neither the force of reason, nor the strength of truth. So keep on talking, old man - the only one you are harming is yourself, your family name, and the image people may have of what was once a great man, but who, like Gabriel, has become a has-been, clawing at those greater than him in a desperate attempt to stay relevant. (Oh, and next time, try to avoid slandering the Ruler of Abington - unless your goal in all of this is to sabotage the good relations the King of ASI has built up between ASI and Abington.)House Olik 21:21, 27 January 2007 (CET)
A person with a half brain, that reads this, will see you for the coward that you are. You don't use reason...you use words that are more crooked than your teeth. I don't slader the true Ruler of Abington, in fact, I like Armitage III. She is a good person, and I am afraid you will corrupt her with your evil soul. Might doesn't make right, Gaiuhu, I never said it does. In fact, you cling to only some of my words, like a child on a tit, but grow up. This isn't a matter of might making right, it is a matter of me burying you for useless slander. You want to spew lies? Put your life behind them because your 'word' means nothing...it is empty, hollow, just a little worm paper pusher's that executes unarmed men at a whim. If I were applying "might makes right" on your ass, I'd simply visit you, and kill you for being weaker than myself. In this case, I will bury you for acting like something you're not: A Noble. At least you admit that you're not a warrior...you are a rent-a-guard-policeman. Doc's Revenge
You insult Her Majesty whenever you insult her family, old man. Must I, again, explain the concept of noble marriage to you?
And I am quite amused if you think this is some sort of retort or argument. You only prove me correct. You are indeed trying, again, to push "might makes right," because you obviously think that if you "bury me" my "useless slander" will become false, forgotten, ignored or otherwise successfully countered. But it would not. Only reason will, and as clever as your tired claims of "evil" and "weaker" and "little" are, they do not constitue a rational argument. In fact, they constitute only one thing: slander. But not entirely useless slander. They help show the world what you are, and always have been - a mindless, irrational bully. And now a has-been, bitter at all that he has no authority over. Good-day, "Sir." House Olik 07:57, 28 January 2007 (CET)

Armitage III is to be respected not only because she is a Monarch of a Powerful nation, but because she is a good human being. Her Dog, Goldfish, Cat and Husband are necessarily not. They are there because she willed them so. Gaiuhu, you are married to Armitage because she said 'okay.' So before you try to twist my words further, figured I'd make that clear. Fight your own fights, Gaihu, without trying to bring your pretty wife intot his. She has power, you are...insignificant. Or better said, she wears the pants in that relationship, and you the dress lol. I only offer to bury you so that your nuisances STOP...I can assure you that your reputation is a legend, and will not easily be forgotten. In fact, I don't want it to because forever I would be honored to be called "Great DRP, slayer of the great tyrant, slayer of he who twists words into braids of deciet, etc. I want the Island to remember your slander primarily because it is so ridiculous, and I would become that much more of a Hero after silencing it--for good. What has been said, has been said, but what is yet to be said...well...can be easily prevented. So grow a pair, or go home to your wife, and patrol her garden. Must be nice having such a cush job while your countrymen leave the borders to fight? ~* spats *~ Yellow worm, everything in life has a purpose, yours is to eat filthy mulch...mine is to create it by slaying all those that don't believe in Honor, and sell out to cheap rhetorics that in the end mean absolutely nothing when they don't create an executed action. Doc's Revenge

It was you who brought Armitage III into this "discussion" - check your polite "letter" above. You claim to respect her, yet you disrespect her family and her judgement. That's not respect. That is disrespect. Disrespect me if you wish, but you are very clearly trying to insult all that I hold dear in a desperate attempt to goad me into duelling with you. But as I've said before, you aren't worth the effort. There's only one man who was worth receiving my honour of a duel challenge... and that man was King Carriantor of Abington. You, angry little man that you are, do not suffice, either in Rank, Stature, nor in Situation. Care to spit and froth at the mouth some more, little one? House Olik 20:33, 28 January 2007 (CET)

I am not angry, just dissapointed haha! At least you do not refute the fact that you are not a warrior, and accept your place in this world...not fighting wars...just pushing papers. It's all good, men like me pay your wages...now be a good little worm and eat more mulch--there is a lot coming I suspect. Once again, I respect Armitage, not necessarily her toys...but her habits are her own...lord knows I have a few myself in the eyes of others--ie Drinking too much, and being too damn good with a sword. You odn't have honor because it apparently went with King Carriantor haha! When I walk by, warriors stand at full attention...that is respect above any rank or title. When you walk by, warriors will spat and avoid you, mark my words, because yellow cowards like you are a disease that infect the integrity of Warriors. Take off your skirt, make-up, wig and anything else you have concealed in your body that a warrior doesn't usually carry (ie: tiny dagger, poisonous perfume etc), and face me like you have a pair. Or enjoy your meaningless life, Coward. Simply by accepting the Duel you face one of FOUR possible outcomes, none guaranteed: 1. You Live, 2. You get Wounded, 3. You get Seriously wounded or 4. You die. Many have dueled to the death, and only get seriously wounded, or wounded...only some get the gift of death. Don't think too highly of yourself, I may not even kill you in the duel if I feel it isn't worth it, but if you prove to be a decent fighter, at least you can die fighting...and if you live, you'd have at least earned the respect of those around you that are surprised you cower in fear of another man. I fear no man. Only the Great Magnus... Doc's Revenge

Argumentum ad nauseum, Doc? You seem to think just screaming "COWARD!" over and over will change anything. Perhaps it would, to weaker, more easily-manipulated men - the sycophants with which you surround yourself. The fools who believe rejection is due to cowardice. But what truly angers you so much, Doc, are two things - one, I speak the truth about your mother. She was a Criminal Traitor who cowered in the shadows, plotting to overthrow her own government. Two, I am not easily manipulated no matter what big words you manage to spit out of your oversized mouth. You want your chance to get at me - to kill the messenger - and in not receiving it, you have no target for your unending rage. Poor man! I suggest you learn to deal with the fact that your mother is exactly what I said she is. The quicker you do that, the less of a fool you will seem whenever confronted with the truth. And perhaps the less chance you'll kill yourself with a heart-attack, old man. House Olik 19:07, 30 January 2007 (CET)

I find great Irony in the fact that the only thing you can say, in which you attempt to shame me, is saying my mother was a whore. Well, you wouldn't even duel a "whore" as you put it...you cowered in fear of her, and you cower in even more fear of me. Your mother was a whore, in fact, I even got a shot at her...however, the similarities between you and her made me a bit sick, so I just sent her away. I know where you got your eyes, nose and ears haha! Anyways. I do not have endless rage. I don't even get angry with you, just dissapointed, and you do bring me a great deal of laughter. You call yourself what you aren't--a noble--and you pretend to be a tough guy--but you're yellower than your own ratty teeth. If you ever get the nerve to show your face, you'll have the opportunity to see the calmest blue eyes, have you forgotten them already? I can assure you that if you wish to see them again, they may very well be the last thing you see. Honorless coward, you allow another man to call you a worm and scum...and you do nothing, pathetic. Don't bother opening your mouth again because I stand behind my words, and yours are simply a waste of God's good air. Doc's Revenge