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== Achievement of Noble Status ==
== Achievement of Noble Status ==
The Vlakiders first began to achieve significant notice from Nobles when an entire generation of Vlakiders decided to volunteer for military service at the Lyton recruitment center. The family managed to be recruited under one nobleman and was originally stationed around the Lyton area, performing simple guard duties. This all changed when the unit was summoned to fight against the realm of [[Tuchanon_II|Tuchanon II]] alongside the [[Minas_Ithil|Minas Ithil]] army. The Vlakider legion, as it became known, was only a small part of the army (and most likely not worth note to anyone but Vlakider family historians), but proved to be vital. The family's comradery earned the respect of their commander's and the knowledge that they could be depended on.<br> Tragedy struck when during the siege of [[Atamara/Leohampton|Leohampton]] a small Tuchanon II unit had managed get behind Minas Ithil forces. Using the cover of night, the unit attempted to sneak into the camp of Lyton's Count to assassinate him. They stumbled, however, upon the sleeping Vlakiders who had strewn themselves outside the camp in typical sheep farming fashion. Though the call of alarm was raised and many Vlakiders awoke to fight, at least half of the family was already slain before they could even move from their beds. The remaining Vlakiders threw themselves against the enemy in a rage that could only be described as vengeful. It proved to literally be a battle to the last, with only one Vlakider family member surviving the fray. It proved, however, to be entirely disasterous to the Tuchanon II unit, who had been completely decimated to the last man. <br> The remaining Vlakider, who went by the name Besene, was the youngest of the generation, a boy of only sixteen years. Due to the sacrifice of his family, Besene was released from military service following the Siege of Leohampton. It is said that Besene made sure to bring every Vlakider to the family home at Lyton, so that they could all be buried with the rest of the family. Besene then began his studies to take the place as Head of the Vlakider household, for which he was now destined to become. <br> It took some time, but eventually the Vlakiders were recognized not only for the wealth they had gathered but the sacrifice they had made, and a title of nobility was granted upon them. Though Besene was head of the Household, he contented himself to allowing his sons take their place in the light of history first.<br> <i> Historian's note - All of the Vlakider's history, including the most recent, are based on oral traditions that simply cannot be backed up by any notable evidence. As such, some stories are taken out of context, omitted, or are exaggerated for effect. The general sentiment is that these histories offer some insight to how the Vlakiders function today. </i>
The Vlakiders first began to achieve significant notice from Nobles when an entire generation of Vlakiders decided to volunteer for military service at the Lyton recruitment center. The family managed to be recruited under one nobleman and was originally stationed around the Lyton area, performing simple guard duties. This all changed when the unit was summoned to fight against the realm of [[Tuchanon_II|Tuchanon II]] alongside the [[Minas_Ithil|Minas Ithil]] army. The Vlakider legion, as it became known, was only a small part of the army (and most likely not worth note to anyone but Vlakider family historians), but proved to be vital. The family's comradery earned the respect of their commander and the knowledge that they could be depended on.<br> Tragedy struck when during the siege of [[Atamara/Leohampton|Leohampton]] a small Tuchanon II unit had managed get behind Minas Ithil forces. Using the cover of night, the unit attempted to sneak into the camp of Lyton's Count to assassinate him. They stumbled, however, upon the sleeping Vlakiders who had strewn themselves outside the camp in typical sheep farming fashion. Though the call of alarm was raised and many Vlakiders awoke to fight, at least half of the family was already slain before they could even move from their beds. The remaining Vlakiders threw themselves against the enemy in a rage that could only be described as vengeful. It proved to literally be a battle to the last, with only one Vlakider family member surviving the fray. It also proved, however, to be entirely disasterous to the Tuchanon II unit, who had been completely decimated to the last man. <br> The remaining Vlakider, who went by the name Besene, was the youngest of the generation, a boy of only sixteen years. Due to the sacrifice of his family, Besene was released from military service following the Siege of Leohampton. It is said that Besene made sure to bring every Vlakider to the family home at Lyton, so that they could all be buried with the rest of the family. Besene then began his studies to take the place as Head of the Vlakider household, for which he was now destined to become. <br> It took some time, but eventually the Vlakiders were recognized not only for the wealth they had gathered but the sacrifice they had made, and a title of nobility was granted upon them. Though Besene was head of the Household, he contented himself to allowing his sons take their place in the light of history first.<br> <i> Historian's note - All of the Vlakider's history, including the most recent, are based on oral traditions that simply cannot be backed up by any notable evidence. As such, some stories are taken out of context, omitted, or are exaggerated for effect. The general sentiment is that these histories offer some insight to how the Vlakiders function today. </i>

= Head of the Vlakider Househould =
= The Vlakider House =
== Besene Vlakider ==
De facto head of the Vlakider household and sole survivor of the previous Vlakider generation, Besene remained behind in the Vlakider home while his sons took up their places among the continents. Recently he has taken ill and is leaving much of the managing up to his eldest son, Vlad.
== Vlakider Househould Structure ==
=== Children ===
+ <u> Head of Household </u> (Elder Member of Previous Generation) <br>
[[Vlakider_Family/Vlad|Vlad Vlakider]] <br>
This person oversees all the Financial and Careers of the younger generation. <br>
[[Vlakider_Family/Beziel|Beziel Vlakider]] <br>
+ <u> Leader of the Flock </u> (Eldest Son or Daughter of the HoH) <br>
Lemm Vlakider
This person is in training to become the Head of the Household. Typically they remain close to the Family Estate in Minas Ithil, though some Defenders have sought training in other Countries. <br>
+ <u> Defender of the Flock </u> (2nd Eldest Son or Daughter of the HoH) <br>
This person is the physical might of the Vlakider Household. While their responsibilities include winning glory for the Vlakiders on the battlefield, they may also be called upon by other Vlakiders to defend the family's honor in duels and the such. <br>
== Current House Structure ==
=== Head of the Family ===
- Sillinquor Vlakider  
=== Leader of the Flock ===
- (contested between Delilah and Bendolin)
=== Defender of the Flock ===
- (contested between Delilah and Bendolin)
== Family Tree ==
=== 1st Generation ===
==== Besene Vlakider (Former Head of Household) ====
The sole survivor of his generation, Besene remained behind in the Vlakider home while his sons took up their places among the continents. Late in life he took ill and left much of the managing up to his eldest son, Vlad. <br>
=== 2nd Generation ===
====[[Vlakider_Family/Vlad|Vlad Vlakider]] (Former Head of Household and Leader of the Flock)====
While serving the family and the realm of Minas Ithil with distinction throughout his early life, the pressures of balancing each became too great as time wore on. Vlad argued throughout his life with his brother Beziel, mostly over Beziel's constant request for more funds to fund the artist Defayo. With the death of Beziel and Besene, Vlad was finally able to steady the family's mounting debt, before a revelation and conversion to the Priesthood eliminated any income to the Family's coffers. In an effort to escape the debt collectors, Vlad accepted a Missionary position to the colonies and has not been seen since. Vlad and his wife Sillinquor gave birth to two children, Delilah and Bendolin.
====[[Vlakider_Family/Beziel|Beziel Vlakider]] (Former Defender of the Flock)====
Beziel's career was almost more distinguished than his elder brother's causing as much friction between the two as Beziel's drain on the Vlakider coffers was. After surviving countless Wars, Duels, and Invasions, Beziel was finally cut down while Marshalling the Forces of Eston in a relatively minute battle. Though he had a particularly unsavory taste for the Eston brothels, or perhaps due to it, Beziel never married and remained childless.
====Lemm Vlakider ====
The third and youngest son of Besene, Lemm was never given much opportunity to succeed within the family ranks. With the death of Beziel, Lemm left his life of adventure and duels to serve in Eston and to train as the new Defender of the flock. When Beziel's debt coupled with Vlad's conversion left Lemm the sole income-maker of the Vlakiders, Lemm struggled to maintain his own lavish lifestyle. When this was no longer possible, Lemm sent a letter to Sillinquor and requested permission to search for Vlad, on the condition that Delilah and Bendolin supplant Lemm and Vlad as Defender and Leader of the Flock. Sillinquor readily accepted and Lemm boarded a ship departing for the Colonies.
=== 2nd Generation (Children of Vlad) ===
====Delilah Vlakider ====
====Bendolin Vlakider====

Latest revision as of 10:48, 6 February 2008

The Vlakider Family crest. Each Family member is given an individual standard to place upon the original crest.

Family History

Early Vlakiders

The Vlakiders have always prided themselves on their commoner origins. According to Vlakider legend, the first Vlakider began as a sheep farmer in the northern portion of Lyton, on the modern day site of their family estate. Foresight having been a trait of the early Vlakiders, a system was set up in which the family would pool it's resources for the benefit of the family as a whole and positions within the family signified supervisory roles upon the family. As the system progressed, positions within the family began to take on an almost religious significance, being awarded either when the prior generation died or the current generation came of age. The eldest son of the present generation would be destined to ensure the financial success of the family, the second eldest son would be charged with the defense of the family, and the third son would be charged with caring for the immediate estate and grounds of the Family home. This system continued until the Vlakiders became some of the richest of rural farm families in Lyton.

Achievement of Noble Status

The Vlakiders first began to achieve significant notice from Nobles when an entire generation of Vlakiders decided to volunteer for military service at the Lyton recruitment center. The family managed to be recruited under one nobleman and was originally stationed around the Lyton area, performing simple guard duties. This all changed when the unit was summoned to fight against the realm of Tuchanon II alongside the Minas Ithil army. The Vlakider legion, as it became known, was only a small part of the army (and most likely not worth note to anyone but Vlakider family historians), but proved to be vital. The family's comradery earned the respect of their commander and the knowledge that they could be depended on.
Tragedy struck when during the siege of Leohampton a small Tuchanon II unit had managed get behind Minas Ithil forces. Using the cover of night, the unit attempted to sneak into the camp of Lyton's Count to assassinate him. They stumbled, however, upon the sleeping Vlakiders who had strewn themselves outside the camp in typical sheep farming fashion. Though the call of alarm was raised and many Vlakiders awoke to fight, at least half of the family was already slain before they could even move from their beds. The remaining Vlakiders threw themselves against the enemy in a rage that could only be described as vengeful. It proved to literally be a battle to the last, with only one Vlakider family member surviving the fray. It also proved, however, to be entirely disasterous to the Tuchanon II unit, who had been completely decimated to the last man.
The remaining Vlakider, who went by the name Besene, was the youngest of the generation, a boy of only sixteen years. Due to the sacrifice of his family, Besene was released from military service following the Siege of Leohampton. It is said that Besene made sure to bring every Vlakider to the family home at Lyton, so that they could all be buried with the rest of the family. Besene then began his studies to take the place as Head of the Vlakider household, for which he was now destined to become.
It took some time, but eventually the Vlakiders were recognized not only for the wealth they had gathered but the sacrifice they had made, and a title of nobility was granted upon them. Though Besene was head of the Household, he contented himself to allowing his sons take their place in the light of history first.
Historian's note - All of the Vlakider's history, including the most recent, are based on oral traditions that simply cannot be backed up by any notable evidence. As such, some stories are taken out of context, omitted, or are exaggerated for effect. The general sentiment is that these histories offer some insight to how the Vlakiders function today.

The Vlakider House

Vlakider Househould Structure

+ Head of Household (Elder Member of Previous Generation)
This person oversees all the Financial and Careers of the younger generation.
+ Leader of the Flock (Eldest Son or Daughter of the HoH)
This person is in training to become the Head of the Household. Typically they remain close to the Family Estate in Minas Ithil, though some Defenders have sought training in other Countries.
+ Defender of the Flock (2nd Eldest Son or Daughter of the HoH)
This person is the physical might of the Vlakider Household. While their responsibilities include winning glory for the Vlakiders on the battlefield, they may also be called upon by other Vlakiders to defend the family's honor in duels and the such.

Current House Structure

Head of the Family

- Sillinquor Vlakider

Leader of the Flock

- (contested between Delilah and Bendolin)

Defender of the Flock

- (contested between Delilah and Bendolin)

Family Tree

1st Generation

Besene Vlakider (Former Head of Household)

The sole survivor of his generation, Besene remained behind in the Vlakider home while his sons took up their places among the continents. Late in life he took ill and left much of the managing up to his eldest son, Vlad.

2nd Generation

Vlad Vlakider (Former Head of Household and Leader of the Flock)

While serving the family and the realm of Minas Ithil with distinction throughout his early life, the pressures of balancing each became too great as time wore on. Vlad argued throughout his life with his brother Beziel, mostly over Beziel's constant request for more funds to fund the artist Defayo. With the death of Beziel and Besene, Vlad was finally able to steady the family's mounting debt, before a revelation and conversion to the Priesthood eliminated any income to the Family's coffers. In an effort to escape the debt collectors, Vlad accepted a Missionary position to the colonies and has not been seen since. Vlad and his wife Sillinquor gave birth to two children, Delilah and Bendolin.

Beziel Vlakider (Former Defender of the Flock)

Beziel's career was almost more distinguished than his elder brother's causing as much friction between the two as Beziel's drain on the Vlakider coffers was. After surviving countless Wars, Duels, and Invasions, Beziel was finally cut down while Marshalling the Forces of Eston in a relatively minute battle. Though he had a particularly unsavory taste for the Eston brothels, or perhaps due to it, Beziel never married and remained childless.

Lemm Vlakider

The third and youngest son of Besene, Lemm was never given much opportunity to succeed within the family ranks. With the death of Beziel, Lemm left his life of adventure and duels to serve in Eston and to train as the new Defender of the flock. When Beziel's debt coupled with Vlad's conversion left Lemm the sole income-maker of the Vlakiders, Lemm struggled to maintain his own lavish lifestyle. When this was no longer possible, Lemm sent a letter to Sillinquor and requested permission to search for Vlad, on the condition that Delilah and Bendolin supplant Lemm and Vlad as Defender and Leader of the Flock. Sillinquor readily accepted and Lemm boarded a ship departing for the Colonies.

2nd Generation (Children of Vlad)

Delilah Vlakider

Bendolin Vlakider