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And so internal turmoil arrived to Fronen. A rebellion was called by the people he trusted, and almost immediatly after his brother joined their ranks. An assassin must have been hiding at the manor for rebel applicants, for he was assaulted as he left by Tammeran the infiltrator, relative of a person JeanOlivier greatly disliked. His brother's police unit had been waiting though, and as soon as the assassin took out his blade they charged him, but were too late to prevent the damage. Having captured him, they threw him in the dungeon before leaving to rejoin their leader. Moments later, Alexius, who had been proclaimed judge due to an election where almost 50% of Fronen did not vote (those who didn't vote for him last elections), liberated Tammeran from his cell. JeanOlivier, infuriated by this, vowed vengeance of both their families. After the rebellion his brother joined succeeded, a counter-rebellion was launched by none else than Alexius, which drove JeanOlivier mad and made him join the "loyalists" to fight the counter-rebellion, opposing him to his liege to whom he had been loyal untill now. A few days later, a few assassinations later, the counter-rebellion managed to trigger elections, and with the rebellion leaders unable to present themselves, the rebellion was crushed silently that day, forcing all rebels into exile. JeanOlivier therefore, on the 17th of january, after passing a long time alone and abusing alcool, akwardly declared a rebellion and marched to Avalon...
And so internal turmoil arrived to Fronen. A rebellion was called by the people he trusted, and almost immediatly after his brother joined their ranks. An assassin must have been hiding at the manor for rebel applicants, for he was assaulted as he left by Tammeran the infiltrator, relative of a person JeanOlivier greatly disliked. His brother's police unit had been waiting though, and as soon as the assassin took out his blade they charged him, but were too late to prevent the damage. Having captured him, they threw him in the dungeon before leaving to rejoin their leader. Moments later, Alexius, who had been proclaimed judge due to an election where almost 50% of Fronen did not vote (those who didn't vote for him last elections), liberated Tammeran from his cell. JeanOlivier, infuriated by this, vowed vengeance of both their families. After the rebellion his brother joined succeeded, a counter-rebellion was launched by none else than Alexius, which drove JeanOlivier mad and made him join the "loyalists" to fight the counter-rebellion, opposing him to his liege to whom he had been loyal untill now. A few days later, a few assassinations later, the counter-rebellion managed to trigger elections, and with the rebellion leaders unable to present themselves, the rebellion was crushed silently that day, forcing all rebels into exile. JeanOlivier therefore, on the 17th of january, after passing a long time alone and abusing alcool, akwardly declared a rebellion and marched to Avalon...

===Character Stats (january 17th 2007)===
====Character Stats (january 18th 2007)====
JeanOlivier Chénier
JeanOlivier Chénier
  Physical Age: 19 years
  Physical Age: 19 years
  Character Class: Hero
  Character Class: Hero
  Honour: 33
  Honour: 34
  Prestige: 16
  Prestige: 16
  Gold: 33
  Gold: 8
  Bonds: 0
  Bonds: 0
  Status: ok
  Status: wounded

====Unit Stats (january 17th 2007)====
====Unit Stats (january 17th 2007)====
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  Cohesion: 100 %
  Cohesion: 100 %
  Total Combat Strength: 937
  Total Combat Strength: 937
Having no realm wanting him anymore, JeanOlivier's fate didn't bode well in Avalonian prisons after doing a ''failed'' suicide attack on their biggest and strongest city, Wudenkin. Having given away all his money, he could not buy his liberty, so he remained in the dungeons for about a day before the judge of Avalon arrived, forced him onto a boat and deported him to the penal island of the colonies. JeanOlivier was not very counscious for most of the process.
===Colonial Experience===
When he finally arrived, he was still slightly limping, and his thirst for alcohol had not been quenched. Outer Tilog was something truly unique, he had never seen anything of the like, and was disgusted by it for the first week, trying to limit contact with the others, but he quickly gave in the the pleasures of the place and consumed more than ever. However, this could not last... Months later he decided to wake up, sober up, and regain his name and honour. That is when he left for the South-East island, joining Taselak after an odd man told him he'd be better there.
===South-East Campaign===
The blood spilling in Taselak satisfied him for a certain time, but in the end there was still something lacking. Taselak simply didn't feel like home, just as Norland didn't. In a night, after a long day's of hard shameful work, he simply had his belongings packed and left for a place he had already been in, but this time he came by choice. He felt he had... something... to do there, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
===Outer Tilogian Stay===
After leaving the South-East island, he made his home in Outer Tilog again. Though he was surrounded by dillusional fools, it was the best he had felt most at home since... since a long time. Drinking more than his fair share of ale, enjoying the shows of torture (of his own men among others), watching his mean train until exhaustion passed his time, but the world simply moved on around him. Something still didn't feel right. Perhaps it was being stranded alone in a sea of aliens, although Tyria had made an impression on him, perhaps it was that he simply didn't have a hint of authority on others. Whatever it was, when Jean-Olivier heard word of the foul beasts on Beluaterra he packed his things and dismissed his men, making way for a long trip back. When he had left the place he wasn't even counscious, for Jelpot of Avalon had released some brutes onto him. This time, he felt more living than ever. Beluaterra had left a scar on him, now he was going to scar Beluaterra, and all those who lead to his downfall.
===Return to Service===
He enjoyed the pleasures of Outer Tilog for a while, merciless murders and free torture sessions. He even had his claymore forged here (along with a set of armor that was lost later on), which, of course, required him to crush a few toes before it was done properly. However, something still called to him, something from far away. At first, he interpreted it as a call of faith, and joined up with the Apostles of the Abyss, where he had a gruesome demon painfully tatooed in his left armpit. However, he soon came to realise it was a call from his youth. A call to serve, a call for order, a call to Beluaterra. With a chest of Outer Tilogian gold, and a few "personal" items, he boarded the first ship out of the Colonies. He had left for the Republic of Fwuvoghor, for he knew people there, and it was a monarchy.
===Early Career in Fwuvoghor===
His arrival was a bit of a shock. Crow, Arianna, and Beowulf were there to greet him, along with one of Crow's brothers. He then also learned about Raven's death at the hands of an ennemy on far-away lands. He loathed the north as much as before, but he didn't voice it as strongly, for any self-respecting newcommer doesn't start to stir trouble on day one. There, he was approached by Capone Slayer, the cousin of the queen. The man showed him a new path, a new god, which he accepted with little hesitation, as it all just seemed to make sense. He became of knight of Villriil, and did as he was told.
===Rise in the Monarchy===
After a few weeks, his friends the Onyxs were suddenly poisoned. Jean-Olivier suspected that Avalonian assassins had tainted their food with a rare subtance, for they quickly became incapacitated. Soon after, the realm was without an Arch Priest. He urged to have Crow re-elected, but he was not deemed fit to command anymore so his votes was wasted. The result of the elections came as a surprise, to him as well as the rest of the realm, he suspected. He had become the Republic of Fwuvoghor's new Arch Priest. Though he was greatly irritated at all the written laws and procedures, as well as region maintenance, which was assigned to him, he finally, for the first time since his stay in Fronen, feel the call of duty. Since Fronen, it was the first time he actually cared for his realm, and he took great pride in serving the royal family as the Arch Priest.
===Duty in the Invasion===
For the most part, Jean-Olivier did not do much noteworthy, other than that fact itself. He had become quite calmer, his temper better controlled. His hate wasn't gone, but it no longer overwhelmed his reason. An inhuman invasion was at hand, and quickly he realised that the undead were the true allies in the war. He didn't quite understand why, but he trusted them more than quite a few of his realm-mates, and more than most foreigners... a feeling that was reinforced when he was told they were minions of his lord. He fought daimons with a sadistic glee, and even though things seemed grim to most, he had faith and a conviction that they simply needed to fight harder.
Then the undead were defeated in but a few battles, and he learned that Summoner was finally back, so he asked him the questions he had wanted to ask Sarge for quite some time now, and he was not ready for the answers he received. After much contemplating, the actions to take seemed obvious. Humans had always reacted during this invasion, and now, Jean-Olivier was acting, for it seemed to him that there was only a single explanation possible, considering the striking similarities between what was happening to the undead and what had happened to him, and where it had lead him: Teros had special things planned for him.
===Undying Alliance===
Much happened through time. His plan had failed, Outer Tilog, though hardly surprising, had failed to act. The Lich King whom he had saught to free remained emprisonned, as he lacked the means to carry out his plan. With time he had once again grown disillusioned of Fwuvoghor, it's republican tendencies frustrated him greatly, and folded himself back on the few people he trusted. His plan to found New Arakir, to control the undead portals, protect them, and excerce the Lich King's will on this world had failed, and so he was once again lost. The undead defeat made him weak.
However, with time, he regained hope, and regained his strength. Summoner might not be strong anymore, but he still was. The undead might not be sovereign anymore, but he still was. Once again, he started looking for ideas, once again, the New Arakir idea came to mind. However, it was too late. The undead were leaving, and before that, they would draw the daimons into Enweil for a final fight. Then, he saw an opportunity to truly become soverign...
===Power Struggle===
Felmoure, the duke of Fwuvoghor, was made in turn the new King. With his reign came change, and the first thing he did was reinstate the House of Ministers, which, initially, was made up of four influential members of the realm. With it, decisions were then being passed through the house, which while considerably delayed decision-making, made it more democratic. However, two monarchists, the former queen Retravic and her devout supporter, the Arch Priest Jean-Olivier, held a considerable power in it, and tensions quickly began to rise as they were constantly opposed to the King Felmoure and Lord Mordred. With these tensions came damage, as Felmoure halted the Arch Priest's access to foreign information, and in turn, the Arch Priest maintained foreign relations of his own, creating a chiasm within the realm. At the end of October (2007), the events came to their climax, as the High Marshal Retravic refused to send the army into Felmoure's perceived suicidary plan. At the same time, the Arch Priest and Earl of Villriil Jean-Olivier was having a heated debate with Felmoure about the realm's relations with the daimon-controlled Sint, as Jean-Olivier had been constantly slandering them and shouting blasphemy to prove their weakness for a considerable ammount of time by then. It all erupted when Felmoure subliminally cast doubts on Jean-Olivier, who was quick to react, and lead to him being accused of imposture. To prove his nobility, take back the power he lost, and save Fwuvoghor from the democratic reforms, he forced him to duel him at the royal palace and declared a rebellion. After a few blows, Jean-Olivier slayed Felmoure and proclaimed himself King, which was recognised by the realm a day later.
Immediatly, he sought to consolidate his power. He re-appointed Aerthbatol Nimis as banker, as he had had good access to vital information relating to the invasion and had held the title well. A little later, he appointed Ben's Jamin, the former ruler who, at the end, had irritated him, to focus his criticism into constructive suggestions, and because he seemed the most competant for the job, and Jean-Olivier trusted his loyalty to the realm. However, something had happened which he had not expected. While he lay wounded, and the nobles he had most trust in were captured, an election was held for Arch Priest, and with so little people able to vote, his ennemy, Mordred Le-Fay, who he had planned to banish, ended up elected. From day one, Mordred engaged in disruptive criticism, and one thing became clear to Jean-Olivier: A new clique had been formed, similar to way he operated before. Mordred was at their head, caring nothing for the realm, attempting to return elections and get power. He was the true successor of Felmoure the Weak. At his side was his brother, Hericus, who'se total lack of any form of sense of loyalty disgusted Jean-Olivier above all else, and the bewitched Azt, who never followed orders, never sent letters, never recruited units, never even left the capital, but funelled his gold to the Le-Fays in a suspicous matter. And so Jean-Olivier worked to have a cleaner operation, as the last had not been as surgical as he had hoped. He contacted a few people, and attempted to have Mordred assassinated, to finally remove the ex-loyalist from his legs, while keeping an eye on the duke Belzer, whom he did not know how to consider yet.
While doing his planning, he was attacked by the fiendish Phoebe, whom he had asked to assassinate his judge, and so he layed many days in critical condition as the healers worked hard to stabilize him.
===Vengeance that never dies===
Daimons occupied the capital for a long time, Melegra slipped out of control and became one of their breeding grounds, monsters came and raided the west. Chaos prevailed, and with so much of his nobility wounded or captured, so many of his regions occupied, Jean-Olivier struggled to prevent everyone from falling into despair, including himself. They saw light, though, for as the undead were defeated, their last forces came to Fwuvoghor to aid him, and with them they gave him 3000 gold and a daimonic weapon. Though they failed to repell the daimons, the beasts left on their own after some time, and the ressources were quickly used up to fund the repairs. Shortly after, the daimon Rampaging joined the ranks of the Fwuvoghor nobles, something Jean-Olivier was most unhappy about as it was an insult to his pride, for he had been the most voiceful opponent of anyone who was even doubted of collaborating with them.
This daimon brought great fear to him, as it couldn't speak, and did not seem to appreciate the King very much, a feeling that was mutual. However, he spent alot of time thinking about this, about the symbols the daimons gave, the meaning of it all, and their experience with the daimon Silent, and he recalled the original plan that his prophet had proposed. War against Avalon.
Uniting humanity for humanity's sake had already failed, as far as he was concerned, as critical parts of humanity's forces were working against humanity. He had seen how Sint and Heen were manipulating others through this philosophy, and wanted to put an end to it, but he lacked the ressources to do anything about it himself. At about the same time, the government of Avalon made a mockery of Fwuvoghor, with a reference of how they had sieged the city and layed it to waste, and that had brought his back his memories of Wudenkin, and was a tool he used.
Ruling a realm that had almost faced destruction, that had ennemies which vowed to destroy it in the future, with an army that had over-expanded itself with the funds of the necromancer's servants which had just run out, the king Jean-Olivier Chénier decided it was time to assure his realm's survival. The most immediate threat being Avalon, while Riombara and Fronen were quite occupied with their own problems, he used his armies, and the daimons at his service, to begin the destruction of Avalon. Promising a risky stronghold to his nemesis, he managed to silence him, and as things progressed he further monopolised power to himself, directing the army and giving out orders more often then not. He also made preparations to capture the adventurers of the realm to force them to join him, in an attempt to het his hands on portal stones, while making preparations against Riombara, which he planned to attack next. As an elder of Teros, following the prophet's words, he declared the Order of the Druids evil, and ordered the looting of their shrine. Fwuvoghor was going to expand and gather wild ammounts of riches, and it's ennemies would be crushed and would bother it no more after the invasion, which was the only way for the realm to survive past this. He was truly manic, as his suppressed emotions of old were finally comming back, he was finally going to crush those that had caused him and him friends so much harm.
However, one of his plans back-fired, and he ended up ahead of the rest of the army, where he fought a band of monsters on his own. The battle proved fatal, and he was killed in combat before his plans could truly spring into action. Shortly later, king Ben's Jamin of Fwuvoghor signed a cease-fire with Avalon.

Latest revision as of 00:49, 9 January 2008

The Eldest son of the Chénier. Unmarried.

Starting Career

Jean-Olivier started his career in Norland, home of his family. He left Shiverwood in search of a job, and joined the army of Norland. He had not to look far to learn that there was no opportunities for the likes of him. Norland was at a state of peace, monsters were few, but outpowered him... There was no way to show valour and increase the family's fame. So he started doing paid labour, here and there, to buy some tickets to get onboard a boat and leave for lands filled with opportunities. After paying his younger brother a trip to Yssaria, at his father's request, he left for the realm of Fronen, where oppotunities are told to be endless...

Early Fronenian Career

Arriving in Fronepu, sea-sick after a few days on the sea, intrigue seemed to fill the air. He heard about some loathed nation, Luz de Bia, and rumours about the rising dead. Shortly after he was enroled in the army and ordered to help allies against Luz de Bia, so he got himself a unit and followed the orders. However, he has unwisely spent his money, and arriving in Stempleto, he found himself with little money left, and a large unit he knew he could not pay for more than a few days, so he was forced to return to Fronepu and retract some of his bonds to pay his troops. Little did he know the undead were awaiting him in Stempleto when he was heading back to the battlefield. Jean-Olivier, caught by surprise, vigourously defended the city on the first assault, but was quickly forced into guerrilla warfare as the undead outnumbered him. He bravely fought for days like this, taking casulaties every day in an attempt to tire the undead forces untill reinforcements arrived.

It was then, after losing much of his unit, and earning himself a name for valiantly defending the city against overwhelming odds and without surrendering, that he decided to join Homeland Security, as he saw that if the regular army was concentrated elsewhere, there was still an omnipresent threat in the homeland, a threat he had fought once and was ready to fight again.

Having recruited himself a larger force, he returned to the undead-run region of Marpii, where he fought alongside fellow Fronenians, but was caught by surprise by an undead group that had flanked the army and was captured, taken to a hidden hideout for a few days were he furiously waited while the battles raged without him. This has made him determined to dedicate himself to the eradication of the undead plague on Fronen.

End of his Fronenian Career

And so internal turmoil arrived to Fronen. A rebellion was called by the people he trusted, and almost immediatly after his brother joined their ranks. An assassin must have been hiding at the manor for rebel applicants, for he was assaulted as he left by Tammeran the infiltrator, relative of a person JeanOlivier greatly disliked. His brother's police unit had been waiting though, and as soon as the assassin took out his blade they charged him, but were too late to prevent the damage. Having captured him, they threw him in the dungeon before leaving to rejoin their leader. Moments later, Alexius, who had been proclaimed judge due to an election where almost 50% of Fronen did not vote (those who didn't vote for him last elections), liberated Tammeran from his cell. JeanOlivier, infuriated by this, vowed vengeance of both their families. After the rebellion his brother joined succeeded, a counter-rebellion was launched by none else than Alexius, which drove JeanOlivier mad and made him join the "loyalists" to fight the counter-rebellion, opposing him to his liege to whom he had been loyal untill now. A few days later, a few assassinations later, the counter-rebellion managed to trigger elections, and with the rebellion leaders unable to present themselves, the rebellion was crushed silently that day, forcing all rebels into exile. JeanOlivier therefore, on the 17th of january, after passing a long time alone and abusing alcool, akwardly declared a rebellion and marched to Avalon...

Character Stats (january 18th 2007)

JeanOlivier Chénier

Physical Age:	 	19 years
Character Class:	 	Hero
Honour:	 	34
Prestige:		16
Gold:		8
Bonds:		0
Status:		wounded

Unit Stats (january 17th 2007)

Vur Hagin's Elite Longbowmen

Type:	 	Archers
Range:	 	4 lines
Strength:		70 men
Training:		78 %
Weapons/Armour:		62% / 68%
Equipment Damage:		4 %
Morale:		100 %
Cohesion:		100 %
Total Combat Strength:		937


Having no realm wanting him anymore, JeanOlivier's fate didn't bode well in Avalonian prisons after doing a failed suicide attack on their biggest and strongest city, Wudenkin. Having given away all his money, he could not buy his liberty, so he remained in the dungeons for about a day before the judge of Avalon arrived, forced him onto a boat and deported him to the penal island of the colonies. JeanOlivier was not very counscious for most of the process.

Colonial Experience

When he finally arrived, he was still slightly limping, and his thirst for alcohol had not been quenched. Outer Tilog was something truly unique, he had never seen anything of the like, and was disgusted by it for the first week, trying to limit contact with the others, but he quickly gave in the the pleasures of the place and consumed more than ever. However, this could not last... Months later he decided to wake up, sober up, and regain his name and honour. That is when he left for the South-East island, joining Taselak after an odd man told him he'd be better there.

South-East Campaign

The blood spilling in Taselak satisfied him for a certain time, but in the end there was still something lacking. Taselak simply didn't feel like home, just as Norland didn't. In a night, after a long day's of hard shameful work, he simply had his belongings packed and left for a place he had already been in, but this time he came by choice. He felt he had... something... to do there, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Outer Tilogian Stay

After leaving the South-East island, he made his home in Outer Tilog again. Though he was surrounded by dillusional fools, it was the best he had felt most at home since... since a long time. Drinking more than his fair share of ale, enjoying the shows of torture (of his own men among others), watching his mean train until exhaustion passed his time, but the world simply moved on around him. Something still didn't feel right. Perhaps it was being stranded alone in a sea of aliens, although Tyria had made an impression on him, perhaps it was that he simply didn't have a hint of authority on others. Whatever it was, when Jean-Olivier heard word of the foul beasts on Beluaterra he packed his things and dismissed his men, making way for a long trip back. When he had left the place he wasn't even counscious, for Jelpot of Avalon had released some brutes onto him. This time, he felt more living than ever. Beluaterra had left a scar on him, now he was going to scar Beluaterra, and all those who lead to his downfall.

Return to Service

He enjoyed the pleasures of Outer Tilog for a while, merciless murders and free torture sessions. He even had his claymore forged here (along with a set of armor that was lost later on), which, of course, required him to crush a few toes before it was done properly. However, something still called to him, something from far away. At first, he interpreted it as a call of faith, and joined up with the Apostles of the Abyss, where he had a gruesome demon painfully tatooed in his left armpit. However, he soon came to realise it was a call from his youth. A call to serve, a call for order, a call to Beluaterra. With a chest of Outer Tilogian gold, and a few "personal" items, he boarded the first ship out of the Colonies. He had left for the Republic of Fwuvoghor, for he knew people there, and it was a monarchy.

Early Career in Fwuvoghor

His arrival was a bit of a shock. Crow, Arianna, and Beowulf were there to greet him, along with one of Crow's brothers. He then also learned about Raven's death at the hands of an ennemy on far-away lands. He loathed the north as much as before, but he didn't voice it as strongly, for any self-respecting newcommer doesn't start to stir trouble on day one. There, he was approached by Capone Slayer, the cousin of the queen. The man showed him a new path, a new god, which he accepted with little hesitation, as it all just seemed to make sense. He became of knight of Villriil, and did as he was told.

Rise in the Monarchy

After a few weeks, his friends the Onyxs were suddenly poisoned. Jean-Olivier suspected that Avalonian assassins had tainted their food with a rare subtance, for they quickly became incapacitated. Soon after, the realm was without an Arch Priest. He urged to have Crow re-elected, but he was not deemed fit to command anymore so his votes was wasted. The result of the elections came as a surprise, to him as well as the rest of the realm, he suspected. He had become the Republic of Fwuvoghor's new Arch Priest. Though he was greatly irritated at all the written laws and procedures, as well as region maintenance, which was assigned to him, he finally, for the first time since his stay in Fronen, feel the call of duty. Since Fronen, it was the first time he actually cared for his realm, and he took great pride in serving the royal family as the Arch Priest.

Duty in the Invasion

For the most part, Jean-Olivier did not do much noteworthy, other than that fact itself. He had become quite calmer, his temper better controlled. His hate wasn't gone, but it no longer overwhelmed his reason. An inhuman invasion was at hand, and quickly he realised that the undead were the true allies in the war. He didn't quite understand why, but he trusted them more than quite a few of his realm-mates, and more than most foreigners... a feeling that was reinforced when he was told they were minions of his lord. He fought daimons with a sadistic glee, and even though things seemed grim to most, he had faith and a conviction that they simply needed to fight harder.

Then the undead were defeated in but a few battles, and he learned that Summoner was finally back, so he asked him the questions he had wanted to ask Sarge for quite some time now, and he was not ready for the answers he received. After much contemplating, the actions to take seemed obvious. Humans had always reacted during this invasion, and now, Jean-Olivier was acting, for it seemed to him that there was only a single explanation possible, considering the striking similarities between what was happening to the undead and what had happened to him, and where it had lead him: Teros had special things planned for him.

Undying Alliance

Much happened through time. His plan had failed, Outer Tilog, though hardly surprising, had failed to act. The Lich King whom he had saught to free remained emprisonned, as he lacked the means to carry out his plan. With time he had once again grown disillusioned of Fwuvoghor, it's republican tendencies frustrated him greatly, and folded himself back on the few people he trusted. His plan to found New Arakir, to control the undead portals, protect them, and excerce the Lich King's will on this world had failed, and so he was once again lost. The undead defeat made him weak.

However, with time, he regained hope, and regained his strength. Summoner might not be strong anymore, but he still was. The undead might not be sovereign anymore, but he still was. Once again, he started looking for ideas, once again, the New Arakir idea came to mind. However, it was too late. The undead were leaving, and before that, they would draw the daimons into Enweil for a final fight. Then, he saw an opportunity to truly become soverign...

Power Struggle

Felmoure, the duke of Fwuvoghor, was made in turn the new King. With his reign came change, and the first thing he did was reinstate the House of Ministers, which, initially, was made up of four influential members of the realm. With it, decisions were then being passed through the house, which while considerably delayed decision-making, made it more democratic. However, two monarchists, the former queen Retravic and her devout supporter, the Arch Priest Jean-Olivier, held a considerable power in it, and tensions quickly began to rise as they were constantly opposed to the King Felmoure and Lord Mordred. With these tensions came damage, as Felmoure halted the Arch Priest's access to foreign information, and in turn, the Arch Priest maintained foreign relations of his own, creating a chiasm within the realm. At the end of October (2007), the events came to their climax, as the High Marshal Retravic refused to send the army into Felmoure's perceived suicidary plan. At the same time, the Arch Priest and Earl of Villriil Jean-Olivier was having a heated debate with Felmoure about the realm's relations with the daimon-controlled Sint, as Jean-Olivier had been constantly slandering them and shouting blasphemy to prove their weakness for a considerable ammount of time by then. It all erupted when Felmoure subliminally cast doubts on Jean-Olivier, who was quick to react, and lead to him being accused of imposture. To prove his nobility, take back the power he lost, and save Fwuvoghor from the democratic reforms, he forced him to duel him at the royal palace and declared a rebellion. After a few blows, Jean-Olivier slayed Felmoure and proclaimed himself King, which was recognised by the realm a day later.

Immediatly, he sought to consolidate his power. He re-appointed Aerthbatol Nimis as banker, as he had had good access to vital information relating to the invasion and had held the title well. A little later, he appointed Ben's Jamin, the former ruler who, at the end, had irritated him, to focus his criticism into constructive suggestions, and because he seemed the most competant for the job, and Jean-Olivier trusted his loyalty to the realm. However, something had happened which he had not expected. While he lay wounded, and the nobles he had most trust in were captured, an election was held for Arch Priest, and with so little people able to vote, his ennemy, Mordred Le-Fay, who he had planned to banish, ended up elected. From day one, Mordred engaged in disruptive criticism, and one thing became clear to Jean-Olivier: A new clique had been formed, similar to way he operated before. Mordred was at their head, caring nothing for the realm, attempting to return elections and get power. He was the true successor of Felmoure the Weak. At his side was his brother, Hericus, who'se total lack of any form of sense of loyalty disgusted Jean-Olivier above all else, and the bewitched Azt, who never followed orders, never sent letters, never recruited units, never even left the capital, but funelled his gold to the Le-Fays in a suspicous matter. And so Jean-Olivier worked to have a cleaner operation, as the last had not been as surgical as he had hoped. He contacted a few people, and attempted to have Mordred assassinated, to finally remove the ex-loyalist from his legs, while keeping an eye on the duke Belzer, whom he did not know how to consider yet.

While doing his planning, he was attacked by the fiendish Phoebe, whom he had asked to assassinate his judge, and so he layed many days in critical condition as the healers worked hard to stabilize him.

Vengeance that never dies

Daimons occupied the capital for a long time, Melegra slipped out of control and became one of their breeding grounds, monsters came and raided the west. Chaos prevailed, and with so much of his nobility wounded or captured, so many of his regions occupied, Jean-Olivier struggled to prevent everyone from falling into despair, including himself. They saw light, though, for as the undead were defeated, their last forces came to Fwuvoghor to aid him, and with them they gave him 3000 gold and a daimonic weapon. Though they failed to repell the daimons, the beasts left on their own after some time, and the ressources were quickly used up to fund the repairs. Shortly after, the daimon Rampaging joined the ranks of the Fwuvoghor nobles, something Jean-Olivier was most unhappy about as it was an insult to his pride, for he had been the most voiceful opponent of anyone who was even doubted of collaborating with them.

This daimon brought great fear to him, as it couldn't speak, and did not seem to appreciate the King very much, a feeling that was mutual. However, he spent alot of time thinking about this, about the symbols the daimons gave, the meaning of it all, and their experience with the daimon Silent, and he recalled the original plan that his prophet had proposed. War against Avalon.

Uniting humanity for humanity's sake had already failed, as far as he was concerned, as critical parts of humanity's forces were working against humanity. He had seen how Sint and Heen were manipulating others through this philosophy, and wanted to put an end to it, but he lacked the ressources to do anything about it himself. At about the same time, the government of Avalon made a mockery of Fwuvoghor, with a reference of how they had sieged the city and layed it to waste, and that had brought his back his memories of Wudenkin, and was a tool he used.

Ruling a realm that had almost faced destruction, that had ennemies which vowed to destroy it in the future, with an army that had over-expanded itself with the funds of the necromancer's servants which had just run out, the king Jean-Olivier Chénier decided it was time to assure his realm's survival. The most immediate threat being Avalon, while Riombara and Fronen were quite occupied with their own problems, he used his armies, and the daimons at his service, to begin the destruction of Avalon. Promising a risky stronghold to his nemesis, he managed to silence him, and as things progressed he further monopolised power to himself, directing the army and giving out orders more often then not. He also made preparations to capture the adventurers of the realm to force them to join him, in an attempt to het his hands on portal stones, while making preparations against Riombara, which he planned to attack next. As an elder of Teros, following the prophet's words, he declared the Order of the Druids evil, and ordered the looting of their shrine. Fwuvoghor was going to expand and gather wild ammounts of riches, and it's ennemies would be crushed and would bother it no more after the invasion, which was the only way for the realm to survive past this. He was truly manic, as his suppressed emotions of old were finally comming back, he was finally going to crush those that had caused him and him friends so much harm.

However, one of his plans back-fired, and he ended up ahead of the rest of the army, where he fought a band of monsters on his own. The battle proved fatal, and he was killed in combat before his plans could truly spring into action. Shortly later, king Ben's Jamin of Fwuvoghor signed a cease-fire with Avalon.