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<center><b>Back to [[Plergoth Press]]</b></center>
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| width="100%" style="font-size: 140%;" | '''January News'''
title= All Plergoth Regions at Core!|
author= Elroy|
date= January 23, 1007|
article= Thanks to the dedicated work of our nobles, all 10 regions in Plergoth are at Core with almost maximal stats. This even includes the region of Weghie which threw off 2 TO attempts by Khthon, before a third attempt (aided by the presence of Vlaanderen's army) was smashed in another easy victory for the army of Plergoth. The population is rejoicing in this unfamiliar time of stability and prosperity, which has been unheard of for some time in Plergoth.

Kelrond has been a great general for our realm and he has brought discipline and order to our army. Something I found lacking with the old army. Kelrond has mounted brave offensives and cunning feints and he will always be remembered as our greatest general.  
image =|
title =<font face="Castellar">The Plergoth Press</font>|
price ='''0 Gold = Nobles / 5 Gold = Peasants'''|
quote ='''Editor:''' Luxor Feylonis|
issue ='''Issue One, December'''|
other =<center>''' ''The main propoganda and newspaper of Plergoth!'' '''</center>
title= Setbacks Abound for Vlaanderen and Khthon|
author= Elroy|
date= January 15, 1007|
article= The region of Weghie, recently reclaimed by Plergoth, overthrew a TO attempt by Khthon that Vlaanderen attempted to help protect. Presently, Plergoth is on the verge of a successful TO of Yokk, and will regain all lost regions, except Tindle, which is now firmly under Khthon's control and has been an acceptable loss for Plergoth. The failed TO followed a folly of a move by the forces from Vlaanderen and Khthon into Haffemet, which unfortunately did catch a couple Plergoth TL's napping, but did not do any serious damage to our military. As their militaries chase their own tails, Plergoth continues to execute with eficiency and repeatedly shows not only that our military, but our leaders are more than a match for even the combined alliance of Khthon and Vlaanderen.
title= Kelrond to Step Down|
author= Marcus Antonus|
date= January 13, 1007|
article= Minister of Defense Kelrond resigned his position today due his wife's failing health (OOC reasons). Since we will be looking after his wife, Kelrond says he will be unfit for the position of general and has opened up his office to those aspiring to become the next great military strategist.
Kelrond has been a great general for our realm and he has brought discipline and order to our army. Something I found lacking with the old army. Kelrond has mounted brave offensives and cunning feints and he will always be remembered as our greatest general.
title= Khthon Forces Routed in Weghie|
author= Elroy|
date= January 11, 1007|
article= In yet another show of military superiority over the less than "heroic" Khthon army, forces from Plergoth utterly destroyed the army of Khthon, wounding their General, Minister of Finance, and Judge, as well as killing one of their heroes, wounding 3 other TL's, and capturing another one of their TL's (who is also a traitor to Plergoth) in that single battle. This once again proves that without their masters in Avalon, Khthon is nothing more than an opportunistic upstart realm and not a serious threat or player in Beluaterra. Their few surviving troops and TL's, including their ruler Geoff, were seen limping away from the battlefield as quickly as possible with their [lapdog] tails tucked between their legs.
title= Khthon Declares War|
author= Elroy|
date= January 7, 1007|
article= Khthon officially declared war on Plergoth, and the lapdog realm of "heroes" have their masters in Avalon to thank for their first victory against Plergoth forces today.
title= Bounty Collected on VonGarrett|
author= Elroy|
date= January 7, 1007|
article= After a fiery exchange that included derogatory comments about the lack of branches on the family trees in the region of Jaekind, Sir Blurk, Count of Jaekind, challenged VonGarrett, Duke of Creasur to a duel to surrender to settle the matter. Sir Blurk used an aggressive strategy while VonGarrett used trick moves in an attempt to defeat his opponent. According to eyewitnesses, the battle raged for some time with each inflicting superficial wounds, until at last Sir Blurk took advantage of an opening and inflicted a serious wound on VonGarrett. Because the leaders of Vlaanderen had placed a 400 gold bounty on VonGarrett, Blurk was able to collect this gold and put it to good use for the creation of a new infantry RC in Jaekind. The matter of honor between the two lords now settled, VonGarrett is close to full recovery from his wounds and will be ready to rejoin the fight against Vlaanderen and Khthon.
title= Khthon's Views: Revealed!|
author= Luxor
date= January 5, 1007|
article= These messages were broadcasted to all of Plergoth, which revealed reasons behind Khton's recent actions of hostilities toward Plergoth:
''Roleplay from Geoff (58 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
Khthon, as a realm, had to make a choice. A choice that will forever change the course of how it is viewed by its neighbors and the continent as a whole.
Khthon has done its best to remain neutral in conflicts, although we have always had a preference for our nearest allies. During wars, we'd happily venture into neighboring lands to weed out undead and monsters from Avalon, Ashborn, Old Grehk, Fronen, but mostly Plergoth. We enjoy this life, and it's all we ever wanted.
Plergoth, over the course of the last several months, has had an on-again, off-again plan to take back the lands inhabited by Khthon and its heroes. At first, the plan was stopped by Enweil's involvement in the Plergoth-Mesh war. Second was the secession of Reeds and the creation of Vlaanderen Khthon's heroes have spent many tireless nights awake, fearing for when the next ruler tells us to watch our backs against our southern allies.

Khthon cannot continue our altruistic ways until we feel safe in our borders. We realize this will never end until we are strong enough that Plergoth won't have casual conversation about our demise. That is why we've decided it is in our best interest, and the best interest of all our neighbors, to balance the sides and emerge from being a fledgeling realm to a realm on equal footing with Plergoth. This is why we must declare war.

==Khthon Declares War==
Khthon isn't after the annihilation of Plergoth. We simply realize that our survival depends on our strength in relation to them. This is why we must be proactive to claim regions from Plergoth. It was apparent when Plergoth demanded the return of Tindle that we must act. I hereby declare that Khthon will cease military action against Plergoth entirely when Khthon's region count equals that of Plergoth, whatever that number ends up being.
<i>January 7, 1006 | By: Elroy</i><br>
Khthon officially declared war on Plergoth, and the lapdog realm of "heroes" have their masters in Avalon to thank for their first victory againt Plergoth forces today.

==Bounty Collected on VonGarrett==
If this forever damages the relationship between Khthon and Plergoth, then it is for the greater good. Khthon must be allowed to feel autonomous - our choices must be our own. We must be able to live without conditions attached or threats levied. No realm should live in fear, just as no peasants should live in fear from monsters and undead.
<i>January 7, 1006 | By: Elroy</i><br>
After a fiery exchange that included derogatory comments about the lack of branches on the family trees in the region of Jaekind, Sir Blurk, Count of Jaekind, challenged VonGarrett, Duke of Creasur to a duel to surrender to settle the matter. Sir Blurk used an aggressive strategy while VonGarrett used trick moves in an attempt to defeat his opponent. According to eyewitnesses, the battle raged for some time with each inflicting superficial wounds, until at last Sir Blurk took advantage of an opening and inflicted a serious wound on VonGarrett. Because the leaders of Vlaanderen had placed a 400 gold bounty on VonGarrett, Blurk was able to collect this gold and put it to good use for the creation of a new infantry RC in Jaekind.  The matter of honor between the two lords now settled, VonGarrett is close to full recovery from his wounds and will be ready to rejoin the fight against Vlaanderen and Khthon.

Sir Geoff
Chancellor of Khthon, Marshal of the Khthon Royal Knights<p> Chancellor Artevan responded with this:<p> Letter from Artevan
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
I do wish to answer Geoff's charges. I have told him and Elias repeatedly, at no time during my tenure with this council was any plans of attack considered regarding Kthon. In fact we did wish to try and repair our relationship, even to this point. While Geoff claims we had an on again, off again plan, the facts of the matter are these:

==Khton's Views: Revealed!==
~Kthon ransacked and looted one of the temples of Omniovism, the chief religion of Plergoth, and kept it's gold for themselves.
<i>January 5, 1006 | By: Luxor</i><br>
~Kthon knowingly sent a priest into Tindle, a realm of Plergoth to sow sedition and distrust with it's people.
These messages were broadcasted to all of Plergoth, which revealed reasons behind [[Khton]]'s recent actions of hostilities toward Plergoth:<p>
~When the realm went rogue they imeediately moved in and completed aone day take over, while still Allies of our realm.
<i>Roleplay from Geoff (58 minutes ago)<br>
~They moved through our lands without permission on multiple occasions to attack our army in Haffemet in conjunction with the terrorist nation of Vlaanderen
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)<br>
Khthon, as a realm, had to make a choice. A choice that will forever change the course of how it is viewed by its neighbors and the continent as a whole.<br>
Khthon has done its best to remain neutral in conflicts, although we have always had a preference for our nearest allies. During wars, we'd happily venture into neighboring lands to weed out undead and monsters from Avalon, Ashborn, Old Grehk, Fronen, but mostly Plergoth. We enjoy this life, and it's all we ever wanted.<br>
Plergoth, over the course of the last several months, has had an on-again, off-again plan to take back the lands inhabited by Khthon and its heroes. At first, the plan was stopped by Enweil's involvement in the Plergoth-Mesh war. Second was the secession of Reeds and the creation of Vlaanderen Khthon's heroes have spent many tireless nights awake, fearing for when the next ruler tells us to watch our backs against our southern allies.<br>
Khthon cannot continue our altruistic ways until we feel safe in our borders. We realize this will never end until we are strong enough that Plergoth won't have casual conversation about our demise. That is why we've decided it is in our best interest, and the best interest of all our neighbors, to balance the sides and emerge from being a fledgeling realm to a realm on equal footing with Plergoth. This is why we must declare war.<br>
Khthon isn't after the annihilation of Plergoth. We simply realize that our survival depends on our strength in relation to them. This is why we must be proactive to claim regions from Plergoth. It was apparent when Plergoth demanded the return of Tindle that we must act. I hereby declare that Khthon will cease military action against Plergoth entirely when Khthon's region count equals that of Plergoth, whatever that number ends up being.<br>
If this forever damages the relationship between Khthon and Plergoth, then it is for the greater good. Khthon must be allowed to feel autonomous - our choices must be our own. We must be able to live without conditions attached or threats levied. No realm should live in fear, just as no peasants should live in fear from monsters and undead. <br>
Sir Geoff<br>
Chancellor of Khthon, Marshal of the Khthon Royal Knights</i><p>

Chancellor Artevan responded with this:<p>
I have been Chancellor just over 24 hours but one of my first contacts was to discuss with Geoff healing thsi rift. His answer was he wanted us to give more regions to him and the terrorists and then broker an Alliance. He claims he wants to not live in fear, what he clearly wants is to expand his realm at the cost of my people.
<i>Letter from Artevan<br>
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)<br>
I do wish to answer Geoff's charges. I have told him and Elias repeatedly, at no time during my tenure with this council was any plans of attack considered regarding Kthon. In fact we did wish to try and repair our relationship, even to this point. While Geoff claims we had an on again, off again plan, the facts of the matter are these:<br>
~Kthon ransacked and looted one of the temples of Omniovism, the chief religion of Plergoth, and kept it's gold for themselves.<br>
~Kthon knowingly sent a priest into Tindle, a realm of Plergoth to sow sedition and distrust with it's people.<br>
~When the realm went rogue they imeediately moved in and completed aone day take over, while still Allies of our realm.<br>
~They moved through our lands without permission on multiple occasions to attack our army in Haffemet in conjunction with the terrorist nation of Vlaanderen<br>
I have been Chancellor just over 24 hours but one of my first contacts was to discuss with Geoff healing thsi rift. His answer was he wanted us to give more regions to him and the terrorists and then broker an Alliance. He claims he wants to not live in fear, what he clearly wants is to expand his realm at the cost of my people.<br>
Kthon can choose to believe and think what they want, but the facts are irrefutable. Plergoth in now way at any time acted against Kthon. In the meatime they did knowingly make overt acts of war against us, many of which were done with relationship still at Allies.<br>
If this is the path they choose to go down, then that is their choice. Not ours.<br>
Sir Artevan</i><br>
To these issues brought up by Chancellor Artevan, Chancellor Geoff replied:<br>
<i>I'll address the issues, but I want to make one thing perfectly clear - A federation does not equal autonomy. We aren't willing to accept 'federate or be destroyed' as an option. We also aren't willing to change who we are to fit the mold of Plergoth. When we were threatened by Al, we were suspicious. When we were threatened by Marcus Antonus, we had had enough.<br>
Now, on to those issues:<br>
~Kthon ransacked and looted one of the temples of Omniovism, the chief religion of Plergoth, and kept it's gold for themselves.<br>
An opportunity was given by my duke to remove it peaceably, but it went unanswered. As the ruling duke, it is his option which temples exist in the region. I stand by his decision. He did all he can do (OOC: Within game mechanics) to remove the temple, and that was his only option.<br>
~Kthon knowingly sent a priest into Tindle, a realm of Plergoth to sow sedition and distrust with it's people.<br>
I did not send any priest anywhere. Khthon priests are allowed to operate on their own, and spread their religion as they choose. There is no state-sponsored religion. Plergoth has one and that's fine for them, but it's not what we're about. If we had Omnivorist priests in Khthon, the same freedom would be given to them.<br>
~When the realm went rogue they imeediately moved in and completed aone day take over, while still Allies of our realm.<br>
Yes, we did this. The people were being abused, we took them under our wing, blah blah blah. The rulers have all heard this before, so I'll spare them from hearing it again.<br>
~They moved through our lands without permission on multiple occasions to attack our army in Haffemet in conjunction with the terrorist nation of Vlaanderen<br>
I don't know of all these occasions you speak of, but we had moved to Haffemet once to break a brutal takeover of the region. Brutal takeovers are unacceptable to us, and we moved to protect the people. You'll notice Khthon troops fought against Plergoth when they were in battle against Vlaanderen peasants.<br>
In summary, we don't like abuse towards peasants, we don't like threats, and we're not going to let it happen anymore.<br>
Sir Geoff<br>
Chancellor of Khthon, Marshal of the Khthon Royal Knights</i><br>
After these messages, [[Avalon]] and Khton once more attacked Weghie, defeating the 2000 CS forces of Plergoth with 4000 CS. This battle resulted to the wounding of one of Plergoth's knights. To what measures will Khton stoop to gain "autonomous recognition"?

==Breaking News: Avalon Invading Plergoth!!!==
Kthon can choose to believe and think what they want, but the facts are irrefutable. Plergoth in now way at any time acted against Kthon. In the meatime they did knowingly make overt acts of war against us, many of which were done with relationship still at Allies.
<i>January 4, 1006 | By: Elroy</i><br>
In a clear violation of their peace treaty with Fronen, Avalon is moving a large force (including at least 2 TO units) into the region of Yokk.  Apparently assurances from Allarion mean nothing, a testament to his "honor," as he stated repeatedly that Avalon would provide only defensive help to Vlaanderen (see his statement below).  It appears as though Avalon is going to try and justify their actions by saying they are "defending" a TO force from Vlaanderen in Yokk, although the indisputable fact is that they are still entering our lands with aggressive intentions.

Excerpt from Allarion's statement, which can be found in full in the Article "Feeling a Little Stressed" - "Avalon will be presenting themselves and their Allies militarily within the borders of Vlaanderen as a Defensive force only."
If this is the path they choose to go down, then that is their choice. Not ours.

Here is another excerpt from a letter from 4 days ago from Allarion in regards to their support of their allies and about not entering Plergoth lands:
Sir Artevan''
"Letter from Allarion (4 days, 4 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
First of all, it seems my General has things a bit distorted, but the youth often can do such things.

Second, Avalon is in NO WAY breaking their treaty with Fronen, and this was discussed in length prior to our movement. We are not to attack Plergoth. The treaty says nothing of us travelling to our ally's lands and being there if Plergoth attacks that land. It's called 'Defending', not 'Attacking'."
To these issues brought up by Chancellor Artevan, Chancellor Geoff replied:
''I'll address the issues, but I want to make one thing perfectly clear - A federation does not equal autonomy. We aren't willing to accept 'federate or be destroyed' as an option. We also aren't willing to change who we are to fit the mold of Plergoth. When we were threatened by Al, we were suspicious. When we were threatened by Marcus Antonus, we had had enough.

Apparently "Within the borders of Vlaanderen as a Defensive force only" and "Defending" is not entirely true.  Given their Alliance with the traitors in Vlaanderen, this deceit is not very surprising, but none the less will likely cause great problems for Plergoth.  at least Allarioni sent word to all the rulers of the world, so that they can have first hand evidence of his lies.
Now, on to those issues:

==Ruler Bravely Protects Family==
~Kthon ransacked and looted one of the temples of Omniovism, the chief religion of Plergoth, and kept it's gold for themselves.
<i>January 3, 1006 | By: Elroy</i><br>
During the 3rd major battle in Haffemet, Alastor, brother of Plergoth's Chancellor was wounded.  Marcus Antonus and a few volunteers remained behind to try and ensure a safe withdrawl of the wounded TL's.  With Avalon in Haffemet and having some of their "defensive" units hunting the surviving Plergoth troops, our realm is anxiously awaiting word that our Chancellor and the other TL's made it out safely.

==TO of Haffemet Stopped==
An opportunity was given by my duke to remove it peaceably, but it went unanswered. As the ruling duke, it is his option which temples exist in the region. I stand by his decision. He did all he can do (OOC: Within game mechanics) to remove the temple, and that was his only option.
<i>January 2, 1006 | By: Elroy</i><br>
Valiant soldiers of Plergoth, battered by a week filled with large battles and skirmishes, finally were on the losing end of a very closely contested (12 round) battle to a combined force from Vlaanderen and Khthon.  Even with most Plergoth units having over 50% damaged equipment and tired from daily battles, the combined fresh enemy had immense difficulty taking control of the field of battle (only one Vlaanderen unit had not retreated before the end of the battle); yet another testament to the skill and resolve of the Plergoth soldiers.  This effectively stopped Plergoth's TO of one of her rightful regions from the rebel realm and with Avalon forces on the horizon, will force Plergoth to regroup.

==Avalon to Violate Treaty with Fronen?==
~Kthon knowingly sent a priest into Tindle, a realm of Plergoth to sow sedition and distrust with it's people.
<i>January 2, 1006 | By: Elroy</i><br>
This just in...Avalon troops have been spotted approaching Haffemet!  With their alliance with Vlaanderen and Khthon, as well as having neutral relations with Plergoth, it appears as though they will be joining in on the attack against the Plergoth TO forces in Haffemet.

The Fronen-Avalon Peace treaty signed 4 1/2 months ago states:
I did not send any priest anywhere. Khthon priests are allowed to operate on their own, and spread their religion as they choose. There is no state-sponsored religion. Plergoth has one and that's fine for them, but it's not what we're about. If we had Omnivorist priests in Khthon, the same freedom would be given to them.
"6. Avalon will not attack any of Fronen´s current allies Ashborn, Melhed, Mesh, Old Grehk, Plergoth, Riombara, Thalmarkin within the first 6 months after the day this treaty is signed nor enter a region with agressive intentions that has a claim of one of the allies mentioned."

According to the wording in the treaty, Avalon cannot attack Plergoth forces, even though they portend to aid in Vlaanderen's defense and not act aggresively towards Plergoth.  When Avalon held Tindle for Khthon so we wouldn't reclaim the region, that was seen as acceptable (even begrudginly by us), since they were not engaging Plergoth's military.  In Haffemet, however, Avalon would be initiating aggressions against an ally of Fronen by directly joining in on the attack against the Plergoth TO forces.
~When the realm went rogue they imeediately moved in and completed aone day take over, while still Allies of our realm.

Hopefully Avalon's ruler can reign in his troops to prevent this unwanted conflict...unless of course Allarion wants this conflict and is willing to break their treaty with Fronen by aiding the traitors in Vlaanderen in what should be seen as a civil war between Plergoth and Vlaanderen...and officially unofficially Khthon.
Yes, we did this. The people were being abused, we took them under our wing, blah blah blah. The rulers have all heard this before, so I'll spare them from hearing it again.

~They moved through our lands without permission on multiple occasions to attack our army in Haffemet in conjunction with the terrorist nation of Vlaanderen

==Another Victory for Plergoth==
I don't know of all these occasions you speak of, but we had moved to Haffemet once to break a brutal takeover of the region. Brutal takeovers are unacceptable to us, and we moved to protect the people. You'll notice Khthon troops fought against Plergoth when they were in battle against Vlaanderen peasants.
<i>January 2, 1006 | By: Elroy</i><br>
Although much closer than the last battle, the Plergoth forces TO'ing Haffemet soundly defeated a combined force from Khthon and Vlaanderen, despite facing many skirmishes and one large battle the past week, which resulted in badly damaged equipment. Even with battered armor and dull blades, the victory was never in doubt from the first exchange and in the end left several prominent troop leaders from Vlaanderen, most notably Valhala, their General and former rebel leader, wounded.

Once again, Khthon joined in on the attack of Plergoth forces, despite no provocation from our realm.  Their intention of going to war with Plergoth is obvious, despite not having the backbone to declare this formally, and will surely lead to further defeats against the forces of Plergoth.
In summary, we don't like abuse towards peasants, we don't like threats, and we're not going to let it happen anymore.

==Khthon Attacks!!!==
Sir Geoff
<i>January 1, 1006 | By: Elroy</i><br>
Chancellor of Khthon, Marshal of the Khthon Royal Knights''
This just in...forces from Khthon attacked the Plergoth forces who are in the process of TO'ing Haffemet (currently a region under the control of the rebel realm of Vlaanderen).  Although they inflicted relatively few casualties through their military ineptitude and were routed from the field of battle, Khthon carried out this unprovoked attack as a continuation of their recent desire to do everything short of unjustly declaring war on Plergoth.  Their boldness comes only from their alliance with Avalon and apparently does not translate into bravery or skill on the field of battle.

Plergoth remains committed to reclaiming her rightful lands from Vlaanderen and have made no offensive military moves against the instigators from Khthon. Whether this policy will continue to stand remains solely on the shoulders of Khthon, much as their defeat will should their actions force Plergoth into war. For now, Plergoth will continue to direct its military effort against Vlaanderen, as has been our consistent and stated mission since the wrongful secession.
After these messages, Avalon and Khton once more attacked Weghie, defeating the 2000 CS forces of Plergoth with 4000 CS. This battle resulted to the wounding of one of Plergoth's knights. To what measures will Khton stoop to gain "autonomous recognition"?
title= Avalon Invading Plergoth!!!|
author= Elroy|
date= January 4, 1007|
article= In a clear violation of their peace treaty with Fronen, Avalon is moving a large force (including at least 2 TO units) into the region of Yokk. Apparently assurances from Allarion mean nothing, a testament to his "honor," as he stated repeatedly that Avalon would provide only defensive help to Vlaanderen (see his statement below). It appears as though Avalon is going to try and justify their actions by saying they are "defending" a TO force from Vlaanderen in Yokk, although the indisputable fact is that they are still entering our lands with aggressive intentions.

Excerpt from Allarion's statement, which can be found in full in the Article "Feeling a Little Stressed" - "Avalon will be presenting themselves and their Allies militarily within the borders of Vlaanderen as a Defensive force only."

==Wolf in Sheep's Clothing==
Here is another excerpt from a letter from 4 days ago from Allarion in regards to their support of their allies and about not entering Plergoth lands: "Letter from Allarion (4 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients) First of all, it seems my General has things a bit distorted, but the youth often can do such things.
<i>December 31, 1006 | By: Elroy</i><br>
Forces from Khthon are traveling through Plergoth lands to Haffemet after lowering diplomatic relations with Plergoth to Neutral and allying themselves with the rebels in Vlaanderen.  So far they maintain that their alliance with Vlannderen, the TO of a Plergoth region that had been rogue for 1 day, the lowering of their diplomatic relations with Plergoth (a former ally), and the unprovoked travel through Plergoth lands are merely coincidental and should not be viewed as a prelude to war.  Add to that the news in the Avalon paper regarding Khthon being free to help Vlaanderen expand at Plergoth's expense, and one can see through Khthon's intentions as easily as if they were written on a piece of parchment soaked in animal lard (always a sign of a healthy meal).

Regarding Avalon, while they maintain a defensive stance in Tindle for their friends in Khthon, should they move into Plergoth territory or attack our troops they will be in violation of their peace treaty with Fronen signed a mere 4 months ago. Plergoth made no military move to retake Tindle, so Avalon's presence there is unclear, unless of course their alliance with Vlaanderen provides the answer - protecting Tindle to allow Khthon to aid Vlaanderen without violating their peace treaty with Fronen. Avalon has always been an honorable realm, and it would be a shame to see them taint their reputation over the likes of the traitors who reside in Vlaanderen.
Second, Avalon is in NO WAY breaking their treaty with Fronen, and this was discussed in length prior to our movement. We are not to attack Plergoth. The treaty says nothing of us travelling to our ally's lands and being there if Plergoth attacks that land. It's called 'Defending', not 'Attacking'."

At any rate, this New Year looks to be rung in with some excitement, and this time without the help of the undead...hopefully.
Apparently "Within the borders of Vlaanderen as a Defensive force only" and "Defending" is not entirely true. Given their Alliance with the traitors in Vlaanderen, this deceit is not very surprising, but none the less will likely cause great problems for Plergoth. at least Allarioni sent word to all the rulers of the world, so that they can have first hand evidence of his lies.
title= Ruler Bravely Protects Family|
author= Elroy|
date= January 3, 1007|
article= During the 3rd major battle in Haffemet, Alastor, brother of Plergoth's Chancellor was wounded. Marcus Antonus and a few volunteers remained behind to try and ensure a safe withdrawl of the wounded TL's. With Avalon in Haffemet and having some of their "defensive" units hunting the surviving Plergoth troops, our realm is anxiously awaiting word that our Chancellor and the other TL's made it out safely.
title= TO of Haffemet Stopped|
author= Elroy|
date= January 2, 1007|
article= Valiant soldiers of Plergoth, battered by a week filled with large battles and skirmishes, finally were on the losing end of a very closely contested (12 round) battle to a combined force from Vlaanderen and Khthon. Even with most Plergoth units having over 50% damaged equipment and tired from daily battles, the combined fresh enemy had immense difficulty taking control of the field of battle (only one Vlaanderen unit had not retreated before the end of the battle); yet another testament to the skill and resolve of the Plergoth soldiers. This effectively stopped Plergoth's TO of one of her rightful regions from the rebel realm and with Avalon forces on the horizon, will force Plergoth to regroup.  
title= Avalon to Violate Treay with Fronen?|
author= Elroy|
date= January 2, 1007|
article= This just in...Avalon troops have been spotted approaching Haffemet! With their alliance with Vlaanderen and Khthon, as well as having neutral relations with Plergoth, it appears as though they will be joining in on the attack against the Plergoth TO forces in Haffemet.

==Feeling a Little Stressed?==
The Fronen-Avalon Peace treaty signed 4 1/2 months ago states: "6. Avalon will not attack any of Fronen´s current allies Ashborn, Melhed, Mesh, Old Grehk, Plergoth, Riombara, Thalmarkin within the first 6 months after the day this treaty is signed nor enter a region with agressive intentions that has a claim of one of the allies mentioned."
<i>December 31, 1006 | By: Marcus Antonus</i><br>
Feelings are tense and everyone is feeling the strain in Plergoth as the force of the enemy grows with the oncoming of each new rebel sypmathizer. The newest addition to the list is Avalon, who claims to be "defending" Tindle but has yet to specify who they are defending it from. Odds are it's Plergoth. This also makes no sense considering Plergoth is not at war with Kthon. This world is surely messed up.

Anyways, Avalon's presence in the war makes some sense when you read this letter, sent only to Nymatal, Geoff, and myself, that was sent several days ago. This letter has yet to be revealed to the public, but remember, the Plergoth Press gets it to you first.<br>
According to the wording in the treaty, Avalon cannot attack Plergoth forces, even though they portend to aid in Vlaanderen's defense and not act aggresively towards Plergoth. When Avalon held Tindle for Khthon so we wouldn't reclaim the region, that was seen as acceptable (even begrudginly by us), since they were not engaging Plergoth's military. In Haffemet, however, Avalon would be initiating aggressions against an ally of Fronen by directly joining in on the attack against the Plergoth TO forces.
<i>Letter from Allarion  (5 days, 23 hours ago)
Message sent to: Geoff, Marcus Antonus, Nymatal<br>
This message is meant solely to be an informational script for the time being.

Avalon will be presenting themselves and their Allies militarily within the borders of Vlaanderen as a Defensive force only.  
Hopefully Avalon's ruler can reign in his troops to prevent this unwanted conflict...unless of course Allarion wants this conflict and is willing to break their treaty with Fronen by aiding the traitors in Vlaanderen in what should be seen as a civil war between Plergoth and Vlaanderen...and officially unofficially Khthon.
title= Another Victory for Plergoth|
author= Elroy|
date= January 2, 1007|
article= Although much closer than the last battle, the Plergoth forces TO'ing Haffemet soundly defeated a combined force from Khthon and Vlaanderen, despite facing many skirmishes and one large battle the past week, which resulted in badly damaged equipment. Even with battered armor and dull blades, the victory was never in doubt from the first exchange and in the end left several prominent troop leaders from Vlaanderen, most notably Valhala, their General and former rebel leader, wounded.

Avalon believes in the right of the Nobles to represent themselves in a way that they see fit, as long as that way is justified. With the outpouring of such a heartfelt attitude from so many long-standing nobles of the Old Plergoth, and their actions of joining and creating Vlaanderen, Avalon feels that they have a right to exist for the reasons that they have previously stated, and are justified in their actions, thus befitting the profile stated above. The same goes for Khthon, our already trusted friends and Allies.
Once again, Khthon joined in on the attack of Plergoth forces, despite no provocation from our realm. Their intention of going to war with Plergoth is obvious, despite not having the backbone to declare this formally, and will surely lead to further defeats against the forces of Plergoth. 
title= Khthon Attacks!|
author= Elroy|
date= January 1, 1007|
article= This just in...forces from Khthon attacked the Plergoth forces who are in the process of TO'ing Haffemet (currently a region under the control of the rebel realm of Vlaanderen). Although they inflicted relatively few casualties through their military ineptitude and were routed from the field of battle, Khthon carried out this unprovoked attack as a continuation of their recent desire to do everything short of unjustly declaring war on Plergoth. Their boldness comes only from their alliance with Avalon and apparently does not translate into bravery or skill on the field of battle.

We in no way wish to see the soldiers of Plergoth on the battlefield, and hope sincerely that all parties can come to an agreement which will benefit everyone involved, perhaps even one day in support of one another.
Plergoth remains committed to reclaiming her rightful lands from Vlaanderen and have made no offensive military moves against the instigators from Khthon. Whether this policy will continue to stand remains solely on the shoulders of Khthon, much as their defeat will should their actions force Plergoth into war. For now, Plergoth will continue to direct its military effort against Vlaanderen, as has been our consistent and stated mission since the wrongful secession.
title= Wolf in Sheep's Clothing|
author= Elroy|
date= December 31, 1006|
article= Forces from Khthon are traveling through Plergoth lands to Haffemet after lowering diplomatic relations with Plergoth to Neutral and allying themselves with the rebels in Vlaanderen. So far they maintain that their alliance with Vlannderen, the TO of a Plergoth region that had been rogue for 1 day, the lowering of their diplomatic relations with Plergoth (a former ally), and the unprovoked travel through Plergoth lands are merely coincidental and should not be viewed as a prelude to war. Add to that the news in the Avalon paper regarding Khthon being free to help Vlaanderen expand at Plergoth's expense, and one can see through Khthon's intentions as easily as if they were written on a piece of parchment soaked in animal lard (always a sign of a healthy meal).

There are more than one strong alliance of realms on this continent, and our four realms separate most from one another. At some point, we will need to defend ourselves else see war in our lands that we had nothing to do with the starting of. We could be a strong force together to stave off such an event if it were ever to occur. With this in mind, I honestly hope for the best possible outcome of this current conflict, and that would surely be an outcome in which the military never has a chance to resolve on the battlefield.
Regarding Avalon, while they maintain a defensive stance in Tindle for their friends in Khthon, should they move into Plergoth territory or attack our troops they will be in violation of their peace treaty with Fronen signed a mere 4 months ago. Plergoth made no military move to retake Tindle, so Avalon's presence there is unclear, unless of course their alliance with Vlaanderen provides the answer - protecting Tindle to allow Khthon to aid Vlaanderen without violating their peace treaty with Fronen. Avalon has always been an honorable realm, and it would be a shame to see them taint their reputation over the likes of the traitors who reside in Vlaanderen.

In Honour and Trust, and Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow,
At any rate, this New Year looks to be rung in with some excitement, and this time without the help of the undead...hopefully.
title= Feeling a Little Stressed?|
author= Marcus Antonus|
date= December 31, 1006|
article= Feelings are tense and everyone is feeling the strain in Plergoth as the force of the enemy grows with the oncoming of each new rebel sypmathizer. The newest addition to the list is Avalon, who claims to be "defending" Tindle but has yet to specify who they are defending it from. Odds are it's Plergoth. This also makes no sense considering Plergoth is not at war with Kthon. This world is surely messed up.

Anyways, Avalon's presence in the war makes some sense when you read this letter, sent only to Nymatal, Geoff, and myself, that was sent several days ago. This letter has yet to be revealed to the public, but remember, the Plergoth Press gets it to you first.
''Letter from Allarion (5 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to: Geoff, Marcus Antonus, Nymatal
This message is meant solely to be an informational script for the time being.

Avalon will be presenting themselves and their Allies militarily within the borders of Vlaanderen as a Defensive force only.

==Regions Revolt!==
Avalon believes in the right of the Nobles to represent themselves in a way that they see fit, as long as that way is justified. With the outpouring of such a heartfelt attitude from so many long-standing nobles of the Old Plergoth, and their actions of joining and creating Vlaanderen, Avalon feels that they have a right to exist for the reasons that they have previously stated, and are justified in their actions, thus befitting the profile stated above. The same goes for Khthon, our already trusted friends and Allies.
<i>December 20, 1006 | By: Luxor</i><br>
Today, two regions revolted against Plergoth rule. The revolt in [[Tindle]] resulted in the loss of 13 gold and the lynching of 16 milita men. The revolt in [[Zuhle]] was less damaging, with only a loss of 2 gold. However, Zuhle's peasants have been revolting quite a lot for the past days, and a survey with the peasants say that the views and beliefs of the people opposed the ones of Plergoth's. Maybe the realm needed to tweak its form to suit everyone...

==Plergoth in Better Shape==
We in no way wish to see the soldiers of Plergoth on the battlefield, and hope sincerely that all parties can come to an agreement which will benefit everyone involved, perhaps even one day in support of one another.
<i>December 17, 1006 | By: Luxor</i><br>
Now that the Monsters have been more or less cleared out, the realm of [[Plergoth]] can turn its full attention to more pressing issues. The realm of '''Vlaanderen''', which ceded from the realm during the rebellion, was still holding lordship over Reeds and the surrounding regions. The stats of the remaining regions of Plergoth were still low, but they have risen, thanks to the help of the Defenders, the Region Lords and other nobles.

The nobles are also more cooperative. This was seen on the battles against the Monsters on the vicinity of [[Tindle]], and by the taking of the rouge region of [[Zhule]]. With the improvements, the Island can certainly be sure that Plergoth, despite the recent hardships it faced, would still stand and regain its former glory one day.
There are more than one strong alliance of realms on this continent, and our four realms separate most from one another. At some point, we will need to defend ourselves else see war in our lands that we had nothing to do with the starting of. We could be a strong force together to stave off such an event if it were ever to occur. With this in mind, I honestly hope for the best possible outcome of this current conflict, and that would surely be an outcome in which the military never has a chance to resolve on the battlefield.

In Honour and Trust, and Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow,
<i>December 17, 1006 | By: Luxor</i><br>
After the banishment of The One, three other nobles, namely Lans, Tarkin, and Lord Macumba, faced removal from the realm earlier this morning. All the reasons of Supreme Judge Bleeder were the same: They did not follow orders, and they sat in Creasur. Let us hope that our nobles would not follow the steps these three made, and that we may actively participate in the affairs of Plergoth.

==Adventurers Roam==
Allarion ''
<i>December 17, 1006 | By: Luxor</i><br>
The lesser kin of Plergoth nobles, the adventurers, were reported to have been spotted within our borders, as well as in a few other realms. Other nations have also reported spotting their nobles' kin, working with the peasants.
title= Regions Revolt!|
author= Luxor|
date= December 20, 1006|
article= Today, two regions revolted against Plergoth rule. The revolt in Tindle resulted in the loss of 13 gold and the lynching of 16 milita men. The revolt in Zuhle was less damaging, with only a loss of 2 gold. However, Zuhle's peasants have been revolting quite a lot for the past days, and a survey with the peasants say that the views and beliefs of the people opposed the ones of Plergoth's. Maybe the realm needed to tweak its form to suit everyone...
title= Plergoth in Better Shape|
author= Luxor|
date= December 17, 1006|
article= Now that the Monsters have been more or less cleared out, the realm of Plergoth can turn its full attention to more pressing issues. The realm of Vlaanderen, which ceded from the realm during the rebellion, was still holding lordship over Reeds and the surrounding regions. The stats of the remaining regions of Plergoth were still low, but they have risen, thanks to the help of the Defenders, the Region Lords and other nobles.

==A new, more stable government==
The nobles are also more cooperative. This was seen on the battles against the Monsters on the vicinity of Tindle, and by the taking of the rouge region of Zhule. With the improvements, the Island can certainly be sure that Plergoth, despite the recent hardships it faced, would still stand and regain its former glory one day.
<i>December 15, 1006 | By: Luxor</i><br>
[[Plergoth]] now is being controlled by a new government, spearheaded by Chancellor Marcus Antonus. Former Chancellor VonGarrett stepped down from position a few days ago, but was appointed Duke of Creasur. The Supreme Judge is Bleeder, the Minister of Defense is Kelrond and the Minister of Finances is Artevan.
title= Banned!|
author= Luxor|
date= December 17, 1006|
article= After the banishment of The One, three other nobles, namely Lans, Tarkin, and Lord Macumba, faced removal from the realm earlier this morning. All the reasons of Supreme Judge Bleeder were the same: They did not follow orders, and they sat in Creasur. Let us hope that our nobles would not follow the steps these three made, and that we may actively participate in the affairs of Plergoth.
title= Adventurers Roam|
author= Luxor|
date= December 17, 1006|
article= The lesser kin of Plergoth nobles, the adventurers, were reported to have been spotted within our borders, as well as in a few other realms. Other nations have also reported spotting their nobles' kin, working with the peasants.
title= A New, more Stable Government|
author= Luxor|
date= December 15, 1006|
article= Plergoth now is being controlled by a new government, spearheaded by Chancellor Marcus Antonus. Former Chancellor VonGarrett stepped down from position a few days ago, but was appointed Duke of Creasur. The Supreme Judge is Bleeder, the Minister of Defense is Kelrond and the Minister of Finances is Artevan.

<i>Disclaimer: All opinions herein are not the official opinions of
Plergoth and should not be considered as such.</i>
{| border="0" style="width: 25%; margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px; background-color: #F5F5F5; border-right: 1px solid #DCDCDC; border-left: 1px solid #DCDCDC; border-top: 1px solid #DCDCDC; border-bottom: 1px solid #DCDCDC;"
| '''Previous Issues'''
| [[Plergoth Press/Issue One|Issue One]]<br> [[Plergoth Press/Issue Two|Issue Two]]<br> [[Plergoth Press/Issue Three|Issue Three]]<br> [[Plergoth Press/Issue Four|Issue Four]]<br> [[Plergoth Press/Issue Five|Issue Five]]<br> [[Plergoth Press/Issue Six|Issue Six]]<br>

Latest revision as of 11:29, 8 July 2007


The Caergoth Chronicle is the first newspaper of the fledgling realm of Caergoth on the island of Atamara. Quartered in the City of Wayburg, the Chronicle aims for perfection, as nothing but the best is good enough for our dear readers. As the medium of the Hammer, we abide by Caergoth's three words of wisdom:
Hreysti! Drengskapr! Orka!
Editor: Boudicca
Price: Free
Issues: 1
Month: January
January News
CaergothIcon.png All Plergoth Regions at Core!
Written by Elroy, on January 23, 1007
Thanks to the dedicated work of our nobles, all 10 regions in Plergoth are at Core with almost maximal stats. This even includes the region of Weghie which threw off 2 TO attempts by Khthon, before a third attempt (aided by the presence of Vlaanderen's army) was smashed in another easy victory for the army of Plergoth. The population is rejoicing in this unfamiliar time of stability and prosperity, which has been unheard of for some time in Plergoth.

Kelrond has been a great general for our realm and he has brought discipline and order to our army. Something I found lacking with the old army. Kelrond has mounted brave offensives and cunning feints and he will always be remembered as our greatest general.

CaergothIcon.png Setbacks Abound for Vlaanderen and Khthon
Written by Elroy, on January 15, 1007
The region of Weghie, recently reclaimed by Plergoth, overthrew a TO attempt by Khthon that Vlaanderen attempted to help protect. Presently, Plergoth is on the verge of a successful TO of Yokk, and will regain all lost regions, except Tindle, which is now firmly under Khthon's control and has been an acceptable loss for Plergoth. The failed TO followed a folly of a move by the forces from Vlaanderen and Khthon into Haffemet, which unfortunately did catch a couple Plergoth TL's napping, but did not do any serious damage to our military. As their militaries chase their own tails, Plergoth continues to execute with eficiency and repeatedly shows not only that our military, but our leaders are more than a match for even the combined alliance of Khthon and Vlaanderen.

CaergothIcon.png Kelrond to Step Down
Written by Marcus Antonus, on January 13, 1007
Minister of Defense Kelrond resigned his position today due his wife's failing health (OOC reasons). Since we will be looking after his wife, Kelrond says he will be unfit for the position of general and has opened up his office to those aspiring to become the next great military strategist.

Kelrond has been a great general for our realm and he has brought discipline and order to our army. Something I found lacking with the old army. Kelrond has mounted brave offensives and cunning feints and he will always be remembered as our greatest general.

CaergothIcon.png Khthon Forces Routed in Weghie
Written by Elroy, on January 11, 1007
In yet another show of military superiority over the less than "heroic" Khthon army, forces from Plergoth utterly destroyed the army of Khthon, wounding their General, Minister of Finance, and Judge, as well as killing one of their heroes, wounding 3 other TL's, and capturing another one of their TL's (who is also a traitor to Plergoth) in that single battle. This once again proves that without their masters in Avalon, Khthon is nothing more than an opportunistic upstart realm and not a serious threat or player in Beluaterra. Their few surviving troops and TL's, including their ruler Geoff, were seen limping away from the battlefield as quickly as possible with their [lapdog] tails tucked between their legs.

CaergothIcon.png Khthon Declares War
Written by Elroy, on January 7, 1007
Khthon officially declared war on Plergoth, and the lapdog realm of "heroes" have their masters in Avalon to thank for their first victory against Plergoth forces today.

CaergothIcon.png Bounty Collected on VonGarrett
Written by Elroy, on January 7, 1007
After a fiery exchange that included derogatory comments about the lack of branches on the family trees in the region of Jaekind, Sir Blurk, Count of Jaekind, challenged VonGarrett, Duke of Creasur to a duel to surrender to settle the matter. Sir Blurk used an aggressive strategy while VonGarrett used trick moves in an attempt to defeat his opponent. According to eyewitnesses, the battle raged for some time with each inflicting superficial wounds, until at last Sir Blurk took advantage of an opening and inflicted a serious wound on VonGarrett. Because the leaders of Vlaanderen had placed a 400 gold bounty on VonGarrett, Blurk was able to collect this gold and put it to good use for the creation of a new infantry RC in Jaekind. The matter of honor between the two lords now settled, VonGarrett is close to full recovery from his wounds and will be ready to rejoin the fight against Vlaanderen and Khthon.

CaergothIcon.png Khthon's Views: Revealed!
Written by Luxor

date= January 5, 1007, on {{{date}}}

These messages were broadcasted to all of Plergoth, which revealed reasons behind Khton's recent actions of hostilities toward Plergoth:

Roleplay from Geoff (58 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients) Khthon, as a realm, had to make a choice. A choice that will forever change the course of how it is viewed by its neighbors and the continent as a whole.

Khthon has done its best to remain neutral in conflicts, although we have always had a preference for our nearest allies. During wars, we'd happily venture into neighboring lands to weed out undead and monsters from Avalon, Ashborn, Old Grehk, Fronen, but mostly Plergoth. We enjoy this life, and it's all we ever wanted.

Plergoth, over the course of the last several months, has had an on-again, off-again plan to take back the lands inhabited by Khthon and its heroes. At first, the plan was stopped by Enweil's involvement in the Plergoth-Mesh war. Second was the secession of Reeds and the creation of Vlaanderen Khthon's heroes have spent many tireless nights awake, fearing for when the next ruler tells us to watch our backs against our southern allies.

Khthon cannot continue our altruistic ways until we feel safe in our borders. We realize this will never end until we are strong enough that Plergoth won't have casual conversation about our demise. That is why we've decided it is in our best interest, and the best interest of all our neighbors, to balance the sides and emerge from being a fledgeling realm to a realm on equal footing with Plergoth. This is why we must declare war.

Khthon isn't after the annihilation of Plergoth. We simply realize that our survival depends on our strength in relation to them. This is why we must be proactive to claim regions from Plergoth. It was apparent when Plergoth demanded the return of Tindle that we must act. I hereby declare that Khthon will cease military action against Plergoth entirely when Khthon's region count equals that of Plergoth, whatever that number ends up being.

If this forever damages the relationship between Khthon and Plergoth, then it is for the greater good. Khthon must be allowed to feel autonomous - our choices must be our own. We must be able to live without conditions attached or threats levied. No realm should live in fear, just as no peasants should live in fear from monsters and undead.

Sir Geoff

Chancellor of Khthon, Marshal of the Khthon Royal Knights

Chancellor Artevan responded with this:

Letter from Artevan Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients) I do wish to answer Geoff's charges. I have told him and Elias repeatedly, at no time during my tenure with this council was any plans of attack considered regarding Kthon. In fact we did wish to try and repair our relationship, even to this point. While Geoff claims we had an on again, off again plan, the facts of the matter are these: ~Kthon ransacked and looted one of the temples of Omniovism, the chief religion of Plergoth, and kept it's gold for themselves. ~Kthon knowingly sent a priest into Tindle, a realm of Plergoth to sow sedition and distrust with it's people. ~When the realm went rogue they imeediately moved in and completed aone day take over, while still Allies of our realm. ~They moved through our lands without permission on multiple occasions to attack our army in Haffemet in conjunction with the terrorist nation of Vlaanderen I have been Chancellor just over 24 hours but one of my first contacts was to discuss with Geoff healing thsi rift. His answer was he wanted us to give more regions to him and the terrorists and then broker an Alliance. He claims he wants to not live in fear, what he clearly wants is to expand his realm at the cost of my people. Kthon can choose to believe and think what they want, but the facts are irrefutable. Plergoth in now way at any time acted against Kthon. In the meatime they did knowingly make overt acts of war against us, many of which were done with relationship still at Allies. If this is the path they choose to go down, then that is their choice. Not ours. Sir Artevan To these issues brought up by Chancellor Artevan, Chancellor Geoff replied: I'll address the issues, but I want to make one thing perfectly clear - A federation does not equal autonomy. We aren't willing to accept 'federate or be destroyed' as an option. We also aren't willing to change who we are to fit the mold of Plergoth. When we were threatened by Al, we were suspicious. When we were threatened by Marcus Antonus, we had had enough. Now, on to those issues: ~Kthon ransacked and looted one of the temples of Omniovism, the chief religion of Plergoth, and kept it's gold for themselves. An opportunity was given by my duke to remove it peaceably, but it went unanswered. As the ruling duke, it is his option which temples exist in the region. I stand by his decision. He did all he can do (OOC: Within game mechanics) to remove the temple, and that was his only option. ~Kthon knowingly sent a priest into Tindle, a realm of Plergoth to sow sedition and distrust with it's people. I did not send any priest anywhere. Khthon priests are allowed to operate on their own, and spread their religion as they choose. There is no state-sponsored religion. Plergoth has one and that's fine for them, but it's not what we're about. If we had Omnivorist priests in Khthon, the same freedom would be given to them. ~When the realm went rogue they imeediately moved in and completed aone day take over, while still Allies of our realm. Yes, we did this. The people were being abused, we took them under our wing, blah blah blah. The rulers have all heard this before, so I'll spare them from hearing it again. ~They moved through our lands without permission on multiple occasions to attack our army in Haffemet in conjunction with the terrorist nation of Vlaanderen I don't know of all these occasions you speak of, but we had moved to Haffemet once to break a brutal takeover of the region. Brutal takeovers are unacceptable to us, and we moved to protect the people. You'll notice Khthon troops fought against Plergoth when they were in battle against Vlaanderen peasants. In summary, we don't like abuse towards peasants, we don't like threats, and we're not going to let it happen anymore. Sir Geoff Chancellor of Khthon, Marshal of the Khthon Royal Knights After these messages, Avalon and Khton once more attacked Weghie, defeating the 2000 CS forces of Plergoth with 4000 CS. This battle resulted to the wounding of one of Plergoth's knights. To what measures will Khton stoop to gain "autonomous recognition"?

CaergothIcon.png Avalon Invading Plergoth!!!
Written by Elroy, on January 4, 1007
In a clear violation of their peace treaty with Fronen, Avalon is moving a large force (including at least 2 TO units) into the region of Yokk. Apparently assurances from Allarion mean nothing, a testament to his "honor," as he stated repeatedly that Avalon would provide only defensive help to Vlaanderen (see his statement below). It appears as though Avalon is going to try and justify their actions by saying they are "defending" a TO force from Vlaanderen in Yokk, although the indisputable fact is that they are still entering our lands with aggressive intentions.

Excerpt from Allarion's statement, which can be found in full in the Article "Feeling a Little Stressed" - "Avalon will be presenting themselves and their Allies militarily within the borders of Vlaanderen as a Defensive force only."

Here is another excerpt from a letter from 4 days ago from Allarion in regards to their support of their allies and about not entering Plergoth lands: "Letter from Allarion (4 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients) First of all, it seems my General has things a bit distorted, but the youth often can do such things.

Second, Avalon is in NO WAY breaking their treaty with Fronen, and this was discussed in length prior to our movement. We are not to attack Plergoth. The treaty says nothing of us travelling to our ally's lands and being there if Plergoth attacks that land. It's called 'Defending', not 'Attacking'."

Apparently "Within the borders of Vlaanderen as a Defensive force only" and "Defending" is not entirely true. Given their Alliance with the traitors in Vlaanderen, this deceit is not very surprising, but none the less will likely cause great problems for Plergoth. at least Allarioni sent word to all the rulers of the world, so that they can have first hand evidence of his lies.

CaergothIcon.png Ruler Bravely Protects Family
Written by Elroy, on January 3, 1007
During the 3rd major battle in Haffemet, Alastor, brother of Plergoth's Chancellor was wounded. Marcus Antonus and a few volunteers remained behind to try and ensure a safe withdrawl of the wounded TL's. With Avalon in Haffemet and having some of their "defensive" units hunting the surviving Plergoth troops, our realm is anxiously awaiting word that our Chancellor and the other TL's made it out safely.

CaergothIcon.png TO of Haffemet Stopped
Written by Elroy, on January 2, 1007
Valiant soldiers of Plergoth, battered by a week filled with large battles and skirmishes, finally were on the losing end of a very closely contested (12 round) battle to a combined force from Vlaanderen and Khthon. Even with most Plergoth units having over 50% damaged equipment and tired from daily battles, the combined fresh enemy had immense difficulty taking control of the field of battle (only one Vlaanderen unit had not retreated before the end of the battle); yet another testament to the skill and resolve of the Plergoth soldiers. This effectively stopped Plergoth's TO of one of her rightful regions from the rebel realm and with Avalon forces on the horizon, will force Plergoth to regroup.

CaergothIcon.png Avalon to Violate Treay with Fronen?
Written by Elroy, on January 2, 1007
This just in...Avalon troops have been spotted approaching Haffemet! With their alliance with Vlaanderen and Khthon, as well as having neutral relations with Plergoth, it appears as though they will be joining in on the attack against the Plergoth TO forces in Haffemet.

The Fronen-Avalon Peace treaty signed 4 1/2 months ago states: "6. Avalon will not attack any of Fronen´s current allies Ashborn, Melhed, Mesh, Old Grehk, Plergoth, Riombara, Thalmarkin within the first 6 months after the day this treaty is signed nor enter a region with agressive intentions that has a claim of one of the allies mentioned."

According to the wording in the treaty, Avalon cannot attack Plergoth forces, even though they portend to aid in Vlaanderen's defense and not act aggresively towards Plergoth. When Avalon held Tindle for Khthon so we wouldn't reclaim the region, that was seen as acceptable (even begrudginly by us), since they were not engaging Plergoth's military. In Haffemet, however, Avalon would be initiating aggressions against an ally of Fronen by directly joining in on the attack against the Plergoth TO forces.

Hopefully Avalon's ruler can reign in his troops to prevent this unwanted conflict...unless of course Allarion wants this conflict and is willing to break their treaty with Fronen by aiding the traitors in Vlaanderen in what should be seen as a civil war between Plergoth and Vlaanderen...and officially unofficially Khthon.

CaergothIcon.png Another Victory for Plergoth
Written by Elroy, on January 2, 1007
Although much closer than the last battle, the Plergoth forces TO'ing Haffemet soundly defeated a combined force from Khthon and Vlaanderen, despite facing many skirmishes and one large battle the past week, which resulted in badly damaged equipment. Even with battered armor and dull blades, the victory was never in doubt from the first exchange and in the end left several prominent troop leaders from Vlaanderen, most notably Valhala, their General and former rebel leader, wounded.

Once again, Khthon joined in on the attack of Plergoth forces, despite no provocation from our realm. Their intention of going to war with Plergoth is obvious, despite not having the backbone to declare this formally, and will surely lead to further defeats against the forces of Plergoth.

CaergothIcon.png Khthon Attacks!
Written by Elroy, on January 1, 1007
This just in...forces from Khthon attacked the Plergoth forces who are in the process of TO'ing Haffemet (currently a region under the control of the rebel realm of Vlaanderen). Although they inflicted relatively few casualties through their military ineptitude and were routed from the field of battle, Khthon carried out this unprovoked attack as a continuation of their recent desire to do everything short of unjustly declaring war on Plergoth. Their boldness comes only from their alliance with Avalon and apparently does not translate into bravery or skill on the field of battle.

Plergoth remains committed to reclaiming her rightful lands from Vlaanderen and have made no offensive military moves against the instigators from Khthon. Whether this policy will continue to stand remains solely on the shoulders of Khthon, much as their defeat will should their actions force Plergoth into war. For now, Plergoth will continue to direct its military effort against Vlaanderen, as has been our consistent and stated mission since the wrongful secession.

CaergothIcon.png Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Written by Elroy, on December 31, 1006
Forces from Khthon are traveling through Plergoth lands to Haffemet after lowering diplomatic relations with Plergoth to Neutral and allying themselves with the rebels in Vlaanderen. So far they maintain that their alliance with Vlannderen, the TO of a Plergoth region that had been rogue for 1 day, the lowering of their diplomatic relations with Plergoth (a former ally), and the unprovoked travel through Plergoth lands are merely coincidental and should not be viewed as a prelude to war. Add to that the news in the Avalon paper regarding Khthon being free to help Vlaanderen expand at Plergoth's expense, and one can see through Khthon's intentions as easily as if they were written on a piece of parchment soaked in animal lard (always a sign of a healthy meal).

Regarding Avalon, while they maintain a defensive stance in Tindle for their friends in Khthon, should they move into Plergoth territory or attack our troops they will be in violation of their peace treaty with Fronen signed a mere 4 months ago. Plergoth made no military move to retake Tindle, so Avalon's presence there is unclear, unless of course their alliance with Vlaanderen provides the answer - protecting Tindle to allow Khthon to aid Vlaanderen without violating their peace treaty with Fronen. Avalon has always been an honorable realm, and it would be a shame to see them taint their reputation over the likes of the traitors who reside in Vlaanderen.

At any rate, this New Year looks to be rung in with some excitement, and this time without the help of the undead...hopefully.

CaergothIcon.png Feeling a Little Stressed?
Written by Marcus Antonus, on December 31, 1006
Feelings are tense and everyone is feeling the strain in Plergoth as the force of the enemy grows with the oncoming of each new rebel sypmathizer. The newest addition to the list is Avalon, who claims to be "defending" Tindle but has yet to specify who they are defending it from. Odds are it's Plergoth. This also makes no sense considering Plergoth is not at war with Kthon. This world is surely messed up.

Anyways, Avalon's presence in the war makes some sense when you read this letter, sent only to Nymatal, Geoff, and myself, that was sent several days ago. This letter has yet to be revealed to the public, but remember, the Plergoth Press gets it to you first. Letter from Allarion (5 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to: Geoff, Marcus Antonus, Nymatal This message is meant solely to be an informational script for the time being.

Avalon will be presenting themselves and their Allies militarily within the borders of Vlaanderen as a Defensive force only.

Avalon believes in the right of the Nobles to represent themselves in a way that they see fit, as long as that way is justified. With the outpouring of such a heartfelt attitude from so many long-standing nobles of the Old Plergoth, and their actions of joining and creating Vlaanderen, Avalon feels that they have a right to exist for the reasons that they have previously stated, and are justified in their actions, thus befitting the profile stated above. The same goes for Khthon, our already trusted friends and Allies.

We in no way wish to see the soldiers of Plergoth on the battlefield, and hope sincerely that all parties can come to an agreement which will benefit everyone involved, perhaps even one day in support of one another.

There are more than one strong alliance of realms on this continent, and our four realms separate most from one another. At some point, we will need to defend ourselves else see war in our lands that we had nothing to do with the starting of. We could be a strong force together to stave off such an event if it were ever to occur. With this in mind, I honestly hope for the best possible outcome of this current conflict, and that would surely be an outcome in which the military never has a chance to resolve on the battlefield.

In Honour and Trust, and Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow,


CaergothIcon.png Regions Revolt!
Written by Luxor, on December 20, 1006
Today, two regions revolted against Plergoth rule. The revolt in Tindle resulted in the loss of 13 gold and the lynching of 16 milita men. The revolt in Zuhle was less damaging, with only a loss of 2 gold. However, Zuhle's peasants have been revolting quite a lot for the past days, and a survey with the peasants say that the views and beliefs of the people opposed the ones of Plergoth's. Maybe the realm needed to tweak its form to suit everyone...

CaergothIcon.png Plergoth in Better Shape
Written by Luxor, on December 17, 1006
Now that the Monsters have been more or less cleared out, the realm of Plergoth can turn its full attention to more pressing issues. The realm of Vlaanderen, which ceded from the realm during the rebellion, was still holding lordship over Reeds and the surrounding regions. The stats of the remaining regions of Plergoth were still low, but they have risen, thanks to the help of the Defenders, the Region Lords and other nobles.

The nobles are also more cooperative. This was seen on the battles against the Monsters on the vicinity of Tindle, and by the taking of the rouge region of Zhule. With the improvements, the Island can certainly be sure that Plergoth, despite the recent hardships it faced, would still stand and regain its former glory one day.

CaergothIcon.png Banned!
Written by Luxor, on December 17, 1006
After the banishment of The One, three other nobles, namely Lans, Tarkin, and Lord Macumba, faced removal from the realm earlier this morning. All the reasons of Supreme Judge Bleeder were the same: They did not follow orders, and they sat in Creasur. Let us hope that our nobles would not follow the steps these three made, and that we may actively participate in the affairs of Plergoth.

CaergothIcon.png Adventurers Roam
Written by Luxor, on December 17, 1006
The lesser kin of Plergoth nobles, the adventurers, were reported to have been spotted within our borders, as well as in a few other realms. Other nations have also reported spotting their nobles' kin, working with the peasants.

CaergothIcon.png A New, more Stable Government
Written by Luxor, on December 15, 1006
Plergoth now is being controlled by a new government, spearheaded by Chancellor Marcus Antonus. Former Chancellor VonGarrett stepped down from position a few days ago, but was appointed Duke of Creasur. The Supreme Judge is Bleeder, the Minister of Defense is Kelrond and the Minister of Finances is Artevan.

Previous Issues
Issue One
Issue Two
Issue Three
Issue Four
Issue Five
Issue Six