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The eldest son was a tall, Virtuous man famed for his sense of justice and valour. Known to follow the Virtues of Love, Honour, Justice, Devotion, Truth, Valour and Wisdom which bear a striking resemblance to the Code of the [[Knights of the People]], though no link is known. Never one to balk at  impossible odds it is speculated that this was why he joined the Republic of West Sirion in their constant battle against the forces of Oligarch and Perdan.  Regardless of his reason Antonio fought for months over the provinces of Brunk in the name of the Sirion States until W. Sirion was finally defeated during the siege of Oligarch city by a combined Oligarch/Perdan army.
The eldest son was a tall, Virtuous man famed for his sense of justice and valour. Known to follow the Virtues of Love, Honour, Justice, Devotion, Truth, Valour and Wisdom which bear a striking resemblance to the Code of the [[Avamar (Realm)/Knights|Knights of the People]], though no link is known. Never one to balk at  impossible odds it is speculated that this was why he joined the Republic of West Sirion in their constant battle against the forces of Oligarch and Perdan.  Regardless of his reason Antonio fought for months over the provinces of Brunk in the name of the Sirion States until W. Sirion was finally defeated during the siege of Oligarch city by a combined Oligarch/Perdan army.

Strangely the kingdom of W. Sirion did not die with the fall of their capitol; the people of Coimbra surrendered the city of Avamar to their ally and thus the land endured.
Strangely the kingdom of W. Sirion did not die with the fall of their capitol; the people of Coimbra surrendered the city of Avamar to their ally and thus the land endured.

Latest revision as of 03:07, 5 January 2021

Sir Antonio Unti - The Sword of Justice


The eldest son was a tall, Virtuous man famed for his sense of justice and valour. Known to follow the Virtues of Love, Honour, Justice, Devotion, Truth, Valour and Wisdom which bear a striking resemblance to the Code of the Knights of the People, though no link is known. Never one to balk at impossible odds it is speculated that this was why he joined the Republic of West Sirion in their constant battle against the forces of Oligarch and Perdan. Regardless of his reason Antonio fought for months over the provinces of Brunk in the name of the Sirion States until W. Sirion was finally defeated during the siege of Oligarch city by a combined Oligarch/Perdan army.

Strangely the kingdom of W. Sirion did not die with the fall of their capitol; the people of Coimbra surrendered the city of Avamar to their ally and thus the land endured.

What happened next is a puzzle to all scholars of the Age. A rebellion was called by an unknown lord against the Prime Minister for Life, Evylears Johanniterus and Antonio sided with the rebels. It is speculated that Antonio's unusual behaviour might have been caused by his friendship with the traitor Rogala Killomoto or the defector Sun Jian either way the rebellion gained the support of the Sword of Justice.

Little documentation remains of the rebellion itself as par the decree of Evylears to destroy all records but from what we do know Antonio debated furiously with the Prime Minister about governing policies and the treatment of all nobles. For speaking ill of his methods Evlears declared Antonio a liar and a warlock ordering his men to burn the knight at the stake to purify his soul.

The uprising was soon crushed after that by a Sirion task force. Narrowly escaping the flames Antonio journeyed south to the lands of Coimbra where, much to his surprise, he was met with open arms.

It is here that the histories become more detailed about the life of the knight. Swearing an oath of fealty towards Prince Doomgiver Eiryn, former king of Coimbra, Antonio rode often and valiantly against the relentless Oligarch army. Protecting the forest nation for months and befriending many of the people of his adopted home he proved to be a break wall against the tide of enemy forces and a valuable friend. The records note that no Coimbrain lord was ever wounded when Antonio marched to war as he gladly threw himself in the way of any harm directed towards them/ It is said that he had hundreds of battle scars and lay close to death on many occasions in the care of the healers of Akesh. Rumours of the day claimed that he and the head cleric were romantically involved and though neither confirmed the claim nor did they deny it.

Alas these happy times did not last. Spark Mcloud of the land coveted the power held by King Sartan Morningstar and called a rebellion against the true king. Having befriended Lady Lutia one of the key rebel figures Antonio was torn between loyalty for his king and for his friends. It was during this time of conflict that he wrote his inspirational speech which is still taught to children to this day.

“I will start by saying that I know exactly how you feel rebels. I too rose up against the rulers of my last realm in an effort to right exactly the same wrongs. I felt all of the same pains, all of the same disappointments, and since I saw no other way to save the people of the realm I took up arms against my fellow comrades and fought for what I thought was right.

That was almost 200 days ago, defeated and saddened I came here and was accepted with open arms. Here I found a realm where a man was treated based on his worth rather then his friends, a place where people were kind and nobles, noble. I have greatly enjoyed my time here, the peace that permeates this land, even at war, fills me with strengthen.

In many ways I recognize many of you, not by name or face but by personality and spirit. Zack the Great reminds me of a younger self, who wished only to do good and has the courage to admit his mistakes and faults. Lutia has passion, conviction and a keen mind; her talents would be valuable for all in Coimbra. Preston and Vegeta have spirit and fervor which are useful, if curbed a little. Truly I may not know all of you personally but I have seen you all many times before. Loyalists please remember that they are not murderers and brigands, the “rebels” are fighting for what they believe in, which is what we all do every day.

Now I also want to say that there are reasons we are doing “badly” I have been here long enough to know what some of them are, but there are many more I am sure.

1) Since my time in the east Coimbra has lost 3 regions, Evora, Avamar, and Akesh Temple. Avamar and the Temple were sacrificed to our allies to ensure their survival; unfortunately they didn’t take such good care of them. I only hope that our allies remember our Sacrifice and Compassion. In the end the only loss that really stings me is Evora, and I hope to one day remedy that.

2) The lack of orders, that some have mentioned, can be unsettling until you realize why. Unlike many realms our government does not order us around like pieces on a chessboard, we are given free reign to act and help as we see fit, which is what nobility deserves. Leniency and tolerance are common here as is evident in the recent events. On occasion, when a coordinated front must be presented, our liege and general do give us commands, which is their job after all. If a person has a complaint I have never seen them turn someone away.

3) Yes our war seems an insurmountable obstacle but we press on, not for Sirion not for hatred, but for values. What the Southern Alliance is goes against all that Coimbra holds dear, we fight for freedom, for ourselves and for our way of life. If there was a way to have lasting peace I would agree in a heart beat but until that day I will not rest.

Now some may have a different perspective on the events that have unfolded here, and I respect that. Truly I say that if we could resolve this without spilling anymore blood I would be happy. I will be more then willing to sit with the rebels over a flagon of ale and listen to what they have to say, to help solve the grievances they have and find a way to make us stronger for it.

But I must end by saying that I have sworn an oath to Lord Doomgiver to defend the land that has adopted me and fight by his side whenever he is in need, and by Honour, Justice and Honesty I will fulfill my obligation.

If we all choose to end this with violence I will await you with sword drawn and a heavy heart.

~Sir Antonio, Knight of Virtue”

His words of tolerance and peace touched many hearts rallying support for the loyalists across the land, but still the rebellion might have succeeded due to two facts: most of the loyalist forces, under Antonio's leadership, were stationed in Montijo far from the capitol of Krimmil, and Oligarch had seized the opportunity and was marauding around the Coimbrian countryside.

Not deterred by the invading armies Antonio and the other loyalists pushed on to the province of Braga. Just hours away from the capitol the loyalists were attacked by an army of Oligarch lead by Antonio's old friend Sun Jian. In the ensuing battle the loyalist forces were crushed and Antonio was killed.

News of his death spread quickly among the remaining Coimbrian forces galvanizing the people. Rebal leaders assured of their victory found supporters abandon them in the night only to join with the true king, while previously neutral lords finally made their thoughts known and became loyalists as well. Thus strengthened and empowered the loyalists were able to defeate the rebel forces and crush the rebellion completely; though many wondered at what cost.

The records show that Antonio was buried just after the defeat of the rebellion, though his grave remains lost to this day.

In a large ceremony, your family commemorates the dead Antonio, a legend known all over the world. For days, the family graveyard swarms with his friends and admirers. Artists compose songs and poems about him, and young maidens cry in their chambers.

A small note:

Though officially Antonio was proclaimed dead, killed during the Battle of Braga, it is also recorded in the personal journals of Sun Jian that, though mortally wounded, Antonio did survive. Here's the excerpt:

His blade flashing in the sun, Antonio called to the men around him, “Fight on my warriors! We shall drive them back again! Those who seek to test us shan’t find us lacking!”

With that he turned and brought his great sword down in a fierce slash that split a man in two. The power of his assault caused his enemy pause, but alas for every man who fell two more seem to take their place and slowly but surly the questing knight was pushed back.

Eventually, surrounded and outnumbered Antonio stopped for a moment to glance around the blood soaked field littered with bodies of friends and enemies. He could not help but grimace, “We will pay dearly for this attack even if victorious and it could not have come at a worse time, I have almost found what I seek.”

Looking back at the enemy soldiers around him Antonio raised his voice, “Leave now, I wish no more killing this day.”

The soldiers looked around them at the great mounds of their comrades and fled, all but one that is.

Boy was no more then a child really, but his jaw was set and he held himself with pride, “I will not leave like a coward. I owe it to my countrymen to avenge their deaths.”

Falling onto one knee, his great sword impaled into the ground, Antonio chuckled hoarsely, “Do not worry brave warrior, their deaths are already avenged,” coughing slightly he continued, “I will not survive this battle; one of your comrades saw to that.”

The boy wavered, uncertainty shown plainly across his face, “You have been wounded?”

“Yes, it….. is… a mortal wound….. I will… not remain with you….. for much longer.”


“Boy I ask you,… warrior, to warrior…. Take my sword…. and bring it to my liege. I swore it would defend him and…..” coughing up blood Antonio struggles to continue, “…. and I’d hate to disappoint him.”


“Please, this is the last request…. of a dying man.”

“All-l, All right. I will do this for you.”

“Thank you.”

With that the foreign knight fell to the ground, his chest wound creating a ring of blood around him, and breathed his last.

The boy looked on at the dead knight with a mixture of emotions, this was his enemy and yet he felt a slight sadness at his passing. After a period of silence to collect his courage the boy reached out for the massive sword.

When his fingers touched the hilt a flash of light blinded him; startled he cried out and fell back. When he could see once again all that remained of the knight was his great sword. Glancing around the boy reached out, pulled the blade from the ground, donned a Coimbra uniform, and marched to a lord he’d never met.

Normally I would not include such a fanciful tale save that Sun Jian was a highly respected scholar of his day and that such; unusual; occurrences seem to follow the Unti family throughout history. Still for all intensive purposes the life of Sir Antonio Unti, Sword of Justice, defender of the weak, Knight of the People, ended at the Battle of Braga. Long may he rest.

(Image from http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/12637064/?qo=53&q=by%3Ael-grimlock&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps)